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NLP Collective

A collective focused on NLP (natural language processing), the transformation or extraction of useful information from natural language data.
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Natural Language Processing FAQ

Frequently asked questions relating to NLP. Many of these may be questions that are often asked over and over, duplicates would likely be closed in favor of these. Add the best answer (using the ...
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BERT embedding cosine similarities look very random and useless

I am new to this field, so maybe I am misunderstanding something. However, I thought you can use BERT embeddings to determine semantic similarity. I was trying to group some words in categories using ...
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Scikit-Learn's feature_names_in Method

A number of scikit-learn's classes have a feature_names_in method, which would be a real time saver if I could understand it better. Specifically, assume your X is a nested list of strings [['A', 'B',...
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How do I install language model for spacy on Kaggle?

Aloha! Everybody knows how to install model at home: python -m spacy download ru_core_news_md But since python notebook on Kaggle is isolated of the global web, it does not seem possible to do so. ...
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module 'keras_nlp' has no attribute 'models

HAS ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCED THE SAME ERROR WHEN RUNNING IT LOCALLY? IT RUNS CORRECTLY ON COLAB. module 'keras_nlp' has no attribute 'models i Tried to install the updated version of pip install -U ...
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“Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning When Training PyTorch Model on GPU with MPS”

I’ve built a vanilla Transformer using PyTorch for machine translation and am encountering issues while trying to train it on an Apple Mac M3 with a 12-core CPU and an 18-core GPU (18GB RAM) ...

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Error: Module did not self-register: '/node_modules/onnxruntime-node/bin/napi-v3/linux/x64/onnxruntime_binding.node'

Hi all I am requiring transformer js in my node js application with typescript in a file called worker.js as const TransformersApi = Function('return import("@xenova/transformers")')(); ...