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Questions tagged [npm]

npm is the package manager shipped with Node.js. It can be used to install and publish CommonJS and ECMAScript modules, jQuery plugins, reusable JavaScript code (libraries), JavaScript-based CLI programs, and more.

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34 votes
2 answers

Looking for a Dual Listbox with AngularJS and Bootstrap

I am looking for a component like this to be included in my project: I want to install it with npm. The problem is that I tested some of the ...
Iker Aguayo's user avatar
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29 votes
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StriderCD global post install fails on bower access to $HOME/.config $HOME/.cache

I am trying to work out the best way to install StriderCD globally. I installed node and npm via the global-enabled fork of nvm, and all paths are working fine for other builds, but none of them ...
notbrain's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

How do I install dependencies for a single package when using npm workspaces?

Using npm workspaces I have a folder structure like this +-- package.json +-- package-lock.json +-- client | `-- package.json +-- shared | `-- package.json `-- server `-- package.json ...
joshhunt's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

How to split chunks when authoring libraries with webpack 4?

I'm trying to publish a custom react component to a private repository. I use react-loadable to load a subcomponent on demand. When running locally, everything works fine. The index.js file ...
atopcu's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Why must I run "npm install" twice for my package to install successfully

The first time I "npm install" package_1, I get the following error. npm ERR! path C:\Users\john_\Documents\GitHub\why_npm_nesting_fails\package_1\node_modules\.staging\bignumber.js-55edd243 I don't ...
grabbag's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Different package versions for Android and iOS

I am developing an app for both Android and iOS using React Native. One of the libraries I'm using is a bit problematic because the app only compiles correctly: ...on Android when using "react-...
Dev-iL's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

(Handle Security-Alert) How do you detect if a big npm Codebase uses somewhere? is malicious: I now need to find it my codebase: I used: grep -r "" to ...
telion's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Using --ignore-scripts for one dependency in NPM

Following this question, NPM dependencies can be installed using: $ npm install --ignore-scripts Is there a way to mark that a dependency should be installed without running scripts in package.json? ...
Kwoppy's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Generate declaration file with single module in TypeScript

Given the following folder structure: src/ ├── foo.ts ├── bar.ts ├── baz.ts ├── index.ts Where foo.ts, bar.ts, and baz.ts each export a default class or thing: i.e. in the case of foo.ts: export ...
Johan Svensson's user avatar
14 votes
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Can a package be published to both github and npm? (with a single `npm publish`)

I got access to the github package registry beta, just fiddled with it and followed the configuration steps to publish. The thing is, I published it correctly, but noticed it didn't publish to npm. ...
Alvaro Castro's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Issue adding third-party (external ) js lib in angular5

I am working on to add jsplumb community js library version with the angular 5 application (Angular CLI: 1.6.1). With the first build without any configuration to tsconfig.json I get the following ...
Ameya's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is there a way to prevent npm from creating symlinks of workspace packages inside node_modules?

We are working on a monorepo that uses npm workspaces. One of the directories in this project is special in the sense that we don't want to allow packages within this directory to create imports to ...
Buzzy's user avatar
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13 votes
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npm workspaces - skip `src` folder when importing source files from symlinked shared package

I have a typescript monorepo setup that uses npm workspaces and I want to be able to import subpaths down to any individual typescript file of @package/shared in @package/client and @package/server ...
DaaWaan's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

WebPack - TypeError: __webpack_modules__[moduleId] is not a function (development) // Error: Invalid hook call (production)

I'm struggling with a WebPack error that occur when I use my custom library hosted as a package and streamed with NPM Link. Meanwhile, the production version works perfectly Here is my scripts "...
x2cheese's user avatar
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12 votes
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PhantomJS attempting to install as if OS is Linux/arm64 when I am using Mac Big Sur?

I am receiving the below error message when running npm install on a project: #10 35.10 PhantomJS not found on PATH #10 35.10 Unexpected platform or architecture: linux/arm64 #10 35.10 It seems ...
rose's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

ElectronJS: Must use import to load ES Module

I've just started learning Electron from Electron Docs. I used ES6 (import/export) while they used require. I've added type:module in my package.json and also I've changed the js extension to mjs, but ...
Ala Eddine Menai's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Critical dependency warning when using react-pdf

I'm trying to display a pdf on a react application and i get the following warning: /node_modules/react-pdf/node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.js Critical dependency: require function is used in ...
Kevel Campbell's user avatar
12 votes
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Should polyfills be a dependency or a devDependency?

As explained by this SO post, polyfills should be in the dependency folder. However, the Array.find() polyfill has the following installation instructions. npm install --save-dev jspolyfill-array....
ptk's user avatar
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How do I install the highcharts NPM packages in non-interactive mode?

I am trying to install highcharts server in my Docker image. But the NPM install command asks several questions to the user when installing. I need it to go ahead with default values(Which I can ...
falcon's user avatar
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How can i Deploy a single npm workspace which depends on packages and other workspaces?

I created a project using npm workspaces and Typescript Project References pretty much exactly like this example repo: This setup keeps all ...
Jeremias Nater's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

peerDependencies configuration for publishable libraries with NX & Angular

I have a monorepo using NX & Angular and I am publishing some libs to NPM and i have the following scenario apps only_App libs lib_A // v1.0.0 lib_B // v1.0.0 lib_C // v1.0.0 lib_A ...
Pato's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

React UnhandledSchemeError - "node:buffer" is not handled by plugins

I'm trying to use a package in my React project that will allow me to make API calls (axios, node-fetch, got etc.) When these packages are not installed, the app runs properly. When any of them are ...
kk651's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Fix for vulnerability - "Critical Prototype Pollution in immer" Patched >=9.0.6

Here's a fix for the following vulnerability: Critical Prototype Pollution in immer Package immer ...
Juno Sprite's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Getting error while installing [email protected]

I'm working on an old node project and while doing npm install I'm getting errors Node version: v13.8.0 Npm version: 6.14.4 Mac OS Version: 10.15.5 At first, I was getting the X-Code issue that I ...
groot's user avatar
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11 votes
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Allowing deep imports from npm packages without a build directory (like lib/dist) in the path

The standard approach when packaging code for npm is to place transpiled or bundled code in a separate lib, dist or build directory and to set the package.main property (and module/browser) to point ...
slikts's user avatar
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11 votes
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npm equivalent of yarn install --check-files (or yarn check)

Update for 2020 This question originally referred to the yarn check command, but the docs state that this is deprecated in v1, and removed in v2, and yarn install --check-files should be used instead. ...
davnicwil's user avatar
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11 votes
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npm ERR! ELOOP: too many symbolic links encountered (cordova-plugin-app-event broken symbolic link)

my problem is found in the title. I try to open an Ionic project, which uses ionic-native/barcode-scanner. But if I try to install anything with npm, this error occurs: npm ERR! ELOOP: too many ...
mismyl's user avatar
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11 votes
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npm webpack how to configure to use non minified dependencies

I received a notification from Google regarding an extension that I have in the web store. We routinely review items in the Chrome Web Store for compliance with our Program policies to ensure a ...
Cobaia's user avatar
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11 votes
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Keep symlinks when running `npm install`

If we do: npm link x and then we run npm install, it will overwrite the symlinked package. Is there a way to run npm install without overwriting a symlinked package? something like: npm install --...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
11 votes
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Target specific file/folder inside git repo on package.json

I have a package.json with a dependency that instead of targeting a npm package is using a own house repo, we have something like this: "myDependency": "git+https://fantasticUrl/_git/repoName" What ...
Javier Rodriguez's user avatar
11 votes
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How to generate per-package package-lock.json for existing Lerna mono-repo

We have an existing Lerna mono-repo that has a structure like: / /packages /package1 /package2 /package3 ... We currently use Yarn for our project, and actually only have a top-...
Matthew Herbst's user avatar
11 votes
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How can I move existing npm package to a new organisation?

I created a npm organisation org, How can I move existing <org>-<xxx> packages into my org.
Guillaume Vincent's user avatar
11 votes
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Npm project inside another npm project

I want to organize my project to easily reuse some modules. I am not sure that my approach is correct. Let's say we have a main project with two sub-projects. Something like this: - main-project - ...
Aleks's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Why does "npm install" modify package-lock.json? Why commit it to git then?

When I run "npm install" in a project it often modifies package-lock.json, for example if I work on the same project from another computer (with different node or npm version). But at the same time ...
szx's user avatar
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10 votes
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Where is @mediapipe/camera_utils npm module source code?

MediaPipe project's source code is hosted at We can use MediaPipe using JavaScript also in Browser given at MediaPipe in JavaScript While using MediaPipe with ...
Alok's user avatar
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npm install hangs at " reify:tailwindcss: timing build:queue Completed in 141ms"

It always hangs at the same place: reify:tailwindcss: timing build:queue Completed in [number]ms I've even tried just walking away and leaving it overnight to no avail. What's really frustrating is ...
accalton's user avatar
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Unable to fetch user data by using tiktok-scraper npm package

I have used tiktok-scraper for getting any public TikTok users data. It was working fine recently and I was able to get the required data but suddenly it stopped working and started giving this error: ...
Muhammad Rizwan's user avatar
10 votes
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npm run dev returns "Failed: EOF" error on DigitalOcean Apps

I am working to migrate a Laravel web application to DigitalOcean's new App platform. We have been running this application on several machines over the past few months with no npm issues. However, ...
Weston Burchett's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Default values for environment variables in .npmrc

Does somebody know how to set default environment variables in .npmrc files ? I tried to do this: registry=${myEnvVariable:-} and this: defaultRegistry= ...
bran4's user avatar
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Validating npm package.json

I would like to validate my npm package.json files as part of my CI/CD pipeline. Is there an official schema for the file? I found a pretty dated github project, but it does not seem official.
Adam Matan's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

npm run production error I can't decipher

I can't understand the error when executing npm run production: $ npm run production > @ production /var/www/html > cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress ...
cawecoy's user avatar
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Importing subfolders in a typescript npm package

I'm creating a package for npm but I want it to be imported in the following way: import myPackage from 'my-package'; import { subFunction1, subFunction2 } from 'my-package/subfunctions'; When ...
Gabriel Siedler's user avatar
10 votes
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Why does npm-shrinkwrap.json change when running npm install

We use NPM Shrinkwrap to lock down dependencies. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature but when I run: npm install after deleting my node_modules directory everything works but my npm-shrinkwrap....
Chuck D's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular package with NPM and GIT: dist folder in the repo?

What I want to achieve: I've created an Angular module and I want to npm install it from my GIT repo (I don't want to use npm publish, because it is a private code) in other projects. I'm using ng-...
Roland Rácz's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Updating transitive dependencies of a NPM package

Our company has a few web applications which in turn depend on a very long chain of internally created and hosted npm packages (we use JFrog Artifactory) each with their own dependencies (and so on). ...
PremiumTier's user avatar
10 votes
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Cant install LWIP through NPM (ZLIB_VERNUM != PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM)

LWIP could not be installed though NPM. lwip is being used to create sprites with sprity package Reading from the log, it states that i need to update some constants (see code below). In file ...
SinisterGlitch's user avatar
10 votes
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Specify different Yarn install paths for ‘devDependencies’ and ‘dependencies’

I’m using Yarn to manage my dependencies for my project. I have developer dependencies (devDependencies) required for development and front-end dependencies (dependencies) that my project will require ...
ScoobaSteve's user avatar
10 votes
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SyntaxError: Unexpected token export

I'm working on a npm package called foobar, locally, to allow me to make changes or modifications in real time without having to publish/unpublish to improve development time and sanity. In ...
punkbit's user avatar
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webpack build css rules have different order then in development

I am not sure if this is a webpack issue, vue-loader for webpack issue or just something that I am doing wrong. When I am running npm run build to build a distribution for my Vue.js application the ...
Primoz Rome's user avatar
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How to make npm use the lowest version that matches all requirements

We're using NodeJS for some projects and are faced with an issue that must have a simple solution (seeing as nobody else seems to have the problem). In the packages.json there are a bunch of ...
Robba's user avatar
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