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Does TypeORM incorrectly infer return type when findOne function has specific "select" input?

Here, the Quiz entity has @ManyToOne (decorator) relation to Author entity. The Author entity has many properties like id, name, age, not just id. If I do not pass the select option in the input of ...
leodevbro's user avatar
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5 votes
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Access execution context metadata in regular providers

I'm using nestjs for a simple HTTP rest API, with typeorm. I have 2 Postgres databases, and I want to be able to access both, But it doesn't have to be at the same time. Basically, I want to set which ...
CY-OD's user avatar
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3 votes
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NestJS Repository gives error 'No metadata for "TaskRepository" was found.'

GitHub link to project: nestjs-task-management Error Log: [Nest] 15824 - 23/08/2023, 11:22:29 LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application... [Nest] 15824 - 23/08/2023, 11:22:29 LOG [...
SAIF ALI's user avatar
3 votes
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TypeORM soft deleted link in junction table

I quite new to TypeORM and trying to use a many-to-many relation with help of a junction table (or "link table"). I am using soft deletes in my database – even on relation links in the ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Nestjsx Crud library - cannot read properties of null (reading 'parsed')

I'm having trouble setting up the Nestjsx Crud library on a brand-new project. I followed the "Getting Started" steps defined in the library's docs linked here [Nest] 23136 - 08/24/2023, 11:...
Ilija Vuk's user avatar
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how can i generate a migration using TypeOrmModule.forRootAsync as the DataSource?

Trying to integrate migrations in a nest.js project I ran the migration:create command from typeorm and there was no problem, but when I try to generate a migration with migration:generate like this: ...
Joel Ochoa's user avatar
2 votes
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TypeORM: "No migrations pending" on windows 11

I have one nestjs app where I'm using typeorm, PostgreSQL . This app is working fine on linux/mac os. But in windows 11, no data found on migration table, that's why no table is created on PostgreSQL ...
sabbir's user avatar
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Migration scripts for nx nestjs typeorn

I am working with nx with typeorm and nestjs and I am Unable to generate migration Here is my migration script db.config.ts export const dataSourceOptions: DataSourceOptions = { type: 'postgres', ...
suraj gupta's user avatar
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Typeorm with ManyToMany relation deletes data while updating

I have a ManyToMany relation with a pivot table, when I try to append new values including old values, Typeorm deletes old ones. export class VHost { //.... } export class Migration { @Column({ ...
abdelmac's user avatar
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How to properly define/configure Drizzle ORM in Nestjs Application

I am new to Nest and am trying to properly define the modules, services and provider. I dont seem many examples and of the one i have seen, it does not appear to be defined properly. I am looking to ...
Don's user avatar
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TypeError: relatedEntities.forEach is not a function in NestJS/TypeORM

Since I write using Google Translate, the sentences may be awkward. I wrote the following code to store data in a table using a foreign key: async createGroup(tokenDto: tokenDto, createGroupDto: ...
Xii's user avatar
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E2E tests that include database transactions fail randomly

I'm using TypeORM for PostgreSQL in my NestJS project. For E2E tests, that have requests that do transactions, fail randomly. I added a timer after the transaction request of 50ms. After that, it ...
cyclonejet's user avatar
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Nest.js TypeORM - How to run same migration in different schema?

I am working on multi-tenant application where each tenant has different schema. example schemas: public (default) tenant_001 tenant_002 I am able to run migrations on public schema. But unable to ...
Aravin's user avatar
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TypeORM: Implementing "WHERE NOT EXISTS" clause in querybuilder

In TypeORM, I am trying to create a query builder to generate the following Postgres query: SELECT "mt"."id" AS "id" FROM "main_table" "mt" WHERE &...
billshortz's user avatar
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Can you join multiple columns in typeorm where one is a fixed value and the other is the ID?

I have a child field that's the same for two entities. I want to join using "parent_id" which points to one of the two entities and "parent_type" indicating which entity type. How ...
Fred Johnson's user avatar
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How to insert slug automatically by tiitle using typeorm?

I am new in typeorm. I am already complete many part in practice. But Now I am facing confused because I am not getting any docs or blogs about creating and updating an unique slug by title in typeorm....
Md Ali's user avatar
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Nest JS application is not starting with TypeORM 0.3 Datasource method TypeORM (0.3.10)

I have a Nest JS application using TypeORM 0.3 version. The application is not starting with the new DataSource configuration. Error: Nest JS application is not starting with Data source new typeORM 0....
Amir Mustafa's user avatar
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NestJS TypeORM createQueryBuilder SELECT query

I am trying to run a query SELECT USER_CODE FROM USERS using TypeORM in nestJS. My database is MySQL and this database has a users table with the columns: 'USER_CODE', 'USER_EMAIL', 'USER_PASSWORD',...
tonykrjhc's user avatar
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How to get the users with latest post in a single query in typeorm

I am using nest.js + typeorm + mySql here are my entities @Entity() export class User { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string @Column() name: string @OneToMany(() => Post,...
Lalit Kumar's user avatar
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Indicate that a column should be indexed with TypeORM's entity schema files

I'm using TypeORM with entity schema files and I need to indicate that an index needs to be created on a column. If I were using decorators, I could simply do: @Entity() class Foo { @Index() @...
user1870238's user avatar
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How to make a projection with TypeOrm's MongoRepository

I'm using NestJs with TypeOrm and I need to make a projection from one of my collections: I want to query all documents but I just need 2 fields per document. This can be done with Mongo (docs db....
Jeanluca Scaljeri's user avatar
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No migrations are pending using Typeorm CLI and NestJS

The issue I'm facing is with running migrations using @nestjs/typeorm ^9.0.1 and typeorm ^0.3.12. Despite being able to build the project and create migrations, when I try to run them, typeorm can't ...
charlescol's user avatar
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TypeOrmModule in Nest causes controller params to be undefined

In my Nest js app, This is the code of the app.controller: @Controller('app') export class AppController { constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {} @Get('/:id') getHello(@Param('...
moshi's user avatar
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Why do I need to import Entities separately instead of just the Module in NestJS?

I have a NestJS application consisting of modules, each with its own services, controllers, and entities. Why do I need to import all the required entities directly from various modules into other ...
itinance's user avatar
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How to fix DateTime- and TimeZone- issues between PostgreSQL and a NodeJS/NestJS application?

I have a Postgres database and a nodeJS application (NestJS framework, for the sake of completeness). And I need help with timezone issues. This is my table storing blog posts: create table if not ...
delete's user avatar
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How to mock `createQueryBuilder` in NestJS tests?

I have this NestJS service method which I need to test. async getAllTests(orgId: string): Promise<Array<TestEntity>> { try { const query = this.repo.createQueryBuilder(this.tableName)...
Chris Barr's user avatar
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TypeORM group by based on date only, ignoring time

I want to group my data based on only the createdAt date part ignoring the time, but i can't figure out how to. Here's my code, which groups the data by date as well as the time component of createdAt:...
mechaadi's user avatar
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implementing clean architecture in NestJS

recently I started a personal application using Angular 16 and NestJS as backend. I'm newbie with these technologies and I like all related with design patterns and architectural styles, so I would ...
Aldemar Cuartas Carvajal's user avatar
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Unit Test doesnt prevent running any of the transactional code in unit tests

U've add the decorator @Transactionnal in my service method, all works fine, i follewed this documentation Typeorm Transactional My project works perfectly, also e2e tests, but coming to unit test the ...
Mirlo's user avatar
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Typeorm eager load with a condition for the children

I have two entities, one parent and one child. There is a OneToMany relation with eager enabled. When I get the parent entity I would like to load only children with the property deleted to false. For ...
Gregory Boutte's user avatar
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In typeORM, 'transformer' is triggered even though the value of the model being targeted for the relationship is 'null'

when I use the property 'eager' for a relationship in typeORM, 'transformer' is triggered even though the value of the model being targeted for the relationship(name: Withdrawal) is 'null'. What can I ...
Jay-flow's user avatar
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TypeORM - Foreign key without constraint and reference

I'm developing a backend app using Nest.js with an existing MariaDB database and I'm using TypeORM. I can't alter the production database table but can read from it. So I have separate development DB ...
Zoka's user avatar
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How to setup migrations along with ConfigModule in Nestjs

I am trying to figure out a way to setup migrations with typeOrm 0.3.12 in Nestjs along with ConfigModule.The database to be used in this project is Postgres. I have two problems: When trying to ...
codeless's user avatar
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TypeORM embedded entity shorthand select?

Recently, I got stuck scratching my head, because of how TypeORM behaves, given entities: class Event extends BaseEntity { location: Address } class Address { @Column({ type: 'varchar' }) ...
ggat's user avatar
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Dependency injection in Nestjs is working on the controller but no the service

I'm working on an existing NestJS project with TypeORM to manage a PostgreSQL database. I have a ReclamoService in a ReclamoModule that I want to use in the UsuariosService of a UsuariosModule. When I ...
Eduardo Serrano's user avatar
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TypeORM Error when using camel case alias in addSelect

I'm using TypeORM and Postgresql .I have 2 entities event and eventParticipant relationship is one-to-many. I want to sort by the number of eventParticipants with booking status so I used addSelect ...
Vương's user avatar
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Nestjs Discriminators

I have a Discount Model that has a dynamic property type which can be one of three Models (Vegetable or Bread or Beer), after taking a look at Nest’s official documentation, I believe that by using ...
Oussama Bouchikhi's user avatar
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Interface and model in TypeScript (angular 17)

Can someone help me with my code? This is the Articlefournisseurs model: import { Conditionnement } from "./conditionnements"; // import { IntefaceConditionnements, IntefaceConditionnement } ...
Mika Raveroson's user avatar
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Nestjs/Jest Is there a way to override Module in imported Module in e2e test

Im writing an e2e test for my api. To implement e2e test i have to use AppModule in imports when creating TestingModule: beforeAll(async () => { const module = await Test.createTestingModule({...
DanilMakarov's user avatar
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How to link supabase table with foreign key to User Data, using NestJS and typeorm?

I just create a Supabase DB using NestJS and TypeORM. I have some entities like this: @Entity() export class UserService { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() id: number; @OneToOne(type => User)...
queng's user avatar
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Why is TypeORM andWhere breaking my query

I have a very simple query. Media has a relationship with users. The media table has a column userId. I am attempting to do a search on title and description, but only after I get the media for the ...
Aaron's user avatar
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One To Many relationship properties not functioning as expected. Cannot Retrieve List of Members from Group records - NestJS TypeORM

Is there anyone willing to help me understand TypeORM and Nestjs? I keep getting this unbearably annoying error "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')" and I'm sure it has ...
JustinD's user avatar
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Persistent Database Unresponsiveness Issue in NestJS Production Environment

I'm encountering problems with my NestJS (TypeOrm) application. In the production environment, after a certain period, the database becomes unresponsive. This issue persists until I restart the server....
gaiyaobed's user avatar
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ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR: Too many connections Typeorm nestjs

i am using raw query to execute the command and it is running but i am having a problem because every time it is executed it always creates a new connection, so i get the error "...
riski's user avatar
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Nest can't resolve dependencies of the UsersLineService (UsersLineRepository, HttpService, ?)

Error [Nest] 20898 - 07/23/2023, 6:09:36 PM ERROR [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the UsersLineService (UsersLineRepository, HttpService, ?). Please make sure that the ...
1 vote
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Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'never' when using $push on sub-document array with getMongoManager updateOne

I am trying to execute the following code snippet to update a sub-document array using the $push operation with getMongoManager's updateOne method from myEntity.service.ts: import { getMongoManager, ...
Sadaf Sid's user avatar
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Error: Nest can't resolve dependencies despite adding the module to imports

This is my owners.service.ts import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common' import { CreateOwnerInput } from './dto/create-owner.input' import { UpdateOwnerInput } from './dto/update-owner.input' import {...
nikulas13's user avatar
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TypeORMError: Driver not Connected - NestJs

I am setting up a NestJs application with TypeORM and postgres driver. I have the required packages needed ("pg": "^8.11.0" and other typeorm packages). data-source.ts import '...
nirvair's user avatar
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TypeOrm in NestJS: Single Table Inheritance Repository not returning properties of most specific type

Currently I'm having the following Structure: I have an abstract class AocMessage with properties such as received, from and to. In addition I have class FreetextMessage that extends the abstract ...
Mischa Binder's user avatar
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NestJs With TypeORM(0.3x) Custom Repository Transaction Problem

I am using NestJs by creating a custom repository as follows. iuser.repository.ts import { UserEntity } from "../entity/user-entity"; export interface IUserRepository { findByEmail(...
Jonathan's user avatar