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Questions tagged [package]

Package broadly refers to two things: 1) a usable unit/component of built/compiled software, or 2) a partition of the global namespace (Java).

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13 votes
4 answers

ERROR Backend subproccess exited when trying to invoke get_requires_for_build_sdist

I used the Upload Python Package workflow on GitHub to upload the module stored in the repository to PyPI. As you can see at the link above, I followed the tutorial given by, to ...
FLAK-ZOSO's user avatar
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Should polyfills be a dependency or a devDependency?

As explained by this SO post, polyfills should be in the dependency folder. However, the Array.find() polyfill has the following installation instructions. npm install --save-dev jspolyfill-array....
ptk's user avatar
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Xcode loses package dependencies when switching git branches

Since Xcode 15, every time my colleagues and I switch git branches (we do this a lot), Xcode seems to "lose" the package dependencies. If we don't notice it immediately, we notice as soon ...
Baldman's user avatar
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.egg dirs in site-packages when installing python packages?

So I decided to install python packages (technically Django apps) directly from the downloaded tar file, by extracting it and using the following command: python install However, inside my ...
GoogleDroid's user avatar
10 votes
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R package `libs` directory too large after compilation to submit on CRAN

I am the developer of the following package and I have a problem: the compiled library is too big. When I check it with R CMD check, I get the following note ...
Odin's user avatar
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Getting foreground app's packageName in Marshmallow delayed by 3 seconds

In Android 6.0 Marshmallow I query for the foreground app with the following code but there was a problem with incoming notifications because it shows foreground app to the app which sends ...
WonderSoftwares's user avatar
10 votes
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Long time examples on R package functions for CRAN

I'm at the final steps of publishing my package. As I did a initial submit to CRAN, they commented about the examples check: Also, * checking examples ... [169s/169s] OK Examples with CPU or ...
jbrettas's user avatar
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0 answers

List modules in namespace package

I'm trying to get Python to list all modules in a namespace package. I have the following file structure: cwd |--a | `--ns | | | ` |--b | `--ns | | | ...
siebz0r's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Flutter - Animated text kit, how to stop animation, so it only fades in and shows the text, instead of fading in and out and gone?

So I installed an animated text kit but I'm running into some issue that I can't solve it, the animation fades in, scales in, then fades out and scales out. I want it to just fade and scale in and ...
Bn Minki's user avatar
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How to change sorting package/file in Android Studio?

if i create for example a new file in the layout folder/package it automatically sorts the file alphabetically and I can't drag it at the position I want. Is there a way to change this behavior as I ...
SwiftiSwift's user avatar
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How to get the list of available collections/packages/libraries for `ng add` (angular/cli)?

How can I get the list of available collections/packages/libraries for ng add <collection> Is there also the possibility to search for existing packages?
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9 votes
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How to fix "pgadmin4-apache2" error in Ubuntu 18.04 command line installation

When installing on Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic beaver), majority of packages I encounter an error involving "pgadmin4-apache2" that causes the installation to fail. What is causing this error and if it ...
Brent 's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is there a way to convert flutter package to plugin?

I have a Package made a while ago but I want to add some Android specific code (Java, but this doesn't matter). The only approach I currently have is just creating a new Plugin and moving things ...
Aviv Profesorsky's user avatar
8 votes
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Difference between reference and packagereference elements (c#)

I see that certain system packages (e.g. System.Net.Http) are referenced using PackageReference elements, while other are referenced using Reference elements. What is the difference between the two ...
yuvalm2's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I handle namespace packages that will serve as dependencies for another package

I have written three Python modules, two of them are independent but the last one would depend on the two independent modules. For example, consider the following structure myProject/ ...
tryingtosolve's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Separate User Library and System Library in RStudio's Packages pane under Windows 10?

I'm setting up R/RStudio on a new Windows 10 machine; first time setting it up in a non-UNIX environment, so bear with me. From my previous experience with R/RStudio under Linux and macOS, I wanted ...
Supertasty's user avatar
8 votes
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Where did Data.Functor.Coproduct. go?

I'm trying to use Data.Functor.Coproduct from comonad, but it seem to have disappeared in the latest version. In the changelog it is mentioned that it was deprecated in favor of Data.Functor.Sum, but ...
Damian Nadales's user avatar
8 votes
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Package imports error on devtools::check()

I have a package that contains the following package Imports in the DESCRIPTION file: Imports: lubridate, assertthat, R6, stringr I don't import these into my package's NAMESPACE using ...
imanuelcostigan's user avatar
8 votes
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Loading text data in R package

I'm working on an R package and having a terrible time trying to load data for internal use in the package. The package is set up with LazyData: false and the data itself is in a file called params....
jkeirstead's user avatar
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how to list older R package versions using available.packages

I have built some R packages (binaries, .RD files, everything), created a CRAN-style local respository, and used the command write_PACKAGES(..., verbose = TRUE, type = c("source"), subdirs = TRUE, ...
Bruce Morley's user avatar
8 votes
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Rcmd Check: Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls

This question is related to Rcmd check in R-Devel (3.1.0). I am maintaining a package, call it A, that "Depends" on another package, let me call this second package B. I have used "Depends" instead ...
Matthias Studer's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Nuget how can i specify packages location?

i have simple folder structure: project1 |_ nuget.config |_ packages.config project2 |_ nuget.config |_ packages....
Sasha's user avatar
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Is there a way in Verdaccio to generate package.json files based on what it has in it's storage?

I'm publishing angular packages to Verdaccio to use inside the company. Suddenly, I found out that one of my package is missing, when I run npm install it gives me an error saying Can not find that ...
yashvida jayasekara's user avatar
7 votes
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How to you import a 3rd party framework as a dependency using Swift Package Manager?

I'm trying to create a project using Swift Package Manager, but I'm running into issues trying to include the Fabric.framework. Here is my Package.swift let package = Package( name: "TestPackage"...
JonahGabriel's user avatar
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How to make pip/ build extensions (build_ext) when installing from an sdist?

I am trying to create an sdist which I can upload to PyPI and which can then be pip installed successfully by users. The project in question is, and I already have ...
JSKenyon's user avatar
7 votes
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System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly... (.resources)

On my ASP.NET Web API i have a method that parses some data from email messages using MsgReader. It works OK, but after a while it starts to throw following exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException:...
Miha Jerič's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Change package name (not only applicationId) for build flavor

When building multiple whitelable apps on the same codebase it's easy to use the build flavor mechanism of Android Studio. I can easily set a new applicationId in build.gradle file. android { ...
Alexey Ozerov's user avatar
7 votes
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Python package name vs. pip name in

When I'm listing dependencies in a file's install_requires entry, how do I specify that in order to install a given package, a different name must be passed to pip than the package name? For ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
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build R package--lines wider than 100 characters

When checking our new R package, we sometimes get NOTE "lines wider than 100 characters. These lines will be truncated in the PDF manual." Do we have to fix this? If so, how do you usually fix it?
Yukun's user avatar
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Octave installing package fails on mac osx (Segmentation fault)

I am trying to install general package (general-1.3.4.tar.gz) to octave 3.8.0. Im using mac osx Yosemite. Im getting segmentation fault. This occurs no matter which package I try to install (for ...
Hicks48's user avatar
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0 answers

Proper way to handle optional package dependencies

In a package I'm developing, several different methods of estimating are provided. Typically, each of these depends on functionality provided by other packages (in some case, with version requirements)...
Nick Sabbe's user avatar
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Artifactory: Avoid overwriting already existing release package?

is it possible to avoid overwriting (lock) an existing release package in Artifactory? We have already backups, but it is complicated to restore all release packages, that belongs to a specific ...
pan40's user avatar
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Reading from PackagePart stream does not release memory

In our application, we are reading an XPS file using the System.IO.Packaging.Package class. When we read from a stream of a PackagePart, we can see from the Task Manager that the application's memory ...
bjutus's user avatar
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Importing python sub-packages in a new package

Likely this is a banal question, and I ardently hope for it to be so, but I have been stuck on it for too many days not to try asking for help for it. There are similar questions in StackOverflow, for ...
Luca Cappelletti's user avatar
6 votes
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How to handle noise reduction in Flutter application

Using flutter_sound to record audio in flutter application. The recorded audio was not clear, background noise was more. How to remove the noise in mic recording. Is there any packages available / ...
Selvakumar's user avatar
6 votes
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Pkg error : "import.meta may appear only with 'sourceType: "module"'

i'm evaluating pkg ( but when I launch it I have the error : import.meta may appear only with 'sourceType: "module"' My Nodejs application uses the Es6 &...
Henry Kerval's user avatar
6 votes
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Why can't I install Plotly package in RStudio? What does the error say?

install.packages('plotly') I try to install the plotly package by running the code above in RStudio. However, it fails and returns the below. I'm a newbie and I can't read this properly. What should ...
Paw in Data's user avatar
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Should I use `package:` import when importing my own package's library in Dart?

I'm little bit confused about which style of import should I use when importing implementation libraries (code under src/lib) from another libraries (and tests) in my own package? The docs recommends ...
Anthony's user avatar
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How to replicate the package check time performed on CRAN?

I've been trying to reduce the check time on a package I am submitting to CRAN. On my local machines, check time is somewhere between a minute (i7 CPU) and 2 minutes (i5 CPU). However, CRAN reviewers ...
Waldir Leoncio's user avatar
6 votes
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Avoiding name clashes when installing packages in Python

When installing packages from PyPI, you have to use the name of the project, which is different from the name of the top-level packages which you will actually import. A clear example is pyserial and ...
Aquiles Carattino's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a way to include files from an e.g. package.json parent directory?

I want to be able to install local modules (below called myLibModule1/ and myLibModule2/), which need to access certain dll files in the lib/ directory. I tried to use the files attribute on the ...
Robin Dürhager's user avatar
6 votes
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German 'Umlaut's in R package description

I wrote a function in R that replaces german letters like ä, ö, ü and ß and want to document it in my package. My example is: #' @examples "Aber das ist es nun mal, was wir tun: wir träumen weiter ...
TobiSonne's user avatar
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File name having spaces it's changed to %20 in zip operation

I have use the below code for Zip file operation. It's break in file name having spaces it's converted into %20 for file name. string destFilename = ".\\" + Path.GetFileName(fileToAdd); Uri tempUri = ...
SVB Ashok's user avatar
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How to set python package search path in VSCode?

There is a python project whose contains export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${TOP}/libs/:${TOP}/src And The program runs well when running in vim. But when I run it in VS Code, get the error ...
xiaoxipangren's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Install package with separate source directory in editable mode

Situation This is the structure of an example package: $ tree Foo/ Foo/ ├── └── src ├── └── The package's name shall be foo however the package's source files ...
a_guest's user avatar
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How to check if a function from a package is actually used?

I'm currently editing an R script that was written by someone else, and a lot of packages are loaded in using library(). I've noticed that some of these packages are never used, as there are no calls ...
Green's user avatar
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Detach packages in R

I am using a package: KML (k-means for longitudinal data). When the package is loaded it loads 6 more packages. Loading required package: kml Loading required package: clv Loading required package: ...
ro ko's user avatar
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Separate SPA frontend app into different repositories

Does somebody have experience in separating single page front-end application into separate packages, I mean not just back-end / front-end, but client application (in my case angular 2) and not ...
baio's user avatar
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How to view the source code from downloaded packages in Visual Studio

I am working on TOTP and have downloaded a package in Visual Studio 2013 by: Tools --> Library Package Manager --> Manage Nuget Package Packages However there seems to be no documentation for ...
user3437460's user avatar
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Does GHC optimize away unused code and packages?

Let's say a big package is included to a project and only one function from the package is used, is the rest of the code optimized away when compiling the final binary? And If a package is included, ...
Petr's user avatar
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