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Questions tagged [post]

POST is one of the HTTP protocol methods; it is used when the client needs to send data to the server, such as when uploading a file, or submitting a completed form. The word post has several meanings, but this tag is specifically about HTTP POST requests.

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-1 votes
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How to print data from a form as a list item?

I’m trying to make this post feature where the user can enter a number of names, and each name will be printed as a list item in ascending order like this: Bruce Wayne Peter Parker Clark Kent I've ...
Abdul-Jalil's user avatar
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Form Data not send to the API

import prisma from "@/app/lib/db"; import { getKindeServerSession } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server"; import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; export async ...
SamiBro's user avatar
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How to Test the Cloud Function with Http Trigger

Would like to set up a HTTP trigger - Cloud Function that listens to a POST method and then Cloud Function will parse the payloads and make a post process on it. Would like to know what is the curl ...
YihanBao's user avatar
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Menu and submenu with 2 modal in laravel

I have a problem with menu and submenu calling with 2 different modal. I would like when choose in the first menu see the elements of the submenu in another modal. The problem is that I loss the ...
Grazy's user avatar
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HTTP POST (or PUT) requests longer after response in ESP32

I'm making project like RC car on coupled STM32 and ESP32 as co-processor. Now I'm trying to use POST/PUT requests of HTTP to turn on/off LEDs on my module, but I have problem with analysing and ...
All All's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP not receiving any POST request body from javascript fetch api

I am writing a program that takes input from a website and sends inputted data through phpMailer. I am sending the information in json through a post request using javascript fetch. I am also running ...
Daniel Svirida's user avatar
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POST to mongoDB using axios & express

Struggling to get my data to post - I'm getting a 404 error. I've looked around the forum's and I think it has something to do with my route. I'm not sure I understand the routes aspect and how that ...
Bkwiat's user avatar
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Making POST requests and Scraping JS-generated content in Python

So, to scrape the content of a page that is dynamically generated in vue-app tag, I firstly need to log-in with credentials, which is done by POST request. The problem is that for successful login, I ...
prosyanoy's user avatar
-2 votes
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Authentication header changing to smaller-cased(authentication) when sending POST request from golang server(rusty) [closed]

in the golang server when sending a POST request with a bearer Authorization , the request is being changed and at the url i hit from the golang it is shown as authorization. where the 'a' hash been ...
Arjun's user avatar
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How to append a row to Google Sheets API? It's not working with Jquery: code 403 Unregistered callers

Here's the request URL format I am using currently: postResURL =${SHEET_ID}/values/Reserved!B2:D7:append?valueInputOption=RAW&key=${API_KEY} Here is ...
Ryan Wang's user avatar
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-3 votes
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I'm trying to send a post request from my frontend, but my backend isn't receiving it [closed]

this is code that send's the data to the backend , when i console log the data , i can see it in my console, also it's a button that triggers the post request, the request it's not coming from a form. ...
Joel Somtochukwu's user avatar
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403 error when sending a POST request from the browser

I'm sending a POST request in two different ways: fetch('', { method: 'POST', mode: 'no-cors', body: JSON.stringify({ email: 'someone@...
dariusz's user avatar
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Trying to pass values through POST to a php file using $http service of angular js does not work [duplicate]

Basically, I'm creating an e-commerce website for a college project. My intent is that when a user clicks on the add to cart button, the name of the book and it's price gets sent to an external php ...
Aaryan Fatnani's user avatar
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How to create custom layout options for a post within a custom Wordpress theme?

Currently building myself a Wordpress theme and new to using PHP. Having worked with Wordpress CMS for a while now I am struggling to understand how custom layout options are added into a post editor ...
Dominic Hands's user avatar
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1 answer

How to query post requests on browser

I've been getting started with querying APIs, and I spent a while today frustrated with trying to do a POST request through my browser, the same way I was able to do GET requests. I folded and got ...
klaus's user avatar
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Experiencing POST 403 Forbidden Error when trying to use DVLA API [duplicate]

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <body style="text-align: center"> <div style="padding-top: 10px;"> <label>Enter Vehicle Registration ...
andy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Not able to send post request with Content Type "x-www-form-urlencoded" with Clojure

I'm basically trying to do the following cURL command in Clojure: curl --location '<auth-url>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=...
Kim's user avatar
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Need a way for upload content on my site from a form

I'm just getting into java and php and so I looked for something online and I helped myself with AI to create something that worked, so I apologize in advance if I don't understand something and if I ...
Luca Santomassimo's user avatar
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Java POST to Python FastApi - JSON payload - Unprocessable entity? [duplicate]

I'm attempting to make a POST request to a FastApi from a Java front-end. I have tried several different things I have found reading online, but I cannot make it work. Java implementation: public ...
Kris Rice's user avatar
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Send number[][] as an input to post method, angular -> spring boot

I am creating a form to retrieve number of ancestors <form #ancestorForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="getAncestorsOnInput(ancestorForm.value)"> <label></label> N ...
Adwait Uprety's user avatar
1 vote
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Fetching data from multiple components and sending them in one POST request

I am currently working on a full stack (React, php + symfony) application and I am kind of stuck at the following stage. I want to send data from the NewFacility and from the BusinessDay component, ...
deannyboy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Posts details page showing blank/ white screen

I have a wordpress site, i used wordpress posts types for news, blogs, case studies sections for website. blogs, news listing page properly working, but when i open perticular post then it show blank ...
innois's user avatar
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Problem in Playwright 1.45.0 when POSTing multipart FormData using recorded HAR files

We are using routeFromHAR(har, {update: true}) to record network traffic while testing an application that makes a series of REST calls (GETs and POSTs). We are doing the recording for the purposes of ...
andysd's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure DevOps Rest API - Creating Iteration don't work

First I call all iterations that I have in my project - and it works fine and then I want to create a new one via the API. , but the method doesn't work, I get the error: The remote server returned ...
askldq's user avatar
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Problems with Form POST in Safari and IOS

I have this simple router, relying on a simple HTML form. export const authSigninRouter = new Hono(); const SigninForm = ({ email = '', errors }) => { return ( <form class="mt-5 grid ...
André Alçada Padez's user avatar
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C# ajax post request 404 not found

I have an ajax query running from a page located in a folder Project/Pages/IT/NewEmailSetup I want it to call a post request to a controller thats located in Project/Controllers/...
Ben Bodie's user avatar
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Google Chrome is failing to POST when Content-Length is above a certain (very low) size

I am trying to upload an image to my GraphQL API. I do this by base64-encoding the image, so my request looks something like this: This works fine on Firefox, and it works fine for some images on ...
devrobf's user avatar
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Custom plugin top menu url replace with custom post type list link

How do I alter the position of a Custom Post Type menu item within my plugin admin menu? I create my custom plugin WPTutor LMS and create one custom post type Course I want to show my custom plugin ...
Kaushal Patel's user avatar
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Wordpress: Auto publish a specific post when its category has no posts

I have an listing of events (made with posts in wordpress) that I have php code snippet that sorts by the event date (ACF), and automatically un-publishes an event on the day after the event date. The ...
William Cox's user avatar
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How to update post content from acf fields using acf/save_post?

I am trying to update page content from acf fields attach to a page using acf/save_post action. I noticed wp_update_post updates post_contet fields in DB but then overwrites it later. I tried remove ...
infomasud's user avatar
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post request for token name from address

I want to get a token name from a smart contract address. I have come to a code using web3 module. It works nice, but I can not use web3 - the code will be used in the environment (BI service) that ...
AstA's user avatar
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Getting an error when returning a validation view in Laravel

What I am trying to achieve is to redirect back to the page with validation message if the input is incorrect. Currently I am facing an error and that says. Method Not Allowed Symfony\Component\...
alex wang's user avatar
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Spring framework 5.3.30, throws exception missing session attribute on post?

We have this issue in our @Post controllers With method annotations containing at @ModelAttribute. The controller has an at @SessionAttributes annotation. The model is setup oin the @Get method of the ...
user1955401's user avatar
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Wix REST API: Create a draft post using html directly in content

When using the WIX Rest API to create a draft post I am sending the following in the request: post_params = { draftPost : { memberId: member_id, title: 'My New Post', ...
Zigglzworth's user avatar
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Empty Content in the Response for a POST API Call

I'm calling an API to submit a file and I get a 200 response but the content is empty. I've also tried using RestSharp but the same response. The request however is successful through Postman. There's ...
codeDonkey's user avatar
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i tried submitting the form but it aint working <% layout('layout/boilerplate') %> <div class="row"> <h1 class="text-center">New Event</h1> <div ...
Jagan Achu's user avatar
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Is there a way of adding a 'social share' button to a post 'loop' on the archive page so that the URL shared is that of the post and not the archive?

I created a post loop to display all my posts on the archive page and I want to add a social share buttoin to these loops so that a user can share the article from the archive page without having to ...
Arnaud Brunel's user avatar
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unitywebrequest only failing with certain inputs

My unitywebrequest is only working if I put a certain amount of characters in it, else I get the error HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error. For example: using UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(...
Duncan Burns's user avatar
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Unable to post photos into facebook page using GraphAPI error #200) The permission(s) publish_actions are not available. It has been deprecated

Following facebook's GraphAPI docs, i got a post request as seen below:{pageid}/photos?access_token={here I insert a permanent PAGE token}&url={here i insert a ...
user25625614's user avatar
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Request lambda authoriser not called

I have a request lambda authoriser but when making an http post request to the connection that I created, I realise that the authoriser is not called and it still asks for attaching oauthorization as ...
user8845321's user avatar
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Http post using powershell - Invoke-RestMethod : The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized

When i executed the below command in PowerShell i am getting error. "Invoke-RestMethod : The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." Code: $Cred = Get-Credential [System.Net....
Manoj kumar's user avatar
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In ReactJS, when using fetch with body: JSON.stringify, it gives me the result in double quotation marks

I am trying to fetch a POST HTTP request with a body that picks up some useState variables' values. However, the response comes back with a double set of quotations. How can I get just a single set of ...
Julieth Bautista's user avatar
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formatting input value as a tuple

I want to post form data like the following: <input hidden data-tagid="1" data-boolean="1" name="tagswithboolean[]" value="1,1"> <input hidden data-...
alrightgame's user avatar
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400 Bad Request when handling file inputs within Flask, JS, and HTML Script

I am creating a Flask Python Application that will use JS along with HTML, to create a form that allows the user to input a file. During my testing I am receiving a 400 Bad Request within the 'POST' ...
Ed-Ryan's user avatar
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OK, an how to reload the cuttent php page with all POST variables?

OK, the above explains a lot, but could somebody give an advice how to reload the current php page with all POST variables, of which I have little control which they are ? With: $url = isset($_SERVER['...
Zbigniew Lisiecki's user avatar
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2 answers

Large post request truncated when submitted by browser, okay in Postman

I am using a javascript fetch post call to submit form data that is over 1mb. A backend perl/cgi script writes the data to a file. When submitted via chrome/IE the data is truncated at 1mb and doesn't ...
Chris ten Den's user avatar
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Get & post not working: Information not saving nor showing in the terminal after placing debugs

ISSUE I CAN'T SOLVE BY MYSELF: With python django I'm creating my own /admin page (different dashboard layout). There for a use a standard dashboard layout. What does it has to do simply. Manually ...
Jason Lommelen's user avatar
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HTTP client POST parameters

I need to POST to an endpoint in the following format url?param1=val1&param2=val2 I tried using Dictionary<string, string> jsonValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(); jsonValues.Add(...
Raj's user avatar
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Post to PHP errs wtih "The requested URL was not found on this server." via action='<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>' Fixes?

I'm trying to skip having TWO files for PHP form validation and processing using a target of $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] in the action specification. Of course, for security, it's a little more ...
Richard T's user avatar
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PHP - Form doesn't submit $_POST on a Div text

I cannot get this "about_me_container" div in this form to submit the $_POST. I understand divs aren't meant to be used with $_POST so I changed the div into input type="text" and ...
donfontaine12's user avatar

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