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Questions tagged [next-auth]

NextAuth.js is a open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. This tag is rarely used alone and is most often used in conjunction with [next.js]

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34 votes
6 answers

next-auth JWEDecryptionFailed

I am using this code to be able to use the credentials next-auth provider along with cognito as oauth serviice: this to allow email and password auth. I am running [email protected]: import ...
a-dawg's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

Skip SignIn page with next-auth.js to go directly to provider

I am using Okta with next-auth.js. Since I'm only using 1 providers (I will be using more providers inside Okta login), may I just skip this page and go directly to Okta login page? If yes, how?
Boubou's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Where and how to change session user object after signing in?

I have weird problem and I don't know where the problem is. I use next-auth library to make authentication system in my Next.js app. Everything is OK - I can sign in by checking if there is account in ...
MateuszWawrzynski's user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

(NextAuth) Type error: Property 'session' does not exist on type '{}'

I'm using NextAuth on a NextJs project and I'm getting the error "Type error: Property 'session' does not exist on type '{}'.". I'm adding the session property to my _app.tsx as suggested ...
Alexandre Paiva's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

How to handle login failed error in NextAuth.js?

I'm using NextAuth.js for Next.js authentication. Login works fine, but the page is still reloading on wrong credentials. It doesn't show any error. I need to handle error to show some kind of toast ...
Md Yousuf Ali's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

Next-Auth : How the registration is handled with a email + password credential provider?

How the registration is handled with a custom credential provider ( email + password)? Currently my [...nextauth].js looks like this: import NextAuth from 'next-auth' import Providers from 'next-auth/...
yeln's user avatar
  • 706
25 votes
11 answers

Get User ID from session in next-auth client

I'm using next-auth with Prisma and Graphql, I followed these instructions to set up the adapter and my models accordingly: Authentication works but when I ...
Ivditi Gabeskiria's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Next.js 13.4 and NextAuth Type Error: 'AuthOptions' is not assignable to type 'never'

I'm currently working on a Next.js 13.4 project and trying to set up NextAuth using the app/ router. However, I'm encountering a type error that I can't seem to resolve. Here's my route.ts file: ...
Luk's user avatar
  • 583
23 votes
4 answers

How to send httponly cookies client side when using next-auth credentials provider?

I'm creating a next js application, using next-auth to handle authentication. I have an external backend api, so I'm using Credentials Provider. The problem is that the backend sends httponly cookies, ...
Saul Montilla's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

How to protect routes in Next.js next-auth?

I am trying to integrate authentication with next-auth library in an Application. I have been following the official tutorial given here The problem ...
hafiz muhammed's user avatar
22 votes
11 answers

Next Auth: Deployed code redirecting me to localhost on login

As the title suggests - I have a nextjs application that works absolutely fine locally - However, now I've deployed it to a dev environment, something really weird is happening. I've deployed my ...
Nick's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Why am I getting this error when using Next.js middleware?

The Problem I'm using Next.js, Prisma, and NextAuth's Email Provider strategy to setup an authentication system. I want to use Next.js middleware to redirect a request if it doesn't contain a valid ...
rolias4031's user avatar
21 votes
10 answers

Invariant: Method expects to have requestAsyncStorage, none available

I am trying to retrive the data of a user from mongodb atlas using prisma client and I write this code for the fetching of the data and It shows error, Here the prisma client code are written in the ...
Ashutosh Hota's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

how to get the provider access token in next-auth

Hi I am new to nextjs and for authentication I am using next-auth. The users can log in using Google and when they are logged in and authenticated I want to get the access_token given by provider in ...
Mahdi-Jafaree's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Next-auth - How to update the session client side?

I manage to update my session serverside, with new user data, but event after assigning it to my session object in [...nextauth.js], my session client side remains the old one. It doesn't refresh, ...
Yoann Buzenet's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

How to Fix NO_SECRET warning thrown by Next-Auth

I have a Next js application that uses Next Auth. While in development I continuously keep getting that warning stipulating that I need to set a secret but I don't know where I should set it. ...
Laspeed's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

How do I use next auth getServerSession in next js 13 beta server component in app directory

I'm using next auth v4 with next js 13 beta with server component, and everything works fine. But I have a situation where I will need to know the logged user id, since I'm using next auth, I have ...
Shakib Hasan's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How to sync up the expiration time of Next Auth Session and a token coming from the server as I chose Credentials in provider of next-Auth

I have implemented a next-auth authentication system for my Next.js app. In the providers, I have chosen credentials because I have a node.js backend server. The problem that I am facing is the ...
Raghav's user avatar
  • 321
18 votes
1 answer

ECONNREFUSED when trying to sign in using next-auth

I use next-auth.js library to create authentication system for Next.js my application. Everything works fine on my local computer, but after deploying website to Vercel, my sign in function doesn't ...
MateuszWawrzynski's user avatar
17 votes
9 answers

My Next Js app isn't building and returing a type error, how do I fix?

My NextJS 13 app isn't building and is returning a type error but it is completely working on development environment the type error is shown in this file import NextAuth, { AuthOptions } from "...
Ajmal Khan's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

How to redirect in NextJS if not logged using nextAuth

I am using nextAuth for authentication in my project and I would like to restrict certain pages for the clients that are not logged in. I tried calling the useSession() hook in the getServerSideProps()...
Benni's user avatar
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17 votes
9 answers

How to fix api/auth/error issue of next-auth in production?

I have set the following environment variables in Vercel: NEXTAUTH_URL= (production) NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000 (development) Then authorized the following two ...
Fuad9's user avatar
  • 389
17 votes
6 answers

Next-Auth signIn with Credentials is not working in NextJS

I'm integrating next-auth package to my fresh Next.js project. I have followed all of the Next.js and next-auth documentations but not able to find a solution. The issue I'm facing goes like this: I ...
Lalith Kumar's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Redirect after successful sign in or sign up for credentials type in next auth

Is there any examples and/or way to redirect to private dashboard on successful sign in or sign up for credentials type in next-auth? I couldn't find any clear docs around this. I was looking at ...
Passionate Engineer's user avatar
15 votes
10 answers

next-auth error: 'Adapter' is not assignable to type 'Adapter | undefined'

I'm following this documentation: to use next-auth. This is the relevant code: import NextAuth from "next-auth" import { MongoDBAdapter } from &...
Emanuele Paolini's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Next.js 13 and next-auth issues with useSession and SessionProvider

I'm trying to make a login page. on my page.tsx file I get either of two errors depending on if I include "use client"; at the top of my code. If I don't have "use client"; I get ...
atomic-ag's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

nextjs & next-auth getSession() in getServerSideProps with HTTPS not work

I cant use getSession() in getServerSideProps with HTTPS. is it normal? I try many times. I will get it if use HTTPS . I cant getSession() in getServerSideProps __Secure-next-auth.callback-url ...
scxsk0992's user avatar
  • 187
15 votes
2 answers

Next-Auth with Provider.Credentials: How to implement when API is already returning a JWT Token?

I have a NextJS page where I try to implement Next-Auth. I use credentials to login to my Rails API. My API is returning (already) a JWT-Token. (so NextAuth must not create it) How to implement the ...
Jan's user avatar
  • 15.3k
15 votes
2 answers

Pop-up login in next-auth

Is it possible to do a social login in Pop-up in next-auth? Or only possible redirecting to provider auth page? I'm asking because I don't want to lose all application state after redirect to a ...
Pedro Carvalho's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Use Custom Backend for Authentication in Next.js Without next-auth: A Practical Approach

I am using Next.js 13 for development and I have no experience with Server-Side Rendering (SSR). what's my problem is I have a custom backend API based on Express.js. This backend service already ...
Cono's user avatar
  • 181
14 votes
1 answer

how to update the type of session in session callback in Next-auth when using Typescript

I am using typescript and my [].tsx file looks like this: import NextAuth, { Awaitable, Session, User } from "next-auth"; // import GithubProvider from "next-auth/providers/...
Vikrant Bhat's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to define a custom base path when NEXTAUTH_URL doesn't work?

Context I'm using NextJS v12.0.7, React v17.0.2, NextAuth v4.1.0 and Typescript v4.3.5. I wanted to create a simple auth system, based on NextAuth documentation and being redirected to homepage after ...
R. Boutte's user avatar
  • 754
13 votes
3 answers

How can I add a new property to Component in _app.tsx in Next.js with Typescript?

I'm developing some protected pages using Next.js, NextAuth.js and Typescript. The following code from my _app.tsx was taken from the NextAuth.js official website but that includes a property auth ...
Alexandre Paiva's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

next-auth credentials provider authorize type error

Problem I am only using a single CredentialsProvider in next-auth but I'm confused about how to handle async authorize() with a custom user interface. I defined the user interface in types/next-auth.d....
rooo's user avatar
  • 143
13 votes
2 answers

What is the 'loading' return value from useSession() in next-auth?

I'm writing a Next.js project, and implementing authentication using GitHub and next-auth. In the examples of next-auth, there's a call to useSession(), which returns two objects: session and loading. ...
user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to update session values without signing out?

With NextAuth.js, how can I update a value inside the session object without signing out and in again? For example, once a user signs in, I am using the URL stored in the session to display the avatar ...
Pingolin's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How can I use the Prisma adapter for Next-Auth without email and emailVerified values

I am using next-auth with a custom provider and the Prisma adapter and I only want to store the values: id, name, country, avatar, and gender. However, I am getting this error: [next-auth][error][...
Anonymouse's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

"next-auth/react" module not found when making custom email sign in page in next-auth

I'm making a NextJs application with next-auth for the authentication part. Email Sign In is successfully implemented using next-auth's own default pages. But now I would like to have a custom sign in ...
Zoha Malik's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Logout from next-auth with keycloak provider not works

I have a nextjs application with next-auth to manage the authentication. Here my configuration .... export default NextAuth({ // Configure one or more authentication providers providers: [ ...
dna's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Prevent authenticated users to access custom sign in page with next-auth middleware

we are currently developing an application with NextJS 13 using next-auth, so far everything is great. Our application uses a custom sign-in page with a CredentialsProvider and we protect our routes ...
alexortizl's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

Google OAuth 2 Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch but redirect uri is compliant and already registered in Google Cloud Console

I am developing a NextJS application using next-auth with Google Oauth 2 as its authentication provider. The production build is running on Heroku. When attempting to sign in on my production build, ...
Nicholas Sliter's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Difference between useSession and getSession in next-auth?

What's the difference between useSession and getSession in next-auth? Both seems to be returning session object.
Ishan Bassi's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Getting NextAuth.js user session in Apollo Server context

My web app is using: NextJS NextAuth.js Apollo Server I have a NextAuth set up in my app, and I am able to log in just fine. The problem is coming from trying to get access to the user's session in ...
Nolan P's user avatar
  • 147
11 votes
1 answer

Next Auth Credentials Provider JWT / Session callback

I am having some difficulties passing my token to the session callback. My end goal is to send the logged-in users data to the client-side. Originally I was only sending back the users email, but now ...
Felipe's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Playwright e2e testing. What to do with oauth2 or email-passwordless authentication

I am starting to do e2e tests with playwright. Most of the application requires to be authenticated. Automating this with a username/password mechanism is quite easy. The problem is that the app I ...
Daniel Mateos Labrador's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Pass more data to session in Next-auth

We are doing OTP auth in our website. So in order to get authorized, a visitor enter his phone number in input and we send him a OPT number and he again enters the sent opt, then if it matches, we ...
A.Anvarbekov's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

[auth][error] UnknownAction: Cannot parse action at /api/auth/providers .

Trying to set up next-auth using a tutorial for next-auth authjs-v5 beta and getting this unknown action error and I am not able to figure whats the issue and the website also doesnt mention a fix ...
Mohammed arbazuddin Qureshi's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL using Next-auth only in Production

The app fails on trying to sign in using next-auth in my Next.js app in production mode when using the following command in the terminal on my local machine: `yarn build && yarn start` The ...
Mathias Riis Sorensen's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

custom session next js next-auth

I got an problem when migrate my js file jo tsx, what I'm doing is signin with credentials and custom the session user to my user data // api/auth/[...nextauth].js import NextAuth from "next-...
just test's user avatar
  • 353
10 votes
4 answers

next-auth.js with next.js middleware redirects to sign-in page after successful sign-in

I use next-auth.js with Google as my login provider and Django as my backend. To protect pages in next.js, I am trying to integrate next-auth.js with next.js middleware. Reference link The issue I ...
Viraj's user avatar
  • 797

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