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Questions tagged [nginx-ingress]

ingress-nginx is an NGINX controller built around the Kubernetes Ingress resource that uses ConfigMap to store the NGINX configuration.

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110 votes
6 answers

Ingress configuration for k8s in different namespaces

I need to configure Ingress Nginx on azure k8s, and my question is if is possible to have ingress configured in one namespace et. ingress-nginx and some serivces in other namespace eg. resources? My ...
camel's user avatar
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94 votes
6 answers

Nginx Ingress: service "ingress-nginx-controller-admission" not found

We created a kubernetes cluster for a customer about one year ago with two environments; staging and production separated in namespaces. We are currently developing the next version of the application ...
Jørgen's user avatar
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83 votes
18 answers

Nginx Ingress Controller - Failed Calling Webhook [closed]

I set up a k8s cluster using kubeadm (v1.18) on an Ubuntu virtual machine. Now I need to add an Ingress Controller. I decided for nginx (but I'm open for other solutions). I installed it according to ...
PhotonTamer's user avatar
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59 votes
8 answers

413 error with Kubernetes and Nginx ingress controller

I'm trying to change the client_max_body_size value, so my NGINX ingress will not return the HTTP 413 Content Too Large error (as seen in the logs). I've tested a few solutions. Here is my config map: ...
Djent's user avatar
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49 votes
3 answers

nginx ingress & rewrite-target

I have a pod that responds to requests to /api/ I want to do a rewrite where requests to /auth/api/ go to /api/. Using an Ingress (nginx), I thought that with the
matt's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

Microk8s dashboard using nginx-ingress via http not working (Error: `no matches for kind "Ingress" in version "extensions/v1beta1"`)

I have microk8s v1.22.2 running on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. Output from /etc/hosts: localhost main Excerpt from microk8s status: addons: enabled: dashboard # The ...
petwri's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

Kubernetes Nginx Ingress not finding service endpoint

I'm having some trouble getting the Nginx ingress controller working in my Kubernetes cluster. I have created the nginx-ingress deployments, services, roles, etc., according to https://kubernetes....
cookandy's user avatar
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36 votes
14 answers

How to use ConfigMap configuration with Helm NginX Ingress controller - Kubernetes

I've found a documentation about how to configure your NginX ingress controller using ConfigMap: Unfortunately I'...
Tom Raganowicz's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

how to configure ingress to direct traffic to an https backend using https

I have a backend using https. I want to separate load on that back-end based on URL/path. I decided to use ingress to do this url/path based logic in order to move traffic to different back-ends ( ...
eran meiri's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Kubernetes Ingress non-root path 404 Not Found

I have the following that config that works when I try <NodeIP>:30080 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: app-deployment spec: replicas: 3 template: ...
atkayla's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Sticky sessions on Kubernetes cluster

Currently, I'm trying to create a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud with two load balancers: one for backend (in Spring boot) and another for frontend (in Angular), where each service (load balancer) ...
migueltaoliveira's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

terraform helm release timeout while waiting for condition

I'm using terraform to provision some resources in azure and I can't seem to get helm to install nginx-ingress because it timeouts waiting for condition helm_release.nginx_ingress: 1 error(s) ...
Matthew The Terrible's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Kustomize how to replace only the host in Ingress configuration

I've got this ingress.yaml base configuration: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: labels: sia: aza app: asap-ingress-internal name: asap-ingress-internal annotations: ...
jmcollin92's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Ingress controller to route TCP traffic

I'm trying to setup an ingress controller(nginx) to forward some TCP traffic to a kubernetes service(GCP). There's this tutorial that shows how to route HTTP traffic to services (based on the paths) ...
rasthiya's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

How can I correctly setup custom headers with nginx ingress?

I have the following configuration: daemonset: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: nginx-ingress namespace: nginx-ingress spec: selector: matchLabels: app: ...
Andrei Dascalu's user avatar
22 votes
8 answers

Nginx Ingress returns 413 Entity Too Large

on my Cluster, I'm trying to upload a big file but when I try, I get the 413 Error error parsing HTTP 413 response body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: "<html>\r\n&...
v2to's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

nginx-ingress config map snippets being ignored by the nginx.conf

I have a kubernetes cluster, where I have deployed an nginx ingress controller using the helm nginx-ingress chart. I need to add some custom config to the nginx.conf file that is generated in the ...
Declan McNulty's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

nginx ingress sub path redirection

I have an ingress controller and ingress resource running with all /devops mapped to devopsservice in the backend. When I try to hit "http://hostname/devops" things work and I get a page (although ...
user1722908's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

What is the Best way to Setup Proxy Pass in an Nginx Ingress object for Kubernetes

Currently I am trying to Migrate a site that was living on an Apache Load balanced Server to my k8s cluster. However the application was set up strangely with a proxypass and proxyreversepass like so: ...
Pablo Marti Cordero's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Nginx ingress controller websocket support

Recently I've been working on a toy app using Kubernetes. Part of the app is a web server that needs to support WebSockets. Currently, I'm using port-forwarding to access the web server and everything ...
Kit Freddura's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

how to delete a ingress controller on kubernetes?

I have a Kubernetes cluster in which I have multiple ingress controllers. I have deleted the source file of one ingress controller. How can I delete the ingress controller that I don't want further ??
ashique's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

When I would use the "App Root" annotation in Kubernetes

I've read the docs a thousand times but I still don't understand how I would use the annotation. Can someone please provide an example + description in plain ...
PussInBoots's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Can't connect static ip to Ingress on GKE

I am trying to connect my ingress to a static ip. I seem to be following all the tutorials, but still I cannot seem to attach my static ip to ingress. My ingress file is as follows (refering to the ...
Mike's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

How can I access nginx ingress on my local?

I can't connect to my app running with nginx ingress (Docker Desktop win 10). The nginx-ingress controller pod is running, the app is healthy, and I have created an ingress. However, when I try to ...
RMorrisey's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

CertManager Letsencrypt CertificateRequest "failed to perform self check GET request"

Waiting for http-01 challenge propagation: failed to perform self check GET request, it's similar to this bug but all solutions from GitHub ticket ...
Kirill's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Kubernetes ingress nginx redirect to https

To redirect any HTTP traffic to HTTPS on tls enabled hosts, I have added the below annotation to my ingress resources true With this when I curl the ...
pa1's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Why does my bare-metal kubernetes nginx Ingress-controller return a 308?

I am trying to create add the nginx ingress controller to my kubernetes cluster. My current cluster has 3 nodes and they all have open firewall rules in between them. (Note: This is a bare metal ...
nbroeking's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

NGINX ingress controller timing out request after 60s

When a request takes over 60s to respond it seems that the ingress controller will bounce From what I can see our NGINX ingress controller returns 504 to the client after a request takes more than ...
Dave New's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What exactly does /$1 mean in minikube annotation?

While working with minikube ingress, I have to write /$1. I have been trying hard to understand why we need this annotation and how to use it. I know that ...
vagdevi k's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How can I assign a static IP to my EKS service?

I have an EKS cluster. I created my service and exposed it using ingress-nginx. ingress-nginx external IP appears as a DNS name and not as IP. How can I connect my private domain to point to my EKS ...
alexarsh's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How do we install dynamic modules (non support officially) on Nginx Ingress Controller? (terraform, helm chart)

I'm managing Kubernetes + nginx. I'd like to install dynamic modules on nginx that are provided by Nginx Ingress Controller. Those dynamic modules are not offered by Nginx Ingress Controller official ...
mto's user avatar
  • 219
14 votes
4 answers

Kubernetes ingress domain redirect

i want to redirect domain in nginx ingress kubernete. if in url preview comes change domain redirect
Harsh Manvar's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 15: did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character

I want to set wildcard subdomain for my project, using k8s, nginx ingress controller, helm chart: In ingress.yaml file: ... rules: - host: {{ }} ... In values.yaml file, I ...
Phan Ly Huynh's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How to create only internal load balancer with ingress-nginx chart?

In my AWS EKS, I have installed nginx-ingress with following command: helm upgrade --install -f controller.yaml \ --namespace nginx-ingress \ --create-namespace \ --version 3.26.0 \ ...
yogen's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to setup Letsencrypt with Kubernetes microk8s using default Ingress?

Recently, I tried to setup letsencrypt using microk8s and the default ingress controller on a bare-metal server. I found a few guides online that were very useful but it seems as if there must have ...
Emmanuel Mendoza's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

cant create a second ingress controller using helm with custom class in Azure k8s cluster

I have created an ingress controller using Helm with default configuration default nginx-ingress-controller LoadBalancer 80:32485/TCP,443:31756/TCP ...
ikenahim's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to reload nginx ingress controller

I have a Kubernetes cluster (v. 1.22) and inside it I have Nginx ingress controller deployed. I have found I could reload my ingress in several situations: The next list describes the scenarios when a ...
Halt_07's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How Ingress support JWT Authentication?

Right now I'm using Ingress-Nginx as the routing service for the traffic externally. However, there are few articles introduce how Ingress plays JWT authentications to protect internal APIs. Can ...
AI_ROBOT's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS with Nginx Ingress Controller, AWS NLB and TLS certificate managed by AWS Certificate Manager?

I've tried the following to get HTTP to redirect to HTTPS. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. ingress-nginx object: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ingress-nginx namespace: ingress-...
jamesrogers93's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Istio and (or versus) Nginx Ingress Controller

I'am on a journey of testing Istio and at the moment I'am about to test the "canary" capabilities of routing traffic. For my test, I created a small servicemesh composed of 5 microservices (serviceA, ...
Fred Mériot's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

mTLS setup using self-signed cert in Kubernetes and NGINX

I have a Kubernetes cluster (AKS) that is hosting a REST echo service. The service runs fine via HTTP. I am using NGINX ingress to route traffic. I now want to set up this service via HTTPS and with ...
wntrsux's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do I add the x-forwarded-for field to my access logs for the nginx ingress controller?

I'm using the nginx ingress controller on gke, by default these are what my access logs look like: " - [] - - [22/Apr/2019:18:47:59 +0000] "GET /sdflksdf/sdfsdf HTTP/2....
red888's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to properly configure ingress cache to get it working?

I'm trying to configure cache for a specific host, but getting 404. Also It seems my config was not included into final nginx.conf. This file doesn't contain it My ingress.yaml: apiVersion: extensions/...
Сергей Коновалов's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

K8S: How to reach pod with SSH service (Gitea) over the same host ingress-nginx exposes as HTTP?

Currently practicing with Kubernetes (managed, on DO), I ran into a issue I couldn't resolve for two days. I have nginx-ingress setup along with cert-manager, and a domain where points ...
Teecup's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Unable to get a websocket app work through kubernetes ingress-nginx in a non-root context path

Here is a sample WebSocket app that I'm trying to get it to work from a Kubernetes ingress-nginx controller. Kubernetes yaml: echo " apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: ...
Rama Palaniappan's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How to increase max request body size on nginx ingress controller and kong

I have an a service that accepts POSTs with base64 encoded files in the body. I'm currently getting Error: 413 Request Entity Too Large when I POST anything larger than 1MB, otherwise it works fine. ...
dweeb's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to perform custom authentication with kubernetes Ingress

I have deployed few services in kubernetes and using NGINX ingress to access outside.(Using EC2 instance for all cluster setup). Able to access service through host tied with ingress. Now instead of ...
Joe's user avatar
  • 531
10 votes
3 answers

AWS Nginx Ingress creating Classic Load Balancer instead of Application Load Balancer

I am trying to setup Application Load Balancer to forward traffic to Nginx Ingress controller in AWS. To set up Nginx Ingress controller, I am using this YML which I got it from the installation ...
Prerak Tiwari's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Passing parameters down to permanent redirect in ingress-nginx

I'm using but want to pass down parameters after / in the redirect. But can't get it to work with pure ingress-nginx, would be ...
CodingNoob123's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to remove the server header from Kubernetes deployed applications

I am asking this question in the style of question then answer. If you create your Ingress objects for Helm charts or regular "kubectl apply" deployments, after deployment to your cluster, ...
Ian Robertson's user avatar

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