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Questions tagged [pynput]

pynput is a Python library for controlling and monitoring input devices.

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Stop a Program from Running using a Character Without pressing Enter key in Python 3.x

I have tried some solutions that I could get from the other threads here but still no luck. My issue is that the program can recognize the character I've entered but does not execute to stop the ...
bryxjam's user avatar
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Python pynput not working as expected on osx

I'm trying to catch keystrokes in a python script, but it ONLY catches modifier keys (ctrl, cmd, alt) and not ordinary alphanumerical keys. Running on Mac Sonoma 14.1.1, Python 3.10.6. from pynput....
Hampus Brynolf's user avatar
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Pyperclip keyboard listener on Mac in Spyder is blocked from access

When running pyperclip/pynput keyboard listener in Anaconda Spyder I receive the following message: "This process is not trusted! Input event monitoring will not be possible until it is added to ...
Tomas Storås's user avatar
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python pynput how to listen to a hotkey and single key simultaneously?

I have a hotkey set up with pynput: hotkey = keyboard.HotKey( keyboard.HotKey.parse('<alt>+b'), on_activate=on_activate ) # Function to handle canonical form for key events def ...
No Name's user avatar
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how do i make it so it only types one key in pynput

i dont know how do i make it if ex. x axis is 254 and y axis is 254 it should only type one r and not spam r, i really dont know how i can fix it , someone please help import pygame import time import ...
xXOVKLXx's user avatar
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python add a hotkey but stop the keypresses from passing through to other apps

Let's say I want a python program to bind to Shift+f. If you open up notepad and in there press Shift+f, then a capital F will appear. This means notepad received the keypresses. If you instead press ...
No Name's user avatar
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Problem in python with pynput.keyboard module

I work with Anaconda and Spyder. I have a Python code that does some web scraping, and it worked fine until I updated Anaconda and Spyder a few days ago. I'm having trouble with simulating writing or ...
Carlos Mario's user avatar
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Pynput not recognizing inputs when terminal is focused

I'm on Ubuntu 24, using Python 3.12. I have a basic Python script with pynput that stops the program execution when the up arrow is pressed. Running this script in Pycharm has no problems, but in a ...
mm4096's user avatar
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Issues with threading and hotkeys using pynput in Python (Infinite Loop and Responsiveness)

I'm trying to use the pynput library to listen for hotkeys and start a thread when the F12 key is pressed. The thread prints a message in an infinite loop to the console. Pressing ESC should stop the ...
Collaxd's user avatar
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Pynput mouse.move() function does not stop when it reaches edge of screen

When I'm using the mouse.move() function with the Pynput package, the mouse does not stop moving when it reaches the edge of the screen. For example with the following code: from pynput.mouse import ...
gna's user avatar
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How can I read raw mouse input with Python?

I know that PyAutoGUI and Pynput can read mouse inputs, but they can only read your coordinates on the screen. I'm trying to create a macro recorder but I need to be able to read the input being ...
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Unable to detect mouse movement with pynput mouse listener when run as a service

I am trying to create a windows service using python that monitors mouse movement and keyboard presses. The code works fine when ran in the console however when I modified it to turn it into a service,...
Maimun Ahmed's user avatar
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The results of the code are different from the Ubuntu terminal using vscode's remote ssh and the actual Ubuntu terminal

The code I use is python code written in vscode. from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener def on_press(key): try: print('key is pressed: {0}'.format(key.char)) except AttributeError: ...
user24924945's user avatar
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Python cannot write mouse coordinates to self.label in a different function in the same class. Why is that function not recognising that label?

#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GUI module generated by PAGE version 8.0 # in conjunction with Tcl version 8.6 # Apr 23, 2024 11:05:03 PM CEST platform: Windows NT import sys ...
Francis Dusselier's user avatar
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Prevent specific key presses from being sent to foreground app using PyQt5 and pynput

So I want to detect certain keys being pressed and stop those keys being sent to the foreground app. I don't want to use hideous libraries like pywin32 and pyHook as they are such a headache to build. ...
willwade's user avatar
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Refactoring Python Code for Mouse and Keyboard Actions with Pynput

I have a script that uses the pynput library to perform a series of mouse and keyboard actions. The script highlights certain areas on the screen, copies the highlighted content, and saves it to ...
鈴木悠真's user avatar
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im trying to use pynput to press enter but its not registering, ive looked around quite a bit and i cant see anyone else having this problem

im writing a program that writes a program (my coding skill sucks dont worry about it) and when i run this line: it doesnt work at all (its also not returning any errors so ...
codingpersonorsomething's user avatar
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Python pynput doesn't work correct when Windows choosen language doesn't contain appropriate char

i am trying to simulate keyboard input using pynput.keyboard Controller for example, here is a function that is supposed to minimize all windows from pynput.keyboard import Controller as ...
iwba's user avatar
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Pynput keyboard listener is working only when the terminals are minimised

I am using the following code to read keyboard events using pynput and publish a suitable msg in ROS2. import rclpy from my_interfaces.msg import Chassis import threading import time from pynput ...
Somil Agrawal's user avatar
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Not clicking when user presses mouse button [duplicate]

I want that when the user presses a mouse button, that button clicks until the user releases it. To do this, I check if the button is pressed and if so, I click it, but it doesn't work. I think that ...
FalusFalusFalus's user avatar
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Combining Mouse Event Monitoring and Listener Programs: Python Multi-threading Exploration

I hope that while running, can also be executed simultaneously. I want to modify to create an array with a maximum size of 10. When the number of mouse signals ...
Jasmine58850_01's user avatar
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How can I get the output from pynput to somewhere other than the VSCode file?

I'm new to python (been using it in VSCode) and recently have been working with pynput. I have it set up to type things but (I'm new to programming in general) I can't figure out how I could get that ...
Lewis's user avatar
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Mouse input not blocked when running Python code on Ubuntu using pynput library

I want to achieve the goal of blocking mouse signals while running the program, meaning I hope to disable the mouse through the above code. However, after executing it on Ubuntu, the mouse still ...
Jasmine58850_01's user avatar
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How to make pynputs send key presses to applications in the background without making it the focus for mac

I've seen similar questions on Windows but it seems very different for mac. How would I make it send key presses to applications I the background while I'm doing something else?
Ethan Cha's user avatar
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I was trying to write a Python script to move the cursor to delete browser history, but when it exits vscode the script stops. Is there a fix?

from pynput.mouse import Button,Controller import webbrowser import time mouse=Controller() url = '' chrome_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' mouse....
Unknown Chaos's user avatar
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pynput: Listen only if window is active

When I set suppress=True on pynput.keyboard.Listener and minimize my program window, it blocks the system from listening to the keyboard. Is it possible to block the system from listening to the ...
lengthylyova's user avatar
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How to detect hot-keys in Python

I need a way to detect hot-key presses in pure python code. I tried using the snippet of code that I wrote: import pynput def on_press_keyboard(key): try: print('hold ' + str(key.char)) ...
zaid asseh's user avatar
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Input written in the terminal is copied to my code once I close it. Why?

I'm making a custom TUI essentially, and it works great, except that for some reason, VSCode is capturing keystrokes from the terminal and writing them in my python file. Briefly, it even captured ...
Porter Williams's user avatar
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How to suppress/unsuppress mouse events on demand in Python?

This code will suppress the mouse events pynput.mouse.Listener(on_move=onMove, on_click=onClick, on_scroll=onScroll, suppress=True) but I want something like def on_move(x,y): if(something): ...
Someone's user avatar
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Hold a button to record audio using pynput and soundevice

The program is able to record the sound but, I am unable to exit the process from recording the audio. import sounddevice as sd import soundfile as sf import time import numpy as np from transformers ...
Chaitanya Kohli's user avatar
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Open a PyQt6 Window on Pynput GlobalHotKey Press results in Broken Window [duplicate]

For my application I want to have a main window that has a button and a shortcut handler that is able to catch Hotkeys even when the python app is not in focus. The easiest solution was to use a ...
Jan's user avatar
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Comparing KeyCode.vk to Virtual Key Codes in pynput.keyboard

I’m working with the pynput.keyboard module in Python and I’m trying to detect when a specific key is pressed. In this case, I’m interested in the Shift key. Here’s the code I’m using: from pynput....
Oleksandr Myronchuk's user avatar
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Keyboard input with pynput on a Mac

keyboard fails on a Mac and I would like to use pynput but fail to execute successfully. from pynput import keyboard import time def on_press(key, ts, gt_forward, rb, extent, aoi, aoibuffer, jparams):...
arkriger's user avatar
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Infinite Loop When Using pynput to Replace Typed Letters with 'a'

I'm trying to create a python program to replace every letter typed with an a, but when I try it, it gets stuck in a loop because pyput also listens to the key presses it sends, and it gets stuck in a ...
FortCraftCoder's user avatar
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Parsing and suppressing event in Pynput

I'm using Pynput 1.7.6 on win10. I was hoping for a way to parse the raw event into some convenient structures - pynput definitely does this. I was also hoping for a way to prevent the event from ...
user3896248's user avatar
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Struggling with pynput.keyboard import Listener and return values

I am trying to make a stopwatch in python. The problem I'm having is that my while loop does not stop when listener becomes false. from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener import time def pressOn(...
ShaggyWaaggy's user avatar
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getting ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynput' in VSC even though its installed

My VSC stopped seeing pynput as installed on the device. I was working on something, accidentally quit VSC, upon reopening it, Pynput was no longer being recognized. VSC itself updated but that never ...
Buddy Pall's user avatar
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TypeError : KeyCode object is not 'callable'?

So I was trying to make an auto clicker using Pynput module that could be toggled on or off with a key I don't know exactly why but upon pressing the trigger for turning it on i.e. "c" in ...
newcoder2009's user avatar
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How to make a keyboard heatmap using python? [closed]

Basically, I am trying to make a keyboard heatmap which shows various colors for frequency of keys and now after exploring libraries like matplotlib and seaborn I am not getting how to make the ...
the OpBot's user avatar
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Python Pynput Keyboardtracking CTRL + "second_key" doesn't output "second_key"

I am trying to track the Keyboard Inputs, of a User if they press a combination with any CTRL-Key. For that I use Python with Pynput. The regular tracking works fine. But as soon as I press CTRL + any ...
Bata94's user avatar
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How to get key presses / combinations without being modified into alt combinations?

I am trying to get all of the key presses so that I can log the commands that someone would like to use for a project that I am doing in rumps. When I try to listen to the keyboard inputs with pynput, ...
Andrew Ryan's user avatar
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Pynput not updating mouse.position on Mac

I'm fiddling around with pynput for a personal project, and can't seem to get it working properly. It works perfectly with listening for keyboard and mouse input, but when I try update the mouse ...
Reuben Baldry's user avatar
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I'm trying to make a code that tracks key presses and mouse clicks

I have written a code that tries to track key presses and mouse clicks, but there is a problem that the code does not stop when I press ender key, and the code does not write the inputs into an excel ...
Kana's user avatar
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How can I stop/unbind a pynput listener?

I'm making a translator and I want to have 2 shortcuts, one to translate and one to exit the program: def on_exit_hotkey(): listener.stop() exit() print('\n-- Press CTRL+T on keyboard to ...
Dany's user avatar
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How to make pynput.keyboard.listener thread keep running in the background even when main app is terminated

I have a main GUI app made out of Tkinter, which includes a button called "start" , which when pressed initiates the pynput.keyboard.listener thread . Its listens to the keystrokes all ...
akashKP's user avatar
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Why does this combination of tkinter and pynput crash python on macOS?

I am working on a Python customtkinter application that is meant to capture keystrokes, which will be used as a macro. The pynput code to capture keystrokes works fine without tkinter, and the code ...
Jason Luther's user avatar
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Pynput Listener is not calling on_press function

I'm using pynput.keyboard.Listener to listen for keyboard input. The function that is passed to its on_press or on_release arguments is never called after starting the Listener thread although the ...
julian's user avatar
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Illegal Instruction:4 when using pynput keyboard with tkinter

I was trying to use pynput to create a automatic keyboard typer with tkinter. The pynput keyboard typer is made using a custom thread (note: I followed a certain tutorial that I can't find now). When ...
DarthVaderFan's user avatar
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pynput doing mouse click action inside on_click

im having a problem using mouse on_click function of pynput whenever the supplied function also performs a mouse click quite similar with this post Taking Single Click Event and Propagating it to ...
Kelv1nG's user avatar
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Trying to print mouse direction in 360 degrees [closed]

I am currently trying to implement a 360 degree direction listener of mouse inputs and print these to the terminal (long term is plotting these inputs). Looking to get advice on what libraries people ...
reallybranden's user avatar

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