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Questions tagged [oop]

Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm using "objects": an encapsulation consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions.

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How to handle different database objects in a single Java method

I'm writing a library that handles data storage in different tiers. Most objects are persisted to some hot tier database (DynamoDB) for fast access and eventually moved to a cold tier database (s3). ...
Mike Oiknine's user avatar
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2 answers

How do interfaces solve the circle-ellipse problem?

It is sometimes said that interfaces solve several problems of object-oriented programming, in particular the circle-ellipse problem. It would be this interface class IEllipse { public: virtual ...
V. Semeria's user avatar
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Method Resolution Order in Golang [closed]

When method talk is called in C object it goes to A branch, and never goes to C branch of embeddings. My question is which MRO used in Golang and where in standart it desctibed package main import &...
butleger's user avatar
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What is the difference between Properties and VAR_IN_OUT in Structured Text Object-Oriented Programming?

I am new to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Structured Text (ST), but both familiar with OOP in C/C++ and ST. I would like to understand what is the difference between Properties (with a ...
drl's user avatar
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How to properly encapsulate data in this quadTree program? [closed]

I'm learning C++ and OOP by implementing some two-dimensional scientific computations on adaptive mesh with quadTree structure. The basic idea is that there is a rectangular forest of (Nx*Ny) trees, ...
omican's user avatar
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Best Practice for updating class attribute based on values

I have to read set of csv files which have 5 columns like name, age, address, type and distance. As these column names are string and I want to iterate them in my pandas df. I have created a class ...
abby37's user avatar
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Handling diamond inheritance super class invocations in Python

I have a class setup that looks like below from abc import abstractmethod class Player: def __init__(self, name, age): self._player_name = name self._age = age @property ...
Krishnan Mahadevan's user avatar
3 votes
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Why objects having instance of a class with private property in prototype throw when accessing private member?

Consider this code: class Klass { #priv = 42 get pub() { return this.#priv } } // these two correctly return 42 console.log(new Klass().pub); console.log((new class extends Klass {})....
Bartosz Gościński's user avatar
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my paddle is not responding towards keys, Why? [duplicate]

i am building a pong game using python and my paddle is not responding towards keys. Why? It's showing error TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'method' and 'int' from turtle import Screen, ...
SHIVAM KUMAR's user avatar
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Pure virtual method called in derived class Player

I've been writing a simple 2D game in SFML. I've done a draft version of the game, but when I run the program, it reports an error: Pure virtual method called The debugger wrote the problem is in ...
Eralife7's user avatar
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How to override generic method in subclass java

I am trying to refactor some code in order to reduce code duplication. Currently I have a service that takes its own custom Payload class and returns its own Response class. And currently it is not ...
iyers16's user avatar
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-2 votes
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OOP Encapsulation - Does it provide full data protection?

Coursera: Encapsulation can used when dealing with secure data or methods because it can restrict which functions or users have access to certain information. This means that encapsulation protects/...
Abdelkader Mohamed's user avatar
2 votes
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Ruby setter-methods: Is the equal-character (=) a convention or functionality?

Taken this class as a example: class House def initialize(color, size) @color = color @size = size end def color @color end # Is the = part of the syntax or a convention? def ...
cluster1's user avatar
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Errors when using abstract methods in Python when calculating

I am writing code for calculations, I started testing and ran into a problem, an error pops up when trying to get an answer: Traceback (most recent call last): File "G:\LARIS\tests\...
-1 votes
0 answers

When i try to update value of the code if i leave this field null it encounter an error and program exit [duplicate]

When i choose update product and leave warrantyPeriod blank this error occur Enter new warranty period (leave blank to keep unchanged): Exception in thread "main" java.lang....
Thái Thiện Nhân's user avatar
-3 votes
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Passing all but 1 argument in Python init child class [closed]

I have a Child init function that takes in arguments and passes those to the parent function. However if the user passes in a 'token' param to the child class, I don't want that to be passed to the ...
koonig's user avatar
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Stopping a Python thread from class when an object gets deleted

I'm building a class which has a thread that does some work in the background. I want this thread to be deleted whenever the class is also deleted or goes out of scope. The code I'm using is ...
Cnoob's user avatar
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class keyword for UPROPERTY()

I'm new to UnrealEngine and studying C++ development in scope of games. For now I read a tutorial where I should create a AMyPawn and UPawnMovementComponent to attach it then. Here is the definition ...
fyrsti's user avatar
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Custom integer-like datatype with support for static casts without warnings

I'm writing my own little utility library, and I've opted to do something which I don't really see often (and there might be a reason) - I'm trying to implement a 'perfect' wrapper around C++ integer ...
Goubermouche's user avatar
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How to update a form-related (data-)model with every form-data change?

I have the following function, in order to update values from four different input fields: UPDATED My Package Class is defined as followed: class Package { constructor(packageID, type, weight, ...
Melle's user avatar
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How do I pass values to the constructor which requires an array type object? [closed]

class Students { private String rollno,name,dept; private arrayObjects[] subjects; public Students(String rollno,String name, String dept) { this.rollno=rollno; this....
nogo89's user avatar
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Logic error when assigning the loaded data to object of an object array [closed]

When assigning details after loading the details , the values are changing to same values in object arrays. This is the sample text file Geethaka, w2024001, 55, 25, 100 Sankalpa, w2024002, 85, 95, 65 ...
Geethaka Sankalpa's user avatar
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Is there any way that I can write this class better than I did?

I'm developing an e-commerce website for my uncle using C#. I'm trying to think of a better way to write this class where I can perform the update operations faster, if I need to modify a user's data. ...
Misu Stefan's user avatar
-7 votes
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can anyone tell me how can I create multiple objects using vector without specifying the length of vector

I tried to do it using the vector<string> and iterating through it to create the object but while assigning them value i am getting error #include <iostream> #include <string> #...
shishi's user avatar
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Aggregation vs Composition : Thinking at object level or class level

I am confused about how to decide aggregation vs composition for Has-A relation. Let me explain my doubt with example of BookMyShow App(BMS) which is Show booking platform and assume a Show can be ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
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std::is_same_v weirdly return false when true is expected using CRT pattern

#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> template <template <typename,unsigned,typename...>typename interface,typename T,unsigned ChannelN, typename...Args> struct base : ...
Dong's user avatar
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i getting this error RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded [closed]

in the serviceA and serviceB both are depend on each other like i'm used the serviceA in ServiceB and serviceB in serviceA so its give me this error. i'm used the singleton class approach is any other ...
jaswant patel's user avatar
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Xcode Error on AppDelegate Class Declaration in Swift iOS Project [closed]

On line ten of this swift code I am getting a error I have asked ChatGpt and could not get a valid response that is why I reached out the the stack overflow community // // AppDelegate.swift // I am ...
Ishaanthecoder's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to share the A::a value to the other class B::b, if in A class i have class B object [duplicate]

So, I'm creating the c++ project and I've encountered a new problem. And the question is: How i can get the A::a value in efficent way. I will mention that class A is pretty big and i dont want to get ...
dawidosin's user avatar
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Accessing a method of the parent class, from a sub-class in c#

Im getting myself twisted up in a knot, trying to access a method in a parent class, from inside a child class. My aproach/understanding of how this works I think is off. The entry of my application ...
Toby's user avatar
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Accessing a Python Object Instance by using a user-input [duplicate]

im trying to access a class method from a user input. An example would be that i want to get access the method "drive_to(destination)" from the instance "fast_bycicle" of the class ...
Duke Newton's user avatar
-4 votes
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Explain the concept of decorator in this example [duplicate]

How to access the decorator height and height.setter in this below code: class Square: def __init__(self, w, h): self.__height = h self.__width = w def set_side(self, ...
gow_r's user avatar
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Python Tkinter: Unable to make a calculator project

I am making a calculator project using Python Tkinter with an OOP concept, and I cannot figure out the problem with the function class. The function class is responsible for division, multiplication, ...
Akash Sadhukhan's user avatar
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I was trying to create class mystack which would work like a stack datatype but i encountered unexpected output

This is the code where i tried to implement stack in c++ without pointer instead i used a interger variable called "top" to hold the current position of stack and also i created constuctor ...
Dushyanth Yadav v's user avatar
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Why go-staticcheck reports "unused method" when implementing interface

I have written a fairly simple code. It simply "implements" the factory interface in a stateless way. It works as expected, however I got a warning from Golang linter that both make() and ...
Evan's user avatar
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Java Generics Warnings

I've been studying generics in Java, and after learning from various sources, I attempted to build a generic class that accepts a Number or its subclass during instantiation. This class includes a ...
GOURAB MUKHERJEE's user avatar
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Returning "this" in Method with Generic Return Type [duplicate]

I'm writing generic methods and I am confused as to why the following code snippet throws a syntax error: public abstract class Parent { public virtual T MyMethod<T>() where T : ...
AtomicGiraffe's user avatar
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I wrote this code and I don't know why I get this error or how can I fix it [duplicate]

#based on McDonald's Menu from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from datetime import datetime # all the amount are in grams class SubIngredientABC(ABC): def __init__(self, name : str, amount : ...
Sima salari's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Inheriting Structs in C++

I am working with the LibAV library, converting it from C to C++ (and moving to an object oriented style). This library has structs to hold data, which need to be created using specific allocation ...
ThomasNotTom's user avatar
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How to model subscriptions features when each feature has different threshold number for each subscription and different time interval limit

I am creating spring boot app that has 3 subscription plans. basic pro unlimited I have two actions(1.CREATE_POST, 2.GENERATE_POST) that should be limited for each plan. For basic plan user should ...
Black Bear's user avatar
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How to parse API JSON response that contains 1 list of multiple (2 in my case) types of objects in Android, I'm using Retrofit for API call

'So I searched enough, there isn't any question like this im sure. And I'm wondering how can this be not a questions others have come across or am I soo noob? So the API response is as follow { "...
Khay's user avatar
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Accessing a live object from another microservice (Java)

I am trying to access an already created object in a microservice from another microservice. The complete description of the problem is as follows - framework - spring Microservice A : An object of ...
Moneet's user avatar
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System Verilog: Biitwise coverage for multibit signal

I'm beginner in System Verilog. I want to implement a coverage such that a user will send a signal - lets call it input_signal[Width-1 :0] Where width is variable. I want to have bitwise toggle ...
Mavis_Ackerman's user avatar
-3 votes
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Instantiating large number of objects from different types

Assume there is interface: type CustomMetrics interface { Update() error Init() error } This interface will have many different implementations (structs), each implementation will be shipped ...
Deyan Georgiev's user avatar
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Bug in updating a system of differential equations

I am working right now with python to solve an ordinary differential equation involving some background function A_0. Very concisely, the problem I want to solve is something like this: while not ...
dolefeast's user avatar
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Dlls & Memory Management

This is more of a general question and not specific. I am writing a dll in C++, there are C++ classes and some extern C-wrapper functions that handle the interaction between the client and the classes....
Joe Nestor's user avatar
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Correct approach for creating a modular application in C#

I am currently trying to develop an application (Windows Form), where the main objective is to establish a serial monitor, and an interface for board-specific controls (I have several similar modular ...
awit27's user avatar
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How to create a generic factory function that creates an instance of some type? [duplicate]

I need to create a factory function to create an instance that can accept any type with the different number of arguments. I have two classes Employee and Contact and to create an instance for both ...
Muthuraj's user avatar
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should really need to extract the member to another class

I have several classes for draw chart, class ChartBase { private: int transparency; //chart attribute }; class XYChart : public ChartBase{ private: std::string xAxis; std::string yAxis; }; ...
dxaw2000's user avatar
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OOP command design pattern with polymorphism

I'm trying to make a command-like interface for a user system using OOP design structure and principles. So I have an abstract User class and different types of users that derive from it. Then I have ...
ashamedgap's user avatar

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