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69 votes
3 answers

Create object from class in separate file

I have done several tutorials on Python and I know how to define classes, but I don't know how to use them. For example I create the following file ( class Car(object): condition = 'New' ...
Trenera's user avatar
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61 votes
3 answers

Organizing Python classes in modules and/or packages

I like the Java convention of having one public class per file, even if there are sometimes good reasons to put more than one public class into a single file. In my case I have alternative ...
deamon's user avatar
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42 votes
13 answers

How to run a .class file that is part of a package from cmd?

I keep getting errors when I make my .class part of a package and try to run it from cmd. Here's the code that works after using javac and then java: class HelloWorld { public static void main(...
user avatar
40 votes
9 answers

Java package cycle detection: how do I find the specific classes involved? [closed]

What tool would you recommend to detect Java package cyclic dependencies, knowing that the goal is to list explicitly the specific classes involved in the detected 'across-packages cycle'? I know ...
VonC's user avatar
  • 1.3m
40 votes
3 answers

Why are classes inside Scala package objects dispreferred?

Starting with 2.10, -Xlint complains about classes defined inside of package objects. But why? Defining a class inside a package object should be exactly equivalent to defining the classes inside of a ...
Urban Vagabond's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Listing of manufacturer's clock / alarm package and class name, Please add [closed]

THis is not really a question, Sorry. I just wanted help on getting the package and class names of alarm and clocks of different android makers' clock and alarm. I have a listing here of HTC, Samsung,...
21 votes
4 answers

Java referencing a class in the same directory

I created a Pair class in Java (similar to the c++ pair) and am having trouble referencing it from a different java file. I am working inside a Java file, let's call it fileA in the same directory as ...
CodeKingPlusPlus's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to force a classloader to load a package even if none of its classes have been loaded?

Let's say a java codebase has a package called "com.example". At runtime, we can get this Package by calling Package p = Package.getPackage( "com.example" ); //(returns null) or even get a list of ...
mpobrien's user avatar
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16 votes
8 answers

android, how to get package name?

In my application I need to know the name of package name. I have no problem when I want to grab it in activities but i can't take it in other classes. Following code is working in activity but i don'...
Hesam's user avatar
  • 53.2k
14 votes
3 answers

What Java classes/packages are automatically imported? [duplicate]

class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, World!"); } } In the above example we are using the println method without importing the ...
Tushar Mia's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Flex 4 two classes in one file

Can I put two or more actionscript classes in one .as file like this: // package classes { public class A { public function A() { var b:B = new B(); } } ...
user578737's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Java: Use import or explicit package / class name?

I'm writing a very basic app, extending the Swing JFrame. What are the differences between making an explicit reference: public class LineTest extends javax.swing.JFrame { ... or importing the class ...
Michael's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

How to find the package name given a class name?

Given a class name as a string, how do I get the package name of it at run time ? I do not have the fully qualified name with package name + class name. Simply only the class name. I want the package ...
Ranhiru Jude Cooray's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Define Classes in Packages

I'm learning Python and I have been playing around with packages. I wanted to know the best way to define classes in packages. It seems that the only way to define classes in a package is to define ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Import some classes in same package

I want to import all the classes in a package at once, not one by one. I tried import pckName.*; but it's not working. Example: I have class X in package name pack1. package pack1; public class X { ...
asaf's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Java Class scope and library

I am creating a Java library, as a final product in intend to distribute this .jar to developers. I am "translating" my library from Objective-C where I control which classes header files are ...
Mr Bean's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Linking multiple files while creating a package in R

I am trying to create a package in R wherein I have created lots of new custom Classes. Each class is in a different file. The Classes inherit from a parent class and inherit to other classes. While ...
Alex Joseph's user avatar
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8 votes
23 answers

Could not find or load main class in STS/Eclipse

I have a main method in a package in one of my projects. Say, the package is I am trying to run and/or debug this main method, and I keep getting the error Could not find or load main ...
aCarella's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Spring class EnvironmentCapable

I received run-time error for string ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml"); java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/core/env/EnvironmentCapable I ...
user710818's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Replace class files before maven assembly

I'm facing a very unique situation and need some advice: I'm working on a project which depends on an other project from my same company and now I need to apply some modifications to the dependency. ...
Carles Sala's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Source folder is not on the Java build class path, creating Java package

I am trying to create a package merge under sort, but it it saying that: Source folder is not on the Java build class path So I right click on sort folder, and try to add it to the Java build ...
Jaanus's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What are the Atom editor icon classes for Project Manager package?

What are the classes already provided by Atom editor ( like icon-squirrel to use in settings talked in project-manager package?
leompeters's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Undefined slot classes in definition?

I am trying to build a package that contains own S4 class definitions. R check works but issues the following warning: undefined slot classes in definition mySecond. I set to classes while one slot ...
Matt Bannert's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Getting the names of all Java classes declared in a package

I'm writing a functionality where it would be helpful to get the classes inside a certain package of my program. Also, I only want the classes that subclass a certain class. I need the classes in ...
MyName's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Java Package Introspection [duplicate]

How do i get all classes within a package?
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to distribute the code of a class to several files?

Is it possible to distribute the code of a class to several files?
sid_com's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

multiple classes in ActionScript package?

I have read that you can only have one class by package in ActionScript. If you need helper classes, you have write this classes out of the package. Example: package { public class A {} } class B {...
Naive Developer's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is "1;" in a Perl source? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What does 1; mean in Perl? I'm new to Perl and learning how to build a class with Perl. As from this example:, I see a ...
nicola's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Reading all classes under a package or reading classes with same Metadata in Actionscript 3.0

I am doing an Actionscript 3.0 project which involves introspection. I am wondering if there is a way to get all the classes within a given package structure. For e.g. Say there are three as3 ...
Djokovic's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Eclipse doesn't show classes within packages

After months of using Eclipse (latest Kepler release) on Ubuntu (13.10), after rebooting from to a sudden loss of power on my laptop, now Eclipse won't let me access java classes within their packages....
koullislp's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

how hasnext() works in collection in java

program: public class SortedSet1 { public static void main(String[] args) { List ac= new ArrayList(); c.add(ac); ac.add(0,"hai"); ac.add(1,"hw"); ac.add(2,"ai"); ac....
Vinoth Kumar's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Java not compiling .class files under $CLASSPATH

I'm trying to figure out how organize source and class files working with packages. I found a very useful tutorial. But I still have some questions. As far as I understood it is a good practice to ...
Roman's user avatar
  • 129k
4 votes
4 answers

Dynamically manage two jar files with the same package and class names

I have two jar files from a client, one of which is used for a testing and another for final versions. Currently I put them in different folders and modify the library path when deploying our code, ...
justinhj's user avatar
  • 11.2k
4 votes
3 answers

Why not use all imports?

I understand that I can import packages and get access to lots of already coded classes that I can use to make my programs. But if they give you access to so many different features, why not just ...
SuperHanz98's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

class constructor cannot be accessed by outside package

so i can't find a question already asked that answers my exact problem. I have a package that i wrote in eclipse that i exported as a jar library to use in the processing ide. in processing i have a ...
Joe's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

What about public method returns private class instance?

I am trying to test the following situation: There is a main. (city.Main) There is a package. (package castle) Within the package, there is a public class (castle.Guard), and a package-private class (...
midnite's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Android : unresolved packages and class

in my AndroidManifest.xml, my receiver, service and activities are not found, it should find however it says my packages(en, company, android, name) are unresolved, ...
Nolan.K's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do I call the new function in R when the object is defined in another package?

Suppose I'm creating a package and I'd like to define a function that creates an object where the object is defined in another package. For example: get_empty_mtx <- function() return(new("...
Wart's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How many classes can be put in a Java package?

Is there any limit on number of Java classes(Both Public and Non Public) that can be put in a Java Package?
Akshay Shelke's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Importing Classes from another package

Hello so I'm trying to Import a class from another project I made but I cant get it to work.. this is my code: import program.GUI; public class name { //code } I get the following error Opens the ...
Premo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Using Classes within the same named package in Java

I am trying to create two classes A and B that exist within a named package named components. A is a public class Window and B is a public class Door which contains an instance of A. The issue is that ...
Didgeridude's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do you use the class method for Data.Function.Memoize?

I am working on an NP search problem and was told I can speed up the search process by using said package. Since memoisation is a new concept to me, I find it hard to wrap my head around anything ...
Haxelaar's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I just use the packages in my package diagram as the entities for my class diagram?

We need to create a booking system that allows rape victims to book sessions with a counsellor (who is a volunteer therefore is not on duty 24/7) online. The organisation used to do the booking ...
Imaad Isaacs's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Facades vs. Classes with static methods in Laravel

I was looking around the Laravel framework and some of their products and I noticed that Cashier is using the Casheir class with static methods compared to Socialite, which is used as a facade. What ...
Jesper Andersen's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Where does Class.forName(String className) look for the class name?

I looked on and saw that class.forname(String className)and "Returns the Class object associated with the class" Where does this method ...
committedandroider's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Get package names and class names for all applications

Does anyone know the class name and package name for any of these applications: youtube facebook amazon mp3 google talk camera maps text message dialer/phone launcher android market messaging ...
Gabe's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Creating a new method for a generic from another package in R

In R, what is the simplest way to include a new method for a generic in another package? For example, the 'nlme' package has a generic called 'getData" with methods for objects of class 'lme' and '...
bgreenwell's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Import issues with custom python package

I have a python package that is stubbed out like this: <main package> |-> <sub package1> |-> |-> |-> <other python ...
code base 5000's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Using Flash Builder to create a collection of AS3 classes

How can I set up a project in Flash Builder for creating a collection of classes that is not an application by itself? When creating an Actionscript project it forces having a main application file, ...
Dustin's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

ImportError:How to import function or class from parent directory [duplicate]

I am trying to import a class from parent directory to my script but I receive attempted relative import with no known parent packageerror, I have searched everywhere in the internet but still cannot ...
user59419's user avatar
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