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Questions tagged [package]

Package broadly refers to two things: 1) a usable unit/component of built/compiled software, or 2) a partition of the global namespace (Java).

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-1 votes
0 answers

npm install failed in expo react native project on MacOs M1

I was trying to install a package in expo React Native project without success. I then tried running npm install and expo upgrade. Unfortunately, npm install failed with following error message: npm ...
9 votes
4 answers

Unable to locate package openssl-dev

I'm trying to install the ROOT CERN packages on linux, using Ubuntu 18.04, and whenever I get into the prerequisites download, with this command: sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev cmake g++ gcc binutils ...
-2 votes
1 answer

problem activating virtual env inside project folder using poetry: cannot deactivate current virtual env

I have a global virtual env (my_env) and have been developing all my projects in it. Now I have developed a new project, also in my_env, and I want to use poetry to create a new, project-specific env ...
0 votes
1 answer

Difference between aws-cdk and aws-cdk-lib packages

In the package.json of my application I see two different packages named aws-cdk and aws-cdk-lib. What is the difference between both of them?
0 votes
1 answer

Building wix bundle overwrites package

Overview: I am making an installer for a web app build on 8. I started with just doing an msi installer (Package) with a custom UI. I then wanted to also include the installers for the dotnet ...
0 votes
1 answer

"Operation not permitted" when trying to compile code in Databricks

I am trying to compile my code in Databricks using the following code: import subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(["python", "", "bdist_wheel"], ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is it safe to use "conflicted" instead of fully qualifying namespaces for package development in R?

The usual advice, when developing R packages, is to always fully qualify package dependencies, rather than importing the namespace.
1 vote
0 answers

Is there an option in vite.config.ts to include all types in index.d.ts when building with Vite bundler?

I published a custom hook package using Vite bundler, but in the dist folder, the index.d.ts does not contain type declarations for functions, causing errors when trying to import types. The file ...
1 vote
1 answer

Error when I am using package persistent_bottom_nav_bar

when I use persistent_bottom_nav_bar package in my Flutter app, this error is appearing Error: The getter 'backgroundColor' isn't defined for the class 'ThemeData'. - 'ThemeData' is from 'package:...
2 votes
0 answers

Get the name of the current python distribution (name field in pyproject.toml)

I am getting the version of my package using this code: import importlib.metadata importlib.metadata.version("mypackage") As documented in this question I would like to avoid hardcoding &...
0 votes
1 answer

Need to send csv stored in UTL_FILE directory using UTL_SMTP

I have this code that makes a csv with the alters in the dba_audit_object: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE generate_audit_csv AS v_output_dir VARCHAR2(4000) := 'UTL_FILE_DIR'; -- Utilizamos el nombre ...
-1 votes
0 answers

"Exception: Codec failed to produce an image, possibly due to invalid image data" When using cached_network_image package

Image not loading and giving the error in the title It only seems to be happening with larger images, anything below 2MB is loading as intended without any errors. And the large image is loading fine ...
0 votes
0 answers

Python: Issue with installing Zebra Scanner package on Debian

i am trying to install this on a debian system (Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)) the newest version of this zebra scanner project is from Aug 2021 i have issues with the installation of the zebra-...
41 votes
4 answers

Distribute a Python package with a compiled dynamic shared library

How do I package a Python module together with a precompiled .so library? Specifically, how do I write so that when I do this in Python >>> import top_secret_wrapper It can easily ...
0 votes
0 answers

Upgrade Angular v15 to v16

After updating my Angular project from version 15 to version 16, I got the following errors: Error: src/app/app.module.ts:79:12 - error NG6002: 'TranslateModule' does not appear to be an NgModule ...
186 votes
9 answers

Making certain methods visible only to particular packages

I have two packages in my project: odp.proj and odp.proj.test. There are certain methods that I want to be visible only to the classes in these two packages. How can I do this? If there is no concept ...
0 votes
1 answer

Julia not recompiling package

I downloaded a package from github and made some small changes to the source code. After saving the source code, I run the following in my terminal >julia >using Pkg >"package&...
0 votes
2 answers

Problems using R after update in loadNamespace

I am very new to R. Working mostly with Seurat package to evaluate my single-cell RNAseq data. Today I wanted to update the R version and RStudio. After that I had problems using installed packages. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Errors when install_github was used for install package 'cindex' in Rstudio on windows machine

When I run the command install_github("chrchang/plink-ng", subdir="/2.0/cindex") in Rstudio, I get the following error message: Downloading GitHub repo chrchang/plink-ng@HEAD ...
0 votes
1 answer

Web based Python package download tool

I have a PC that is offline, that has Python 3.4.3 on it. The only way I have access to the internet is via a small Android tablet, which does not have Python installed. Which means I cannot use pip ...
0 votes
1 answer

need solve"from Package1" "import Module2 error

Hello guys when I try to import modules from packages that isn't working this always told me this error message: no module named: 'Package1' Looking at my project structure there is no uncorrectly ...
2 votes
1 answer

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'db2cli64.lib'

OS : Windows 10 Python Version ( 32-bit ) : Python 3.8.1 Package Version ---------- -------- pip 20.0.2 setuptools 41.2.0 I am trying to install ibm-db package using pip install ibm-db. ...
1 vote
2 answers

pip install generates ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1

I keep getting this while trying to install PyGObject for Python 3.7 in Pycharm. I at first got the error where cl.exe couldn't be found, but I did some research and would that apparently C++ toolkit ...
0 votes
1 answer

I am getting error that dbus package is not installed in virtual env

I am using virtual env to run my program, but it show this error every time I run my code: UserWarning: The Python dbus package is not installed. Try installing it with your distribution's package ...
0 votes
2 answers

ImportError: cannot import name 'IntType' from 'types'

I get this error for the Timeseries package on Python 3.7.1 from types import IntType, LongType, DictType ImportError: cannot import name 'IntType' from 'types' Does anyone have a solution for this?
3 votes
0 answers

R Error when installing/loading packages from library on company pc

After opening R Studio the following Error-message appears: This error also always appears in the end when I am trying to install or load packages: Error: invalid version specification ‘NA’ In ...
0 votes
0 answers

I have issues to install the viennaRNA package to be use on python

I am trying to use the package viennaRNA in python but I have an issue installing it. I am getting this error message: C:\Users\marvi>py -m pip install viennarna Collecting viennarna Using cached ...
0 votes
0 answers

Conda having difficult time installing packages on Linux with Miniforge3

Here is the text below, I'm not sure what I did wrong. Conda Version 24.5.0 Device: BeagleyAI using Debian as OS > \`Channels: > conda-forge > defaults > Platform: linux-aarch64 > ...
1 vote
1 answer

Package ggvoronoi in latest R (4.2.1) in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS failing to install

I have been successfully using the package ggvoronoi even a few weeks ago in R (3+). Until then all of a sudden R started to tell me: > library(ggvoronoi) Error in library(ggvoronoi) : there is no ...
1044 votes
19 answers

How to list npm user-installed packages?

How do I list the user-installed / environment package only in npm? When I do npm -g list, it outputs every package and their dependencies. Instead I'd like to see the packages installed in the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Import and use Vue.js package from CDN

I am importing Vue.js & Vue-Toastify from a CDN to use on a SPA. I only need a couple of reactive components therefore am importing from CDN. Vue Toastify I am fairly new to Vue and am trying to ...
1 vote
2 answers

SSIS - Truncate table does not work

I have a really weird problem. I have a SSIS package that transfers data from Oracle Source to an OLE DB destination. The transfer works fine. Before the transfer an SQL task should truncate the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Rtools error when attempting to download packages, even though I've installed Rtools

I am unable to download any packages in Rstudio because it says that the packages I'm trying to install (ggplot2, tidyverse) required Rtools required to build the packages even though I have Rtools. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Install cyvfleat (Python)

I am trying to use the file to install cyvlfeat (because I need functions available in this version of cyvfleat but ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I document complex function parameters in my own R package?

I am currently transforming my big R-Project into a package and I am trying to document it properly with enough examples and tests. Some of my functions use parameters that are of a complex type like ...
5 votes
6 answers

Can't install new packages for Python (Python 3.9.0, Windows 10)

In order to upgrade and clean up, I have reset my PC and installed Windows 10. Naturally, I installed Python as I use it frequently. But when I tried to install MatPlotLib using the command "pip ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why can't my class be run after declaring package and be found by another class in the same package/folder?

I am having problems understanding how packages work. Not using any IDE. I have the following folder structure: ~/dropbox/api/data Inside the data folder, there are (only),
0 votes
2 answers

error This project's package.json defines "packageManager": "[email protected]". However the current global version of Yarn is 1.22.22

error This project's package.json defines "packageManager": "[email protected]". However the current global version of Yarn is 1.22.22. cmd open paste = npm pkg set packageManager="...
0 votes
0 answers

Can't install rocksdict on Raspberry Pi 4 server (buster aarch64)

I had installed Python 3.9.1 for a specific user and tried to install rocksdict in a virtual environment. However, I am getting the following error message: $ python3 -m pip install rocksdict ...
0 votes
1 answer

Svelte subscribe to changes using

I am quite new to Svelte coming from an IOS background. I am currently trying to build a fairly simple application and am going around in circles trying to get my values to auto update when they are ...
-1 votes
0 answers

error: package org.knowm.chart does not exist

I need to import xchart into Visual Studio Code for a project. I've configured the classpath, modified the settings.json file, and also added the .jar files to Referenced Libraries, but I'm still ...
0 votes
1 answer

After adding IronPython through NuGet in Jetbrains Rider and launching Unity package cannot be seen neither by Unity nor by Rider

I added IronPython package trough NuGet in Rider. Everything worked fine, however after launching Unity .csproj changes and packages are removed from there. So compile errors appear. How to add ...
1 vote
0 answers

libpath et package loading order

I have a question regarding the order in which packages are loaded. let's suppose I have a libPath with 2 folders (in this order): folder1 (which contains external package EXTPACK version1) folder2 (...
0 votes
2 answers

How to install sklearn on visual studio 2019?

I'm working on a sample project with python language and visual studio 2019 IDE and I want to know how/where can I install packages like "sklearn"? When I run my project I encounter with this error : ...
43 votes
15 answers

How to avoid Visual Studio Code warning: "[myfile].java is a non-project file, only syntax errors are reported"

I am running a build task in a Java project in Visual Studio Code. The warning in the "PROBLEMS" tab: [myfile].java is a non-project file, only syntax errors are reported It refers to the ...
8 votes
5 answers

Is there a free package for reading, manipulating and writing ASN.1 in Java? [closed]

Is there a free package for reading, manipulating and writing ASN.1 in Java? It must be: Free Lightweight Self-contained (without external dependencies on, e.g. Apache commons) Java 5 (not Java 6), ...
1 vote
0 answers

Run mgcv package in python via rpy2

I am trying to create a python package to run mgcv in R, to replace the functionality of pyGAM. I want to start with the r command gam(), and need to use rpy2 to transfer data from R. I don't know how ...
0 votes
0 answers

ADB Uninstall failed - Delete_failed_internal_error [duplicate]

I recently buy a new phone and I want to reinstall an app but I've the message "the application was not installed because the package conflicts with a package already present" I can list all ...
46 votes
2 answers

Using hyphen/dash in python repository name and package name

I am trying to make my git repository pip-installable. In preparation for that I am restructuring the repo to follow the right conventions. My understanding from looking at other repositories is that ...
0 votes
0 answers

Delphi 12 isapi dll loading runtime package memory leak detection

I have a Delphi ISAPI DLL application that loads my actual web applications as package (BPL) files at runtime. I’d like to report memory leaks in my packages when the ISAPI DLL unloads. However I don’...

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