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Questions tagged [omnet++]

OMNeT++ is an extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework, primarily for building network simulators. "Network" is meant in a broader sense that includes wired and wireless communication networks, on-chip networks and queueing networks.

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7 votes
1 answer

OMNeT++ IDE crash on Mac OS X Sierra

Recently we installed OMNeT++ 5.0 on a couple of OS X (MacOS Sierra) machines and found that the IDE crashes when starting. The compilation had no problems. Here’s the crash report we got (a partial ...
Asanga Udugama's user avatar
6 votes
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Choosing between OMNET++ or NS3

Me and my friend are going to start a project. We are going to simulate basic communication between a server and a client. We have a pseudo code that we are going to implement. Using this ...
Timo Cengiz's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Error building Omnet++: Cannot build Tcl/Tk apps on Mountain lion

I'm trying to Compile Omnet++ 4.1 on Mountain Lion. When I type: ./configure I get the following error: configure: error: Cannot build Tcl/Tk apps, probably due to misconfigured or missing X11 ...
iFadi's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Analysing and Plotting OMNET++ results

I have run a VEINS/OMNET++ simulation using Cmdenv. Usually I used OMNET++ IDE to run simulation and would analyze the results within IDE. But now the results are on a server, is there any easier(...
aaa's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to access TraCI command interface from TraCIDemoRSU11p in Veins Car2X simulator?

I want to access the command interface of TraCI from the application layer of RSU model in Veins Source for OMNet++. But I am unable to find so. Can anyone please help me do so? Please note that I am ...
Nishkarsh Shastri's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

OMNeT++ & Veins steady state vehicle density

I want to keep a constant number of cars in my (long) simulation (OMNeT+Veins). I do not care about mobility that much so i could probably use the Veins in-built function *.manager.numVehicles = 100. ...
Andreas Prs's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How to detect collisions at receiver in OMNeT++ and INET Framework

I am trying to understand the behavior of (in inet/physicallayer/common/packetlevel/). In particular I want to know how it can detect collisions. I would expect something like: if(radio==...
rebrid's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Failing to install omentpp 4.1

I am trying to install omnetpp 4.1 (can't install the new version). Anyway, running ./configure reports no errors or warnings, but when I run make I get the following: make MODE=release make[1]: ...
Yotam's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

std::map find not working in C++ [duplicate]

I have created a hash map and an iterator using the below lines: std::map<const char*,vaLueClass *> myCache; std::map<const char*,vaLueClass *>::iterator myCacheIterator; Then I insert ...
user3243499's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Veins Multiple Applications in multiples Vehicle types

in my simulation using OMNeT++, Veins, and SUMO i want run multiple applications according to their vehicle type, as specified in the .rou.xml file using type="XXX" For example: <vehicle ... ...
Celso Brennand's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I combine my customize module with Omnet++INET's simple module

As all the simple modules' behavior like 80211 mac layer has been defined in the INET module. If I want to add a customize layer between mac layer and network layer to handle network coding. How can I ...
Thomas.ZHOU's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Try to create new project with INET reference, got : "unexpected NAME, expecting $end" in .msg file

I created a project which contains my linklayer and simulation source code. This project has INET as the project reference. At build time, I got this error: Error: syntax error, unexpected NAME, ...
ROCHETTE Andy's user avatar
4 votes
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Using a subset of a SUMO scenario for OMNeT++ network simulation (with VEINS)

I'm trying to evaluate an application that runs on a vehicular network using OMNeT++, Veins and SUMO. Because the application relies on realistic traffic behavior, so I decided to use the LuST ...
Rens van der Heijden's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Changing WSM(WAVE Short Message) packet size in Veins

Does setting length of WSM via setWsmLength or adding a large payload via setWsmData makes any difference during simulation? I am trying to simulate a heavily used network, but changing any of those ...
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4 votes
2 answers

About vehicle number in VEINS

I modified the erlagen.rou.xml using duarouter to get the random routes for the vehicles. It looks like this: <vehicle id="0" depart="0.00"><route edges="31401017#0 4006688#0 4006688#1 ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to get access to the other similar modules in Omnet++

I am using multiple Adhoc Hosts in my Network and I need pointers to all adhoc hosts present in the network in my file. If I use getParentModule(),I get access to only the module on which ...
indraneelb1903's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How is the number of vehicles determined? In Sumo route file or in omnetpp.ini?

When using veins as the framework coupling SUMO and omnet++, how is the number of vehicles determined? I know in the SUMO route file, we can put the number of vehicles in the flow tag. For example, &...
J.G's user avatar
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4 votes
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WSM priority in ECDA implemented in Veins's MAC layer

I am sending four WSM messages at once from the application layer to MAC_11p in veins. WSM messages are sent on CCH channel in the following order (priority is shown in parenthesis). wsm(3), wsm(3), ...
ManiAm's user avatar
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opening Omnet from ubuntu 11.10

I am new to Omnet++. I installed Omnetpp-3.3p1 and am having trouble opening it. I tried creating a makefile within the project which has simulation codes with command opp_makemake -f -N, but I am ...
Sadiksha Gautam's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

getSenderPos() function removal from the new versions of VEINS

Maybe I am wrong, but I noticed that the function getSenderPos() was removed/moved from WaveShortMessage to BasicSafetyMessage in versions 4.5+ With version 4.4 - I was using getSenderPos() to ...
user629034's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Omnet++ OSPF Routing table metric

Question 1: I implemented ospf protocol in Omnet++. According to the topology, r1 can reach two different ways to r3 .I have set the upper path metric to 1 and lower path to 10. However, according to ...
melek_3's user avatar
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Using a Traffic Light as a RSU in Omnet++, Veins and SUMO

I am doing a project on improving the transit times of buses using 802.11p. Currently I have a SUMO model made and simulating and I am moving on to modeling the network using Omnet++ and Veins. I have ...
CiaranLap's user avatar
4 votes
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RXTXLostPackets count is non zero even when allowTxDuringRx=false

I am using veins4.6 with sumo 0.30 and omnet++5.1.1 in ubuntu 14.04. I have created a custom network with a cross(one intersection with 4 roads) and ran the simulation with 200 vehicles. I did not ...
rajeswar 's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Zigbee simulation in OMNeT++ using INET 3.0 (without MiXiM)

I am trying to build a Zigbee (802.15.4) network simulation in OMNeT++ using INET 3.0 framework (MiXiM was deprecated and replaced by this version ). The problem is that unlike 802.11, the Zigbee is ...
Mr. M's user avatar
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OMNeT++ openflow wireless

i'm trying to integrate a wireless card into openflow switch(i wanna simulate a vanet with openflow, so i need wireless communications) this is the code of the switch package openflow.nodes; import ...
Ghaith Mansour's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to connect dynamic module to static module in OMNet++

I have a project about computing clouds and I am using Omnet++. I trying to create a random number of dynamic modules to represent the virtual machines. I am able now to do that but I am not able to ...
user2414110's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When to use send, sendDirect and sendDelayed in OMNet++?

I am building my own compound module in omnet++ having multiple simple modules in it and having a layered architecture. But using only send() in inter-module communication (like the my App generator ...
user3243499's user avatar
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OMNET++: Run simulation in command line

In my omnetpp.ini file, I have these lines describing cmdenv: [General] cmdenv-express-mode = false cmdenv-output-file = log.txt cmdenv-autoflush = true cmdenv-status-frequency = 10000000s So my ...
Joe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Creating an OMNeT++ project based on the INeT framework?

I am new to OMNet++ and I'm trying to explore the examples and functionalities available in the INeT framework. So how could I create a new project based on this framework?? And how do I import ...
Salma Radwan's user avatar
3 votes
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How to begin a veins simulation at t > 0

I am working on veins simulation with LuST scenario. My goal is to choose a time period and begin my veins simulation at a certain moment, e.g. 6:00, of LuST. In SUMO, parameter "begin" can be ...
Jason Song's user avatar
3 votes
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RSU placement in veins/SUMO

If I know the coordinates at which RSUs will be placed in SUMO, How do I convert it to coordinates of omnet++? I know that SUMO has a different coordinate system than omnet. Should I convert it ...
Rehab11's user avatar
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3 answers

local header files available in the project but make gives No such file or directory error

From entire day I am trying to install OverSim [] The make file looks like this: all: checkmakefiles cd src && $(MAKE) clean: checkmakefiles ...
Kumar Roshan Mehta's user avatar
3 votes
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Omnet simulation stuck at #Run 0 : Initializing

I am using veins, sumo and omnetpp for a traffic simulation . The ide was working good for weeks then all of a sudden the simulation couldnt be initialized and stuck at (My console window) Starting......
sbrajagopal26's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Conflicts between different types of packets in OMNeT++

I have created a simulation in OMNeT++ where I have one client and one server (both of them are UDPBasicApp modules). The client sends packets to the server. The server also sends packets to the ...
J. C. M. H.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Omnet++: unknown parameter. Cannot use module parameters in simulations

So I'm trying create a simple simulation in omnetpp, and I am having trouble with module parameters. I have provided a simple example to demonstrate my problem. If I leave the commented sections in ...
Razorfoot's user avatar
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How to create listener for all signal nodes?

I'm trying to record the latency of the packets in a OMNeT++ network. What I want to store is a tuple < latency, src, dest >. However, this signal would be emitted by a destination node when it ...
arandomuser's user avatar
3 votes
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Veins Attempted to read past end of byte buffer

I am using instant veins with simulte, I created my own scenario that includes vehicles and pedestrians. When I tried to run my simulation, I got this error: Attempted to read past end of byte buffer -...
chaimaz's user avatar
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Omnet++ sumo and veins

I'am a beginner in omnetpp . i have to create a vehicle in omnet using inet then to connect it via veins to sumo how could i start my project.
A.A.'s user avatar
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Error during initialization of TrafficLight node in Veins 4.7.1

How can I use the TrafficLight node in Veins 4.7.1 with a custom app? I tried to add a trafficlight node the same way we add RSU nodes, i.e.: import org.car2x.veins.nodes.Scenario; import org....
Hamzah's user avatar
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VEINS: Dynamic re-routing algorithm

In SUMO, while converting OSM file to SUMO compatible road network using DUAROUTER we can pass --routing.algorithm parameter to use one of these (default is Dijkstra). In veins demo app there is a ...
Ahmad Ahsan's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to use RInside in omnet++/Veins project to benefit from rich R features

I was learning R and came through this package called RInside which provides c++ classes to call an embedded R interpreter. I am able to run some examples given after configuring as per this blogpost ...
rajeswar 's user avatar
3 votes
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Checking for duplicates in VEINS

I am new to Veins and trying to implement a mechanism to detect if the WSM packet was received before. I am using the "psid" as the main variable to identify the packet - is it correct? Will this ...
user629034's user avatar
3 votes
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Self triggering is slow in OMNet++

I am creating my own wired simulation model where nodes have layered architecture. Application layer periodically generates packets then schedules itself using scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.00000000625,...
user3243499's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Questions regarding changing vehicle speed in SUMO through OMNet++ TraCI

I am currently using SUMO-0.19.0 veins-3.0 and OMNet++-4.6. I have been doing research online about how to change the vehicle's speed through the ini file in OMNet, my goal is to test how different ...
Martin Li's user avatar
3 votes
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ASSERT condition for driving vehicles in Veins failed

I generated plenty of routes (~90.000+) using SUMO's ACTIVITYGEN/DUAROUTER with a configuration file and different durations (--duration-d 1, --duration-d 7, ...). The resulting .rou.xml is ...
Florian86's user avatar
3 votes
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OMNET ++, How to pass message between two car in VEINS?

I am new in VEINS. I can run a sumo simulation in Veins but don't know hot to communicate or pass message between cars. Can anyone please help?
Md. Amirul Islam's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to connect multiple TraCI modules to the OMNet++/veins simulation?

To launch any veins simulation veins_launchd daemon is used. It basically takes the sumo config file, finds an unused port, starts sumo and bridges the connection between sumo and OMNet++. Now as this ...
Vibhor Jain's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I use a omnetpp.ini variable in my class?

in my project I'm building a network of UEs and ENb (5G) and have different amounts of UEs and following ENb gates [Config SingleUE] project3.numberOfUes = 1 project3.ENb.numberOfGates = 1 [Config ...
DomiSmith95's user avatar
3 votes
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write OMNET++ output to a text file

Greeting All, I have two questions regarding OMNET++ output results 1- I have a simulation that uses AODV routing protocol in VANET network, but when I record pcap for this simulation, it's shown as ...
Alia 's user avatar
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protocol implementation in VEINS

I am successfully able to establish a connection between Omnet++ and SUMO using the and am able to track the vehicles. The main problem is that I am not able to understand which ...
Eshwar Prithvi Jonnadula's user avatar

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