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1044 votes
19 answers

How to list npm user-installed packages?

How do I list the user-installed / environment package only in npm? When I do npm -g list, it outputs every package and their dependencies. Instead I'd like to see the packages installed in the ...
lolski's user avatar
  • 17k
679 votes
11 answers

Installing a local module using npm?

I have a downloaded module repo, I want to install it locally, not globally in another directory? What is an easy way to do this?
fancy's user avatar
  • 50.6k
153 votes
8 answers

Print a list of all installed node.js modules

In a node.js script that I'm working on, I want to print all node.js modules (installed using npm) to the command line. How can I do this? console.log(__filename); //now I want to print all ...
Anderson Green's user avatar
131 votes
6 answers

How can I update bower.json with installed packages?

In my project I've installed Bower components without the save option. Now, I would like update to bower.json. How can I update bower.json with installed packages?
kongaraju's user avatar
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126 votes
3 answers

Do you put Babel and Webpack in devDependencies or Dependencies?

I'm new to npm and don't really understand what should go into dependencies vs. devDependencies. I know that for testing libraries they should go into dev, but how about for things like babel and ...
stackjlei's user avatar
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111 votes
3 answers

What are `rc` files in nodejs?

I have some questions regarding various rc files in a typical node application, like .npmrc, .babelrc etc. What is an rc file, I know its a runtime-config for the module, but anything else? Does the ...
Gopikrishna S's user avatar
99 votes
4 answers

Automatically Build NPM Module On Install From Github

Given that a project's lib/ dir shouldn't be checked into Git because the files it contains are derived files (from the build process). When installing a package from the project's github (during ...
Undistraction's user avatar
86 votes
12 answers

Unable to resolve dependency tree Reactjs

I am trying to install react-tinder-card in my current project. So I am trying to install the react-tinder-card but after I use the command npm install --save react-tinder-card All I can see in my ...
Sunil Shah's user avatar
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64 votes
2 answers

what does grunt "test command" do on npm init

I'm trying to learn grunt. When I run npm init, I get a prompt in the process of creating a package.json file that asks for "test command" - I'm not sure how to utilize this, or what it's expecting. ...
mheavers's user avatar
  • 30k
62 votes
4 answers

How to register a local git package in Bower?

How can I register a local git package in bower? My current component.json is as follows { "name": "myproject", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "jquery": "1.8.0", "twitter/...
user391986's user avatar
  • 30.5k
27 votes
3 answers

how do i confirm i'm using yarn link correctly?

How can I tell my local linked package is in use rather than from remote? Is it suppose to show up in the dev server of my local package?
stackjlei's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

TypeError: environment.setup is not a function in React Testing

I was trying to implement the example shown in Jest website: Getting started with Jest. While running npm test on I was getting the following error: FAIL src/sum.test.js ● Test suite failed to ...
arshovon's user avatar
  • 13.6k
21 votes
1 answer

Failed doing npm install showing error "Undefined variable standalone_static_library in binding.gyp" and node-sass chokidar error

I'm updating a 3 years ago ruby on rails and react project trying to npm install but im stuck here getting this error $ npm install gyp: Undefined variable standalone_static_library in binding.gyp ...
Stefano Rueda's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

You can mark the path "..." as external to exclude it from the bundle - how?

I have a repository that I published to a package. I installed this package in another repository and want to use it but I get an error: (where the ... are the name of any package that trying to ...
ESI's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

JavaScript - package is a reserved keyword

I am trying to minify a third-party JavaScript library using Google Closure Compiler, but it errors out at below line: inBlock.package = package = name The error is ERROR - Parse error. missing ...
iwan's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

What is the preferred way to publish a wasm library on npm?

Is there a good way to publish a library that uses a wasm binary on npm ? So far, I encountered several issues. Ideally, I would like something that would be : Totally transparent to the user. They ...
lovasoa's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How to choose a CDN to load JavaScript & CSS libraries

What kind of reasoning should I do in order to choose a specific Content Delivery Network (CDN) to load JavaScript and CSS libraries into my website development projects? I see that there are some ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

React import multiple components from a folder

I am trying to import 2 components from the components folder. Both components' class are export default . However, I got an error message that I should use the curly braces in my import statement. ...
Chong Onn Keat's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How can I find rollup 3.1.0 update error?

i want to install rollup-plugin-visualizer but its need to update rollup. updated rollup from 1.8.0 to 3.1.0 got error [!] RollupError: Node tried to load your configuration file as CommonJS even ...
Garo Gabrielyan's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Node.js: Get (absolute) root path of installed npm package

Task I'm looking for an universal way to get the (absolute) root path of an installed npm package in Node.js. Problem I know about require.resolve, but that will give me the entry point (path to ...
x-ray's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Webpack - No Output File, No Errors Reported

I am learning Webpack and going through it again and again. In the latest build, there is something very strange going on. CLI reports everything is well & the output file dress_aphrodite.js is ...
Kayote's user avatar
  • 15.3k
10 votes
2 answers

Where to put frontend javascript configuration variables

I have a Javascript frontend that does Ajax calls to my backend. To do that, it needs a "backend_URL" that I hard-coded in the Ajax get() call, say "http://myservice/backend". Now if I want to ...
JulienD's user avatar
  • 7,213
10 votes
6 answers

npm installs many dependencies

I bought an HTML template recently, which contains many plugins placed inside a bower_components directory and a package.js file inside. I wanted to install another package I liked, but decided to use ...
RA.'s user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to Share Build Scripts In Lerna Packages

I have a lerna repo that contains multiple packages organised in the usual structure: package.json /packages - alpha package.json - bravo package.json - charlie package.json I need ...
Undistraction's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Package html, js, css as a desktop app

I have a online tool where you can make presentations and then either preview them right online or download them for use later in a presentation. This have been done in flash. An xml is created for ...
dbl's user avatar
  • 103
9 votes
6 answers

What needs to change in this package.json file to work with npm 0.3.0?

Trying to use a lib but getting this error... npm ERR! JSON.parse Failed to parse package.json data. npm ERR! JSON.parse Note that package.json must be actual JSON, not npm ERR! JSON.parse just a ...
fancy's user avatar
  • 50.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Can't get external library with browserify and debowerify

I have a headache on my hands. Here's my current setup: bower to get vendor libraries (angular in this case) gulp task to run browserify debowerify to make the bower libraries compatible with ...
JT703's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Node: check latest version of package programmatically

I'd like my node package (published on npm) to alert the user when a new version is available. How can i check programmatically for the latest version of a published package and compare it to the ...
pistacchio's user avatar
  • 58.3k
9 votes
1 answer

Debug javascript code in atom ide

I ask if there is a solution or a package to install in atom so that I can debug javascript (when using node) in the IDE, like the one offered by Visual Studio Code. Thank you in advance.
Firas Omrane's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Node mssql: return id after SQL insertion

I am working on an integration between Mongodb and SQL Server, inserting and updating registers from MongoDb to SQL Server database with a scheduled process, using the mssql package to achieve this. ...
Pablo Lammel's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Javascript equivalent to python

In python, in order to expose top-level functionality in a package, one would create an from .implmentation import impl_function def exposed_fn(): """call impl_function ...
jab's user avatar
  • 5,783
7 votes
17 answers

error An unexpected error occurred: "EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'path_to_project\\node_modules\\prisma\\query_engine-windows.dll.node'

I installed Prisma and I run npx primsa db push it pushed all tables to database successfully, after that I run npx prisma generate it tried to install @prisma/client and it fails with this error ...
Ghyath Darwish's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers
5k views in React Native 0.61.0

I'm migrating my project from React Native 0.59.9 to 0.61.0 (not advisable, but I have my own reasons). In my existing project I have the following code in @Override protected ...
gkeenley's user avatar
  • 6,998
7 votes
1 answer

Package to translate a cron to a "simpler" human readable format?

I've been looking all over the internet for an NPM package that could achieve this, but I haven't been able to find one. What I'm looking for is quite simple on the surface. A cron library that can ...
Sebastiaan's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Run some Javascript file like index.js in Flutter Webview

how I can run Javascript file in the flutter_webview_plugin. I try it with this. flutterWebViewPlugin.evalJavascript("require('./index.js');"); But nothing happens. when I try to run flutter code ...
Kashif Ahmed's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why I'm getting Cannot read property 'tagName' of null on a SVG?

I'm getting this error after I've updated the packages in my package JSON file. ./src/assets/img/pickUp.svg (./node_modules/@svgr/webpack/lib?-svgo,+titleProp,+ref!./src/assets/img/pickUp.svg) ...
Chandler Bing's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do you create array literals with HJScript or indeed HJavaScript?

In HJavaScript there is the Array type, but I can't see a way of constructing a literal that would translate, for example, to JS as [1,2,3]. I don't want to have to create a new Array() and then push ...
Christopher Done's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the Pod dependency manager detect the necessary modules for installation?

So this question is a follow up to my previous question: How can different apps import from a shared components folder? react / react-native So I've created my own npm module which I store all my ...
Steven Soekha's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I import React Components as a package/module from some other(non-project) directory?

I have a couple of React Components in a folder, which is not a react project. The Directory Structure i am following for components is: ~/components/Component1/index.jsx ~/components/Component2/...
Haider Ali Anjum's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to change NPM version? [duplicate]

I am trying to install some packages for React-Native project but its shows me NPM version error so, How can I upgrade. My current version is 4
Jatin parmar's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

I am get an export error when build test? [closed]

When running tests in React with Enzyme, I am getting the following error: "Error: Package subpath './lib/utils' is not defined by "exports" in ...\node_modules\cheerio\package.json.&...
cuobiezi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Laravel 8 ConsoleTvs 7 - Apply dataset configuration through extra argument of advancedDataset method

I am sending my data to the front-end of ConsoleTvs 7 Chartisan chart using the built in back-end advancedDataset method. As the third parameter I decided to send extra dataset configurations in array ...
Hmerman6006's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Optimum JavaScript package size

When you serve JavaScript to a page it is best to serve one packaged, minified and gzipped file to reduce latency and request times. But is it better to send One big package for your entire website ...
Raynos's user avatar
  • 168k
5 votes
1 answer

How to make npx work with my custom npm pakage?

I've published a new package which aims to generate a very small boilerplate for a node open source project via cli. For now, it's just a combination of few npx commands and requires other npm ...
Harshit Juneja's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to create a JavaScript Library

I've created some functions in JavaScript. I've found out that I reuse them in many projects. So I decided to create a small JavaScript Library for my coding. A Library like react, react-dom, jquery ...
Abolfazl Heidarpour's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Node.js package self-reference

Can package require itself and its subsystems? For instance there is module: src/deep/path/to/module.js which need to require src/another/module.js Instead of: require('./../../../another/module.js'...
Strider's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Module parse failed: The keyword 'interface' is reserved (5:0) File was processed with these loaders

It is my first time publishing package to NPM. I have published simple React + TypeScript component to NPM, but when I installed and tested it, I am getting the error below. I saw other Q&A but ...
Saidamir's user avatar
  • 318
5 votes
0 answers

How to satisfy libraries that depend on different versions of React? NPM

Hi guys I have a problem with NPM dependencies. It turns out that in my project, I'm using React version 17.0.2 but I have several libraries that depend on React 16.3.2 and I really don't know what to ...
Luisyubu23's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How to update npm package readme file without updating version?

When I need to update my npm package readme file , I need to update it's version. Is it possible to update readme file without version update?
King Rayhan's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How to write and distribute a Javascript module for both NPM and direct browser use

I want to write a single Javascript module that can be used both through NPM/Browserify: let mymodule=require('mymodule'); and alternatively by linking to a hosted version without ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar

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