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Questions tagged [package-explorer]

The Eclipse Package Explorer is a view that shows the files belonging to a project.

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433 votes
3 answers

How to view hierarchical package structure in Eclipse package explorer

OK here's what I would like: in the Eclipse package explorer, I see the following: (dot represents a clickable arrow that I can use to expand the folder) PROJECT Source Folder Package ...
Philip's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

What do the icons for methods in Eclipse mean? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do the icons in Eclipse mean? In the "Package Explorer" in the Eclipse IDE, I can click on a Java class and list all its methods. The methods are displayed with a few ...
Jonas's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

How to hide src folder from Eclipse Project Explorer?

I use a maven standard directory layout for my projects. The image Below is a typical project explorer view of a "not so minimum working example" of the view I want to customize. As you can see, all ...
Roberto Conde's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

How to prevent Eclipse from showing the opened file in package explorer

somehow I've ended up in a situation such that when I navigate through source files with Eclipse, the Eclipse always selects (and expands) the opened file with package explorer. With this I end up ...
Touko's user avatar
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19 votes
14 answers

Package explorer not showing...packages, in Eclipse. How to fix it?

By some reason, it seems my Package Explorer is showing the folder structure of my project instead of its package structure. How would I go about "fixing" this? I've tried playing with the filters but ...
devoured elysium's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How to save the "Package Explorer" in Eclipse

Is it possible, to save the state of the package explorer when closing Eclipse (3.4) and to restore it when opening the workspace again? By state I mean the nodes (expanded or collapsed).
Burkhard's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Eclipse package explorer empty

I'm new to Eclipse, and I can't seem to get the package explorer to cooperate. Here is my current file tree: └───workspace ├───bin │ └───var ├───res │ └───gui └───src ...
Code Monkey2's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to programmatically select nodes in Package Explorer in Eclipse plugin

Does anybody know or have an example on how to select node(s) programmatically in the Package Explorer view in Eclipse plugin? I see some help on how to get current selection but not on how to set ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How to sort projects alphabetically by name in PyDev Package Explorer in Eclipse?

In addition is there any universal way of doing this which works for other types of projects (in other perspectives) as well?
Piotr Dobrogost's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to programmatically change the selection within package explorer

I am currently developing a plugin for eclipse that analyzes dependencies and references between projects within the Eclipse Workspace and displays them in its own View in a UML-like diagram. To ...
Dragondraikk's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is Extending Eclipse Package Explorer Impossible?

Is it possible to extend the Package Explorer of Eclipse by binding a custom navigatorContent? When I tested the Project Explorer with my custom navigatorContent, like the xml code below, my ...
hanmomhanda's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Eclipse - Avoid the scrolling behaviour upon closing a file

When you open a file in a project and then close it the Package Explorer will scroll to a file in another project if there is a file open there. Is there a way to stop this behaviour?
James P.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What does an orange square by folder in Package Explorer mean? [duplicate]

I'm completely new to Java and Eclipse. I developed my first "Hello, world" program the other day following along with a tutorial. I understand most of the Eclipse UI since I worked with Flash Builder ...
Codist's user avatar
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Closed projects in Eclipse don't appears in a working set in a package explorer

I recently installed a new version of eclipse (2018-09), and faced with this problem. So let say we have 4 opened projects A,B,C and D: 4 projects And then we create new working set WS_01 with: View ...
cluster_master's user avatar
4 votes
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How to turn off Eclipse auto expands JRE classes from Package Explorer?

Since few weeks, I observe a bug (or unwanted feature) in my Eclipse workspace : when I press 'F3' ('Open Declaration') on a Java Runtime class, it updates the Package Explorer view. Previously, the ...
Maël Le Monnier's user avatar
4 votes
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How to sort items by date in Package Explorer in Eclipse?

How to sort items by date in Package Explorer in Eclipse? Is this possible? Currently it sorts alphabetically. I want my last touched projects to be top or bottom.
Dims's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there a way to make Eclipse Package Explorer show output directory content?

I hate having to switch to the Navigator view just to see what was built. For example, if I want to see if my *.properties files getting moved, etc. I tried removing all of the Filters... from ...
successhawk's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

how to set Eclipse editor screen & package explorer view?

Actually i came up with a problem which i haven't faced from a long time. while doing project i usually see my package explorer & editor screen side by side, but i don't know what the thing ...
code_finder's user avatar
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2 answers

Eclipse Package Explorer Oddity

Recently whenever I open my workspace in Eclipse the Package Explorer has always defaulted to focusing on a single folder of all my projects/resource files. I've put up with this for a few months ...
Kurru's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Add a item to eclipse package explorer's right-click menu

I want to add a item to eclipse package explorer's right-click menu. Any one has ideas?
Grove Cai's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to apply color labels to packages in the Eclipse Package Explorer view?

Is there a way to apply a color label to a package in Package Explorer in Eclipse? What I am wanting is similar to the way OSX lets you label things in Finder. I'd like to be able to quickly pick out ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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How do you get the Eclipse Package Explorer to show files whose names begins with a . (period)?

When a folder in the Eclipse Package Explorer (one which is linked to a directory somewhere in the filesystem) contains files whose names begin with a . (period), those files do not appear. Can ...
Chris Carruthers's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Something wrong with package explorer in eclipse?

In package explorer whenever i open any class file from any project package explorer closed automatically. And to open it again i have to go Window -> Show View -> Package Explorer I also try ...
John R's user avatar
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Eclipse package explorer tied to editor window

In Eclipse (latest version) I ended up with the situation seen below. I accidentally rested a book on my keyboard and through some magical key sequence managed to have a package explorer bar locked ...
oym's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove eclipse project explorer above the editor?

When I was working on a project for my program fundimentals class I somehow got this miniature project explorer above the editor in eclipse, I have tried to look for a solution on google but I don't ...
Sterling's user avatar
2 votes
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Eclipse projects (available in directory) are not visible in the Package Explorer?

Today when I started Eclipse (using same workspace), the package explorer view is not showing any project, even though the projects are there in the directory (workspace). To solve this problem, I ...
Ankita Kinjavdeker's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make the source directory visible in Eclipse M2T JET projects?

I just started to play around with Eclipse M2T JET2. Now I noticed that the jet2java directory, containing the generated Java sources, is hidden in my workspace. Also, when I create a src directory, ...
Veger's user avatar
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1 answer

Eclipse Package Structure messed up when importing gradle project

usually when I start a project the structure in the package explorer is something like this: src/main/java |- org.companyname.myproject |- repositories | |- | |- ClassB....
SuperPants's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Eclipse 3.4 package explorer question

is it possible to do something like this: Let's say I have a lot of projects in my package explorer. I want to make different views. For example a view for projects I don't use very often, my main ...
kukudas's user avatar
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Eclipse IDE set up only methods of class be visible in package explorer

Eclipse IDE. When I click on java class file in package explorer, it opens (unfolds) inside of package explorer and I can see the list of classes, methods and variables (fields) which are in this ...
careful7j's user avatar
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2 answers

Eclipse Plugin: Pass values from one View to other View

I writed a plugin with prefuse integrated in the view (org.eclipse.ui.views). As a second step, I writed and added a command menu into the context menu of the Package Explorer. When I right click on ...
malib5's user avatar
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3 answers

Add Package explorer in RCP-Application result in loosing some icon

In my eclispe rcp application I added a package explorer adding org.eclipse.jdt.ui When I use my rcp-app, as I create a new Project by "New Project Wizard" to add a "General Project", the project is ...
picciopiccio's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Make Package Expolorer Appear in Eclipse (Window > Show View is not working)

I am using Eclipse for Android programming. Somehow (I probably accidentally closed it), the package explorer (usually on the left side), isn't there anymore. How do I get it back in the same position?...
user1953907's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Eclipse Kepler: Hide specific items in Project Explorer

I'm using Eclipse Kepler and I'm unable to 1) hide the target folder and 2) to hide the duplicate src folder in project explorer. In previous versions it was possible to filter the folders with a ...
lilalinux's user avatar
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Eclipse package explorer doesn't show X-icons upon compilation problematic java files

I've downloaded a brand new Eclipse from the official website. It's really nice. The thing is, when I change some java file causing a compilation error in another java file, the package explorer ...
user1028741's user avatar
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1 answer

Eclipse, Interpretation Gitlab Arrows in Package Explorer

I was googling about of Gitlab on Eclipse about what means this image: Secondary click doesn't say nothing about this. I need to be secure about the changes using Eclipse
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to view methods in textual order in Eclipse, for navigation in editor?

I'd like to view a list of methods defined in a .java file in textual order, for navigating in the editor. Currently I attempt to view the methods in Package Explorer with the drop-down arrow of the ...
n611x007's user avatar
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1 answer

Lost my java packages and project from eclipse package explorer

I have been recently working on android app development on eclipse and suddenly I find that my package explorer has got blank, I am not able to locate my previous packages and project from eclipse ...
ritesh4302's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get Eclipse to remember Package Explorer view

When I close Eclipse it remembers which files I had opened in the editor and re-opens them when I start it up again next. Is there a way to also have it remember which packages/projects I had ...
Markus A.'s user avatar
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1 answer

IntelliJ showing source and test files in same package

I am using IntelliJ 2011.1.1 CE and now suddenly it start showing source (.java) and test classed in same package. I have selected "packages" view which is used to show only src files
Mehraj Malik's user avatar
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0 answers

Eclipse Package Explorer Unrecognized Package

I am trying to open a src folder in java. One of the main sub folder is not being intepreted as a package icon in the package explorer. The others are fine, only the first one. (Please see image below)...
Nap's user avatar
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Filtering the package explorer in Eclipse

I use Eclipse all the time, and yet I might as well be a newbie. The IDE clearly has many, many features; I guess I get overwhelmed. So this might be a dupe, but I couldn't find the same question ...
Dan Tao's user avatar
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6 answers

How do I show fewer projects in Package Explorer?

I have a ton of projects in Eclipse Package Explorer and I want most of them to go away. How do I delete projects from the Package Explorer view (but keep the files)?
Connor Leech's user avatar
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2 answers

sorting files by date in project explorer in eclipse juno

Is it possible to show files in package explorer in the order of date they were created? I am using eclipse juno and I couldn't find any customize option in view menu of the project.. Currently the ...
damon's user avatar
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Is it possible to set a subpackage as the root of the source DISPLAY in Eclipse?

So I have this Java project, and I use Eclipse Indigo. The source packages all start with A.B (not really, but you get it) and in the Eclipse Package Explorer, I see: A B package1 package2 It's ...
user1953555's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Eclipse: Notification on open/closure/deletion of resource in package explorer

I am looking for some kind of notification event that my plugin can react on if a project in the eclipse workspace is closed/opened/deleted (in the package-explorer view or in general would be nice ...
user867204's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Filter TreeViewer - Common Navigator Framework

I have a problem when trying to define a filter for folders or any other element within a project tree. My problem is that i want to show some sub-folders or sub-elements contained in one parent ...
Alberto MQO's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to get Eclipse Package Explorer Action Bars

i need to retrieve the Package Explorer action bars to set a GlobalAction (setGlobalActionHandler). I'm using Eclipse 3.6. Ideas? Thanks!
MrCatacroquer's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

package explorer horizontally to vertically eclipse

I have kind of stupid question, but well I can't find the solution. My menu "Package Explorer" was always on the left side of eclipse next to my workpart. Dont know when it changed to horizontal ...
user3508537's user avatar
0 votes
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Look for error message causing red marker in Eclipse?

Sometimes I see error markers (red X icon) near some files in Eclipse package explorer, but can't find any corresponding error neither in the file itself, nor in the problems view. I there any common ...
Suzan Cioc's user avatar
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