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Questions tagged [put]

PUT is a HTTP method which requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied URL.

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2 answers

SAS creating global macro and printing it

I am new to SAS environment. I just want to create a global this month variable and print it & use it in the where condition of data step. My test codes are below: %macro vars(); %...
ffdd's user avatar
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Translating RestTemplate to WebClient, PUT with empty Body

I have this code in Java 8 using RestTemplate. @Override public ResponseCambioEstadoDTO actualizarLead(String idLead) { Map<String, String> uriVariables = new HashMap<>(); ...
joseluisbz's user avatar
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Put and delete methods works in Integrated pipeline mode but not in classic on my server

I have a web API application which when deployed in IIS server, PUT and DELETE methods alone does not work. But it works fine locally. When I tried investigating more on various options like disabling ...
gandhi's user avatar
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Send CSRF token with PUT request by fetch in javascript

fetch("/edit_post", { method: "PUT", body: JSON.stringify({ post_id: post_id, new_message: new_message, }) }).then(response =>...
Saish Gawade's user avatar
2 votes
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LWP PUT of a Large File Upload Without Form Data

I'm trying to implement Google's YouTube video uploading API in Perl, which, alas has no library for such. I've run into an issue with the actual PUT to upload the video file. LWP::UserAgent has a ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
-1 votes
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Upload image with PUT does not work in Production (digital ocean) - Laravel and vue

I have a weird problem: Uploading a image in local WORKS perfectly but when I upload to Production in digital ocean it does NOT. Iam using laravel 11, vue 3 and InertiaJS What happens in Production ...
Marco Feregrino's user avatar
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If PATCH can do everything that PUT can do then why even PUT exists? [duplicate]

If PATCH can do everything that PUT can do then why even PUT exists? I researched a lot on this topic and I am able to know basic difference between the two. PUT is for creating or updating/replacing ...
Arhit Singal's user avatar
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Working with API in HTML--how do I send the API data and display it's response in my iframe?

Here is a snippet of code from one of my newer html projects: <form action='' method='PUT'> <div> <label for='newTab'>New Tab?</label> <input ...
Idokoond K's user avatar
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GitLab package manager adds WebKitFormBoundary inside my files

I've built a small HTML/JS page that uses GitLab API to upload files into the Package Registry like: <input class="form-control mb-1" type="file" id="formFile" /> &...
NicoCaldo's user avatar
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Issue with PUT method not finding the product to update

So I want to update products using REST API PUT method in my woocommerce and it doesn't work even if the keys are correct. That said, when I use the GET method(I used Postman to test), it can find the ...
Gabiru's user avatar
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Postman Request

How to send different kind of request in postman(Post, Get, Put, Patch, Delete, Head, Option) Details explanation about How to send different kind of request in postman(Post, Get, Put, Patch, Delete, ...
Iamsk's user avatar
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Cannot insert in API from code. Strangely, the same data doesn't have any problem using Postman

I am trying to insert an object into BullHorn using its API. Besides, I am using a PUT method as documentation indicated me. This is my code: HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(); ...
Kenzo_Gilead's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Why do I have to pass data through param in Laravel?

I'm developing a laravel api using resource controller. There I have to use PUT method for updating something. When I try to pass data through body with form-data the validation error happens. I have ...
tuna_tumi's user avatar
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Uploading Files/Images to S3 Server Using Angular HTTP PUT Method

I am working on an Angular application where I need to upload files or images to an S3 server using the http.put method. I have written the following code, but I am encountering issues with the upload ...
Akshay Deshmukh's user avatar
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Problem with page not redirecting after submitting an HTML form and handling PUT request with FETCH API

I'm having a problem where the page won't redirect after submitting an HTML form and handling a PUT request. The issue I'm having involves a lot of code, so please ask clarifying questions about what ...
Sutton Spindler's user avatar
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Cannot access PUT request body params [closed]

I am making this PUT request via Postman that has form-data body: PUT request And trying to populate the model using this line: $model->load(Yii::$app->request->getBodyParams(), ''); Trying ...
Akbar Ergashev's user avatar
-1 votes
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I'm using put method in my routes but code not working

router.put('/edit-page/:id' , (req , res) => { console.log('Updating page:',; console.log('Request body:', req.body.pageUrl); pageModel.updateOne({ pageUrl : } ...
Developer sir's user avatar
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undefined body in PUT request

I have a React / Redux / Node app that is making a request to update a user: client/src/components/pages/AlignmentPage.tsx: const AlignmentPage = () => { const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); ...
Misha Krul's user avatar
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Jenkins Groovy HttpURLConnection PUT request failing while creating writer

So I'm trying to make a put request with HttpURLConnection in a groovy script running inside Jenkins. I have successfully made get and post calls with url-encoded-data, but the put request with a JSON ...
Charles Findlay's user avatar
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Backend Spring-Boot and FE React - 404 error for PUT:/update whereas other CRUD operations are working

I'm working on a Spring Boot application with a React frontend. I have an endpoint /employees/update that's supposed to update an employee record when a PUT request is made. However, I'm getting a 404 ...
Harihar Nagarajan's user avatar
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InertiaJS file upload doesn't work with PUT method

I have form to update a product with necessary data (name,description..etc), it includes an input of type file, on change it will call function handleImage, which will then store the uploaded file in ...
johnny shepherd's user avatar
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Upload / post arbitrary dir/file to S3 with preSignedUrl

I'm trying to figure out a way to send files to S3 to a signed URL that has arbitrary "directory" and "filename". Understanding that S3 doesn't have directories. I can successfully ...
g0atm1lk's user avatar
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PUT Request to JSON Server Returns 404 Not Found for Array Update

I'm working on a React project using JSON Server as a mock backend, but I'm encountering a 404 Not Found error when attempting to send a PUT request to update an array of items. My JSON Server is set ...
Christopher Sheehy's user avatar
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Error 400: "The field is required" when I tried to consume a put method in React

I don't see what's failing in the code; I want to consume a Put method, but when I do, the response returned by the API is: "errors": { "$": [ "The JSON value ...
Nery's user avatar
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Unresolved reference: put

enter image description here enter image description here i changed the build.grade but is not working also i tried to use the imports from the other class it dint work again here are my dependencies: ...
Δημήτρης Πάκος's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python session.put return 415: Unsupported Media Type

I do not know why I receive the respone: "415: Unsupported Media Type" I try to put new values. When I get some values it works fine. code snippet: headers = {} headers["charset"] =...
ziajak's user avatar
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POST or PUT to update all records of table?

In a REST context, should POST or PUT be applied if the database ends up calling a method to set field1 to zero in all records of table1?
vi0's user avatar
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Can't do Put requests on API hosted on my laptop and executed on another laptop [duplicate]

I just couldn't find the answer to my problem online and I hope someone can help me. I made an API with nodejs and express (with some help from YouTube and Google). I was able to do some get and put ...
ItsaMeEr's user avatar
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Trigger Validations if property has changed

I am currently working in a C# project and doing some validations with FluentValidator. I have a doubt about doing the validations in a PUT request. this is the object i receive from the request ...
Diogo Miranda's user avatar
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error when not getting body when using http's put method

I'm currently creating a project that uses a socket to send http requests to the web server, but I'm having problems with the put method. According to my understanding, the content format when sending ...
Quang Cao's user avatar
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Sending a PUT Request to an API in Python. Error 400 Bad request

I am currently working on implementing a Python script to send a PUT request to an external API. However, despite formatting my payload according to the API documentation, I am receiving a "400 ...
UwUs's user avatar
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Make a PUT/POST request in JSON-Server Android Java

I created a JSON-Server. The server contains this: { "employees": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Pankaj", "salary": "10000" ...
Danielps1818's user avatar
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update crud angular formControlName databinding

hello i am trying to update my report chambre , when i click modifier i should receive the data of room already selected ( idChambre) all the other fields are working good but not for idChambre this ...
eya joma's user avatar
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PUT 400 (bad request) HTTP Error Status 400

I am trying to update the quantity of my stocks using this function and it says PUT 400 (bad request). In my terminal for the back, i've inserted a console.log that confirms if the PUT request was ...
Kristian Diaz's user avatar
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HTTP: Empty put on existing resource behaviour

What happens, if a a client overwrites an existing resource on my webserver with an empty PUT command (no body, content-length: 0). Will my resource's content be deleted (not the resource itself) or ...
Leo Raasch's user avatar
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Excel PUT to API endpoint failing with bad request

I'm trying to duplicate an Insomnia POST request to an API endpoint in Excel. I believe I'm close but I'm obviously missing something in the Excel Power Query request. Here is the working CURL request ...
Dawg99's user avatar
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Troubleshooting NULL Value Assignments in PUT Update Requests with FASTAPI

My issue revolves around a 'Product' model in my database, where certain values, such as the description, are optional and can either hold a string or a null value. I've created an update function for ...
unique_alex020's user avatar
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How can I use Playwright to PUT multipart form-data in Python?

I am trying to use Playwright to PUT multipart form-data with the Python API. Here is the relevant documentation. However, it's not clear how to structure the multipart argument. The docs say: ...
daviewales's user avatar
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Nginx put/post save body in container

I am trying to confure a post or put request with nginx for save the loaded file in another docker container. I have try to configure nginx take a request like https://myWeb/file/a/b/FileUpdate/...
Naomi's user avatar
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Why the CURL PUT request with basic AUTH via API doesn't send JSON data?

I make a PHP CURL PUT JSON request with basic AUTH via API: $data = <<<JSON { "name": "John", "age": "32", "address": { ...
newert's user avatar
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How to nicely solve self-referencing object update error?

In my project I have a bunch of models, that are all derived from the class 'Entity'. Simplified, this means they all have the following properties: public Guid Id { get; set; } public DateTime ...
Miles's user avatar
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In a mysql-django-axios-react setup.... how to update a column in the db using its own value

Long time listener, first time caller.... learned so much from the forum and its community and many thanks to the platform and the community. Hopefully can get my skills up to contribute. Have a Mysql ...
Farzam's user avatar
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How to Upload an Image with Tasker to an S3 Server via HTTP Post or REST using AWS Access and Secret Keys?

I am working on a project where I need to upload images to an AWS S3 bucket using either HTTP Post or REST API. I have the AWS Access Key and Secret Key, but I'm not entirely sure how to utilize them ...
Florian Denis's user avatar
-1 votes
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Axios Get does recognize the db collection balances but Put or Post or Patch does not

so I have a fullstack React App, this type of code I have data on db. collection that I can access by Axios Get, but this data is not accessible by Put to update it, Its a balance credit account that ...
Yousra dechir's user avatar
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How I can print results from a Java program in a HTML file?

I have a Java program that checks how many emails are unverified/unread in INBOX, Junk Email, Drafts, Sent Items and Deleted Items. How can I print these results in an HTML file as a presentation with ...
Cristian21's user avatar
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Setting json string in http requests in Perl

Following Perl code generates an error printed below: use strict; use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON; my $token = 'my token'; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->...
Jean's user avatar
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when i click update button error show user update failed ``

1. userRoute.js code is router.put('/update/:id' , user.update) 1. userControler.js code is exports.update = async (req, res) => { const { fullname, homeAddress, barberAddress } = req.body; ...
Nasir waqas's user avatar
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PUT request gives "Request failed with status code 404" error message in nodejs, axios

MAJOR UPDATE: THAT BOOTCAMP'S API IS BROKEN. ERROR ISN'T FROM MY SIDE What problem I had had: Actual Problem: I'm working on server side using axios, nodejs, following Angela-Yu's Webdev Bootcamp. ...
Anu's user avatar
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How to solve this error on sending a PUT Request from my swift app

I got a url to which I have to send put request. these are headers which are being sent -, also the body looks like this - (the. second picture) earlier I was having issues on Postman because in the ...
AadityaS's user avatar
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How can I update a custom sticker on a card on Trello using the Trello API?

After posting a custom sticker on a card, I followed the documentation and it says that the endpoint to update it should be: curl --request PUT \ --url '{id}/stickers/{...
Arielj's user avatar
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