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Questions tagged [python-decorators]

In Python, decorators are functions that conveniently alter functions, methods or classes using a special syntax. Decorators dynamically alter the functionality without changing the source code being decorated.

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4681 votes
36 answers

What is the difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod in Python?

What is the difference between a method decorated with @staticmethod and one decorated with @classmethod?
Daryl Spitzer's user avatar
3168 votes
22 answers

How do I make function decorators and chain them together?

How do I make two decorators in Python that would do the following? @make_bold @make_italic def say(): return "Hello" Calling say() should return: "<b><i>Hello</i>&...
Imran's user avatar
  • 89.7k
1377 votes
14 answers

How does the @property decorator work in Python?

I would like to understand how the built-in function property works. What confuses me is that property can also be used as a decorator, but it only takes arguments when used as a built-in function and ...
ashim's user avatar
  • 25.1k
290 votes
9 answers

Class method decorator with self arguments?

How do I pass a class field to a decorator on a class method as an argument? What I want to do is something like: class Client(object): def __init__(self, url): self.url = url @...
Mark's user avatar
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192 votes
5 answers

`staticmethod` and `abc.abstractmethod`: Will it blend?

In my Python app I want to make a method that is both a staticmethod and an abc.abstractmethod. How do I do this? I tried applying both decorators, but it doesn't work. If I do this: import abc class ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
175 votes
3 answers

Decorator execution order

def make_bold(fn): return lambda : "<b>" + fn() + "</b>" def make_italic(fn): return lambda : "<i>" + fn() + "</i>" @make_bold @make_italic def hello(): return "...
Newbie's user avatar
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154 votes
10 answers

Real world example about how to use property feature in python?

I am interested in how to use @property in Python. I've read the python docs and the example there, in my opinion, is just a toy code: class C(object): def __init__(self): self._x = None ...
xiao 啸's user avatar
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138 votes
6 answers

How do I pass extra arguments to a Python decorator?

I have a decorator like below. def myDecorator(test_func): return callSomeWrapper(test_func) def callSomeWrapper(test_func): return test_func @myDecorator def someFunc(): print 'hello' I ...
balki's user avatar
  • 27.3k
100 votes
10 answers

Python functools lru_cache with instance methods: release object

How can I use functools.lru_cache inside classes without leaking memory? In the following minimal example the foo instance won't be released although going out of scope and having no referrer (other ...
televator's user avatar
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88 votes
2 answers

Make @lru_cache ignore some of the function arguments

How can I make @functools.lru_cache decorator ignore some of the function arguments with regard to caching key? For example, I have a function that looks like this: def find_object(db_handle, query):...
WGH's user avatar
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83 votes
6 answers

How to do a conditional decorator in python?

Is it possible to decorate a function conditionally? For example, I want to decorate the function foo() with a timer function (timeit), but only when doing_performance_analysis condition is True, like ...
cfpete's user avatar
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80 votes
3 answers

Decorating class methods - how to pass the instance to the decorator?

This is Python 2.5, and it's GAE too, not that it matters. I have the following code. I'm decorating the foo() method in bar, using the dec_check class as a decorator. class dec_check(object): def ...
Phil's user avatar
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75 votes
8 answers

How to create a custom decorator in Django?

I'm trying to create a custom decorator in Django but I couldn't find any ways to do it. # "" @custom_decorator def my_view(request): # ....... So, how can I create it in ...
user677990's user avatar
73 votes
11 answers

How to inject variable into scope with a decorator?

[Disclaimer: there may be more pythonic ways of doing what I want to do, but I want to know how python's scoping works here] I'm trying to find a way to make a decorator that does something like ...
beardc's user avatar
  • 20.9k
71 votes
4 answers

Python 3 type hinting for decorator

Consider the following code: from typing import Callable, Any TFunc = Callable[..., Any] def get_authenticated_user(): return "John" def require_auth() -> Callable[TFunc, TFunc]: ...
FunkySayu's user avatar
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70 votes
5 answers

How to bypass python function definition with decorator?

I would like to know if its possible to control Python function definition based on global settings (e.g. OS). Example: @linux def my_callback(*args, **kwargs): print("Doing something @ Linux") ...
Pedro's user avatar
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70 votes
4 answers

Is a Python Decorator the same as Java annotation, or Java with Aspects?

Are Python Decorators the same or similar, or fundamentally different to Java annotations or something like Spring AOP, or Aspect J?
bn.'s user avatar
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62 votes
5 answers

How to add a custom decorator to a FastAPI route?

I want to add an auth_required decorator to my endpoints. (Please consider that this question is about decorators, not middleware) So a simple decorator looks like this: def auth_required(func): ...
sashaaero's user avatar
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59 votes
1 answer

How can I apply a decorator to an imported function? [duplicate]

Suppose I have imported a function: from random import randint and then want to apply a decorator to it. Is there some syntactic sugar for this, perhaps something like so? @decorator randint Or do I ...
killajoule's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

How can I decorate an instance method with a decorator class?

Consider this small example: import datetime as dt class Timed(object): def __init__(self, f): self.func = f def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): start = ...
Rafael T's user avatar
  • 15.6k
50 votes
7 answers

Python decorator? - can someone please explain this? [duplicate]

Apologies this is a very broad question. The code below is a fragment of something found on the web. The key thing I am interested in is the line beginning @protected - I am wondering what this does ...
Duke Dougal's user avatar
  • 25.7k
49 votes
10 answers

How to use Python decorators to check function arguments?

I would like to define some generic decorators to check arguments before calling some functions. Something like: @checkArguments(types = ['int', 'float']) def myFunction(thisVarIsAnInt, ...
AsTeR's user avatar
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47 votes
4 answers

How to skip a pytest using an external fixture?

Background I am running a py.test with a fixture in a conftest file. You can see the code below(this all works fine): import pytest @pytest.fixture def platform(): return "ios" ...
user avatar
47 votes
2 answers

Why no @override decorator in Python to help code readability? [closed]

I've been using abstract classes in Python with ABCMeta. When you write an abstract method you tag it with the decorator @abstractmethod. One thing that I found odd (and unlike other languages) is ...
gnychis's user avatar
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44 votes
2 answers

How can I get a Python decorator to run after the decorated function has completed?

I want to use a decorator to handle auditing of various functions (mainly Django view functions, but not exclusively). In order to do this I would like to be able to audit the function post-execution -...
Hugo Rodger-Brown's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

React js - What is the difference betwen HOC and decorator

Can someone explain what is the difference between these two? I mean except the syntactic difference, do both of these techniques are used to achieve the same thing (which is to reuse component logic)?...
itay312's user avatar
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37 votes
7 answers

Same name functions in same class - is there an elegant way to determine which to call?

I am trying to do product version control in Python scripts for a specific reason, but I couldn't figure out how to do it in an elegant way. Currently, I am doing something like the below. However, ...
Timmy Lin's user avatar
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35 votes
1 answer

How can one attach a decorator to a function "after the fact" in python?

The way I understand decorators of function in python (and I might be wrong), is that they are supposed to add side effects and modify the return value of a function. Now decorators are added above ...
con-f-use's user avatar
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30 votes
9 answers

Decorator for a method that caches return value after first access

My problem, and why I'm trying to write a decorator for a method, @cachedproperty. I want it to behave so that when the method is first called, the method is replaced with its return value. I also ...
Luke Taylor's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Flask: Decorator to verify JSON and JSON Schema

I have a flask application with calls expecting JSON payload. Before each call is processed, I have a 2-step error checking process: Assert that the payload is a valid JSON Assert that the JSON ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
  • 134k
28 votes
4 answers

Why do we need wrapper function in decorators?

If I create a decorator like the following: def my_decorator(some_fun): def wrapper(): print("before some_fun() is called.") some_fun() print("after some_fun(...
Ankit Mahajan's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

descriptor '__init__' of 'super' object needs argument

I'm trying my hand at making an Object-Oriented text-based game in Python, and attempting to implement my first properties and decorators. Using the chapter 5 in the book 'Python 3 Object Oriented ...
Automatic Bazooty's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Can someone explain how the source code of staticmethod works in python

First of all, I understand how, in general, a decorator work. And I know @staticmethod strips off the instance argument in the signature, making class C(object): @staticmethod def foo(): ...
user2829759's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Class properties in Python 3.11+

In Python 3.9, we gained the ability to chain @classmethod and @property to sensibly create class properties. class Foo: @property def instance_property(self): return "A regular property&...
kg583's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Python: Use of decorators v/s mixins? [closed]

I have understood the basics of decorators and mixins. Decorators add a new functionality to an object without changing other object instances of the same class, while a mixin is a kind of multiple ...
dev's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Difference between Context Managers and Decorators in Python

What is the main difference between the two? I have been studying Python and came across them. A decorator is essentially a function that wraps another function and you can do anything before and ...
Mithil Bhoras's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Can variables be decorated?

Decorating function or method in python is wonderful. @dec2 @dec1 def func(arg1, arg2, ...): pass #This is equivalent to: def func(arg1, arg2, ...): pass func = dec2(dec1(func)) I was ...
taesu's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How to disable skipping a test in pytest without modifying the code?

I have inherited some code that implements pytest.mark.skipif for a few tests. Reading through the pytest docs, I am aware that I can add conditions, possibly check for environment variables, or use ...
ely's user avatar
  • 76.6k
21 votes
2 answers

How to write Flask decorator with request?

I am not sure why following decorator[validate_request] doesn't work. What is correct way to write such validation decorator? def validate_request(req_type): if req_type is 'json' and not ...
Rahuketu86's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Function decorators with parameters on a class based view in Django

The official documentation explains how to decorate a class based view, however I could not find any information on how to provide parameters to the decorator. I would like to achieve something like ...
Buddyshot's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to numpy.vectorize an instance method?

I've found that the numpy.vectorize allows one to convert 'ordinary' functions which expect a single number as input to a function which can also convert a list of inputs into a list in which the ...
Kurt Peek's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Scope of variables in python decorator

I'm having a very weird problem in a Python 3 decorator. If I do this: def rounds(nr_of_rounds): def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): return ...
Ben's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Check if a function uses @classmethod

TL;DR How do I find out whether a function was defined using @classmethod or something with the same effect? My problem For implementing a class decorator I would like to check if a method takes the ...
hlt's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How to make a function composer

I am trying to make a function that rounds other functions for my university degree . For example I would like to call the round_sqrt = round(sqrt) and when i call the round_sqrt(5) it has to shows me ...
php kubrick's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Python decorator, self is mixed up [duplicate]

I am new to Python decorators (wow, great feature!), and I have trouble getting the following to work because the self argument gets sort of mixed up. #this is the decorator class cacher(object): ...
Rabarberski's user avatar
  • 24.5k
20 votes
2 answers

Making abstract property in Python 3 results in AttributeError

How do you make an abstract property in python? import abc class MyClass(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod @property def foo(self): pass results in the error AttributeError: attribute ...
cowlinator's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How to get source code of function that is wrapped by a decorator?

I wanted to print the source code for my_func, that is wrapped by my_decorator: import inspect from functools import wraps def my_decorator(some_function): @wraps(some_function) def wrapper()...
Mariska's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

mypy: Untyped decorator makes function "my_method" untyped

When I try using a decorator that I defined in another package, mypy fails with the error message Untyped decorator makes function "my_method" untyped. How should I define my decorator to ...
1step1leap's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Decorator to set attribute of function

I want different functions to be executable only if the logged in user has the required permission level. To make my life more simple I want to use decorators. Below I attempt to set attribute ...
Rich Tier's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Merging Python decorators with arguments into a single one [duplicate]

I'm using two different decorators from two different libraries. Lets say: @decorator1(param1, param2) and @decorator2(param3, param4). That I often use in many functions as: from moduleA import ...
Lin's user avatar
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