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716 votes
19 answers

How should I deal with "package 'xxx' is not available (for R version x.y.z)" warning?

I tried to install a package, using install.packages("foobarbaz") but received the warning Warning message: package 'foobarbaz' is not available (for R version x.y.z) Why doesn't R think that the ...
Richie Cotton's user avatar
407 votes
32 answers

"pip install unroll": "python egg_info" failed with error code 1

I'm trying to install some packages with pip. But pip install unroll gives me Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\MARKAN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-...
benjaminh's user avatar
  • 4,079
344 votes
13 answers

How do I update a Python package?

I'm running Ubuntu 9:10 and a package called M2Crypto is installed (version is 0.19.1). I need to download, build and install the latest version of the M2Crypto package (0.20.2). The 0.19.1 package ...
thompson's user avatar
  • 3,459
290 votes
8 answers

How do I find a list of Homebrew's installable packages?

Recently I installed Brew. How can I retrieve a list of available brew packages to install?
dnlcrl's user avatar
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238 votes
11 answers

How to select a CRAN mirror in R

I'm trying to install a package through the R prompt by doing the following: install.packages('RMySQL') But the output is as follows: --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- ...
Jim Johnson's user avatar
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215 votes
20 answers

Does Android keep the .apk files? if so where?

After android installs an application from the Marketplace, does it keep the .apk file? Is there a standard location where Android would keep such files?
Gubatron's user avatar
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191 votes
15 answers

How to list all installed packages and their versions in Python?

Is there a way in Python to list all installed packages and their versions? I know I can go inside python/Lib/site-packages and see what files and directories exist, but I find this very awkward. ...
jsalonen's user avatar
  • 30.1k
174 votes
12 answers

How to make rpm auto install dependencies

I have built two RPM packages proj1-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm libtest1-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm proj1 depends on the file being present and it is reflected correctly in the RPM packages as seen here: ...
HAL's user avatar
  • 3,978
144 votes
8 answers

How to install Python packages from the tar.gz file without using pip install

Long story short my work computer has network constraints which means trying to use pip install in cmd just leads to timing out/not finding package errors. For example; when I try to pip install ...
yenoolnairb's user avatar
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134 votes
13 answers

How to automatically install Emacs packages by specifying a list of package names?

I am using package to manage my Emacs extensions. In order to synchronize my Emacs settings on different computers, I'd like a way to specify a list of package names in .emacs file and then package ...
RNA's user avatar
  • 151k
67 votes
9 answers

Error in installation a R package

Please help me, I cannot install "MASS" package. > library(MASS) Error in library(MASS) : there is no package called ‘MASS’ I tried to install MASS package from local: > utils:::...
parvij's user avatar
  • 1,390
67 votes
4 answers

Cannot install R-forge package using install.packages

This, question, is, asked, over, and, over, and, over, on the R-sig-finance mailing list, but I do not think it has been asked on stackoverflow. It goes like this: Where can I obtain the latest ...
GSee's user avatar
  • 49.5k
62 votes
5 answers

R not finding package even after package installation

I have always worked with the zoo package, that I have installed a long time ago. Today, I created a new R script, and ran library(zoo) and got the following error: > library(zoo) Error in ...
Mayou's user avatar
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57 votes
4 answers

Programmatically install NLTK corpora / models, i.e. without the GUI downloader?

My project uses the NLTK. How can I list the project's corpus & model requirements so they can be automatically installed? I don't want to click through the GUI, installing ...
Bluu's user avatar
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52 votes
4 answers

How do I install a package that has been archived from CRAN?

I typed the following in the R command line: install.packages("RecordLinkage") I got the following error: Warning in install.packages : package ‘RecordLinkage’ is not available (for R version 3....
Rainmaker's user avatar
  • 1,221
51 votes
7 answers

See when packages were installed / updated using pip

I know how to see installed Python packages using pip, just use pip freeze. But is there any way to see the date and time when package is installed or updated with pip?
Nishant Nawarkhede's user avatar
41 votes
7 answers

"Python version 2.7 required, which was not found in the registry" error when attempting to install netCDF4 on Windows 8

I use Anaconda 1.7, 32 bit. I downloaded the correct version of the netCDF4 installer from here. I attempted to copy the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python folder into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\...
bogdan's user avatar
  • 667
40 votes
6 answers

ImportError: No module named redis

I have installed redis using sudo apt-get install redis-server command but I am receiving this error when I run my Python program: ImportError: No module named redis Any idea what's going wrong or if ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
38 votes
6 answers

Loading an R Package from a Custom directory

If I download an "package-name".tar.gz file from CRAN website, gunzip and untar it into a custom directory, how do I load that package from within R? I cannot extract the file in the R installation ...
rlh2's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

What Does a Standard "Installation" actually do?

I'm just a hobbyist programmer more or less and have grown up coding-wise in the .NET ClickOnce world. When one "installs" a program, what actually happens?! Also: Some little apps/tools just run ...
MrGreggles's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

How to install packages from command line on Suse [closed]

What is the Suse version of apt-get or yum? How do I install software packages from the command line? A fairly intense session of googling suggests that it may be yast or yast2, but no sensible HOWTO ...
Fergie's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

How to automatically copy files from package to local directory via postinstall npm script?

I want to automatically copy certain files from an npm package to user's local directory after running npm install my-package I can get them installed by declaring "files" inside package.json. The ...
Dmitri Zaitsev's user avatar
30 votes
3 answers

What is the package name of the Google Play app and the AndroidPIT app?

What is the package name of the Google Play app and the AndroidPIT app?
mrd's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Install binary zipped R package via command line

I am trying to install zipped binary R packages via command line on a windows 7 machine with R CMD INSTALL packagename but it doesn't work. I read that CMD INSTALL can't be used to install binary ...
Kai's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

How to manage multiple package locations (folders) in R?

Before I upgrade to R-2.14, I want to take the opportunity to rationalise the folder structure of my installed packages. At the moment I use the R default, i.e. all new installed packages goes to ...
Andrie's user avatar
  • 179k
29 votes
9 answers

"installation of package 'FILE_PATH' had non-zero exit status" in R

By installing the package in R using the following command: install.packages('FILE_PATH', repos=NULL, type = "source") I got the following error: Installing package into ‘/home/p/R/x86_64-pc-...
QuantumGorilla's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

Listing yum group

When I run yum grouplist in a Red Hat environment and I received the following groups under the Available Groups list. How do I find out that which packages are contain in a specific group (e.g '...
WhereIsTheBubble's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Installing R packages available for all users

I have a few R packages installed under ~/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.11. I would like to make them, and any other R package I install from now on, available to all R users. I don't mind re-...
David B's user avatar
  • 29.7k
25 votes
2 answers

How to install a Mac application using Terminal

Apple suggests that prior to submitting to the Mac application store, the installation process for Macs be tested using the command sudo installer -store -pkg path-to-package -target / I saved the ...
David's user avatar
  • 14.4k
25 votes
1 answer

R: Cannot install rJava; what is r-api-3.4?

I am on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine with R version 3.5.1, installed following this link. I am trying to install the CRAN package rJava, which I do the following way (as seen here): sudo apt-get install r-...
DaniCee's user avatar
  • 2,861
24 votes
7 answers

Installed a package with Anaconda, can't import in Python

Forgive me but I'm new to python. I've installed a package (theano) using conda install theano, and when I type conda list, the package exists However, when I enter the python interpreter by running ...
KDogg's user avatar
  • 445
23 votes
6 answers

Causes of "Error: package '_____' was built before 3.0.0: please re-install it" in R

On one computer running R 2.15.2 I have installed packages from a .zip file (these packages happened to be ggplot2 and data.table, but I don't think the specific package is my issue.) Everything works ...
Docuemada's user avatar
  • 1,751
22 votes
5 answers

R - when trying to install package: InternetOpenUrl failed

Since I've updated both R (to 3.2.2) and RStudio (to 0.99.486) in Win 7, I'm experiencing problems downloading packages. I'm aware of the questions asked here but neither setInternet2(TRUE) nor ...
evoked_potential's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Installing bsddb package - python

I am totally new to python and I have this message when I try to import bsdddb Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/System/Library/Frameworks/...
user1611830's user avatar
  • 4,829
22 votes
8 answers

Error in loading rgl package with Mac OS X

I am trying to install rgl package (0.92.858) for R (2.14.2) under Mac OS X (Lion 10.7.3). When I try to load it (library(rgl)), I get the following error: Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() ...
Mikko's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

R: "make" not found when installing a R-package from local tar.gz

The R Package ConvCalendar is not on Cran repository anymore (see here). However, because I have intensively used this package for previous projects, it would be nice to have it installed on my ...
Caserio's user avatar
  • 472
21 votes
7 answers

How to install Python packages for Spyder

I am using the IDE called Spyder for learning Python. I would like to know in how to go about in installing Python packages for Spyder?
Alan's user avatar
  • 213
20 votes
4 answers

pip install dryscrape fails with "error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'src/webkit_server'"?

I need to install dryscrape for python but I got error, what's the problem? C:\Users\parvij\Anaconda3\Scripts>pip install dryscrape I got this: Collecting dryscrape Collecting webkit-server>=...
parvij's user avatar
  • 1,390
20 votes
3 answers

Installing packages in a local directory

What is the best practice to install packages (those with go get...) in a local directory? Example: I'd like to try out the Revel web framework, but I don't want to clutter my go installation at /usr/...
topskip's user avatar
  • 17k
20 votes
1 answer

How can I publish my software to public linux repos to be available with "apt" installers etc

I have developed (free) software, more precisely, a development environment or a code editor called "Lines". On the web I have set up installation packages for Windows and Linux, but I would like the ...
tomi's user avatar
  • 223
19 votes
4 answers

How do I install byobu in ec2 ami

I know it was possible usint a package manager since i did it once a time ago. But now if I try sudo yum install byobu it just fails ... Failed to set locale, defaulting to C Loaded plugins: ...
Glamdring's user avatar
  • 339
19 votes
13 answers

How to solve Delphi's [Pascal Fatal Error] F2084 Internal Error: LA33?

I'm really sick of this problem. Google searches always seem to suggest "delete all bpls for the package", "delete all dcus". Sometimes this just-does-not-work. Hopefully I can get some other ideas ...
Graza's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Installing packages onto R

For some reason I am suddenly not able to install packages in R (I have subsequently updated to the latest version of R and am running Windows 7). For example, if I type: install.packages('beeswarm') ...
user2407346's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Error: 'conda' can only be installed into the root environment

I am getting the following error when I try to install the python package seaborn: conda install --name dato-env seaborn Error: 'conda' can only be installed into the root environment This, of ...
Randall Blake's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Install the package that has been removed from the CRAN repository easily

I want to use some packages, but they has been deleted in CRAN, though their formerly available versions can be obtained from the archive. Those packages are not in r-forge, too. For instance, dynamo ...
yangzh's user avatar
  • 401
18 votes
2 answers

How do I install python packages with poetry?

Im migrating projects to poetry but have a problem here. This is simple project, not many modules needed. I installed poetry, used poetry add to add few packages required and then ran poetry install ...
M.wol's user avatar
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17 votes
10 answers

can't install php-devel on centos

I need help with installation of php-devel (I need it, cause it has phpize, which is necessary to install eAccelerator). But when I try to install php-devel with yum install php-devel it gives me the ...
kovpack's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

'Getting i.filter is not a function' in Atom while searching for a package

I am trying to install a package in Atom editor but I am getting the following error message: Getting i.filter is not a function. I tried re-installing Atom but the issue still persists.
neilucky's user avatar
  • 181
16 votes
4 answers

In or pip requirements file, how to control order of installing package dependencies?

I've got a Python package with its having dependencies declared via the usual way, in install_requires=[...]. One of the packages there, scikits.timeseries, has a expecting numpy to ...
limist's user avatar
  • 1,308
14 votes
2 answers

pip install tensorflow cannot find file called client_load_reporting_filter.h

I keep failing to run pip install on the tensorflow package. First it downloads the .whl file, then goes through a bunch of already satisfied requirements until it gets to installing collected ...
chocojunkie's user avatar

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