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Questions tagged [python-class]

For questions that relate to the use of classes as a language feature in Python.

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2 answers

Python decorators with class methods

I want a decorator that I can use as both @decorator and decorator() with class methods, like this : def decorator_with_args(name): print(f'Hello {name} !') def decorator(func): def ...
Prasun Kumar Khan's user avatar
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Having a problem with calling the class twice

import tkinter as tk import math,time,random from PIL import ImageTk, Image,ImageEnhance start_time = time.time() window = tk.Tk() window.geometry("300x300") canvas = tk.Canvas(window, ...
MeHocha 333's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to display an image with classes in tkinter?

import tkinter as tk from PIL import ImageTk, Image window = tk.Tk() window.geometry("300x300") canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width=300, height=300,bg="red") canvas.pack() class ...
MeHocha 333's user avatar
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OpenAI API upgrade from 0.28 to 1.x

I am trying to upgrade the OpenAI 0.28 version to 1.2.2. For doing that I defined the client and replaced the openai chatcompletion with client. Below is the constant file which will be used in the ...
Pushpendra Singh's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I substitute an imported python class in a .py file without modifying the file itself?

What I'd like to achieve is: be in a third party package I cannot modify): from xxx import A class B: def __init__(): self.a = A() The file I actually execute: ...
Feephy's user avatar
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3 answers

For class created from Python turtle module, instead of return functions at each method, how can data created from a method be used in different one?

For a class (snake class) created from the turtle module in Python: Problem 1. when the move() method is called, the snake segments are moving backwards instead of forward . The problem seems to be ...
chris's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add class variable values to a list, python 3x?

I'm trying to add class variable values to a list inside a function, but I'm not seeing any errors or the expected output? The comboxbox doesn't display when I uncomment the list code. Outside of the ...
James-Jesse Drinkard's user avatar
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Unable to properly initialize a tkinter scrollbar inside a UI

I'm not an expert python programmer. After some time and effort I've built a tkinter UI that properly works. Recently, I've found myself needing to add a scrollbar inside the frame, since I need to ...
Elia Melloni's user avatar
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3 answers

How to run multiple instances of an object with two threads inside each object?

I'm trying to wrap two threaded functions inside an object and run a couple of instances of the object. So far I could only run the objects if I pull the threading outside the class. import threading ...
R.Orteza's user avatar
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List all properties defined on a Pydantic BaseModel

Is there an elegant way to list all properties defined on a Pydantic BaseModel? It's possible to extract the list of fields via BaseModel.model_fields and the list of computed fields via BaseModel....
SultanOrazbayev's user avatar
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On demand Python imports

I have the following situation: A module that contains a class Foo with some additional convenience functions for assembling Foo objects. A Foo object contains methods for interacting with data in an ...
Ash's user avatar
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1 answer

Programatically create multiple instances of CustomTkinter Combobox Python

New to python and trying to create an app with customtkinter. The app lets users pick values from different drop-downs and generates codes based on the chosen value. Updated per comment from Mike-SMT: ...
Gautam's user avatar
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3 answers

How to correctly define a classmethod that accesses a value of a mangled child attribute?

In Python, how do I correctly define a classmethod of a parent class that references an attribute of a child class? from enum import Enum class LabelledEnum(Enum): @classmethod def ...
SultanOrazbayev's user avatar
2 votes
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Python convert class instance variable to nested structure

Defining a class of instance variable from commonly used fields in API response by looping through each JSON record['identifier'] -->output: 1234['...
Victor's user avatar
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ValueError: Attempt to convert a value (class) with an unsupported type (class) to a Tensor

these codes were running flawlessly on tensorflow==2.15, for the purpose of GPU acceleration, I switched to tensorflow-gpu == 2.10.1 with keras 2.10, respectively. and this ValueError raised up on my ...
pepCoder's user avatar
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1 answer

ROS (Robot Operating System) simple publisher and subscriber using class in python

I am trying to run a simple code in ROS to create a subscriber and a publisher using classes in python. I am new to using classes in python and I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. Below is the ...
Sabyasachi's user avatar
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Updating class attributes in python

I have two classes Player and LineUp, one is used within the other (shown below). I am trying to update my LineUp class after I have already instantiated it. class Player: def __init__(self, ...
PureSlurp's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I retain a reference to the parent object when creating an instance of a nested class through the outer object in Python?

Is it possible to retain a reference to the parent object when creating an instance of a nested class through the outer object, without explicitly passing the parent object as an argument? class ...
Japan Manul's user avatar
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How is class Franchise, linked with Class Menu? in Below Python Code?

What informs the code that The relationship between the Franchise and Menu classes is that The Franchise class has an attribute menus that stores instances of the Menu class, when clearly Menu and ...
Joseph Matheri's user avatar
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Quit Tkinter application by calling class method

I am trying to build a splash screen that I will be able to call from an external application using Tkinter. I'd like to define my GUI in a class, like this: class Splash: def __init__(self): ...
Ben Zelnick's user avatar
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Error while using a custom class in Python: 'AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MyClass

I'm facing an issue while working with a custom class in Python. I have a module named 'my_module' with a class called 'MyClass'. However, when I try to instantiate the class in another script or ...
Albin Siby's user avatar
-2 votes
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Python Selenium AttributeError: object has no attribute

The problem is although i can see the method I'm calling, the error says I don't have a method the way I call. Here is the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\htuna\...
Selim's user avatar
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In python class, how to pass returned value of a method of a class as input to another method of the same class

I am using boto3 library to establish connection to an s3 compatible storage. I had created a class with constructor that take cluster details, access key & IDs as inputs, having these initiated. ...
vpothurajula's user avatar
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How to delete an instance of a class using a function?

I am looking for a way to create a method within a class that will delete that particular instance. I know one way to do is by using del keyword but I want to make it user interaction based so that ...
Amritesh Kumar's user avatar
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Understanding this class intialization in python

I have this piece of code, part of a Spikingjelly neural network training functionality, which gets some errors on this line after running. I'm not quite experienced in Python, and I don't understand ...
Marziye Hasanshahi's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Why are these 2 python class instance could equal to each other?

from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class ThreeDPoint: x: int | float y = 0.0 z: int | float = 0.0 point_1 = ThreeDPoint(1.0,2) point_3 = ThreeDPoint(1,2) print(point_1 == ...
anonNEWlearner's user avatar
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1 answer

A script changes the source code of class. Why can the effect not be observed in the same console or test, where the script was run?

I have written a script, that automatically adds a property to a class. It works, but currently I can not test it. The code is shown below, but can also be seen on GitHub. See the class Cat, the ...
Watchduck's user avatar
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how I can describe that my function return (or need) a object with same type that the class I'm building? [duplicate]

I'm newbie with typing on Python, and I'm have an unexpected problem. This is a random example, but describe the problem it self With this code: class Location: def __init__(self, name: str) -> ...
Miguel A. Díaz Castillo's user avatar
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Capture exception for all class methods with class decorator don't work for init method

I want to capture all the methods of Myclass(and give them a new exception type) I created a class decorator to implement this but the exception handling doesn't cover the __init__ How can I fix this? ...
soapcmd's user avatar
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1 answer

Automatically calling class function after init

I want to automate a class method which would be called right after __init__ has completed. e.g, class A: def __init__(self): initialization statement def post_init(self): #...
atskdev's user avatar
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1 answer

Decorate all functions of a Python class while being able to access the class attributes within the decorator

I've got a class and would like to apply a decorator to all functions within that class without having to add a function decorator to every single function. I know that there are solutions like the ...
Strawbert's user avatar
-1 votes
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Struggling with class methods, cls, and self when using functions cross classes in python while updating a dictionary

I am trying to build a small UI for updating some settings and then displaying some intake data on a raspberrypi. Python version is 3.9.2. The most logical way to save the settings I thought would be ...
Shenanigator's user avatar
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Turtle doing nothing in embedded Tkinter window

I am trying to make a program in which you can draw different shapes. I already managed to embed the turtlescreen into my already existing Tkinter one (root) and got a Tkinter Menu, in which I can run ...
Akemi's user avatar
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How to print a list from a Class. List for the jetta attributes [duplicate]

Unable to print 'jetta' list that is within this class. I don't know how to print it. Class Car name = jetta Should I enter return somewhere? class Car: model = [] model2 = [] ...
Lucas Batista's user avatar
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Python overload __setitem__ does not replace self out of the class range

I am trying to create a kind of dataframe subclass with inheritance of polars.DataFrame. I would like to modify the __setitem__ method to make following statement possible: df['test_column'] = 'test' ...
KYPcode's user avatar
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DataFlow Code returning empty output for DoFn class

I am trying to run the below code using dataflow, where I have 2-3 functions defined inside a class, out of which 2 functions are working but the send_email() is working nor throwing any errors. ...
Sandeep Mohanty's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the logic of changing class variables?

The following code was supposed to clarify how Python class variables behave,but somehow it opens more questions than it solves. The class Bodyguard has the variable protect, which is a list that by ...
Watchduck's user avatar
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I developed a class for generating images, but I have a type problem (name 'train_step' is not defined) that I can't

Here's the complete class code with an example of its implementation. import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import time from tensorflow.keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3 from ...
fares rs's user avatar
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Tkinter result page with possible cyclic dependency

I'm having trouble creating a results page for a tkinter GUI that I've made. The problem is that the page2 file has to import the page3 file in order to go to page3 when clicked with a button. In the ...
JimV's user avatar
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Method for correct/pythonic way to use @cached_property to set a permanent attribute on a Python class

I am trying to set a permanent attribute on a class to be used by other methods throughout the life of the instance of the class class Test: @cached_property def datafile_num_rows(self) -> ...
metersk's user avatar
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return json in python class

I have this class and function in python to monitor file creation and i want to retrieve the result as json: import win32api from watchdog.observers import Observer from import ...
noor's user avatar
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Merge private attributes in Python

I know that private attributes are loosely defined in Python, but I'm trying to figure out what would be the most lean way of implementing a method to merge together private attributes. Class Event: ...
unitrium's user avatar
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Python - pass arguments when adding a button to plot's toolbar (matplotlib)

I am trying to add a button to toolbar. The button is a custom class that inherits ToolToggleBase. In my custom SelectButton class, I want to pass few arguments, but I getting an error: import numpy ...
Alon123's user avatar
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Pandas "DataFrame"s as class properties. How should I initialize them in class constructor __init__()?

I have a class which will manage multiple pandas Data Frames. The Data frames are class properties. I have initiated every Data Frame in the class constructor and assigned an empty Data Frame to them (...
Diaco's user avatar
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How to fix Python problem with embedded class definitions

Working on LeetCode #1032, I'm having a problem that appears related to having embedded classes. Here is the code: from collections import deque class StreamChecker: def __init__(self, words): ...
Mark Lavin's user avatar
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Sleep Function Inside FOR Does Not Perform One-by-One Counting [duplicate]

I'm practicing creating classes and functions in Python. In a certain simple countdown exercise, I had to use the sleep() function inside a FOR loop to display the numbers one by one. The issue is ...
Sérgio Lima's user avatar
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Attribute error when trying to going back and forth between functions in Python

I'm getting the error "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'" for the code below: class Student: def __init__(self, name, house): if not name: ...
Tharindu Dissanayake's user avatar
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Python: conserving list structure when working with Composition-Composite classes

How to conserve list structure when working with Composition in Python? For instance, class Population: '''Defines a population of Colonies''' def __init__(self, Nc, ...): self....
Vítor Sudbrack's user avatar
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Get init arguments of child class from parent class

getInitInpArgs on ann gets the input arguments in init of ann to a dictionary. Now I want to define a function like getInitInpArgs on ann (parent class) and not on the child classes, which makes a ...
Farhang Amaji's user avatar
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The class name with or without quotes in a Django model field to have foreign key relationship

I can set Category with or without quotes to ForeignKey() as shown below: class Category(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Product(models.Model): # Here category ...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar

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