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Questions tagged [panzoom]

A JS library for universal support in panning and zooming in the browser. Use this tag when you have a question or issue related to the library.

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2 answers

( panzoom ) How to stop Image from panning out of the view?

is there a way other than resetting the zoom to force image not to get lost completely while panning using Panzoom library const element = document.querySelector('#scene'); const zoomLevels = [...
dota2pro's user avatar
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How to use Panzoom javascript in Angular 8+?

I am unable to use Panzoom Javascript library in Angular. I get ERROR Error: panzoom is not defined Here is the stackblitz of what i have done till now . Here is the working demo of how it should ...
dota2pro's user avatar
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PanZoom catch Touch Up event

I am using Panzoom JS to zoom in on a map. It is working just the way I need it for zooming in and out on mobile and desktop. When you click on an item on the map, I grab the x/y coordinates relative ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to initially center an image inside inline-block container when using panzoom?

I want to set the initial position of the image as centered how can I do that? I don't want to do CSS centering as it will be applied always only at the first time I want the position to be set as ...
dota2pro's user avatar
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Calculating visible area in infinite webpage

I'm using @panzoom/panzoom package for creating infinite webpage where I have items placed on it. When user pans I need to lazyload items based on their x and y coordinates. To achieve lazyload of ...
sravis's user avatar
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How to implement zoomIn and zoomout in vue-panzoom

I am trying to implement vue-panzoom's manual zoom option. panzoom is the parent library and the default zoom which is well demoed here is what i am trying to acheive
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How to zoom and scroll an <svg> element

I'm a newbie in html/css/JS development, I'm trying to learn for hobbyist purpose. I'm trying to create a page with an <svg> element inside a <div> and I'm looking for a way to pan with ...
martin.p's user avatar
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Zooming in with keyboard moves the centered image to right

This is continuation from this post When i click and zoom in the image it pushes the centered image to the right how can I force it zoom and not move to right const element = document....
dota2pro's user avatar
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vue3 unhandeled error when using vue-panzoom component

I used the panzoom in an older vue2 project. Now I tested the component in a simple vue3 setup and got "Unhandled error during execution of mounted hook at at " and "Cannot create ...
bluelemonade's user avatar
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Using Panzoom with Painterro for zooming in on images

I have a project that has Painterro integration for creating images. I had added Panzoom feature to that image, where by upon shift + mouse scroll event, we zoom the image. But this causes issue with ...
Sajal Limbu - ITH's user avatar
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getImageData() returns wrong data when panning/zooming canvas (Physical mobile device issue only)

Context: I'm using Andrei Kashcha's (anvaka) panzoom library: to provide detailed color picking functionalities: I've created a 1' movie to illustrate the use case: ...
user1098973's user avatar
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@angular/cdk/drag-drop inside panzoom

I'm using Angular 10 with panzoom. Inside the panzoom element I have draggable elements using @angular/cdk/drag-drop. This works fine until I zoom in or out with the panzoom. When zoomed in the ...
Doug's user avatar
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Panzoom inconsistent when zooming in without a mouse and keyboard buttons

I have tried the solution posted in this github post Steps to reproduce: Click on Zoom in Button twice. When Zoom is 150%; Click zoom out. The image zooms in but should actually zoom out ...
dota2pro's user avatar
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Convert mouse position to Canvas Coordinates and back

I'm creating a canvas with an overlay div to add markers on click and I want markers to change position when I pan zoom the canvas or resize the window. I'm using ...
Nam Tang's user avatar
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how can i Pause vue-panZoom

I have a Grid with vue-panZoom inside it there is a vue-draggable-resizable area like in the image below Image When i drag the (vue-draggable-resizable) gray square, the black (pan-zoom) rectangle ...
Drakew's user avatar
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SVG Pan Zoom: On Click Center Group Inside SVG to the Viewport

I am using this SVG Pan Zoom Library: I have prepared a CodePen for you: If you click on a category, the group should ...
ItsBenedict's user avatar
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Zoom only if [CTRL] key is pressed and auto repositioning of the image with panzoom - Angular

I am able to zoom in and out of my image with mouse scroll but I would like to zoom only if the [CTRL] key is pressed and using the mouse scroll. I would also like my image to go back to its initial ...
Picolo's user avatar
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Panzoom library: Zoom in and out while clicking the image works only for the first time

I'm using Panzoom library panzoom and would like to be able to zoom in and zoom out an image while clicking the image itself. It works. But only for the first time. I want to zoom in an image in two ...
Magda's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'on') when using panZoom in Vue 3

VUE 3 JS: Implementing the code for panZoom, I'm hitting the TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'on') . I got only solution ...
Ramlal S's user avatar
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Javascript Error: PanZoom JS function Not working on Dynamic Uploaded Image

I am trying to implement the PanZoom JS Functionality in my Code. The Code works fine when I add the static Image to the The WebPage and add the PanZoom Function to it. Eg: >>HTML <div class=...
Chempooro's user avatar
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Pan and zoom div container with draggable elements

I am trying to create a virtual post it board where you can add a note, drag it, etc. I also want to be able to zoom in and out of the board and pan around. I have most of this working but when I do ...
Eric.18's user avatar
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jsPlumb + Panzoom infinite droppable canvas

I have created a codepen that uses jquery ui droppable(for drag/drop), jsPlumb (for flowcharting) and Panzoom (panning and zooming) to create a flowchart builder. You could drag the list items from ...
Pradeep Jagadeesan's user avatar
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How to programmatically smoothly zoom to a point with panzoom?

Using the panzoom library, assuming the containing div is 400x300px, and an interesting item is found on 120-150x200-250 (Before zooming), how can one programmatically zoom to this rectangle with a ...
Udi's user avatar
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How to install timmywill panzoom with a script tag

I am trying to add panzoom to my page via a vanilla script tag. In the documentation it says: With a script tag: <script src="/js/panzoom.js"></script> I can not find a folder called ...
user1293977's user avatar
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Why panzoom not disabled in svelte?

I am trying both panzoom library in projects. The panzoom is working perfectly but when I try to pause or dispose panzoom, it is not working. I have tried multiple approach to solve this but didn't ...
i_am_learning's user avatar
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Zoom (panZoom) not working when switching plots in R shiny

I am able to use zoom on a single image, and that works well. However, in a more complex app, I have a dynamic UI that the plotting depends on a selectInput() like this: output$all <- renderUI({ ...
CodingBiology's user avatar
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How to fit mermaid diagram to fit into the parent container ngx-panzoom

We have a mermaid diagram data and we're rendering mermaid content using mermaid library in Angular. I have wrapped mermaid content within panzoom to exploit zoom-in and zoom-out functionality, the ...
Alisha Saxena's user avatar
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Adding/Removing Blazor components dynamically (Panzoom)

I am trying to create something like a map that i can add pins of points of interest on it. I am using this library just for reference ( The problem i have ...
Panos Nostrarmagos's user avatar
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Angular: ERROR TypeError: this.panZoomAPI.panDelta is not a function

I have made a small ->stackblitz <- to demonstrate my issue. I have a master component that has pan-zoom within which there's a parent component that holds some content (the children). The ...
Mike Dolha's user avatar
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multiple panzoom's on one page

I'm using this panzoom library, however I'm struggling to get it to work multiple instances on the same page with custom options. Here is a jsFiddle which allows for multiple panzooms all with the ...
probablybest's user avatar
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Panzoom library and filling a div with a centered image

The Panzoom library ( allows you to move and zoom an image in a div: var panzoom1 = Panzoom(document.querySelector(".zoom-area1"), { maxScale: 6 }); document....
Dominika Zając's user avatar
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How to place the transfom origin point of element in center of the view port

I'm trying to make a website where you can zoom and pan. Currently I'm working with the panzoom package, but the user should be able to rotate the scene content around the center of their screen. I ...
Robbe Verhoest's user avatar
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Test if point outside pan-zoom bounds

I want to test if the location of a particular SVG element is inside or outside of the currently visible pan-zoom region. If it's outside then I can pan to get it just inside the corresponding border. ...
ACProctor's user avatar
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Vue panzoom container

I would like to use this plug in to zoom and pan around a number of other components but am struggling to work out the best way to implement It looks like a good ...
adamprocter's user avatar