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PHP is an open-source, multi-paradigm, dynamically-typed, and interpreted scripting language designed initially for server-side web development. Use this tag for questions about programming in the PHP language.

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I'm getting 401 Unauthorized when accessing protected routes using http only cookies in Laravel with axios

I'm working on a Laravel application with JWT authentication, and I'm trying to use http-only cookies for authentication. Despite setting the cookie correctly on login, I'm still receiving a 401 ...
bright-webb's user avatar
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Laravel Observer depedency injection gave a collection instance

Laravel Observer depedency injection gave a string type attribute instead of an integer. I faced a problem with Laravel Observer because it gave me a collection with the wrong attribute type (integers ...
Junaris Alf's user avatar
-1 votes
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Symfony Backend with React Js Frontend

I Create a react js frontend, and a symfony 7 Backend using api Rest and axis ,first I test the connection between the back and the front it works ,but when I continue on developing the Backend and ...
Hamza EL-HARCHALI's user avatar
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unknown urls in my Google Analytics performance dashboard

I have a hobby wordpress website with around 4 pages and 4 posts in total. Google notified me that my website has "malware". The link that I was notified was this: I checked my Google ...
user2979010's user avatar
-3 votes
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SQLI - Do a select criteria on a field as if there is a string added to it [closed]

Database contains products table Some users have there own article id's with another prefix. Lets say prefix YYY. I thought a query like underneath would give a match: SELECT * FROM products WHERE &...
medicalbird's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to correctly save an apostrophe in WordPress Database?

When I tried to save the user input in the database, if the user uses an apostrophe ( ' ) then in the database it is saved with a slash ( / ) before the apostrophe. So for example if the user enters &...
Nick Clash's user avatar
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Ensuring casts are applied before Laravel data constructor is called

I am attempting to make use of the laravel-data package from Spatie, in order to ensure a typed contract between different layers of my application. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with casting ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to use PRG? [closed]

Hey guys I've been doing a project and I'm getting a problem when posting the information because everytime I post some information in the browser and it gets sent in the database it comes doubled I ...
João Telles's user avatar
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Laravel Livewire wire:modle and wire:click showing 404 on cpanel but works fine on localhost

Laravel livewire works perfectly on localhost but when deploy to cpanel; shared hosting, wire:click and wire:model, not working, for example I have a live data search implemented with livewire, but ...
Victor Vibist Tetteh's user avatar
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Laravel Livewire autocomplete

I am new to livewire and i just want to build an autocomplete, but i dont know if my code is correct or not because when i type in my input, i dont have any errors in Network or in my Console here is ...
Mishimaster's user avatar
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Woocommerce remove out of stock products

I am using this code from here. It deletes products if both the status is “Out of stock” and the product itself was edited more than 60 days ago. How can I change this code so that it counts 60 days ...
Lgane's user avatar
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Steam Web API doesn't return content

I'm working on an addon for my Garry's Mod Server. I tried to get the username and avatar from the players, but it doesn't return anything. $id = $_GET["steamid"]; $url = file_get_contents(&...
UHDGamer's user avatar
-1 votes
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i want to show three tier MLM Tree but it is not showing properly

I have a three-tier MLM tree with four levels: Basic, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Gold, Silver, and Bronze are parallel to the Basic level. Every third member added under anyone becomes a Gold member. ...
Ali Usman Javed's user avatar
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Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'example_app.sessions' doesn't exist

I am trying to set up Laravel 11 on Windows 11. I am using WAMPServer for Apache/PHP/MySql. I have installed the installer globally using Composer. I then run this command to create a Laravel project: ...
Joshua Rogers's user avatar
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Why can I hook ZEND_ECHO but not ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL?

In php5.6.30, i have following code: <?php eval("system(\"whoami\");"); the opcode is: line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands ------...
R3gr3t's user avatar
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How to Revive an Old Symfony Website with Deprecated Bundles?

I'm currently facing a challenging issue and could use some advice. A client approached me to integrate the Gutenberg API into their website, which is built with Symfony. The website is deployed and ...
Firass Aguech's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can I extract only the text content from an HTML string in PHP? [duplicate]

I have HTML strings stored in database, and I want to extract only the text content, stripping out all the HTML tags. What is the best way to do this in PHP? I want to extract the plain text. How can ...
Muhammad Aleem's user avatar
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Laravel: How to insert entries into a specific table [duplicate]

There is an issue with inserting entries into a specific table. Usual methodology (model) Creation of an table (portfolio_item) <?php use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration; use Illuminate\...
Roman_Coding's user avatar
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php opendir how to get files what sorted numeric

how to read files numeric? Im have from 0 to 20 files in directory and he gives me 1.txt 10.txt 11.txt 12.txt 13txt ..., not 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt ... im not wanna use glob or scandir, because i dont want ...
c4ika's user avatar
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31 views not defiend on home page

I've tried to read everywhere and asked chatgpt but i cant find a solution. i created this plugin here and its working fine via the following page However, on this home page, ...
user2126404's user avatar
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Laravel 10: Target class [App\Http\Controllers\app\dashboard\dashboardController] does not exist

I tried logging in a user (email and password) to the user's dashboard page but got the error message: Target class [App\Http\Controllers\app\dashboard\dashboardController] does not exist, after ...
Worldlight Idakpo's user avatar
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Reply Depend on current and previous Status

I have this code tend to achieve this If the user has previously asked about Nrat and then says "Thank you": The reply should respond with a specific Nrat-related response. If the user just ...
monkey from Tanzania's user avatar
-1 votes
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Empty cache and weird first page loads on symfony 7.1

In my symfony 7.1 (php 8.3) application, on the registration page, the first attempt to submit the form always results in a console error message "turbo.index-810f44ef1a202a441e4866b7a4c72d11.js:...
RoZx93's user avatar
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I got an error while sending notification [closed]

Can I ask? I coded the bot using JavaScript, but when I tested it, it said it was normal, but when I uploaded it to Git, it got an error, why? Can I ask? I coded the bot using JavaScript, but when I ...
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how can i show Multiple Images of Products inside the database mysql using php js

Only 1 image from the database is pulling inside the modal which is the class= "main-image" <?php session_start(); // Check if the user is logged in if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { ...
Obri's user avatar
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I can still see contents of directories on apache linux [closed]

The content of my .htaccess file are as follows: Options All -Indexes AllowOverride None I have Amazon Linux 2023 image and this is not working. I can still see the content of the directories. Can ...
coderatlarge's user avatar
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Message: mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No route to host [duplicate]

i have codeigniter 3.1.11 on ubuntu 24 and i am not able to connect mysql here my error message Message: mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No route to host even my username and password are ...
galih utama's user avatar
-1 votes
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Best practices for database error handling [closed]

This problem came up when I started to do unit testing for a website that I wrote. Whether I mock the database or spin up a Docker instance to use is a question for later, but what really got me ...
Jose Chavez's user avatar
-2 votes
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Live Sql Java DropDown List from Main Category

Sorry guys, I'm being silly again. I definitely need to stop drinking! Trying to create a live make / model search box for vehicles as you'll hopefully tell from the below code. Any help / overview ...
Earunder's user avatar
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I want to create a query that will fetch all the categories and fetch all the products for the provided category in arguments

Here is my index file with url paths: <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../app/Config/bootstrap.php'; use FastRoute\RouteCollector; use FastRoute\...
user16731988's user avatar
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Composer Install Fails with File Deletion Error in Docker on Windows

I am experiencing an issue with running composer install inside a Docker container on my Windows 11 machine. The installation fails while trying to delete a directory, and I receive the following ...
Santhosh Kumar O's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP Limiting readdir

I want to show the first 10 files, but not scan the entire directory. Show the first 10, then another 10 and so on until the end. I found this script, but it doesn't actually work. <?php $start = ...
c4ika's user avatar
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Form with multiple inputs into fields for PHP processing

I've got a form with multiple sets of data (which are variable) which I'm attempting to pass into PHP and then for each group of fields, have the individual data into PHP variables ready so I can work ...
Andy Jenkins's user avatar
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How to valdate items from array in Laravel

I have a question, how can I validate the elements of an array against each other in a request? For example, I want the documents.*.end_date to be required if the selected document has a property ...
Luis Garcia's user avatar
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Opening HTML tag disappears when I close it

When I'm in the process of closing an HTML tag, the opening tag gets highlighted, and when I finish closing the tag, the opening tag disappears. Why is this happening? It seems to only happen in .php ...
Kris Hunt's user avatar
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Custom Dropdown input automatic search behavior in Woocommerce Wordpress

I have 2 custom made dropdowns in Woocommerce, that act as filters for products, one including all brands in the site, the second all level 2 categories. They have an automatic tigger search function ...
SamberJac's user avatar
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I can't install Composer on my XAMPP with Xdebug

When I try to install Composer I get the following message: The PHP exe file you specified did not run correctly: C:\\xampp\\php\\php.exe Program Output: Xdebug: \[Step Debug\] Time-out connecting to ...
Matías Bacher's user avatar
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Product analytics with amplitude from log services [closed]

Does any one knows solutions that can store business logs from application and send them to services like amplitude. So basically I need log storage with possibility to transfer data to 3rd party ...
nullifier's user avatar
2 votes
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I keep getting this error "Cannot access offset of type string on string" whenever I try to serve dummy data to my Laravel application

I am trying to serve some data to my view. However, when i try to access the elements in my dummy array, i keep getting an error "Cannot access offset of type string on string". And I don't ...
BARIMA YAW's user avatar
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Woocommerce add an `aria-label` to the product loop item link anchor tag

I am using WooCommerce and want to add an aria-label to the product loop item link anchor tag. Like: <a href="http://localhost/shop/the-poets-philosophy/" class="woocommerce-...
sariDon's user avatar
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Second price information on the product page should change with a multi-currency converter

In my Woocommerce Admin Product area under: Product Data > General: I have created a "custom input field" under the "Sale price (€)" field. In functions.php this field is called ...
Mercury's user avatar
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Sentiment Analysis using Logistic Regression [closed]

Were currently conducting a thesis project, our study is mainly about analyzing sentiments of feedbacks using logistic regression, the data will come from database. We currently dont have any ...
justarandomguy's user avatar
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PEAR binary directory is empty

I'm setting up my php setup, and I decided to install PEAR but even following the official installation I couldn't install. I downloaded PEAR manually through ...
HatanakaThiago's user avatar
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Ternary in an array, string PHP [closed]

array ( 'head' => "Birth and Early Years", 'text' => array ( "Jason A. Cloud was on <a href=''>Bellona</a>, Prime Hospital, to <a href='...
Lee Wright's user avatar
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "'..'" not found

Since my hosting update my PHP to 8.2 I had a lot of problems, i solve a few of them, but this still and I can't figure it out how to solve it. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "'..'" not ...
Steven Arceo's user avatar
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composer not found for docker and codeigniter

This is all new to me. I am using Docker and CodeIgniter. I want to create an image for CodeIgniter in Docker. I am using Docker Desktop on Windows. I have a Dockerfile that contains the code below. ...
aye decoder's user avatar
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Re-ordering ACF Flexible Content Fields in Wordpress, not by order in PHP file?

Currently I have a single.php file where I am calling all my ACF fields, which are displaying all okay. The only issue is that they are displaying in the order they appear in the single.php rather ...
Dominic Hands's user avatar
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Change User's Active Directory Password using PHP Script

I am quite new to PHP so I suspect I am doing something wrong. I have written the script below to change a user password in MS Active Directory. I have confirmed SSL port 636 is open and SSL ...
Kin Ben's user avatar
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Dompdf not rendering display: flex correctly in generated PDF

I'm using Dompdf to generate PDF invoices from HTML templates in my PHP application. The HTML/CSS template includes display: flex for layout purposes, but when rendered into a PDF using Dompdf, the ...
KAVIN PRASAD J's user avatar
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dynamic create procedure error using loop when invoking the procedure mysql [closed]

Naaz-123's user avatar

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