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Questions tagged [primereact]

Use this tag for questions about PrimeReact, a collection of UI Components for React.js. Questions tagged [primereact] should also be tagged [reactjs], but NOT [primefaces].

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Is there a way to create vertical header for table in PrimeReact library?

I want the headers in my table to be displayed vertically along the left side of the table instead of the top. I’ve looked through the PrimeReact documentation and haven’t found a clear solution for ...
Yaroslav Buhaievskyi's user avatar
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Next.js Typescript PrimeReact FileUpload preparation

right now I'm working with Next.js and Typescript in a little project of mine. For doing a FileUpload I'm using PrimeReact and the module FileUpload. To make it work, I searched for a tutorial and ...
Ruffyg's user avatar
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Date Sorting with Prime React

I'm having issues sorting a datatable with prime react on the Date column. Here is my code <Column field="Date" header="Date" sortable={true} body={(rowData: any)...
Hans's user avatar
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How can I increase the width of the Password PrimeReact component

I'm using PrimeReact to do my front-end components and i can't change the width in the password component, but in the TextInput component is working. Code: 'use client' import CPFInput from "@/...
Nicolas Stassun's user avatar
2 votes
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PrimeReact AccordionTab Not Rendering When Wrapped in Custom Component

I'm facing an issue where my custom FilterAccordionTab component, which extends PrimeReact's (V8) AccordionTab, is not rendering its content. However, when I directly use PrimeReact's AccordionTab ...
Manspof's user avatar
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radiobutton appears twice primereact datatable reactjs

Working on primereact datatable checkboxes and radiobuttons, in few environments we deployed the applciation, we can see the radio button or checkboxes appears twice just like below: I can see some ...
Sridhar Paiya's user avatar
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How to reference .this from within an instance of react interface?

I'm using a primereact component, whose props include a function, and I want to use one of the other props in this function. The overall scheme of things looks like this: interface Props { label?: ...
Nomenator's user avatar
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Does PrimeReact's Editor support highlight.js?

I'm using PrimeReact's Editor component and trying to add syntax highlighting to it. It is based on the Quill library so I tried to use highlight.js lib as the Quill's documentation says: import hljs ...
Vladislav Maksimov's user avatar
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Unable to set column width dynamatically in PrimeReact data-table

I have created SPFx with React solution. I have used "primereact": "^9.4.0" version. I need to set the column width dynamically in the Prime React data-table column. I have added ...
Bhoomesh Joshi's user avatar
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Objects are not valid as a React child (PrimeReact)

I am having a array of data which is having multiple objects. I want to print the values inside the table using PrimeReact Table. But when I am passing the data inside value field of DataTable I am ...
Sarfaraz Kasmani's user avatar
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prime react - How can I make newly added rows instantly editable?

I'm using prime react table to render dynamic data in react. I built my component with the help of the datatable docs. When I click the add row button, I would like that the new added row to be ...
Alex K's user avatar
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Using Material Design 3 (You) theme with PrimeReact?

now I use PrimeReact in my Next.js project and use theme of stylish of this PrimeReact components, as Lara, MD, MD-compat. But only it themes is preseted in PrimeReact. PrimeReact don`t have theme for ...
Влад Черешня's user avatar
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How can I mark a checkbox option from TreeSelect component with the selection of another option from the same dropdown?

everyone! I'm using the TreeSelect component with checkboxes from PrimeReact 7.2.1. I want to implement the following behaviour: When I click on option Cost of Goods Sold to External Customer (see ...
Valhalla Gonzo's user avatar
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Change styling navbar from PrimeReact

I want to change the background color of the navbar that was created using PrimeReact. But I do not know where do I put the CSS styling. I try many time but none of them work. I only want to change ...
Zignore's user avatar
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Primereact version 10.6.6 checkbox duplication problem

I have prime-react version 9.6.4, when I update the version to 10.6.6 then checkboxes are like this. Anyone have any idea how to solve it ? It wasn't supposed to happen. I have gone through the ...
Nilkanth S Patel's user avatar
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Primereact password component width doesn't fit container

I am new to React and I started working on a Sign up page, I am trying to make the password fit the container but it doesn't seem to make a difference no matter which method I try, Is there even a way ...
Metadata123's user avatar
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Cascade select options is stripped on small screens

The cascade select options is stripped/not visible on mobile devices. Is there a way we can change position of those on smaller screens ? The options should be visible on smaller screens as well ...
liahus's user avatar
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Getting error when selecting autofill value in prime react input number component

I am getting an error when i try to select a autofill value I am using prime react inputnumber component enter image description here when i debug ,there is no value in event.Even if to turn off ...
Ajith Paul's user avatar
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I'm not able to render data in the prime react editor

b static data also isn't rendering in the PrimeReact Editor.There is data in the the backend the data is coming in fine but it doesn't show up on the editor I was trying to render the data to get to ...
Shreya Reddy Chinthapally's user avatar
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Dragable list with expandable input items

I am creating a web app that needs the following feature: Creating an ordered list of items. Each item has several inputs: Geolocation or list of geolocations Several dropbox items Several free text ...
CaptainNemo's user avatar
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how to filter data with comma separated string in prime react multiselect

How to show filter result as a comma separated string like if i search "rome, new york" then that both item will be display in the dropdown option list. import { MultiSelect } from '...
jayesh's user avatar
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Prime React Menubar not behaving correctly on small screen

Im trying to use MenuBar component from Prime React library, but for some reason, the menubar button that triggers menu bar on small screen does not show, and menubar is showing automatically. this ...
EL MAHDI Bouzkoura's user avatar
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Primereact Datatable Language

I have a project that I developed using primereact and I use primereact/datatable in this project. Things like filtering operations and buttons in this table are in English, which is fine for me, but ...
Furkan Kırcı's user avatar
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primereact multiselect custom filter not working

I have multiselect prime react component like this <> <MultiSelect value={''} onChange={(e: MultiSelectChangeEvent) => {}} options={[{ name: 'New York', code: 'NY' }, {...
Scar -'s user avatar
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ReactJS Returning is not a function when parsing a json file

I am trying to teach myself ReactJS using PrimeReact. i am making a simple application to track crypto holdings in a wallet i own. i have this code to create a table with base data from a json file: ...
Alex Frankland's user avatar
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Testing PrimeReact SplitButton with RTL and Jest: Displaying Items on Click

I’m working with the PrimeReact SplitButton component, and I want to write tests to ensure that it displays the additional options correctly when clicked. Specifically, I’d like to verify that the ...
Abzolute Zero's user avatar
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Cannot pass template component as a property in NextJS

Here is the code: // page.tsx function buttonsTemplate(book: Book) { return ( <div> <Button>Remove</Button> <Button>Modify</Button> </div> )...
Lomírus's user avatar
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What is the value in Column Primereact

I need to create a function that deletes the product I selected in an expanding line in Primereact. const actionProdutoBodyTemplate = (rowData: Sistema.DetalhePedidos) => { return ( <...
Mateus Cardoso's user avatar
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Cannot use 'changeTheme' from PrimeReact Context

I am trying to use the changeTheme functionality as documented here on prime reacts website here I have setup a very basic online sandbox here //CSS import "./App.css"; import { ...
user23945680's user avatar
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Prime React calendar : range and multiple mode support for Month and year Picker

I am using Prime react calendar date range in one of my project, but when i enable multiple mode with range selection monthpicker and yearpicker not working. import React, { useState } from 'react'; ...
G Pandurengan's user avatar
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infinite scroll of primereact multiselect

On dropdown click call API with first 10 item and display in the dropdown list. after then if user scroll down of the dropdown list then again call api with other 10 item. also same thing filter if ...
jayesh's user avatar
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Primereact styles not applying to components

I've discovered that preflight from tailwind is causing the problem. I've read the docs and found this: CSS Layer Tailwind CSS can be used with styled or unstyled modes of PrimeReact. In both cases, ...
Hugo Calzado's user avatar
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PrimeReact Dropdown doesn't close after change

I am new to react and am completely lost as to why my primereact dropdown will not close. It sets the new value and the current datagrid reacts and repopulates to the new value...... but the dropdown ...
Joe Starnes's user avatar
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Prime React & Next.js hydration warning issue

My Simple Set Up I am in the process of practicing with nextjs and just made a brand-new app with the latest next.js (v14) which is working nicely. The UI library that I've enjoyed using is Prime ...
Kyle Xyian Dilbeck's user avatar
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Transpose table data in js

I'm working with the datatable component from prime react. This component takes an array of objects and creates a column for each key of the object and a row for each object in the array. This means ...
KarlsMaranjs's user avatar
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How to open dropdown options of the top potion instead of bottom

import React, { useState } from "react"; import { MultiSelect } from 'primereact/multiselect'; export default function BasicDemo() { const [selectedCities, setSelectedCities] = useState(...
jayesh's user avatar
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PrimeReact carousel using function when using onPageChange?

I'm newer to react and I'm stumped by this issue. I'm using a primereact carousel and trying to do 2 things. In the item template I want to show 'Showing X of X orders'.... essentially showing where ...
Joe Starnes's user avatar
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PrimeReact custom paginator template rendering for LastPageLink

I am trying to Customly render paginator that will be a kind of like this 1 2 3 ... 10/ 1...8 9 10 / 1 ..3 4 5..10 depends on the current page. how I can render this for my primereact datatable ...
Yeagerist's user avatar
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How to wrap text in a cell in a datatable?

I've got variable length text being displayed in a column within a PrimeReact DataTable. In my experimentation, the following: table { max-width: 100%; width: 100%; } td{ height: auto; word-...
Micah Gideon Modell's user avatar
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Tailwind and Primereact in React app, how to setup App.css

App.js: import React from "react"; import "primereact/resources/themes/saga-blue/theme.css"; import { PrimeReactProvider } from "primereact/api"; import "./App.css&...
Muhammad Uzair's user avatar
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Next js(14) is requesting for assets on each request

I have started with Next.js 14(App Router). I am using a component library PrimeReact, using this library i have to switch themes. Now in primeReact if I have to switch themes for that it have ...
Savinder's user avatar
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How to configure material-icons, primereact and tailwind in my NextJs project?

I am trying to configure material-icons, primereact and tailwind in my NextJs project. But styling icons are proving to be an issue. The material-icons css has higher priority than tailwind and is ...
Roshni Nagendra's user avatar
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PrimeReact Calendar mask bug with timeOnly

I am trying to create calendar component. I need to use PrimeReact with mask and timeOnly. The problem is that it has bug: when I enter for example 1212 (it should display 12:12), it displays 12:01. ...
Skar's user avatar
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Primereact DataTable filtering based on column body template

Is there a way to configure a primereact datatable global filter such that it will filter based on what is displayed in the cell body (templated) instead of the raw value? For example, I have these ...
xvargr's user avatar
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How to add autocomplete in antd editable Cell table

When a user click edit, the edittable cell becomes active, now when I start typing I want autosuggest to appear. I have a set of options, while the user type I want that to be suggested. My current ...
sneha's user avatar
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Next.js + Typescript + primereact autocomplete

I'm trying to fill in an object (json) when I click on an option in my autocomplete. However, the json is always empty in the first select. When I redo the query and select again, the json is filled ...
Otto's user avatar
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Register Calendar Component with React Form Hook

Hello I trying to register "Calendar" component from "Prime React" library with "React Form Hook". The problem is that I can't set default value to the input. This is ...
furybg's user avatar
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How to render icon at right end of cell?

I have a Primereact v9 ReactJS code <Column field="status" header="Status" style={{ maxWidth: ...
Max's user avatar
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How can I render icon if my column, if I have condition?

I have a Primereact v9 ReactJS code <DataTable <Column field="status" header="Status" style={{ ...
Max's user avatar
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Making React context available without top level wrapping

I would like to use latest version of prime-react, but I see a trouble, that I will have. Here is a snippet from their docs ( import { PrimeReactProvider } from '...
Wish's user avatar
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