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Questions tagged [organization]

This tag pertains to the organization of source files and other assets in directory structures, organization of actual source code itself, logical organization of application data, and (occasionally) to organizing development projects.

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968 votes
8 answers

What is the best project structure for a Python application? [closed]

Imagine that you want to develop a non-trivial end-user desktop (not web) application in Python. What is the best way to structure the project's folder hierarchy? Desirable features are ease of ...
kbluck's user avatar
  • 11.8k
696 votes
16 answers

Managing CSS Explosion [closed]

I have been heavily relying on CSS for a website that I am working on. Right now, all the CSS styles are being applied on a per tag basis, and so now I am trying to move it to more of an external ...
JasCav's user avatar
  • 34.6k
477 votes
8 answers

javax vs java package

What's the rationale behind the javax package? What goes into java and what into javax? I know a lot of enterprise-y packages are in javax, but so is Swing, the new date and time api (JSR-310) and ...
Jaka Jančar's user avatar
  • 11.5k
259 votes
6 answers

Best practice for Django project working directory structure [closed]

I know there is actually no single right way. However I've found that it's hard to create a directory structure that works well and remain clean for every developer and administrator. There is some ...
raacer's user avatar
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64 votes
6 answers

Alphabetizing methods in Visual Studio

Is there any sort of plug-in or tool available for Visual Studio 2008 to alphabetize methods? Ideally I'd like a tool that will alphabetize a selection, or specified type (i.e. only methods, not ...
80bower's user avatar
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61 votes
4 answers

Large backbone.js web app organization

I'm currently working on a large web app built on backbone.js and have been having a lot of issues with organization, "zombies," etc. so I've decided to do a major refactor of code. I've already ...
user527480's user avatar
58 votes
6 answers

C++ class header files organization

What are the C++ coding and file organization guidelines you suggest for people who have to deal with lots of interdependent classes spread over several source and header files? I have this situation ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
43 votes
5 answers

Combine and run multiple R scripts from another script

Essentially, I have constructed a sizable predictive model in R with about 10~15 separate script files for collecting, sorting, analyzing and presenting my data. Rather than just put everything into ...
CJN's user avatar
  • 531
42 votes
1 answer

Renaming Objects in RStudio context sensitive within entire Project

I have an issue when developing an R project using RStudio. I create an object, and then realise later, that I want to give it another name. I then have to manually change the name, which in larger ...
David Go's user avatar
  • 840
42 votes
5 answers

guidelines for where to put classes in Rails apps that don't fit anywhere

I'm wondering if there are any best practices about where to put non-standard Ruby files in Rails apps, those that don't fit in any of the default directories (controllers/models etc.). I'm talking ...
Kuba Suder's user avatar
  • 7,707
35 votes
7 answers

How should I organize a general-purpose programming library's directory structure? [closed]

I've been writing my own general-purpose PHP library for a while and I'm thinking about how to organize the directory structure, but I wanted to get people's ideas before I formalized the directory ...
Homer6's user avatar
  • 15.1k
33 votes
5 answers

How to Organise a Domain Driven Design Project?

I've started learning about DDD and wanted to know how others have organised their projects. I've started off by organising around my AggregateRoots: MyApp.Domain (namespace for domain model) MyApp....
user avatar
33 votes
8 answers

How should I organize my Xcode project files?

I'm trying to wrap my head around Xcode's file organization - or lack there of. I can do all I want in project and it looks great with all the "fake" folders and structure. I go look at the file ...
Justin808's user avatar
  • 21.4k
31 votes
1 answer

JavaFX Project Structure

JavaFX's MVC Model by using FXML sounds awesome and all but I'm having trouble find out how to organize my project packages. Every single tutorial i find about JavaFX is way too simple and ...
Xkynar's user avatar
  • 935
30 votes
2 answers

Organizing Strings.xml

I'm making an android app and since I've just started I want to try get the most organised code/resources. In my strings.xml file so far I have this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <...
nebkat's user avatar
  • 8,535
29 votes
5 answers

How should I structure my settings table with MySQL? [closed]

What's the best way to structure a MySQL table for storing admin settings? Like this? Setting _|_ Value setting1 | a setting2 | b setting3 | c setting4 | d setting5 | e Or like this? |---...
Cam's user avatar
  • 15.1k
29 votes
1 answer

Git - Include files from other repositories

With Git, I'd like to include some common JS/CSS library and/or utility methods (i.e. specific files from another repo) in my project, and I'd like it so they're always up-to-date. I don't really ...
drzaus's user avatar
  • 24.7k
28 votes
4 answers

How To Reduce Python Script Memory Usage

I have a very large python script, 200K, that I would like to use as little memory as possible. It looks something like: # a lot of data structures r = [34, 78, 43, 12, 99] # a lot of functions ...
Coo Jinx's user avatar
  • 339
27 votes
3 answers

Install Bower components into two different directories?

When using CSS and JS components, is it possible, or even, does it make sense to install them to different directories? . |-- app |-- scripts |-- components # js components go ...
Robb Schiller's user avatar
26 votes
6 answers

How do you organize 100+ projects in Eclipse?

When you have 5+ languages and 100+ projects, IMO the default of using one workspace is not acceptable because the one workspace becomes horribly disorganized. Having one huge unorganized workspace ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
24 votes
13 answers

How to stay DRY? Do Not Repeat Yourself! [closed]

I find that one of the most frustrating aspects to software development is finding a solution to a problem, forgetting it, then being faced with the same issue in the future only to forgot how you ...
hagope's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Repository Disabled

I have been a member of a certain organization on Github. For the past year, I was able to access all the private repositories tagged to my account, until today. When I open the private repos, I was ...
Kimpoy's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

How do you organize your code workspace and home folder?

How do you organize your personal workspace for your code projects in your home folder? And how do you keep the workspace efficient for handling multiple projects at the same time? The most important ...
21 votes
1 answer

How do you organize your Backbone files?

I'm looking to implement backbone into a large web project with multiple "apps" that will be using it and I'm trying to figure out a good way to organize my files. The two I've come up with so far are:...
JaredMcAteer's user avatar
  • 22.3k
19 votes
5 answers

fork as organization after already forking in github

Is it possible to 'fork again' in github? I had forked a public repository, but then I became owner of an organization and I'd like to fork the same original repository again (not my fork). However, ...
Ben's user avatar
  • 16.4k
19 votes
3 answers

Why can't sub-packages see package private classes?

Okay so, I have this project structure: package A.B class SuperClass (this class is marked package private) package A.B.C class SubClass (inherits from super class) I'd rather not make SuperClass ...
DigitalZebra's user avatar
  • 40.8k
19 votes
7 answers

Ansible best practice do not repeat common role

On the Ansible best practices page: it shows an example where the master playbook site.yml ...
user1087973's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Best way to organize MATLAB classes? [closed]

MATLAB has two ways of organizing classes: @-directories: @ClassName\ ClassName.m Method1.m Method2.m Single files: ClassName.m: classdef ClassName methods % all methods ...
jjkparker's user avatar
  • 29.3k
18 votes
3 answers

How to organize files in Haskell programs?

I've just started playing around in Haskell. After years of Ruby, I got used to a file organization that's used by Ruby on Rails or Rugui. Are there any guidelines, best practices, or maybe even ...
davidbe's user avatar
  • 840
18 votes
1 answer

autocmd FileType vs ftplugin

What is the difference between placing: autocmd FileType ruby setlocal ts=2 in my ~/.vimrc and placing: setlocal ts=2 in ~/.vim/ftplugin/ruby.vim? If there is no difference, where should I place ...
Zameer Manji's user avatar
  • 3,015
18 votes
1 answer

Do Traffic Graphs for a GitHub Project include Pages traffic? [closed]

Do the traffic graphs for a given project include the traffic data for the associated Pages site? I.e. does include traffic to http://github....
Pelegri's user avatar
  • 490
18 votes
2 answers

Folder and file organization for Python development

What is the best way to organize code that belongs to the same project in a Python development environment? What are the do and donts of Python project organization? Do you separate each class in a ...
17 votes
1 answer

Organizing a database using folders in phpMyAdmin

Right now I have a database in phpMyAdmin, and off the the side of the screen, it shows the database name, and a list of tables inside the database. It's fine if it's only a couple of tables, but when ...
Skillet's user avatar
  • 267
17 votes
1 answer

Convert delimited string into hierarchical JSON with JQuery

I have an array of strings that describe the parent/child relationship by being delimited with dashes. So, if Bob's boss was Jim and Jim's boss was Fred, Bob's entry in the array would be "Fred-Jim-...
Munzilla's user avatar
  • 3,835
17 votes
4 answers

How to organize "projects" and "solutions" in Eclipse?

I've been told that an Eclipse workspace is the equivalent of a Visual Studio solution. But I've also been told that people commonly use a single workspace for all their work. Are these apparently ...
G S's user avatar
  • 36.4k
16 votes
6 answers

Managing jQuery Plugins

Often, when working with jQuery, the need arises to include multiple plugins. This can quickly become messy work, especially when some plugins require additional components (images and CSS files). ...
gpmcadam's user avatar
  • 6,502
15 votes
2 answers

Personal GIT repository

I use BitKeeper at work, and I would like to have a basic code backup for myself at home (considering I back up very rarely) // I have never used git before so I need lots of help I thought it might ...
Alex Angelini's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Scala project organization [closed]

How does one organise code in a Scala project? After years of developing with Java (most of the times using Spring), we're trying to come up with a quick prototype in Scala. One of the first ...
user1241320's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between Organizations & Groups in CKAN?

What are Groups? You can use CKAN Groups to create and manage collections of datasets. This could be to catalogue datasets for a particular project or team, or on a particular theme, or as a very ...
Techie's user avatar
  • 45k
14 votes
3 answers

What is the proper way to structure/organize javascript for a large application?

Let's say you are building a large application, and you expect to have tons of javascript on the site. Even if you separated the javascript into 1 file per page where javascript is used, you'd still ...
egervari's user avatar
  • 22.5k
14 votes
2 answers

efficient way of cuda file organization: .cpp .h .cu .cuh .curnel files

What is the most easy to understand/efficient etc. code organization for cuda. After some investigation i found that cuda function declarations should be in .cuh file and implementations reside in .cu ...
Ian Decks's user avatar
  • 251
13 votes
3 answers

How to logically organize source files in C++ [closed]

My source file pane is quickly growing (in terms of the number of files in my project) and it is getting a bit cumbersome to quickly locate the specific source file I need to access at any given time. ...
arkon's user avatar
  • 2,277
13 votes
5 answers

Eclipse: how to differentiate/distinguish different open workspaces

I will need to use multiple workspaces for a recent project. Each workspace might consist of 10 or more projects. When I'm switching between various applications and different Eclipse instances (for ...
anjanb's user avatar
  • 13.6k
13 votes
1 answer

How to organize build, server, client and shared JavaScript code with NodeJS

One big benefit I've always perceived with using NodeJS on the server is the potential for sharing bits of code between the server and client side (ex. input validation). Now that I'm actually ...
jpierson's user avatar
  • 17k
12 votes
1 answer

Avoid Circular Model Imports in Django Apps

I have a django project with 2 apps like this: ## tags app, class Tag(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=50) ## items app, from application.tags.models import ...
jkeesh's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

What do you use the svn tags directory for anyways?

Ok so we all know the standard SVN set-up of trunk\ branches\ tags\ And I realize that the recommendation is that tags should have "special" commits in it. I've never really used the tags directory ...
George Mauer's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How do I import a third party lib into git?

I'm looking at how to import some third part code into a git repository. The third party code is the "stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib" that is provided by ST. The lib is actually a bunch of normal c-files (...
Johan's user avatar
  • 20.5k
12 votes
1 answer

Xcode files and folders clean structure and organization

After four years in development with Xcode I started to ask myself (well, yes, I know, a little too late but when you are deep in coding you don't see other things) what kind of structure and ...
DigitalVanilla's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Eclipse organization: workspaces, working sets, projects, folders, multiple source folders, ....!

There is quite a tier of organization in Eclipse. You can have multiple workspaces, each of which can have projects, these projects can be assigned to working sets, and then each project can have ...
Ricket's user avatar
  • 33.8k
12 votes
2 answers

jQuery code organization and performance

After doing some research on the subject, I've been experimenting a lot with patterns to organize my jQuery code (Rebecca Murphy did a presentation on this at the jQuery Conference for example). ...
north's user avatar
  • 605

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