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104 votes
10 answers

allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' error when publishing from VS2010 (but only after a previous build)

I can run my Asp.Net MVC 2 application without an issue on my local computer. Just Run / Debug. But if I have already built it, I can't publish it! I have to clean the solution and publish it again. ...
Dan's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Make Debug/Release Build Configuration with 1 Click Publish dependent on the selected Publish Profile

This is almost a duplicate of Link build configuration to a publish profile, but that question was not answered... I have 2 1 Click Publish configurations for my Web Application: Test Server ...
David Murdoch's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Folder not uploading with VS Publish / Web Deploy

I am using the Publish / Web Deploy option within VS 2010 to publish my ASP.NET MVC3 website. However it does not by default publish my "files" folder that I have highlighted below. Any ideas how I ...
Paul Brown's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How can I rename Publish Profile in Visual Studio 2017?

In Visual Studio 2017 when you create a custom Publish Profile, you don't have an option to set name of the profile and it creates profiles with default names like CustomProfile and CustomProfile1 and ...
Reza Aghaei's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How do I prevent Visual Studio 2015 from launching a browser after publishing an application?

I am working on a site with a publishing profile that pushes the site to a remote host. After publishing I get a new browser window that navigates to the newly published site. This is ok in most ...
Necromancer's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Can I retain folder permissions during one-click web publishing?

Disclaimer: I know that I can retain folder permissions if i check the "Leave extra files on destination" checkbox but I don't want to do that. That said, is there any way to have one-click web ...
Lobstrosity's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

One-click publish in vs 2012: how to remove _ConnectionStringsToInsert?

I usually put my connection string to a separate file, adding something like this in web.config: <connectionStrings configSource="WebConnection.config" /> I've just installed VS 2012 and it ...
Shaddix's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio 2012 Web Deploy publish preview shows all files as changed

The Preview pane of the Web Publishing dialog in Visual Studio 2012 works quite nicely when you're the only developer working on the codebase (see example below): However, it seems to fall down when ...
Evan Haas's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why does my signed, click-once application say it has an unknown publisher

I want to create an application that is easy to install. The installation process is quite complex (lots of permissions, firewall rules, services, etc.). So I decided to write the setup program in C# (...
Nikki Locke's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

ASP.NET Web Application (MVC) Deployment Automation and Subversion

We are trying to automate the build process to our staging servers but have run into a snag, albeit fairly minor. We are using the Publish functionality built into VS2010, committing to Subversion, ...
Keith's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can I stop Visual Studio 2012+ from ever publishing packages.config and EF diagram files?

When I publish an ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015, Visual Studio will also publish the packages.config (from NuGet) and any *.edmx.diagram files (from Entity Framework), by ...
James Skemp's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Web Deploy: How to keep files on a specific destination folder

Scenario Visual Studio 2012 web publishing: web Deploy method. "Remove additional files at destination" option selected. MVC3 website with a "upload" folder Question How to keep the existing files ...
fcaldera's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Setup publish to folder using VSTS

I was using publish to folder option through Visual Studio by right-clicking on the project -> publish -> publish to folder. Result was always ready-to-copy project with applied transformations. I ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to backup existing database and website as part of a MSDeploy package?

I am researching one-click deployment with Visual Studio 2010, the current deployment process involves zipping up the contents of the IIS folder and taking a backup of the current database before ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How can I specify the application pool when deploying my web service project on IIS

I'm trying to deploy my web service on IIS. However, VS 2012 gives me an error because the Default Web Site uses the application pool that uses .NET Framework 2.0. However, mine needs .NET Framework ...
user2462742's user avatar
5 votes
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WebDeploy and SetACL - too slow in case of lots of files/folders

We have an ASP.Net MVC3 site which we're publishing on IIS using web deploy. Under the site root we have a "Data" folder which we're using to store uploaded files and the result of their processing. ...
Shaddix's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Exclude transpiled/non-existent .JS files from TypeScript Web Publish

While trying to web publish a TypeScript project in Visual Studio 2015, Update 2; the build succeeds, but the Package/Publish fails at: Error: Copying file typescript-filename.js to obj\Release\...
shannon's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Recycling app pool when publishing WCF service

I've developed a WCF web service that contains a dependency on an unmanaged DLL. When I attempt to publish the Web application to a running server (either local or remote) via Visual Studio 2010's One-...
Thomas Hong's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Replacing machinekey values using web.config transforms

In my web.config file I have the following entry: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <system.web> <machineKey validationKey="656....9CCF" ...
EvilDr's user avatar
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One Click Publish Bypass Certificate Validation

I'm using VS2015 Update 1 attempting to one click publish a aspnet 5 vNext MVC site. The server I'm publishing to does not have a real certificate and therefore I get the error: C:\Program Files (x86)...
Rick's user avatar
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Web Publishing Extension not installed in Visual Studio 2015

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 trying to publish my app, but when I try to do so I get the error: The Web Publishing Extension is not installed which is required to publish. You can install it from ...
Andres's user avatar
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2 answers

Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Web.config transform question

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to force Visual Web Developer 2010 Express to use my Web.Release.config when I'm publishing my web application. I'm using FTP to publish my webapp to a ...
Ray K. Ragan's user avatar
1 vote
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Sharing VS 2010 One-Click Web Publishing Settings

Anybody know where the VS 2010 One-Click Web Publishing settings are stored? It would be awesome it a team could share the settings so a quick deployment to a test system is always a button click ...
John Farrell's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to use Web Deploy from Visual Studio Online?

I would like to build in Visual Studio Online and then Web Publish to Amazon. Is this possible? Or does it only publish to Azure?
Ian Warburton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to tell VS10 One-click deployment to copy certain files and folders

I'm trying to use the Web One Click Publish feature in VS10 to push my app to IIS. I have some .resx files and another folder for uploaded images, none of these got copied to IIS. How do I ...
Ray's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

One Click Publish dotnet tool install dotnet-ef error

When I edit my .pubxml file in the one click publish screen. My Entity-Framework Migrations section shows this error and I can't find any solutions that work for me. Has anyone had this issue or know ...
Selthien's user avatar
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How to deploy my website with one click using Git Bash on windows and a scripted command

I have a html/css/js website which is stored in GitHub and developed on my Windows 10 machine using Visual Studio 2019. Currently I'm deploying it using the Git Bash console and then running a git ftp ...
Frank Ray's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Visual Studio 2015 - Publish Fails after Validate Connection passes ok

I'm having a frustrating issue using Visual Studio 2015 web deploy. My publish action is failing on one machine, but works OK on a different machine. My solution is source controlled, so the code ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 answer

Application requires version 4.0 full or other compatible .Net framework

I am getting error Application requires version 4.0 full or other compatible .Net framework I have the below mentioned prerequisite- Windows Installer 4.5 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (...
Jason's user avatar
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1 answer

VS2012 publish release build fails

I am using the web publish procedure in VS2012 to deploy my MVC 4 project to a remote IIS server. This works fine when publishing a debug configuration. However, when I try to deploy a release ...
halcwb's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot find File Location after Publishing

So I have an application that works great on my own personal computer in debug mode and release mode. The issue is that after I publish it to a oneClick Application it can no longer find the specified ...
Matt's user avatar
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When precompiling ASP.NET MVC 4 project in Visual Studio 2012, does it try to resolve the entire config chain locally?

Can someone please confirm or deny my assumption below and/or offer any alternatives? My Goal I'd like to be able to precompile and merge my ASP.NET MVC 4 application (as documented here and here) ...
Lobstrosity's user avatar
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Why could "update database" be missing in visual studio 2012 when publishing?

I'm trying to deploy an application to my webserver and everything works, except that it does not update the remote database. With a new demo MVC project you have the option "Update database" when ...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't get Visual Studio's "Publish Web Application" to work

I converted a small Web Project to a Web Application in Visual Studio 2010. When I publish the application via FTP it will delete everything at the destination. And thats it...none of my files get ...
David Murdoch's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Publish to Url the old way VS 2010

Anyone know if you can simply publish to a url? I don't know what the heck the new publish to web is but I don't like it. I want to be able to just publish to a url like I was able to in VS 2008 and ...
PositiveGuy's user avatar
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0 answers

Application error is coming in heroku, for N8N one click deploy, after deploying

According to the n8n documentation of one click deploy to heroku, I clicked the button, named the app and set the required fields. later I generated SSL using ACM and the status is green. but in the ...
Ripan Chowdhury's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Azure Storage denying my OneClick application from downloading

Through MAS, I have a blob container setup with public access level set to "Public read access for blobs only", allowing for a download of the setup.exe by visiting "
Lorenzo Ang's user avatar
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1 answer

VSTO OneClick Add Trusted Publisher

I am working on a Excel Document Customization VSTO application. I'm trying to make the installation as seamless as possible for the end users. I'm noticing that they can not use my application ...
GED125's user avatar
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1 answer

One Step Publish Not Sending Files To Correct Directory From Visual Studio 2015

For some reason Visual Studio one step publishing is duplicating the initial folder files are suppose to go in, but not sure why. Is there a bug in VS 2015 for windows application publishing 550 ...
Mike Flynn's user avatar
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Publish different static files by deployment targets

I have an Web application with several deployment targets (DEV, PREPROD, PROD).I want visual studio to publish different version of a bunch of HTML and other static files by environnement. (the files ...
ToXinE's user avatar
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How to name the folders created while installing the exe file that is published through oneclick installer

I am using oneclick installer available in the visualstudio to deploy a desktop application. After installing,the installation creates a folder in the user local appdata path (C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\...
bharath's user avatar
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1 answer

One-Click Web Deploy failing: "This method is not supported by this class."

I've found a lot of articles on web deploy and why it might fail, but not any with answers with this error message. Web deployment task failed. (Could not complete the request to remote agent URL ...
Brad's user avatar
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UAC prompt while installing from internet explorer

Hi have created an installer which installs the application at user level. When i extract setup.exe from the cab file and run locally it does not prompt me for UAC and installs normally and installs ...
CodeJunkie's user avatar
0 votes
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Visual Studio Web Publish causes VPN connection to disconnect

I have a web application project in Visual Studio 2010 SP1. It publishes correctly when I am working from the office. However, when working remotely using a VPN connection, the VPN connection ...
Mike Grove aka Theophilus's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio One-Click Deployment "succeeds", but no files publish

Here is the output after the build/web.config transformation: Copying all files to temporary location below for package/publish: obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp. Publishing folder /... Site was ...
Robert's user avatar
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