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Questions tagged [npm-ci]

npm ci is a command in the npm CLI that Installs a project with a clean slate. This command is similar to npm-install, except it’s meant to be used in automated environments. This tag should be used for questions specifically relating to the npm ci command, and not the npm install command.

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761 votes
9 answers

What is the difference between "npm install" and "npm ci"?

I'm working with continuous integration and discovered the npm ci command. I can't figure what the advantages are of using this command for my workflow. Is it faster? Does it make the test harder,...
DiaJos's user avatar
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243 votes
5 answers

npm: When to use `--force` and `--legacy-peer-deps`

I'm trying to understand how recreating the node_modules directory for deployment works. We're using npm ci instead of npm install to ensure a clean slate during deployment. However, when we run it ...
Floating Sunfish's user avatar
93 votes
2 answers

Is there a way of making "npm ci" install devDependencies, or "npm install" not update package-lock.json?

I'm trying to put together documentation for new developers installing our codebase on their local development environments. I'd like to give them command(s) that: Installs both devDependencies and ...
josh's user avatar
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52 votes
2 answers

pnpm equivalent command for npm ci

What is the equivalent command for npm ci in pnpm? According to the documentation for npm install: pnpm install is used to install all dependencies for a project. In a CI environment, installation ...
BuZZ-dEE's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

How I can skip installing optional dependencies by 'npm ci'?

How I can skip installing optional dependencies from package-lock.json by npm ci?
art201214's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Using "npm ci" instead of "npm install" for deterministic project setup

Given a project where the package-lock.json is managed in source control with the goal that all developers on the team get exactly the same dependencies. From the documentation of npm I think ...
jbandi's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

npm ci giving Conflicting peer dependency

I am trying to install the dependencies from docker file with command RUN npm ci. But I am getting the following error Conflicting peer dependencies. Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry ...
JN_newbie's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

GitHub action fails on npm ci

I have git action to run prettier(Code formatter). Below is the format.yml file of git action. name: Format code with prettier on: push: branches-ignore: - master jobs: format: runs-...
Nidhi Dadiya's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Did "npm install" become deterministic in npm 7?

Here it's said: The lockfile v2 unlocks the ability to do deterministic and reproducible builds to produce a package tree. But I ...
RussCoder's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

npm ci fails in Github Action

I am working on a pipeline to install npm packages using GitHub Actions, I am getting this error: npm ERR! code EUSAGE npm ERR! npm ERR! The `npm ci` command can only install with an existing package-...
learner's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

couldn't run npm ci

node.js - v12.16.2 npm - 6.14.4 OS - windows 10 When I run npm ci i get error. The complete error log: npm WARN prepare removing existing node_modules/ before installation > [email protected] ...
Sai Krishnadas's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

NPM prune after NPM ci

I have an innocent question :is there some interest to do a npm prune after a npm ci ? For me npm ci seems to be sufficient, no ? Thanks by advance
Hulkito Nol's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Azure Devops: The given cache key has changed in its resolved value between restore and save steps;

I am struggling with one warning which shows in Azure Devops. ##[warning]The given cache key has changed in its resolved value between restore and save steps; original key: npm|"Linux"|...
Józef Podlecki's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

NPM audit not finding vulnerabilities

I have a CI service that runs npm audit on every build and notifies if there are high-risk vulnerabilities. The strange thing is when CI reports high vulnerabilities when I run npm audit locally, it ...
nrofis's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

When npm install/ci honors package-lock.json, is there any purpose of using tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

In case an application has a package-lock.json or shripkwrap.json, both npm install/npm ci command would honor the dependencies versions (in package-lock.json or shripkwrap.json), what purpose would ...
mavHarsha's user avatar
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0 answers

Running "npm ci" when building docker image is much slower

I tried to run npm ci command using the same package.json and package-lock.json files in three different environments: docker host machine - takes ~27s to complete inside a docker container - takes ~...
Pavels Ahmadulins's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

npm ci not working on bitbucket pipeline?

I have a react-native project and I'm trying to use bitbucket pipeline to run the tests and export to expo. For that I tried to follow this article, but it fail with the following output : + npm ci ...
baraber's user avatar
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0 answers

npm ci in Jenkins parallel pipeline

I've got a monorepo with roughly the following structure (npm modules): myProject |-base |-ui1 |-ui2 In the base module I have all the stuff combined which my ui1 and ui2 projects use commonly. I ...
nioe's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

npm ci command fails in GitHub actions when running on Node 16

I'm running npm ci on Node 16 in GitHub workflow actions and keep getting the following error: npm ERR! code E401 npm ERR! Incorrect or missing password. npm ERR! If you were trying to login, change ...
David Faizulaev's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why "npm ci" removes node_modules / all packages?

Why npm ci removes the node_modules / all packages? If a node_modules is already present, it will be automatically removed before npm ci begins its install.
BuZZ-dEE's user avatar
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Lerna + npm packages - how do I run npm install of the build?

I've created a monorepo project with server/client/shared packages. I have an existing (large) project that I try to apply monorepo behavior to have common code between multiple projects. I'm using ...
Yoav Moran's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

VS2017 not able to identify the command npm ci

Node version: 8.11.3 I checked out a solution. It includes package-lock.json. So, I am trying to run npm ci on the instance. Unfortunately, it is not working. I am getting the message: Usage: npm <...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Should .gitignore be modified to include ./node_modules/.package-lock.json (aka: lockfileVersion 3)?

This is a commonly asked question, but a little different this time. It seems the developers of Node.js have chosen to make NPM register the standard v2 package-lock.json in the project root (or ...
Solonotix's user avatar
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0 answers

'npm ci' command is not working as expected

I have installed a library with version 1.0.0 and then I have modified package.json file with version 1.0.3 and then I run "npm ci" and expecting it should not update the package as it ...
Abasaheb Gaware's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Adonis npm ci --production hangs

I have problem when deploying an Adonis project, After building, adonis suggest to do npm ci --production inside build folder. And after I do npm ci --production, the process is hangs extractTree: ...
sigit nurmajid's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How do you deploy a continuous running app when using npm-cli

I have a largish nodejs based web app, with both server and client components working together. I am currently deploying the app, but using git pull to take my latest production branch from the ...
akc42's user avatar
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1 answer

401 Unauthorized - authentication token not provided, GitHub npm

I have to download a package from my-org with GitHub actions for Node projects. I have an action like this to make an .npmrc file: > ${{ inputs.npmrc_path }} echo "@my-org:registry=https://npm....
Isabel Roman's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Getting npm permission error when doing npm ci on windows self hosted runner

I am working on a github action where I have to install dependencies using npm ci command. I am using a self-hosted windows runner. Here's my github action: name: test build on: workflow_dispatch: ...
pogbamessi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

npm ci is failing intermittently with "error cb() never called!" [email protected] and [email protected]

We have a few build pipelines that are failing intermittently with "error cb() never called!" for npm ci. This error is displayed after it downloaded and extract a random npm package (in ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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0 answers

React App wont run using npm run dev, by use of concurrently

I am working on a React app that I just pulled down from Github. I ran an npm ci once pulled down and opened the project hoping it would run. I'm getting an error when I am trying to run the client ...
Sam's user avatar
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1 answer

Vue-CLI project automatic deployment on Firebase Hosting using GitHub actions

So I am having my Vue-CLI project and I can't manage automatic deployments. I've been googling all day, I got the key from firebase login:ci but I don't understand where am I supposed to place it ...
Mike K.'s user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Bypass NPM cache, if the module that I'm looking for is not there

While working with NPM and its cache, I noticed that -sometimes- when the newest version of a certain package is not in the cache, npm ci errors out without bypassing NPM cache. Is there a way to tell ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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0 answers

Gitlab CI - caching Node.js dependencies

I'm having significant problems trying to reuse the packages installed with npm ci between jobs. I have been following this documentation:
Ben K's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Installing freeCodecamp locally hangs when I get to the npm ci step

I've been trying to install freeCodeCamp repo locally coz I'm doing the Full-stack curriculum and I am in a remote area where the grid is not reliable. I've got the repo on my compute already. I've ...
Lidhiwa's user avatar