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Questions tagged [objective-c]

This tag should be used only on questions that are about Objective-C features or depend on code in the language. The tags [cocoa] and [cocoa-touch] should be used to ask about Apple's frameworks or classes. Use the related tags [ios], [macos], [apple-watch] and [tvos] for issues specific to those platforms.

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Unable to mount NFS share using mount(2) on Mac OS X

I've been trying to write an application for older versions of Mac OS X that mounts an NFS network share and ran into an interesting quirk when trying to use the mount(2) function. According to the ...
Nathan Campos's user avatar
-1 votes
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error while create framework in old version of objective-c

I want to compile this repo to framework(not static lib) what I have done: download this repo run the command: xcodebuild archive -project GPUImage....
liang.good's user avatar
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Generating a signature for promotional offers in Objective-c

My requirements are to generate a signature for a promotional offer in the iOS app code (Objective-C), but I'm getting nil every time with the error: 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus ...
Umesh Y's user avatar
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How can I initiate a new URL request using an already loaded WKWebView?

I have opened a WKWebView with "", for example. After that, I put my app in the background. When I try to open a new URL request in the same web view with a new link, ...
Chaithra's user avatar
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Broken `static_cast` from `NSURL*` to `CFURLRef`

Consider the code at the bottom. I am convinced it’s broken and should not compile. Line 224 has a static_cast from NSURL* to CFURLRef with no bridging which I believe will break the reference count. ...
xcvii's user avatar
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Build input file cannot be found and xcode is searching file at wrong path after pod install

i am getting this error after pod install in xcode error: Build input file cannot be found: '/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or ...
vinayak tudayekar's user avatar
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microsoft.identitymode.tokens.audienceurivalidationfailedexception was thrown while trying to open One Drive document in WKWebView in iOS app

I am working in iOS app needs to be opened One Drive attachments in WKWebView. Sample One Drive document is https://\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\_onmicrosoft_com/\_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?...
Sanjay Borkakoty's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fetching data while UITableView Scroll

I have caught up in specific situations and cannot find a proper solution. I have historic data and details are getting fetched via API1 and details are displayed in TableView e.x Name - Phone No ...
Meluha's user avatar
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Issue with nullability specifiers in Xcode when developing Flutter app

I'm developing a Flutter application and encountering an issue with nullability specifiers in Xcode. Specifically, I have methods in my Objective-C files where Xcode is reporting conflicts with ...
Whirley Paul's user avatar
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How do I replace detail view controller navigation stack when presenting

I'm working with a UISplitViewController that's using some storyboards but now moving to programmatic presentation (which is what I'm familiar with). I have a VC that's currently presenting as a push, ...
Nicole Maguire's user avatar
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1 answer

Calling NSApplication from Rust using objc

I am trying to learn by doing a project of allowing AppKit certain functions , related with App and Window creation to be called from Rust using objc. extern crate objc; use objc::runtime::{Class,...
user655941's user avatar
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SQLCipher "file is not a database" Error After Updating iOS App

I'm encountering an issue with SQLCipher in my iOS app after updating to a new version, which involves different workspaces of my app. The app uses SQLCipher(version: 3.1) to manage an encrypted ...
bAthi's user avatar
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Kotlin Multiplatform objective-c export file name convention

What logic is used to create class and protocol names when Kotlin code is exported to Objective-C? Additionally, where can I find detailed information about this process? Where code like: package ...
GuilhE's user avatar
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CMake sets “Generate Debug Symbols” - a Xcode build setting to wrong value

I’m trying to generate Xcode project file of some libraries with CMake. I want to generate dSYM file in all build config type. I set values in all my CMakelists.txt as below: set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS &...
shaunwick's user avatar
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The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method in objective-c in iOS , Xcode 15

We are using AWS-IOS-SDK to upload images and text. error occurred in Xcode 15 but working good in Xcode 14 ,we used the same source code for both versions. Please check the error message AWSiOSSDKv2 [...
praveen's user avatar
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-1 votes
0 answers

Not able to add xpath in Forms Mode

We are unable to add xpath for TTD Desktop application for Mac in Forms Mode. There entire UI View is considered as a single screen(identifier). We are trying to capture xpath for each element in the ...
Nilanchala's user avatar
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How to Reactivate the Last Focused Window After My Qt App Closes on macOS

I'm developing a screenshot-taker application using Qt and need some assistance with macOS-specific behavior. Here’s the scenario: When I take a screenshot, my application becomes focused to allow ...
Anwarul Islam's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to delete files thoroughly in iOS

I try to delete big file(1GB+) in the document directory of my developing App, the codes as below. When I deleted the file, but the space occupied by the app in iPhone storage has not changed. Does ...
zerxon's user avatar
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Override NSManagedObject getter/setter to modify data

I have an NSManagedObject class that stores, among other things, a JSON string that comes from a WkWebView form. The form in the web view allows the user to add images to the form; when the form is ...
Markus's user avatar
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macOS App Sandbox - access to ~/Documents folder [duplicate]

I have existing macOS application the application is distributed via pkg now I need Mac App Store version I store application data in ~/Documents/MyApp ideally i wan't to keep using same folder 1. ...
Vasil Miadzvedzeu's user avatar
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Getting unnecessary log while adding NotificationService Extension in IOS

I am using react native for an app.Just added NotificationService Extension for rich notifications and trying building my project Getting these unnecessary log in console when hit to run on simulator. ...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Location manager delegate never called

I'm trying to build a simple macOS command-line tool in Objective C that merely gets the current location via a CLLocationManager. However, none of my delegate's methods are ever called and my ...
August Vrubel's user avatar
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How to use Realm in mixed objective-c and swift project?

I have an iOS project that is already written in objective-c and it has Realm as a local database. I have a class "RealmTransactions.m" which is an objective-c class and it has all the ...
Muhammad Noamany's user avatar
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Reference variable in Store.swift class from Objective-C file using singleton pattern giving Linker command failed error

I am trying to reference a variable in a Swift class from an Objective-C view controller. I can reference functions and variables in other Swift Classes from this Objective-C class. However, when I ...
user6631314's user avatar
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Difference between String in Swift and NSString in Foundation(Objective C)

What is the actual difference between String in Swift and NSString in Foundation(Objective C). I have seen all functions of NSString can be applied to String in swift. For example ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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Undeclared identifier 'nullptr' and Obj-C error while using Obj-C library in Swift

No prior knowledge for using external library in Swift. I was trying to include sf-proj-ios in my empty project named "Test". I followed instruction on the library GitHub, used commands on ...
Martin Ma's user avatar
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sharing pdf to my ios react native app from gallery/files issue

Recently I implemented ShareExtension in my ios app built using react-native. coming straight to the point. added below code to info.plist of ShareExtension app to support sharing of any kind of file/...
Office Space's user avatar
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How can I update running(activated) system extension in mac?

Now we are trying to update our security solution. The solution is built with endpoint security extension, and it's already distributed for all clients, and we want to update them. But it seems like ...
이재빈's user avatar
1 vote
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Xcode 15.4 always popup to click "Trust and Open" when open workspace

I just upgrade my macOS from Monterey to Sonoma. And then I also downloaded and installed the new XCode version 15.4. I'm also git clone my project from my BitBucket repo after upgraded to macOS ...
Blurzschyter's user avatar
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NSNumber array containsObject fails as types are different but they should be the same

I'm having troubles checking if an array contains an object. The @property(nonatomic) NSArray<NSNumber*>* apiArray; array is returned as a parameter from an API model while the object of which I ...
Vincenzo's user avatar
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I was trying to update the height constraint of my view during an animation. Its not getting updated why..?

Here is how i have configured the profile view, -(void)addProfileView { if(!_profileView) { _profileView = [ProfileView new]; _profileView.clipsToBounds = YES; ...
Jackie Tom's user avatar
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How to check what data is received by APNS sent from backend?

I am working as iOS developer and now working to handle the Apple Push Notification Payload contains custom tag like this: { "aps": { "alert": { "title": "...
Sanjay Borkakoty's user avatar
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Sandboxed macOS app not able to launch the PiP window via Javascript, why?

I have a macOS app which has a WKWebView which can load sites and if they have a video player, it can show the native PiP video window which the app invokes via a Javascript action to the WKWebView. ...
RRN's user avatar
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How does the NSWindow isReleasedWhenClosed property work when using ARC?

In Objective-C with ARC or Swift (which always uses ARC), what difference does it make whether isReleasedWhenClosed is true or not? Won't a window be kept alive as long as my code has strong ...
Mecki's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Xcode bridging: No known class method for selector 'stringWithString:'

I'm trying to bridge Swift with ObjectiveC (A minimum reproducible example at the bottom). Considering the below structure. Why does the fails to build with the error and what can be done?: ...
Ionut Cosmin Mihai's user avatar
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fatal error: 'CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h' file not found

fatal error: 'CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h' file not found #import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h> But the header file is present The question is already been asked: CocoaLumberjack.h ...
ABHINAV B's user avatar
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Why can I not include metal_float64 library in Xcode

I want to use the library, and successfully built and ran tests, next copied the built MetalFloat64 folder into Xcode, but I do not know how to properly ...
Peterdagrape's user avatar
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Github Markdown highlights text with @ in it

I am writing documentation using Github Markdown for Objective-C, and everytime I write @weakify(self) or strongify(self) and publish my documentation, these two writings appear in highlighted red and ...
T1D's user avatar
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How can I make the window background of the app created in Unity for Xcode transparent?

I created a Unity project and exported an Xcode project to MacOS. Because the background of the app directly exported from Unity cannot be transparent, I want to make some modifications to it through ...
天才小当家's user avatar
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UIBezierPath stroke with alpha issue / artifact

I need to draw a curve with a translucent color. But if the curve contains many points, then you can get a strange effect. How to get rid of it? UIBezierPath * bezierPath = [ UIBezierPath bezierPath ]...
Alexandr Hotko's user avatar
-1 votes
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NSDateFormatter returns nil for date string from server

I received a date string and a timezone from a web service and I am needing to convert into an NSDate. When setting the format and timezone, I get nil: NSString *timeZoneString = @"Europe/Paris&...
Nic Hubbard's user avatar
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How can I use a private-framework's function in Xcode?

I am trying to understand how to use private frameworks in Xcode. Specifically I want to call the MTDeviceCreateList() from the MultitouchSupport-Framework to create a minimal working example. I ...
Lukas Schmale's user avatar
-3 votes
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A viewcontroller(vca) and another vcb, I need to add vcb.view to vca.view as a subview

Here is a viewcontroller(vca) and another vcb, I need to add vcb.view to vca as a subview. but I did not use addChildViewController, instead, I directly calls [vca.view addSubview:vcb.view], and vcb's ...
carol's user avatar
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using NSObject with modern OS X SDK (14.4) and 10.7 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET

i've read the great question here Is NSObject class a part of the Objective-C runtime library today (instead of being a Foundation component)? about how NSObject was moved from runtime into its own ...
gagan's user avatar
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Class FIRApp is implemented in both xxx and xxx One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined

Class FIRApp is implemented in both /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/569E9278-0158-424A-9FA0-14D379B57EA4/Monster GO!.app/Frameworks/GWIDNSDK.framework/GWIDNSDK (0x105b879e8) and /private/...
dick's user avatar
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"Missing required entitlement" after connecting to ID06 (ISO-DEV)

I´ve created a basic iPhone application for iOS 17.5 using XCode where I would like to scan a PIV card (ID06) and just log the result. I´ve tried to minimize the code as much as possible, but whatever ...
user688291's user avatar
-1 votes
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MacOS: How do I give my program permissions during development?

I"m developing an app on macOS. It's a tauri app which links to a custom library (written in objective-C so I can access some system functionality). The issue is, some of the functionality in the ...
CourtneyAccorso's user avatar
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Error: Unnamed type used 'BOOL' in iOS project XCode

I am having project in XCode version: 15.4 using Swift for iOS development -> uiKit. I have added the c++ class to my project. MyStaticClass.h: #ifndef MYSTATICCLASS_H #define MYSTATICCLASS_H ...
SwiftDeveloper's user avatar
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Mock AVCaptureDeviceInput for unit tests

I have a class that receives an AVCaptureDevice object as a parameter and I'd like to test it. I found the swizzle method to create an instance of AVCaptureDevice extension AVCaptureDevice { class ...
Izabella Melo's user avatar
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iOS Communication Notification icon

I am trying to get iOS communication notifications working in objective-C and no matter which variations I try, the icon keeps getting attached as attachment and not as notification icon #import <...
romants's user avatar
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