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The world's leading open source enterprise electronic medical record system platform.

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PHP Mod-30 Check Digit Algorithm Producing Incorrect Results

I'm working on implementing a Mod-30 check digit algorithm in PHP for validating identifiers, similar to what's used in systems like OpenMRS. However, I'm encountering issues with the algorithm ...
Dimgba Kalu's user avatar
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Optimizing Group by performance for EAV databsae model

I am using the below query and it is currently taking 0.7 sec. But when a performance test was run with 200 concurrent users the query was taking more than 60 sec. I have defined required composite ...
Nagesh's user avatar
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Invalid check digit for identifier : While create a new patient?

I have override the existing Patient Registration form and render the Xform Patient Registration from successfully[Reference]. When I create a new Patient I'm getting following error "Patient#null ...
Ramesh Somalagari's user avatar
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How to retrieve HL7 message from OpenMRS database?

I am trying to retrieve HL7 messages present in hl7_in_queue table in OpenMRS database using Mirth. I am using OpenMRS standalone 2.0 The file contains the ...
user3463499's user avatar
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Unable to create the database. The password might be incorrect or the database is not started

I have downloaded the OpenMRS source code, and I am running it, as part of it I have run the below command mvn jetty:run then I am able to view the screen, but it is asking the my sql script, i have ...
Gen's user avatar
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How to customize OpenMRS

I have an OpenMRS installation. I installed it on my local system. I have not been able to find an appropriate module or way to customize it. Let's say change the logo and default color. Any ...
osagie's user avatar
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ln -s /path/to/ in windows [closed]

I am implementing openmrs application as part of it's installation, they have given one command to run in the command prompt in linux, but i am using windows ln -s /path/to/../openmrs-module-...
Gen's user avatar
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SonarQube: Result not displayed

Have just started to use SonarQube for a university project. I have successfully analysed some sample projects ( When I enter http://localhost:...
A. Lindberg's user avatar
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OpenMRS and FHIR

I have successfully deployed a localhost instance of OpenMRS using the downloaded war file and reference implementation from Download – (I’m using downloads from the 2.12 Advanced ...
John's user avatar
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Add HtmlFormEntry and HtmlFormEntryUI dependency to POM.xml

I'm creating an OpenMRS module thats working with HtmlFormEntry. I need the HtmlFormEntry and HtmlFormEntryUI api packages to build mine. That is, i get the errors package org.openmrs.module....
Ulad Kasach's user avatar
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Tomcat7 out of memory error even after increasing the heap size

(Not a duplicate, i've searched everywhere) I am using Ubuntu server and Tomcat7 gave a PemGenError out of memory. Then i increased the memory in file using export CATALINA_OPTS="Xms2048M -...
Nipun Thathsara's user avatar
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Sample OpenMRS MySQL query to read data from database

I have a local implemetation of openmrs version 1.9.7 in a hospital in Kisumu, Kenya. Problem comes when I try to write queries to access the patient data collected from the database for data ...
Mike Aono's user avatar
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What is the error in the following HL7 encoding?

I am trying to encode an HL7 message of the type ORU_R01 using the HAPI 2.0 library for an OpenMRS module. I have followed the tutorials given in the HAPI documentation and according to that, I have ...
Octavarium's user avatar
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How do I optimally read latest data from different tables in openmrs database

I am trying to uniquely read latest patient data from openmrs database but it takes a lot of time and I want to know if their is a way I can optimize my SQL code to be efficient. below is the initial ...
Chinedu's user avatar
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Error while running Bahmni Standard wit docker and docker compose

Application Name: Bahmni Version Number: Replace this text with the version number of the above application your question is about. Question: Error During installation. I am using docker and docker-...
Fuh Austin Ambe's user avatar
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Bahmni file upload issue

I have tried installing bahmni docker from this link: Everything is ...
Madhav's user avatar
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How do the field res_currency.rounding works in odoo

I need to hide all decimal values from the sub_total and total_amount of the sale_orders. For that opened the currency settings from _ Accounting->Multicurrencies -> Currencies _ and then set ...
art's user avatar
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3k views Unable to load resource at ... (Unknown Source)

jnpl error is Unable to launch application Location: http://localhost:8080 Component: http://localhost:8080/openmrs/moduleResources/muzimabiometrics/Scanner.jar Reason: unable to load ...
enock tum's user avatar
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Openmrs & MDS (mobile dispatch server) Installation

I installed sana mds in Aws ec2 . I followed the this guide for installation. When I am Trying to Access http://<hostname>/mds/ it throwing me Bad Request (400). Upon Checking Apahce Error Logs ...
MAK's user avatar
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How to POST multiple observations through REST in OpenMRS

When I am sending a single observation then it is getting created but for multiple observations it is throwing an error 500. For single observations my query is - TYPE- POST URI - /openmrs-...
Sudhanshu's user avatar
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How to create a basic OpenMRS HTMLFormEntry Form

HTMLFormEntry is a very effective way of saving forms. You create the XML and the module handles transforming the input into database records upon pressing submit. How can we render a form, e.g. at ...
Ulad Kasach's user avatar
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OpenMRS How to add/save new fields in Patient Registration?

I'm complectly new to OpenMRS. I have installed openmrs 1.12 and build(8f283e) in Windows OS. I need to add following custom new fields in Patient Registration Form. Mother's Name(Text field and ...
Ramesh Somalagari's user avatar
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How split Value Complex data in openmrs and spring?

I am facing problem to split given string with | operator but its work with other special glue . Here is my data: txt file |f3558100-f384-43a1-847e-8cafc747156b
Yogesh Nikam's user avatar
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How install custom branding module in openmrs?

I followed all the steps for installing OpenMRS. I downloaded the OpenMRS core source code and then executed mvn clean install in console. Then execute the command mvn jetty: run in the webapp ...
Zidane1989's user avatar
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OpenMrs sync module didn't start

I am a beginner in openmrs developping. I work in a project in with we have download the openmrs core master in github and deploy it in a server an in a pc. We want the server and the pc to ...
Ediruth's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.4.0:exec (default)

I am trying to package my mavenized project, but it always bring up an error. I have tried various things to resolve it,still yet, the problem remains the same. This is the error I usually get when ...
osagie's user avatar
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Not able to find the Implementation Class for an Interface in Java

I am trying to modify Openmrs rest call given at this link:
Kartik Jain's user avatar
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Unexpected error in parsing json

Using the tutorial given here, I am making an app to fetch json data from a URL and display it. I am using this code to call the URL and parse. { xtype: 'nestedlist', ...
Diffy's user avatar
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Rendering a services in a ReactJS component

I'm trying to rendering an external service in an ReactJS component. I'm working in an OWA for OpenMRS. This is the React app, this is a component. When I push in some button this should render the ...
Geancarlo Murillo's user avatar