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15 votes
4 answers

Algorithmic complexity of XML parsers/validators

I need to know how the performance of different XML tools (parsers, validators, XPath expression evaluators, etc) is affected by the size and complexity of the input document. Are there resources out ...
lindelof's user avatar
  • 35.1k
13 votes
2 answers

How to find out which Service Pack is installed on SQL Server?

How can I find out which Service Pack is installed on my copy of SQL Server?
Stefan Haubold's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Performance issues regarding Access 2003 and the OLE Object data type

In MS Access 2003 (I know, I know), I'm using the OLE Object data type to persist the sate of some objects that are marked as serializable (just using a IO.BinaryFormatter to serialize to a ...
Burton's user avatar
  • 343
4 votes
3 answers

How to respond to an alternate URI in a RESTful web service

I'm building a RESTful web service which has multiple URIs for one of its resources, because there is more than one unique identifier. Should the server respond to a GET request for an alternate URI ...
Peter Hilton's user avatar
  • 17.3k
4 votes
3 answers

Preventing XML Serialization of IEnumerable and ICollection<T> & Inherited Types

NOTE: XMLIgnore is NOT the answer! OK, so following on from my question on XML Serialization and Inherited Types, I began integrating that code into my application I am working on, stupidly thinking ...
Rob Cooper's user avatar
  • 28.8k
6 votes
5 answers

Help accessing application settings using ConfigurationManager

In .net frameworks 1.1, I use System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["name"]; for application settings. But in .Net 2.0, it says ConfigurationSettings is obsolete and to use ...
Aaron Sanders's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How many ServiceContracts can a WCF service have?

How many ServiceContracts can a WCF service have? Specifically, since a ServiceContract is an attribute to an interface, how many interfaces can I code into one WCF web service? Is it a one-to-one? ...
jdiaz's user avatar
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91 votes
12 answers

Anyone have a diff algorithm for rendered HTML? [closed]

I'm interested in seeing a good diff algorithm, possibly in Javascript, for rendering a side-by-side diff of two HTML pages. The idea would be that the diff would show the differences of the rendered ...
Haacked's user avatar
  • 58.7k
3 votes
1 answer

How to plot a long path with Virtual Earth

The obvious way to plot a path with virtual earth (VEMap.GetDirections) is limited to 25 points. When trying to plot a vehicle's journey this is extremely limiting. How can I plot a by-road journey ...
liammclennan's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

How can I convert IEnumerable<T> to List<T> in C#?

I am using LINQ to query a generic dictionary and then use the result as the datasource for my ListView (WebForms). Simplified code: Dictionary<Guid, Record> dict = GetAllRecords(); myListView....
Christian Hagelid's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to control layer ordering in Virtual Earth

I have a mapping application that needs to draw a path, and then display icons on top of the path. I can't find a way to control the order of virtual earth layers, other than the order in which they ...
liammclennan's user avatar
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203 votes
13 answers

What are the differences between Generics in C# and Java... and Templates in C++? [closed]

I mostly use Java and generics are relatively new. I keep reading that Java made the wrong decision or that .NET has better implementations etc. etc. So, what are the main differences between C++, C#,...
pek's user avatar
  • 18k
-1 votes
2 answers

Wifi Management on XP (SP2/SP3)

Wifi support on Vista is fine, but Native Wifi on XP is half baked. NDIS 802.11 Wireless LAN Miniport Drivers only gets you part of the way there (e.g. network scanning). From what I've read (and ...
Bob Nadler's user avatar
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80 votes
10 answers

Learning FORTRAN In the Modern Era

I've recently come to maintain a large amount of scientific calculation-intensive FORTRAN code. I'm having difficulties getting a handle on all of the, say, nuances, of a forty year old language, ...
David J. Sokol's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Remove Meta Data from .NET applications?

Is this possible? Does the .NET framework depend on the meta data in the bytecode? I'd like to have an application i write not work in reflector or a similar .NET decompiler.
DylanJ's user avatar
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12 votes
16 answers

Alternative to VSS for a one man show (army of one?)

I've been programming for 10+ years now for the same employer and only source code control we've ever used is VSS. (Sorry - That's what they had when I started). There's only ever been a few of us; ...
Booji Boy's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Testing a client-server application

I am coding a client-server application using Eclipse's RCP. We are having trouble testing the interaction between the two sides as they both contain a lot of GUI and provide no command-line or other ...
Barak Schiller's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to get the libraries you need into the bin folder when using IoC/DI

I'm using Castle Windsor to do some dependency injection, specifically I've abstracted the DAL layer to interfaces that are now being loaded by DI. Once the project is developed & deployed all ...
Glenn Slaven's user avatar
22 votes
11 answers

Design: Java and returning self-reference in setter methods [closed]

For classes that have a long list of setters that are used frequently, I found this way very useful (although I have recently read about the Builder pattern in Effective Java that is kinda the same). ...
pek's user avatar
  • 18k
26 votes
4 answers

How scalable is System.Threading.Timer?

I'm writing an app that will need to make use of Timers, but potentially very many of them. How scalable is the System.Threading.Timer class? The documentation merely say it's "lightweight", but ...
Ben Collins's user avatar
  • 20.6k
19 votes
16 answers

Broadcast like UDP with the reliability of TCP

I'm working on a .net solution that is run completely inside a single network. When users make a change to the system, I want to launch an announcement and have everyone else hear it and act ...
Jeffrey's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

How to properly cast objects created through reflection

I'm trying to wrap my head around reflection, so I decided to add plugin capability to a program that I'm writing. The only way to understand a concept is to get your fingers dirty and write the code, ...
Ben Robbins's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Query to list all tables that contain a specific column with SQL Server 2005

Question as stated in the title.
jason saldo's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Keeping CL and Scheme straight in your head

Depending on my mood I seem to waffle back and forth between wanting a Lisp-1 and a Lisp-2. Unfortunately beyond the obvious name space differences, this leaves all kinds of amusing function name/etc ...
Runevault's user avatar
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22 votes
9 answers

Any thoughts on DevExpress XPO ORM Package? [closed]

XPO is the object relational mapper of choice at my company. Any thoughts on the pros and cons? I was just looking for general feeling and anecdotes about the product. We are not switching to XPO. We ...
Ben McNiel's user avatar
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96 votes
3 answers

Good way to use table alias in Update statement?

Using SqlServer, and trying to update rows from within the same table. I want to use a table alias for readability. This is the way I am doing it at the moment: UPDATE ra SET ra.ItemValue = rb....
realcals's user avatar
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5 votes
8 answers

Best way to fetch a varying HTML tag

I'm trying to fetch some HTML from various blogs and have noticed that different providers use the same tag in different ways. For example, here are two major providers that use the meta name ...
pek's user avatar
  • 18k
71 votes
6 answers

Do indexes work with "IN" clause

If I have a query like: Select EmployeeId From Employee Where EmployeeTypeId IN (1,2,3) and I have an index on the EmployeeTypeId field, does SQL server still use that index?
lomaxx's user avatar
  • 115k
109 votes
5 answers

Best way to test if a generic type is a string? (C#)

I have a generic class that should allow any type, primitive or otherwise. The only problem with this is using default(T). When you call default on a value type or a string, it initializes it to a ...
Rex M's user avatar
  • 143k
113 votes
8 answers

Where do I use delegates? [closed]

What are some real world places that call for delegates? I'm curious what situations or patterns are present where this method is the best solution. No code required.
slipsec's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How do I check the active solution configuration Visual Studio built with at runtime?

I would like to enable/disable some code based on a custom solution configuration I added in Visual Studio. How do I check this value at runtime?
Luke's user avatar
  • 18.9k
15 votes
11 answers

How to detect duplicate data?

I have got a simple contacts database but I'm having problems with users entering in duplicate data. I have implemented a simple data comparison but unfortunately the duplicated data that is being ...
grom's user avatar
  • 16k
6 votes
3 answers

How stable is WPF?

How stable is WPF not in terms of stability of a WPF program, but in terms of the 'stability' of the API itself. Let me explain: Microsoft is notorious for changing its whole methodology around ...
paan's user avatar
  • 7,152
6 votes
7 answers

Does Amazon S3 download fail sometimes? [closed]

We just added an autoupdater in our software and got some bug report saying that the autoupdate wouldn't complete properly because the downloaded file's sha1 checksum wasn't matching. We're hosted on ...
fulmicoton's user avatar
  • 15.8k
11 votes
2 answers

Stackoverflow Style Notifications in Ajax

When you get a badge or aren't logged in to stack overflow there's a groovy little notification bar at the top of the page that lets you know there's something going on. I know the SOflow team use ...
lomaxx's user avatar
  • 115k
35 votes
6 answers

How to fetch HTML in Java

Without the use of any external library, what is the simplest way to fetch a website's HTML content into a String?
pek's user avatar
  • 18k
60 votes
15 answers

Detach an entity from JPA/EJB3 persistence context

What would be the easiest way to detach a specific JPA Entity Bean that was acquired through an EntityManager. Alternatively, could I have a query return detached objects in the first place so they ...
Matthew Ruston's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

NHIbernate: Difference between Restriction.In and Restriction.InG

When creating a criteria in NHibernate I can use Restriction.In() or Restriction.InG() What is the difference between them?
lomaxx's user avatar
  • 115k
0 votes
7 answers

Quick way to find a value in HTML (Java)

Using regular expressions, what is the simplest way to fetch a websites HTML and find the value inside this tag (or any attribute's value for that matter): <html> <head> [snip] <...
pek's user avatar
  • 18k
9 votes
3 answers

Proprietary plug-ins for GPL programs: what about interpreted languages? [closed]

I am developing a GPL-licensed application in Python and need to know if the GPL allows my program to use proprietary plug-ins. This is what the FSF has to say on the issue: If a program released ...
dF.'s user avatar
  • 75.2k
4 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio 2008 debugging issue

I'm working in VS 2008 and have three projects in one solution. I'm debugging by attaching to a .net process invoked by a third party app (SalesLogix, a CRM app). Once it has attached to the ...
Jeff's user avatar
  • 611
11 votes
8 answers

Where can I find a good ASP.NET MVC sample? [closed]

I have been using Castle MonoRail for the last two years, but in a new job I am going to be the one to bring in ASP.NET MVC with me. I understand the basics of views, actions and the like. I just ...
Sean Chambers's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Java: Programatic Way to Determine Current Windows User

I see many similar questions, however I want to find the Username of the currently logged in user using Java. Its probably something like: System.getProperty(current.user); But, I'm not quite sure.
jjnguy's user avatar
  • 138k
5 votes
4 answers

Is there a reason to use BufferedReader over InputStreamReader when reading all characters?

I currently use the following function to do a simple HTTP GET. public static String download(String url) throws { s = null; ...
Frank Krueger's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Find and Replace with Unique

I am performing a find and replace on the line feed character (&#10;) and replacing it with the paragraph close and paragraph open tags using the following code: <xsl:template match="/STORIES/...
Xetius's user avatar
  • 45.9k
4 votes
4 answers

What's the best way to display a video with rounded corners in Silverlight?

The MediaElement doesn't support rounded corners (radiusx, radiusy). Should I use a VideoBrush on a Rectangle with rounded corners?
Jon Galloway's user avatar
  • 52.8k
2 votes
3 answers

Do you need the .NET 1.0 framework to target the .NET 1.0 framework?

I have a bunch of .NET frameworks installed on my machine. I know that with the Java JDK, I can use the 6.0 version to target 5.0 and earlier. Can I do something similar with the .NET framework - ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
96 votes
7 answers

How do threads work in Python, and what are common Python-threading specific pitfalls?

I've been trying to wrap my head around how threads work in Python, and it's hard to find good information on how they operate. I may just be missing a link or something, but it seems like the ...
jdd's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Is there a browser equivalent to IE's ClearAuthenticationCache?

I have a few internal .net web application here that require users to "log out" of them. I know this may seem moot on an Intranet application, but nonetheless it is there. We are using Windows ...
Dillie-O's user avatar
  • 29.6k
14 votes
1 answer

How do I add a constant column value during data transfer from CSV to SQL?

I am reading in CSV file and translating it to an SQL Table. The kicker is that one of the columns in the table is of data type ID that needs to be set to a constant (in this case 2). I am not sure ...
Craig's user avatar
  • 11.8k

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