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Questions tagged [python-poetry]

Poetry is a Python tool to handle dependency installation, as well as the building and packaging of Python packages. Do NOT use this tag for poems written in the Python language, since this is off-topic on Stack Overflow.

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321 votes
17 answers

Integrating Python Poetry with Docker

Can you give me an example of a Dockerfile in which I can install all the packages I need from poetry.lock and pyproject.toml into my image/container from Docker?
Alex Bodea's user avatar
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180 votes
18 answers

How to import an existing requirements.txt into a Poetry project?

I am trying out Poetry in an existing project. It used pyenv and virtual env originally so I have a requirements.txt file with the project's dependencies. I want to import the requirements.txt file ...
Felipe's user avatar
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178 votes
4 answers

Does it make sense to use Conda + Poetry?

Does it make sense to use Conda + Poetry for a Machine Learning project? Allow me to share my (novice) understanding and please correct or enlighten me: As far as I understand, Conda and Poetry have ...
Seub's user avatar
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170 votes
5 answers

VSCode doesn't show poetry virtualenvs in select interpreter option

I need help. VSCode will NEVER find poetry virtualenv interpreter no matter what I try. Installed poetry Python package manager using a standard $ curl method as explained in the official ...
user8491363's user avatar
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126 votes
16 answers
264k views cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've just updated to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and my libs using OpenSSL just stopped working. Looks like Ubuntu switched to the version 3.0 of OpenSSL. For example, poetry stopped working: Traceback (most ...
RobinFrcd's user avatar
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110 votes
13 answers

Change python version to 3.x

According to poetry's docs, the proper way to setup a new project is with poetry new poetry-demo, however this creates a project based on the now deprecated python2.7 by creating the following toml ...
arshbot's user avatar
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105 votes
3 answers

How to update Poetry's lock file without upgrading dependencies?

After adding a [tool.poetry.extras] section to pyproject.toml, Poetry displays the following warning, for example on install: Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in ...
Claudio's user avatar
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104 votes
5 answers

How to install a package using pip in editable mode with pyproject.toml?

When a project is specified only via pyproject.toml (i.e. no setup.{py,cfg} files), how can it be installed in editable mode via pip (i.e. python -m pip install -e .)? I tried both setuptools and ...
a_guest's user avatar
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102 votes
2 answers

Dependency version syntax for Python Poetry

The Poetry project is a dependency management system for Python. It uses the new pyproject.toml file as its config file. The Poetry tools supports a few different ways of specifying the allowed ...
Christian Long's user avatar
88 votes
16 answers

Why is my poetry virtualenv using the system python instead of the pyenv python that I set?

I've recently installed both Pyenv and Poetry and want to create a new Python 3.8 project. I've set both the global and local versions of python to 3.8.1 using the appropriate Pyenv commands (pyenv ...
P4nd4b0b3r1n0's user avatar
84 votes
7 answers

Download dependencies declared in pyproject.toml using Pip

I have a Python project that doesn't contain requirements.txt. But it has a pyproject.toml file. How can I download packages (dependencies) required by this Python project and declared in pyproject....
Sherein's user avatar
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81 votes
5 answers

Poetry install on an existing project Error "does not contain any element"

I am using Poetry for the first time. I have a very simple project. Basically a_project | |--test | | | | From a project I do poetry init and then poetry ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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79 votes
1 answer

How to write a minimally working pyproject.toml file that can install packages?

Pip supports the pyproject.toml file but so far all practical usage of the new schema requires a 3rd party tool that auto-generates these files (e.g., poetry and pip). Unlike which is already ...
Keto's user avatar
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76 votes
21 answers

Poetry installed but `poetry: command not found`

I've had a million and one issues with Poetry recently. I got it fully installed and working yesterday, but after a restart of my machine I'm back to having issues with it ;( Is there anyway to have ...
StressedBoi69420's user avatar
75 votes
5 answers

How to run a script using pyproject.toml settings and poetry?

I am using poetry to create .whl files. I have an FTP sever running on a remote host. I wrote a Python script ( which save in a database the git commit, few more parameters and in the ...
helpper's user avatar
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72 votes
6 answers

How to specify version in only one place when using pyproject.toml?

My package version is defined in two places: __version__ = 1.2.3 in mypackage/ version = "1.2.3" in pyproject.toml (I am using Poetry) I have to update both whenever I bump the ...
Haterind's user avatar
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67 votes
2 answers

Multiple top-level packages discovered in a flat-layout

I am trying to install a library from the source that makes use of Poetry, but I get this error error: Multiple top-level packages discovered in a flat-layout: ['tulips', 'fixtures']. To ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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60 votes
7 answers

Installing a specific PyTorch build (f/e CPU-only) with Poetry

I've recently found poetry to manage dependencies. In one project, we use PyTorch. How do I add this to poetry? We are working on machines that have no access to a CUDA GPU (for simple on the road ...
kai's user avatar
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53 votes
5 answers

Python poetry - how to install optional dependencies?

Python's poetry dependency manager allows specifying optional dependencies via command: $ poetry add --optional redis Which results in this configuration: [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.8" ...
Granitosaurus's user avatar
53 votes
5 answers

Poetry configuration is invalid - Additional properties are not allowed ('group' was unexpected)

Recently, I faced this issue with Poetry. All my commands using poetry were failing with the following error. RuntimeError The Poetry configuration is invalid: - Additional properties are not ...
Roopak A Nelliat's user avatar
52 votes
1 answer

Feature comparison between npm, pip, pipenv and Poetry package managers [closed]

How do the main features of npm compare with pip, pipenv and Poetry package managers? And how do I use those features of pipenv or Poetry? This could primarily help someone transitioning from being ...
Resonance's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

ERROR: Failed building wheel for numpy , ERROR: Could not build wheels for numpy, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

I`m using python poetry( for dependency management in my project. Though when I`m running poetry install, its giving me below error. ERROR: Failed building wheel for numpy ...
Lakshay Rohilla's user avatar
46 votes
5 answers

Should I commit .lock file changes separately? What should I write for the commit message?

I'm using poetry for my Python package manager but I believe this would apply to any programming practices. I've been doing this without knowing exactly what I'm doing, or how I should be doing. ...
user8491363's user avatar
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44 votes
2 answers

Transfer dependency to --dev in poetry

If you accidentally install a dependency in poetry as a main dependency (i.e. poetry add ...), is there a way to quickly transfer it to dev dependencies (i.e. poetry add --dev ...), or do you have to ...
adam.hendry's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

running a package pytest with poetry

I am new to poetry and want to get it set-up with pytest. I have a package mylib in the following set-up ├── dist │   ├── mylib-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl │   └── mylib-0.0.1.tar.gz ├── poetry.lock ├── ...
Mike's user avatar
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38 votes
6 answers

Python poetry install failure - invalid hashes

I'm unsure exactly what information / context to provide with this post in order for it to be properly answered - so if I can add more information please let me know. Whilst trying to install a ...
baxx's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

How to force reinstall Poetry environment from scratch?

Poetry has some stale dependencies because the use of develop = true packages. Poetry cannot figure out on its own that dependencies have been updated. How do I force Poetry to reinstall everything in ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
34 votes
6 answers

poetry returns 'dyld: Library not loaded ... image not found' following brew install while inside virtual environment

I ran brew install postgresql while inside a poetry environment. Since then, I can't interact with poetry. λ ~/ poetry dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/Cellar/[email protected]/3.9.9/Frameworks/Python....
eve-hunt's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

poetry Virtual environment already activated

Running the following poetry shell returns the following error /home/harshagoli/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py2.7/ RuntimeWarning: The _posixsubprocess module is not being used. ...
arshbot's user avatar
  • 15k
31 votes
6 answers

How to run FastAPI application from Poetry?

I have a fastapi project built by poetry. I want to run the application with a scripts section in pyproject.tom like below: poetry run start What is inside double quotes in the section? [tool.poetry....
BrainVader's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

How to use poetry with docker?

How do I install poetry in my image? (should I use pip?) Which version of poetry should I use? Do I need a virtual environment? There are many examples and opinions in the wild which offer different ...
Soof Golan's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between the [tool.poetry] and [project] tables in pyproject.toml? [closed]

Context So, I'm trying to create a new Python package following this tutorial: As the tutorial says, in my pyproject.toml I should ...
toiletsandpaper's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

How do I specify "extra" / bracket dependencies in a pyproject.toml?

I'm working on a project that specifies its dependencies using Poetry and a pyproject.toml file to manage dependencies. The documentation for one of the libraries I need suggests pip-installing with ...
Sarah Messer's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

How to find the list of available versions for an specific package with Poetry?

Using Poetry, I want to find all versions of an specific package that are available for install. Is it possible to achieve that? (Similar to Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's ...
Fábio Perez's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between `poetry lock` and `poetry update --lock`?

What is the difference between poetry update --lock and poetry lock? I wasn't able to find much useful hints in the official docs and I know that both are not the same since we recently had to switch ...
Arijit Basu's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

Does Poetry have an equivalent for the flag "--trusted-host" that is available on Pip?

I wish to start using poetry on some projects at work, where I am stuck behind corporate filters that sometimes interfere with certs. If I use pip, I can ignore SSL errors by doing something like the ...
Devasta's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

How to cache poetry install for GitHub Actions

I tried to use this actions/cache@v2 to cache poetry venv. There are only two libraries pylint and pytest installed. It seems that installation was cached (cache size ~ 26MB). However, they couldn't ...
northtree's user avatar
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28 votes
8 answers

poetry installation failing on Mac OS, says "should_use_symlinks"

I am trying to install poetry using the following command curl -sSL | python3 - but it is failing with the following exception: Exception: This build of python ...
confused_certainties's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

How poetry knows my package is located in the src folder?

I have a simple question. I used to create a poetry project with my package at root. project.toml mypackage +- +- +- I recently moved my tests in ...
emonier's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

How can I specify which Python version poetry should create venv?

I started using Poetry recently. I really like straightforward package management, but I can’t seem to resolve one thing: The Python version it should use. I have Python 3.9 and 3.7 on my machine. 3.7 ...
M.wol's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

Error: Python packaging tool 'setuptools' not found

I have a poetry project that is not using setuptools [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = ">=3.9,<3.11" opencv-python = "^" tensorflow-macos = "^2.11.0" ...
mCs's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Why does poetry build raise ModuleOrPackageNotFound exception?

I want to use poetry to build and distribute Python source packages, but after poetry init I get an error running poetry build. ModuleOrPackageNotFound No file/folder found for package mdspliter....
Andy's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Where to locate virtual environment installed using poetry | Where to find poetry installed virtual environment

I installed poetry using the following command:- (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python - To know more ...
Lakshay Rohilla's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

poetry install | SolverProblemError Because my_project depends on string (*) which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed

I am yet to use poetry to run project, so excuse lack of understanding. I successfully installed the poetry python library manager, using: curl -sSL
user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between extras and groups in poetry?

So far I have used poetry extras to install optional dependencies. For instance, in pyproject.toml I have defined [tool.poetry.dependencies] ... jupyter = { version = "^1.0.0", optional = ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

What files/directories should I add to .gitignore when using Poetry, the Python package manager?

I'm using a very new Python package manager called Poetry. It creates several files/directories upon creating a new project (environment), but I'm not sure which one I should add to .gitignore for ...
user8491363's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Python Poetry: how to specify platform-specific dependency alternatives?

Some background: The project I'm working on uses python-ldap library. Since we are a mixed-OS development team (some use Linux, some macOS and some Windows), I'm trying to make the project build on ...
Igor Brejc's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How to have a single source of truth for poetry and pre-commit package version?

I'm looking into this Python project template. They use poetry to define dev dependencies [] black = {version = "*", allow-prereleases = true} flake8 = "*&...
floatingpurr's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

How to reuse pyproject.toml in monorepo with Poetry?

There are multiple projects in my monorepo, which has package management via Poetry individually. For instance, monorepo ├── a │   └── pyproject.toml ├── b │   └── pyproject.toml └── c └── ...
northtree's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

Poetry: Failed to unlock the collection

On a fresh poetry install, I get the following error trying to install anything: (base) ➜ celeba poetry add numpy Failed to unlock the collection! How can I fix this?
a06e's user avatar
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