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Questions tagged [overwrite]

Overwriting is a process of replacing content with other content in place. It can be physically replaced on storage, or overridden with newer version of content type.

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How do I get the VBA Code to stop overwriting when I copy the data to another sheet

I have a VBA macro which is supposed to copy data from one sheet to another when the row is highlighted. It sort of does this, but it defaults to overwriting the end row, I've tried changing it but it ...
Aaron Sharples's user avatar
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Overwriting all the elements of the list with the last element in for-loop in R

I have this this code for making a ppt from R: library(officer) pres <- read_pptx("E:/ZEM Solutions/Iz R-a u Power Point/ZEM_Template za migrenu.pptx") title_s1 <- "Trial" ...
newtoR's user avatar
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Overwrite files in git repo

A code project is sent to us without version control. We have turned its initial version into a git repository and made a dev branch to make some changes. Now a new version has been delivered (again ...
Martin Der's user avatar
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Overwrite a hive table without downtime

I have a hive table which is associated with an HDFS path. The table is overwritten by a periodic job and has a few downstream consumers. The table gets dropped while being overwritten and if a ...
Utkarsh Roy's user avatar
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Issue with INSERT INTO statement in Trino (version 389) using Hive Connector (version 3.1.3) and session setting for OVERWRITE

I'm encountering an issue while trying to insert into a table using the INSERT statement in Trino version 389 with the Hive Connector version 3.1.3. Specifically, when I set the session to overwrite, ...
Pawan's user avatar
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How to avoid data loss with File.rename in Dart / Flutter?

Future<File> File.rename(String newPath) doc: If [newPath] identifies an existing file or link, that entity is removed first. If [newPath] identifies an existing directory, the operation fails ...
Fractale's user avatar
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How to overwrite nn.conv2d

I want to overwrite nn.conv2d so prepared models such as resnet, alexnet etc. can use it without changing the all nn.conv2ds in the model manually. from torchvision import models from torch import nn ...
Alican Kartal's user avatar
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How can I Overwrite things that are written in my appsettings.json with the information the user of my programm gave me

So this is my Main Program i have separated classes but they do not matter for this problem (Im sorry the Programm outputs are German) using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System....
BEN's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent data overwrite error and leave mapping table cell blank?

sheet Is there a way to code it so I can have blanks in my mapping table without. the formula failing in my budget sheet? I want it to be able to recognize when the category is Travel, it is Variable ...
user23269969's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom cursor and typeover text box

I need a text box and cursor so that I can type over existing image numbers as shown in this picture.
JerrMerr's user avatar
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How to inherit js file tax_group.js (account) in odoo 13

I need to add another state to a function in account/static/src/js/ tax_group.js line 94 var displayEditWidget = self._isPurchaseDocument() && === 'draft' && ...
Paul's user avatar
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How can I save the current date without overwriting it? Pandas Python

I have a .csv database with names. Every month it is updated and I've created a code that breaks down the names that have left and those that have entered the database, generating two .csv's at the ...
Ana Fortes's user avatar
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Overwritten program but still in console

While saving my file, I accidentally overwrote it with previous project. Now my new code is gone and I have only the old one. In console, I have old program still running. Is there any option to ...
Krzysztof Szczeciak's user avatar
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How do I insert multiple input data from my data entry form to my data sheet in multiple rows?

I am a beginner exploring coding due to a task requirement. My form aims to input 10 data per person, per row (A2:J2) , per entry (trigger) for 6 persons. (A2:J7 for the 6 people in 1 trigger) My ...
JohPer's user avatar
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incorrect overwriting of a json file

I need to find a value in a file and then remove the block, but I have a trouble. def fineder(filename='C:\\path\\config.json'): with open(filename, 'r+') as file: file_data = json.load(...
Shinji_LinX's user avatar
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Keep record in mapping (no over-writing)

contract YourContract { struct student_marks { uint maths ; uint science ; } mapping (address => student_marks) public record ; function add_marks(uint _maths, ...
Asad Arslan's user avatar
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How do I write to a python file using a command in another python file? [duplicate]

I am making a program that takes passwords and can make new ones. I want to be able to save passwords that I have made in one file as a part of a string in a list in a different file. The list.append()...
Judah's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure Archive tier overwrite files [Java]

I was testing to overwrite any file stored with archive tier on Azure and i'm getting next error (there is no problem for other tiers): ERROR: File upload failed
Vicente Montoro's user avatar
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Overwrite Initial automated mapping

I am trying to map column names in a dataset to names in a standard, the standard names are in a yaml file so you can change them if you need to. I was able to do an initial automated mapping, but I ...
Johan VS's user avatar
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How can I append rows to a csv file when the rows may have different variables/variables in different orders?

I am currently working on a problem where I need to process the groups of my dataset separately. After I process each group, I want to write it to a csv file so that it saves the progress (it can take ...
Jack Keefer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Table tbody merges with thead on scrollable HTML table

On a hybrid web page, one section includes a scrollable table of names with some information about them. Ideally, this table would have fixed headings with scrollable rows below. But I cannot seem ...
Dennis 's user avatar
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Does WriteAllLines delete the existing file and recreate it, or overwrite the data inside it?

I use the File.WriteAllLines() method in my project. The txt file is to be synced to a remote server (via another application, Autodesk Docs in my case) upon Save action. I am not sure why, but using ...
IdoEng's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Overwrite specific JSON values but keep the ones that aren't overwritten

I'm currently working on an application where I receive data from server-sent-events. the data stream sends everything once in the beginning and updates only the fields that need to be updated. My ...
Thomasino73's user avatar
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How to overwrite info in txt file name already exists

I have a program that creates a randomly generated password for whatever website you put. WhatI'd like if possible is if the user puts Amazon and it outputs a password and later inputs Amazon again ...
phldlphegls1's user avatar
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overwriting the existing sheet in excel

it add sheet in excel but after the code is done running the excel file will only have 1 sheet. note that i have sheet a sheet name template inside the excel. def createNewSheet(currentDate): wb = ...
Mir4 Account's user avatar
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Deleting a Table in Word via Excel VBA

I built a program that transfers cells from Excel into a Word Document as a table. But everytime I use my macro, the table gets pasted above the older one(from a macro usage before) and it stays there....
INeedHelpWithVbaPlease's user avatar
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Setting PivotFields.CurrentPage through VBA to a non-existent item overwrites one of the other items (no runtime error)

I am currently used to manage PivotTables through VBA. The core of my code depends on manually changing the Current Page of a Field of my Pivot Table and whenever I tried to set it to a Name that didn'...
Eric Aguirre's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Python: re-open file on each iteration or truncate to overwrite?

In Python, if you have a loop, in each iteration of which you want to write to a file (pickling in my case), overwriting whatever data is already there, one option is to open the file before the loop, ...
o c's user avatar
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Appending a file or overwriting a file

I'm working with a team to parse exported data files, and one of the questions we are trying to figure out is whether the file is appending to itself or overwriting itself. We believe the file is ...
Jared-Schrec's user avatar
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How to overwrite in every sheet without modifying other existing content?

I have an ordereddict with cells containing data starting from row 6. I would like to code a loop that allows me to overwrite the string ''random text'' on the A1 position of all the sheets in my ...
machukovich's user avatar
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1 answer

How To Keep Turtle From Overwriting Previous Shape

I am trying to create multiple shapes in Turtle but it overwrites the previous shape that I created. For Example: import turtle #Setting Up Turtle: ws = turtle.Screen() ws.bgcolor("White") ...
Chance Watkins's user avatar
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why does a PROTECTED FINAL STATIC matrix gets modified when it NEVER shouldn't?

Ok... i'm working with some Matrix. Specifically inverting them with the Gauss algorithm. the inversion succeded, but when i restart the activity that takes the input matrix, the result, which is ...
Deryl_Myrawill's user avatar
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Overwrite JPG file if it already exists Python script

I cannot figure out why the following script will not overwrite a file with the same name. I've used chmod 777 and the directory is writeable. The script executes perfectly when a new file is ...
Jennifer Hamilton's user avatar
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How to replace level 2 in a multiIndex dataframe with values from a regular dataframe?

I am writing an algorithm for processing customers at work for some data analysis, and I am grouping the data by user ID as my level 1, then by month for my level 2. I am then doing some processing ...
Adalast's user avatar
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2 answers

Python won't overwrite files / directory if already exists

I'm using Python to download image attachments from gmail using the following script: #!/usr/bin/env python3 # read emails and detach attachment in attachments directory import email import getpass, ...
Jennifer Hamilton's user avatar
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Searching text in a file, replacing text and writing to new file in subdir, getting a doubling of replacement text when iterating

When I search text in a single file and write out just that one file, it acts as expected. It creates a new file in the subdirectory "output", with the existing text "This", and ...
Jeffrey Whitney's user avatar
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What is wrong with my code? Everytime I run it, my csv file won't write. The first time it did, then it doesn't :/

This is the People-Counting-in-Real-Time-master code i get from github that i'm trying to use for my project. I've changed the cv function from this : if not args.get("input", False): ...
Zen Rokusyo's user avatar
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Python: 2 print() overwrite

Good afternoon. I have code in Python: while (time.time() - start_time) < 10: current_date_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") current_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S&...
Olga's user avatar
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How can I get back an overwritten R document?

I managed to overwrite an essential R script in R Studio. If I open the document now, I see the previous version from one month ago. As the versions had the same name, the new version got overwritten ...
Laura Aina's user avatar
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TYPO3. How to overwrite class in Indexed Search extension

I want to overwrite class IndexedSearchUtility by my own class IndexedSearchUtility which is located in my site-package. I tried this in my code. In ext_localconf.php: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS'...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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How to overwrite values in array inside object

there. I am recently learning JS and I get into the trouble, rn. I use this method to overwrite values: const person1 = {name: 'Jack', age: 10, job: 'developer'} const person2 = {name: 'Su', age: 20} ...
Lee SeongBae's user avatar
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in Python, how to overwrite the str for a module?

When one types the name of a module and then hits return, one gets a string like below import pandas as pd pd <module 'pandas' from '....'> How can I overwrite this string for my own module ? (...
minivip's user avatar
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Overwriting a list doesn´t work (Node.js)

I have a form in the frontend which transfers data. In the backend I have an app.js and an itemList.js. I would like to overwrite or update the itemList.js with the transferred data. Through the ...
Hannes Z's user avatar
2 votes
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Spark Partition Overwrite Mode not working properly when upgrading to Spark 3.3.0

When upgrading from Spark version 2.4.3 to 3.3.0 Spark.conf.set("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic") no longer seems to work on some scripts. The write ended up ...
sgallagher's user avatar
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overwrite trait of an included composer package to catch exceptions / ideas how to solve

I'm using an external composer package inside my laravel based application. I want to catch the the exceptions thrown from this package and log additional error details to these exceptions. Exceptions ...
gamedev's user avatar
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Firebase storage - how to solve when multiple users are updating one file without overwriting other user's changes?

I'm using Firebase storage, where I store json files for example list of users with some details like this: { "1sVy3yHuxHcIihT1IJGpInKgu": { "username": "David", "...
David Henzl's user avatar
-1 votes
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Avoid overwriting randomly generated index in an array

How do you avoid overwriting an array if a number is randomly generated twice? I am creating a simple javaFX program where a user can create or search for an account. The account details need to be ...
J M's user avatar
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php set session_set_cookie_params based on $_SESSION is it possible?

I would like to set session timeout based on user type that is saved in the session, for example if (isset($_SESSION['userType'])) { if ($_SESSION['userType'] == '0') { ...
amichaiz's user avatar
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How to overwrite/replace specific rows in R?

I have a dataset containing some data obtained after a correction that should be merged with the primary dataset. I need a way to overwrite the old values with the new ones, but I don't know how. Here ...
Erik's user avatar
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Not over-writing the data if a table is already present and creating table with data if it's not

I'm trying to modify the dump file generated by MySQL (InnoDB engine) where I want to check if a table is present If it is already there then don't overwrite the data If it is not found then create a ...
sam sundar's user avatar

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