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433 votes
3 answers

How to view hierarchical package structure in Eclipse package explorer

OK here's what I would like: in the Eclipse package explorer, I see the following: (dot represents a clickable arrow that I can use to expand the folder) PROJECT Source Folder Package ...
Philip's user avatar
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132 votes
16 answers

How to change package name of Android Project in Eclipse?

I have an Android project created in Eclipse. I want to modify the package name and application of the project. How do I do that in Eclipse?
Dheepak's user avatar
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109 votes
4 answers

How to get current class name including package name in Java?

I'm working on a project and one requirement is if the 2nd argument for the main method starts with “/” (for linux) it should consider it as an absolute path (not a problem), but if it doesn't start ...
La bla bla's user avatar
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90 votes
14 answers

Eclipse: The declared package does not match the expected package

I have a problem importing an external project. I go File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace, choose the folder where the project is located and everything is imported - but the package ...
HenryNguyen's user avatar
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62 votes
13 answers

Which Eclipse package should I download for PyDev?

Which Eclipse package should I choose for Python development with PyDev? Nothing on the Eclipse homepage tells me what to choose, and the PyDev documentation assumes I already have Eclipse installed. ...
Markus Johansson's user avatar
43 votes
10 answers

How to create a child package inside a package in eclipse project explorer

How can I make a child package inside a package in eclipse project explorer? I already tried.. com.proj.test then I create a new package com.proj.test.child to add a child package at ...
user1907521's user avatar
41 votes
19 answers

Error while running zipalign

I got this error when trying to export a signed apk in Eclipse Error while running zipalign: Unable to open as zip archive I have run the Help->Check for Updates to make sure the latest update is ...
netguy's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

Is there a way to make empty packages visible in Eclipse?

Is there a way in Eclipse, to see empty parent packages? I have an issue freely viewing/accessing package that only contains 2 sub-packages: I tried ...
Victor2748's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Java package in package?

I'm using eclipse 3.8 indigo and I don't know why, when I'm creating a new package the destination of the new package goes outside. I want to create new packages within a package: package in package. ...
Reteras Remus's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to search for text in package in Eclipse?

I usually search for things in Eclipse with ctrl+H. This only allows me to search for text based on file name extensions though. Ctrl+F seems to only search the current document. Is there a way to ...
smuggledPancakes's user avatar
26 votes
16 answers

Why is my Eclipse Java package being treated as a folder?

My Eclipse Java package is treated as a folder; can anyone suggest what's wrong?
Gopal's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Refactor "package structure" in Eclipse to relocate a package's child package to its parent package

In Eclipse's "Package Explorer", let's say I have a list of packages like this: com.animal.frog If I want to refactor this package structure so that the final package ...
Chantz's user avatar
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22 votes
16 answers

imported maven project does not appear as java project. Shows folders

I checked out the existing project source code from SVN to a folder in my system. Then I opened eclipse. Import Project-> Existing Maven Project. It imported without issues. However, Project Explorer ...
Kevin Rave's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Eclipse: how to make directory trees show as packages

In a typical project of mine, I have several source directories, each with the usual special icon in the package explorer. Since these are maven projects, some are full of Java code, and some are ...
bmargulies's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Could anyone explain the exact difference among project explorer, package explorer and navigator in eclipse?

What are the exact differences between project explorer, package explorer and navigator in eclipse? I am so confused of using the three. Because all seem to fit the same purpose. I don't know, what ...
Deepak Mani's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Eclipse Java - invalid package name - Reserved words in package name

I am in the middle of an android project and was trying to create a new package in it. Well, Eclipse is not letting me to create it and is showing this error: ...
Krishnabhadra's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Eclipse - How to "Change package declaration to ...." across an entire project

I've just imported a large amount of source code into Eclipse and basically the package name is no longer valid (the code has been moved folders). Is there a way to select all the source code in the ...
Stephane Grenier's user avatar
19 votes
8 answers

Automatically remove explicit package declarations with import statements in Java

I have a project created by others that includes thousands of class files and has the package names explicitly typed out for every reference to any of their classes. It looks like the code was reverse ...
AlbertoPL's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between a "source folder" and a "pydev package" in PyDev Eclipse?

What is the difference between a "source folder" and a "pydev package" in PyDev Eclipse?
alwbtc's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

In Eclipse folders appear as packages

I'm getting an issue where non-src folders are looking like packages, they look completely fine in my natural folder directory. The assets folder should be a hierarchy, but isn't. Thought it was ...
DubyaDubyaDubyaDot's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Import .java Files Into the Correct Package

I have a bunch of *.java source files that contain classes in various packages. I am trying to import all of these files into Eclipse projects, but Eclipse always places them in the default package. ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

need help changing my package name in eclipse

so my package name is com.soundboard right now. obviously this name is taken...I am having trouble changing it throughout the package name. I checked a few posts here and did the refactor > rename ...
user827304's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Eclipse cant recognize package

I have a home-work to create a http server with java , a simple one and from scratch . After searching google and here ...i found this link "see the best response" with a very nice response ,so i copy/...
Andi Domi's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

How to clean and organize Eclipse Package Explorer?

Could you give me some advice to organize Package Explorer? I have many closed projects and sometimes I have a lot of close projects between the projects that I have to work on it. There are some ...
rubdottocom's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Change default package from com.example for Eclipse Android projects

I am using Eclipse 4.2 with Android SDK. I am wondering if it is possible to change the default package ID com.example that shows in the "New Android Application" wizard as you type the application ...
gone's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How can I view packages as folder structure in eclipse

In eclipse, I would like to see packages as a folder structure rather than the flattened look provided by the Package Explorer default settings, is there a way to do this?
CaptainForge's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Equivalent to java packages in C#

I have been looking for a way to make a "package folder" in visual studio express 2013, the way I might do it in java is a "package" I know that I can make whole new projects called "Visual Studio ...
Mr Heelis's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to import a package from Eclipse?

In one of my directories I have all .java files which belong to one package ("game"). Now I want to create one .java file which does not belong to this package and which imports the "game" package. If ...
Roman's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Android: Bad call: specified pacakge **** under uid 10121 but it is really -1

I'm receiving a strange warning in my catlog when I run my app on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.3, rooted). I'm reading the log using logcat on the phone itself. Background: recently I changed ...
AutonomousApps's user avatar
8 votes
23 answers

Could not find or load main class in STS/Eclipse

I have a main method in a package in one of my projects. Say, the package is I am trying to run and/or debug this main method, and I keep getting the error Could not find or load main ...
aCarella's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Import project (jar) into Eclipse

I got a .jar file which I need to import into Eclipse. However, I don't want to have the jar as a referenced library. I need the .jar to be included like a "normal" project, with packages(!) and .java ...
Jane Doe's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

package java.nio.file does not exist

I'm working out how to compile java from command line at the moment. Here's what I've got: Here's what I've got: /myjava/compile.cmd /myjava/src/a_pack/ /myjava/src/b_pack/ /...
dwjohnston's user avatar
  • 12.4k
8 votes
4 answers

Adding package to Java project structure

I have been working on a project locally and at some point I gave the project to someone else to work on. Since that time, I have created another package with classes and so on in my own project ...
CosminO's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Install Gson from Github

I'm just starting to learn Java and I need Gson for a new project that I'm working on. I feel like I'm missing something with all the installation instructions that I find online--all of them refer ...
TAS's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Using Java's default package in Eclipse

In Eclipse, when I start a new Project, I go through the wizard, and when I get to writing my first class for that project I am asked to select a package. Sometimes out of laziness I just choose the ...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Key binding in Eclipse for Maven package command

I want to bind the mvn package command in eclipse. So I used the normal procedure to do this: Window->Preferences->General->Keys and then I filtered for Maven. The only commands that showed up were ...
Bryan Glazer's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Scala's Relative Package Imports

I have a multi-project Scala workspace in eclipse. I think I'm getting hosed by my lack of understanding of the way Scala imports packages, but after spending more time than I care to admit looking ...
fbl's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to use and package a JAR file with my Android app?

I have an API in the form of a JAR that I would like to use in my Android app. Not sure if it should be part of the project in Eclipse or kept separate and added to the project properties. This JAR ...
Eno's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Source folder is not on the Java build class path, creating Java package

I am trying to create a package merge under sort, but it it saying that: Source folder is not on the Java build class path So I right click on sort folder, and try to add it to the Java build ...
Jaanus's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between Eclipse Packages and Plug-ins?

In Dependencies tab, I have a choice between plug-ins and packages. What's the difference between them? For, I have it in imported package and also in plug-ins. I find the jar ...
prosseek's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Source for sun.awt.AppContext and others?

I attached the that came with my JDK, but it seems to be missing a few files. It's as if I don't have any of the sun.*; packages. I would understand if they maybe got changed out for java.awt....
Vince's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Best way to organize java code... multiple projects or separate by packages?

I am about to embark on a personal JAVA project in eclipse where myself and a friend create a game server, game engine, and a game based on an existing card game. The game server will come last, but ...
codenaugh's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to combine all the packages of the eclipse?

As I need to develop java, php, c++, I use several eclipse packages. so I try to simple to copy several packages into one, and then I use these option to start the eclipse: 1. -clean 2. osgi....
Serenade's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Copy class + package-context between projects in Eclipse

For a number of uninteresting reasons: we need to copy many classes from one project to another (while preserving the package-structure of said classes). In other words, given: origin/src/com/foo/...
Ryan Delucchi's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Combining packages from different projects into a single project in eclipse

As part of the Android application I am developing in eclipse, I need to combine two packages from different projects into a single project. I tried copying the files in the package of the second ...
Primal Pappachan's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Why is Android studio having problems with capitalized package names?

I have an app that started in eclipse. The package name starts with a capital, and it always compiled and installed correctly. Now that I have moved the project into android studio, while the app will ...
bleem313's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Maven auto-clean on package

I'm having some troubles trying to auto-clean each time i run mvn package. I've added in the POM : <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-clean-...
Crystark's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How to edit the default package-info template in eclipse

I just want when i creat new package and i check the Create check box look like this @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault package; import javax.annotation....
Abdelilah Elghazal's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Eclipse doesn't show classes within packages

After months of using Eclipse (latest Kepler release) on Ubuntu (13.10), after rebooting from to a sudden loss of power on my laptop, now Eclipse won't let me access java classes within their packages....
koullislp's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can't create packages with Maven webapp

I have created a project using the following maven webapp project in eclipse: When adding a package to the project (right click project -> new -> package), the package gets added as a folder (I added ...
cardori's user avatar
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