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207 votes
9 answers

Duplicate and rename Xcode project & associated folders

I would like to be able to duplicate an entire Xcode project, rename the project and the associated files without Xcode going mental, and without having to manually re-import all files to the project.
Sammio2's user avatar
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184 votes
16 answers

I need this baby in a month - send me nine women!

Under what circumstances - if any - does adding programmers to a team actually speed development of an already late project?
151 votes
12 answers

How do you maintain development code and production code? [closed]

What are the best practices and rules-of-thumb to follow while maintaining code? Is it good practice to have only the production ready code in the development branch, or should untested latest code ...
106 votes
11 answers

Is this Next.JS folder structure recommended?

We have resorted to this following project structure |- pages |- <page_name> |- index.js # To do a default export of the main component |- MainComponent.jsx # ...
cross19xx's user avatar
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94 votes
14 answers

Project management to go with GitHub [closed]

(EDIT: This question is now outdated for my particular issue, as Google Code supports git now and I've converted Protocol Buffers to Mercurial anyway. However, it's still of general interest, IMO.) ...
Jon Skeet's user avatar
  • 1.5m
86 votes
11 answers

Redmine best practices [closed]

What tips and "standards" do you use in your Redmine project management process? Do you have a standard wiki insert template you could share or a standard way to work a project using bugs features ...
ChuckB's user avatar
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81 votes
7 answers

How should I structure complex projects in C? [closed]

I have little more than beginner-level C skills and would like to know if there are any de facto "standards" to structure a somewhat complex application in C. Even GUI based ones. I have been always ...
user avatar
74 votes
10 answers

Separate "include" and "src" folders for application-level code? [closed]

This questions concerns mostly Unix/Linux style C++ development. I see that many C++ libraries store their header files in a "include" folder and source files in an "src" folder. For the sake of ...
StackedCrooked's user avatar
71 votes
51 answers

Do you inflate your estimated project completion dates? [closed]

If so why? How much? I tend to inflate mine a little because I can be overly optimistic.
62 votes
8 answers

Templates of Technical and Functional Specs [closed]

I am looking for good templates for writing both technical and functional specs on a project or work request. What do you use? How deep do you get while writing the specs? What general tips should I ...
Mike Fielden's user avatar
  • 10.1k
62 votes
3 answers

What's a good way to organize projects with shared dependencies in Mercurial? [closed]

Currently, I'm moving from a legacy version control system and moving my group's project to mercurial. As one example of the kinds of code I'm moving, I have a 25+ project Visual Studio solution, ...
Robert P's user avatar
  • 15.9k
59 votes
9 answers

Free alternative to Atlassian Greenhopper/PivotalTracker? [closed]

I'm working with my brother on a website idea we have, and we'd like to use a tool to plan sprints and assign estimates to individual tickets. Atlassian's JIRA+Greenhopper looks fantastic but costs $...
sergserg's user avatar
  • 22k
59 votes
2 answers

How to manage multiple versions of a project? [closed]

I have a project that is open sourced using git for revision control. Soon, I am going to release a premium hosted version of the project as well, but there will be changes made to the code ...
Justin's user avatar
  • 44.6k
54 votes
7 answers

Trac vs. Redmine [closed]

I'm working in research and my bioinformatics work group needs a project management software for keeping track of multiple projects (Linux environment). Originally, we planned for using TRAC but then ...
Bionicman303's user avatar
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50 votes
12 answers

Giving estimates for large scale projects in an Agile Environment [closed]

My firm just got its first large-scale development project inquiry and I would like to use an Agile process. The client has a vision for the application but openly admits to having very few ...
48 votes
14 answers

How to add TODOs and track project issues in Android Studio (NOT in sources)

I am writing a new better version of my old Android project that will fix a lot of UI bugs but also has a better design, needed for integration of some new features. As I go through the source I can ...
RumburaK's user avatar
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43 votes
5 answers

Subversion repository statistics, other than StatSVN? [closed]

Are there other open source/free packages for producing repository statistics for a Subversion repository? I've tried StatSVN but it seems to be incompatible with the logfiles for Subversion 1.5 and ...
Lasse V. Karlsen's user avatar
42 votes
11 answers

IntelliJ IDEA not showing my module/project

Suddenly, IntelliJ IDEA is showing the following module view with a strange yellow colour in the background. I don't know how to get my module back, because it is not being shown: Do you know how ...
stack man's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

Breaking a project's first User Story in to tasks [closed]

I'm starting a new project from scratch and have written User Stores to describe how a given user will interact with the system. But, I'm having trouble understanding how to break the first user story ...
PaulH's user avatar
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39 votes
15 answers

How much of the Mythical Man Month still applies? [closed]

This book was written in the era of time sharing systems, procedural programming, and about 30 fewer years in software engineering experience. With the improvement of things such as existing libraries,...
Jared's user avatar
  • 39.7k
38 votes
25 answers

Why should my team adopt source control? [closed]

I have the opportunity to give a formal presentation to my boss about anything that benefits the company. My idea is to adopt source control in my workplace. I have been using Mercurial to manage my ...
mhd's user avatar
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35 votes
1 answer

Git: Ahead and Behind together. How to solve? [closed]

I have a commit with 1 ahead and 6 behind. What should I do in this situation? I think, that solution might be like this: git push and after git pull But I think, it can solve only Behind. Maybe ...
gaussblurinc's user avatar
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34 votes
37 answers

What should the penalty/response for missing a deadline be? [closed]

Being relatively new to the software industry I have come across a question of deadline enforcement: Back in the idyllic age of academia, the deadline was the end of the semester and the penalty was ...
34 votes
10 answers

What are some recommended plugins for Trac? [closed]

In particular, I need a more full fledged version of Trac to support robust project management, and task tracking. I went through the plugins and literally found over 50 that looked promising. My ...
torial's user avatar
  • 13.1k
34 votes
4 answers

Code version change "rules" [closed]

I know that there are no fixed rules about software version control but I have several questions. 1) How to upgrade versions correctly I have a small software that I started a while ago and since i ...
RaptorX's user avatar
  • 328
33 votes
9 answers

Role of Testers in Agile? [closed]

I work in a team which has been doing the traditional waterfall method of development for many years. Recently, we've been told that future projects are going to be moving towards an agile (...
Doldrim's user avatar
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33 votes
15 answers

Too hard a project? What do you do? [closed]

What do you do when you get assigned a project that is just way too hard to do: Say it's a mammoth project and your boss thinks you alone can handle it You have knowledge to do somethings, but some ...
32 votes
14 answers

How far do you go with YAGNI? [closed]

I am developing a new revolutionary web application for the enterprise market. Sure, many before me thought that their web app would be revolutionary only to find out it isn't. (Or it is, but the ...
30 votes
6 answers

When should I use a Domain Specific Language? [closed]

I would like some practical guidance on when I should use a Domain Specific Language. I have found resources about advantages and disadvantages, but what kind of project would warrant its use? It ...
Kekoa's user avatar
  • 28.1k
30 votes
13 answers

How do you give a valid time estimate for something you have never done? [closed]

As a new developer who is the only software guy on staff I have faced a few challenges but possibly the most difficult has been time estimates. I strugle every time I have to give a project estimate. ...
Refracted Paladin's user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

Project management with Git integration [closed]

I've looked around for a project management system, I've tried to use this one but it lacks some features I want and doesn't really seem to be under any sort of active development. I only need a few ...
devin's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

How do you do website capacity planning? [closed]

I just read the book The Art of Capacity planning (BTW, I liked it), and in it the author explains how important is measuring your services, finding out your ceilings, forecasting your needs, ensure a ...
vtortola's user avatar
  • 35.4k
29 votes
11 answers

Kanban/Scrum Boards [closed]

I'm curious as to what other people use for physical Kanban/Scrum boards in their companies. I appreciate that because of sensitive business information you may not be able to provide a photo of the ...
Jonathan Holloway's user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

Any tools to get code churn metrics for a Subversion repository? [closed]

I'm looking for any tools that can give you code churn metrics (graphs and charts would be even better) for a Subversion repository. One tool I know of is statsvn - a Java tool that creates some HTML ...
Adam's user avatar
  • 28.8k
28 votes
49 answers

What do you do with a developer who does not test his code? [closed]

One of our developers is continually writing code and putting it into version control without testing it. The quality of our code is suffering as a result. Besides getting rid of the developer, how ...
28 votes
8 answers

Design By Contract and Test-Driven Development [closed]

I'm working on improving our group's development process, and I'm considering how best to implement Design By Contract with Test-Driven Development. It seems the two techniques have a lot of overlap, ...
Adam Bellaire's user avatar
28 votes
7 answers

Which Gantt chart/Project management tool would you recommend for linux? [closed]

I need a Project management tool that works in Linux, and has Gantt charts. It doesn't have to be free, just not expensive. I don't care how it stores the information I give it, as long as I can ...
J.J.'s user avatar
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28 votes
7 answers

How to import GitHub issues and wikis to BitBucket?

Recently, we decided to migrate our projects from GitHub to BitBucket. For now, I tested with few projects as BitBucket has direct import feature. Everything is just fine, except GitHub issues, and ...
chhantyal's user avatar
  • 12.1k
27 votes
6 answers

Software projects and development in a research environment [closed]

What are useful strategies to adopt when you or the project does not have a clear idea of what the final (if any) product is going to be? Let us take "research" to mean an exploration into an area ...
peter.murray.rust's user avatar
26 votes
13 answers

How to manage @todo programming stuff? [closed]

For many years my code was full of this kind of comments : //TODO : Add ... ... /* *TODO : Fix ... * */ Now I think to create my own @todo javadoc annotation ... but before doing that I want to ...
wj.'s user avatar
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26 votes
12 answers

How do you apply Scrum to maintenance and legacy code improvements? [closed]

As the title suggest... How can I apply a scrum process to anything that doesn't work on new code and can be estimated to some degree? How can I apply a scrum process to maintenance and emergency ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Most suitable agile project management tool [closed]

I have been working with managing agile teams for quite some time. Now I'm at a company that no matter how hard I push for the fact that face-to-face is the way to go and that excel sheets works to ...
inquam's user avatar
  • 12.9k
26 votes
9 answers

How can a software agency deliver quality software/win projects? [closed]

I currently work for a bespoke software agency. Does anyone have any experience of how to win well priced work? It seems there is so much competition from offshore/bedroom programming teams, that ...
25 votes
8 answers

Software development process for small teams [closed]

I might be an exception here but I have never worked on a team with more than three developers and / or five people. Still we could manage to get the job done (somehow). Is there a software ...
rshimoda's user avatar
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25 votes
8 answers

How to manage multiple clients with slightly different business rules? [closed]

We have written a software package for a particular niche industry. This package has been pretty successful, to the extent that we have signed up several different clients in the industry, who use us ...
Shaul Behr's user avatar
  • 37.7k
25 votes
5 answers

Plastic SCM. Is it the right solution? [closed]

I know there are some questions already regarding Plastic SCM, but they are over a year old. Has anyone used Plastic SCM lately? What do you think about it. I have used git, and I am currently ...
wilk's user avatar
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25 votes
10 answers

Do you actively manage technical debt? [closed]

Do you actively manage technical debt debt on your software development projects and if so, how do you do it?
John Channing's user avatar
24 votes
14 answers

The best way to start a project [closed]

When you are starting a personal programming project, what is your first step? I'm trying to start a project thats just an idea at the moment. I get lots of these and I dive right into the code and ...
24 votes
8 answers

How do you communicate effectively in a small development team? [closed]

I work in a small team (4-5 developers) on a single project. Every member of our team is developing a different functionality from our project and they are highly independent. In fact, some members ...
anthares's user avatar
  • 11.2k
24 votes
13 answers

How to stay DRY? Do Not Repeat Yourself! [closed]

I find that one of the most frustrating aspects to software development is finding a solution to a problem, forgetting it, then being faced with the same issue in the future only to forgot how you ...
hagope's user avatar
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