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Questions tagged [properties]

A property, in some object-oriented programming languages, is a special sort of class member, intermediate between a field (or data member) and a method. Properties are read and written like fields, but property reads and writes are (usually) translated to get and set method calls.

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InitelliJ and changing SpringBoot property location

I have created dedicated application-local.yml and bootstrap-local.yml to allow application to run locally on my computer. According to this article it should work out of the box when I will set ...
JackTheKnife's user avatar
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Classes created at runtime suddenly missing properties. Using in Visual Studio

Something bazzar just happened while I was working on a project. Some of the classes I declare at runtime started to error. In my case, the TextBox and the ComboBox. It is not a coding error for sure,...
James Greaves's user avatar
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HTML CSS Support extension in VsCode isn't giving Bootstrap property hints for styling

I've seen someone using the extension HTML CSS Support within VScode in this way: type in a tag>give it a class w/ Bootstrap styles> and then be shown a dropdown of Bootstrap-relavent property ...
Daymen Pasick's user avatar
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Changing internal storage of DateTime property? [duplicate]

I'm wanting to store the clock in and clockout properties in dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm but dont want anything else stored. Is this possible to do? public class TimeCard { public int Id { get; set; }...
molly1312's user avatar
-3 votes
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Foreach can't be used for variables of type "PropertyInfo" because "PropertyInfo" has no defintion for "GetEnumerator"

I want to iterate throug a Dictionary<string, object> with a foreach loop. First I get all of the items with reflection. And when item.Name is not settings the program goes in the else path. ...
user1673665's user avatar
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Problem with @ConfigProperty in null when using a process in Apache Camel Quarkus

Good morning, I am currently working with Quarkus and Apache Camel and I am using a variable from the in a processor, I try to bring it in using the @ConfigProperty annotation, ...
Cesar Justo's user avatar
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Snapshot keep property is not working for iceberg

I have set history.expire.min-snapshots-to-keep = 6 and still I am getting only one snapshot from snapshot metadata table for iceberg table Is there any other property I am missing to have multiple ...
Agrawal Shraddha's user avatar
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unable to delete a property (or appProperty) using php client in google drive object

Searching in the web and in Stack Overflow I didn't find post where the problem was solved I've this code $params = array(); $file = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(); $file-...
jthomas's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to use Blazor two-side bind

I'm developing a blazor server app and I have created a component which contains two textfield and a select(I'm using ant design blazor, I think it isn't the cause of the error). ProfileInfoInput....
Sciencekill's user avatar
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Maven ${project.version} scope

I have parent pom with dependency management declared by ${project.version}. Then I inherit parent in my target project, this project has other version than parent. This throws errors, because of ...
Cezary's user avatar
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Loading properties files from a 3 module maven project

I have been encountering an issue where, located in the commons module, is not being properly initialized or accessed during tests in the main module of your Spring Boot application....
Mr.White's user avatar
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How can Autofac implement attribute-based property injection?

To implement attribute-based dependency injection in a C# console application using Autofac, and to specify that this attribute should inject an object with the key "xxx", how should I do it?...
user25631590's user avatar
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Is there @property like behavior outside of a class in Python3?

I am reading and writing values in a two-dimensional array. I find it kind of verbose to say grid[row][column] every time I read and write from a cell, especially because I like to deal with one ...
mookie320's user avatar
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Is there a way to fetch dynamically properties in Spring Java?

The objective for this is to fetch dynamically a property by using @Value. MyApplication application.yml app: name: my-app-scv my-app-svc: # This value will be dynamic acoording to each other app ...
Jesus Herrera's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

accessing dependency property between viewmodels

I have 2 viewmodels say, viewmodel is bound to view class A : INotifyPropertyChanged { public A(){} private bool _propertya; public bool PropertyA { get{return _propertya;} set{_propertya=value; ...
srinivas's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to identify loaded in Spring Boot without successful startup?

I'm trying to run an application that has a lot of files with various names. The app is not starting, I would like to know which files are picked up by ...
LagSurfer's user avatar
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Why the file properties is not opening Windows 11?

When I click on the properties of a file and right-click on it nothing opens. The same when I use the Alt + Enter shortcut.I tried doing various tutorials whether from YouTube or other portals, but ...
Andrew Mulciak's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Setting Up Properties in a JAR Executable

I have made a program that uses multiple classes that do various tasks. Every class however will need to reference the same file path every run. So, in my jar executable I have a properties file that ...
Blake's user avatar
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getting error when modifying the javascript property using Object.defineProperty()

obj = [{ prop11: 'value1', prop21: 'value2' }, { prop12: 'value1', prop22: 'value2' }, { key3: {} } ]; obj.forEach(element => { Object.defineProperty(obj.key3, '...
Vijay G Rama's user avatar
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Intellij global system properties

I need to add custom properties to read in in java with System.getProperty("custom_property") in all intellij projects (macOS). I read ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Android Gradle: Which is the best place to load properties file where I can use them in all top-level/app/module build.gradle files?

I have to update some variables in both top-level and app/module build.gradle file from the properties file. Can you please suggest which is the best common place to load the properties file ? For ...
Firnaz's user avatar
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Approximating the diameter of a point set

given a set of n points P and a nxn matrix M such that for every two point u,v where M[u,v] is the distance between u and v , and the distance is pseudo metric, is there a property testing algorithem ...
adonis abboud's user avatar
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Spring Vault: Why @VaultPropertySource not getting highest precedence?

Context trying to fetch secrets from Hashicorp Vault, instead of hardcoding in properties file What I have tried I am following Spring Vault docs
Somjit's user avatar
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Automapper - Map many-to-many intersect table property to flattened DTO class

Henlo! First time working with AutoMapper and I'm trying to figure out why I'm not able to flatten a many-to-many relationship using an intersect table to a DTO object (API response in my case). I'm ...
user25228104's user avatar
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C# WPF Setting padding on a grid in an more ergonomic way

I'm new to WPF and am a bit confused by the purposes of setters. For example, in a Grid, I would intuitively like to code this: <Grid Padding="5,5,5,5"> ... But I can't. I ...
Mark Roworth's user avatar
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5 answers

How to propagate the value of an init-only property to an enclosed class?

I have a Wheel class with two init-only properties Spokes and DiskBrake: public class Wheel { internal Wheel() { } public int Spokes { get; init; } public bool DiskBrake { get; init; } } ...
Theodor Zoulias's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why __getattr__ triggers __setattr__ in the following python code? [closed]

class D: def __init__(self): self._attr = 1 self._attr2 = 2 def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'data': return (self._attr, self._attr2) def ...
David's user avatar
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How to configure different logging levels for different loggers in Log4j2

We are trying to utilize Log4j2 in our project. We want to configure Log4j2 via properties files. To reduce the noise in our logs, we want to set the root logger to info and set debug logging only for ...
SCote's user avatar
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Spring boot configuration properties with arrays

I have a Spring Boot 3.2 application with : An environment variable SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON={"basic-auth":{"users":[{"name":"user1","password":"...
tweetysat's user avatar
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VBA: Class Get procedure adds an item to a Dictionary (for unknown reason)

I have a class file_management, it contains a nested dictionary - sheet_names (plus corresponding private p_sheet_names). Within a loop, I am trying to verify if a sheet already exists using a formula ...
Dominik Dusza's user avatar
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unable to feed property programmatically

In my micronaut microservice, I am trying to feed a property programatically instead of adding it to the application.yml. I have provided my code below and error I am getting. What ...
Test's user avatar
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Programmatically setting property

In my micronaut microservice, I am trying to set a property programmatically instead of adding it inside application.yml. I have provided my code below, also error that I am getting. How can fix this, ...
Test's user avatar
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Get a @Value field in a non-singleton Spring Boot-managed class

Prolusion In a Spring Boot application, as best practices, I have a @RestController class and a @Service class that are obviously a singleton. Also, the Controller and the Service can access a @Value ...
FueledByPizza's user avatar
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quarkus.config.locations behavior changed in Quarkus 3.10.0 vs Quarkus 2.16?

I am currently upgrading a project from Quarkus 2.16.10-FINAL to the latest release (3.10.0 at the time of writing). In our app we were using configuration files defined using the "quarkus.config....
pompom's user avatar
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2 answers

How to load properties in spring boot at runtime after the application started without restarting it [duplicate] spring.age=10 After starting the spring boot app, I'd like to make a change in properties. spring.age=20 The age=20 should be loaded without the need to ...
Farid Khan's user avatar
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JavaScript property not properly updated [duplicate]

I am using JS and electron and am really confused. See following code console.log(s) console.log(s.canFire) console.log(s) produces following output(see image) Image of output BUT as you see the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to read the structure of objects by the "type" field using spring when starting an APP from application.yml

I want to read the hierarchy of objects from the yml file of the service properties. The hierarchy can be read from the yml file with your hands through the ObjectMapper(YAMLFactory())using @...
Sergey's user avatar
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Jmeter property

I have a property file like this baseurl=xxx secondUrl=${baseurl}\path1 thirdUrl=${baseur}\path2 if I pass baseurl value in the command line using -q, I can get the value of baseurl correctly but I ...
Gurnam Singh's user avatar
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How can I pass a custom property to `$modal` from `angular-ui-bootstrap`

On two occasions I will have to open a modal like this: ${ templateUrl: "components/prize-info/prize-info.html", windowClass: "prize-info", scope: $...
pesho hristov's user avatar
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Application properties adding double quotes around array application properties

I have an entry in x.y = A BC, A BC DEF This is then initialized using @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "x") @ConfigurationPropertiesScan @Getter @Setter @...
Tdp 17's user avatar
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How does the JavaScript pendant of a Python class implementation look like?

Am studying the difference between those two languages and i was wondering why i can't access the variables in javascript classes without initiating an instance but i can do that in python here is an ...
Ala'a mansour's user avatar
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Using @State but getting error: Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'self' is immutable

Please, can someone explain why I can add another eventArray if I define the instance (t2Array) in onAppear while, if I declare it as @State var t3Array at the beginning of the struct, I get the ...
Red's user avatar
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Java error for "--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED"

I am getting the below error : Failed to initialize MemoryUtil. Was Java started with `--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED while running my spring boot application where I have Apache arrow ...
Prakhar Vaibhav's user avatar
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The property afterSignInUrl does not work in Clerk

enter image description here I have try to use the property afterSignInUrl="/learn" in my project but it doesn't work, the packages are installed and I've already searched the documentation, ...
Fabio Marinho's user avatar
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Grunt: sort LESS properties in alphabet order

I'm able to sort LESS/CSS properties in Webstorm using Alt+X manually, but can I automate it using Grunt? For example, using grunt sort_command forder?
Max.A's user avatar
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Why use properties in conjunction with a field?

I recently started learning C# and just reached the topic of 'Properties'. I understand the 'old' way of using a private field with an extra getter and setter function is a bit cumbersome and 'ugly'. ...
Orluca's user avatar
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How to copy label with name - Visual Studio 2022

I created a new label. It came with "label1" name. I changed the name "label1" to "myLabel1". I'm copying this: "myLabel1" When I paste it comes as: "...
Doğukan Topaloğlu's user avatar
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Swift enum with no static properties conforms to a protocol which requires a static property

Accidentally stumbled upon an interesting post. In a nutshell: protocol Unknownable { static var unknown: Self { get } } enum Type: Unknownable { case text case image case document ...
Roman's user avatar
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Strange behaviour of python ```@property```

I have a class which is a set of words: import math from typing import Self FREQUENCIES: dict[str, float] = {} FREQUENCIES['trial'] = 0.023 FREQUENCIES['raise'] = 0.124 def entropy(probability: ...
Nuno's user avatar
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The problem is with the method Properties()

The problem is with the method properties in the app build.gradle file: def localProperties = Properties(), In does not matter whether I write "new Properties()" or "Properties(), I ...
Sahr Josiah-Faeduwor's user avatar

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