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Questions tagged [raspberry-pi-pico]

For questions relating to the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller.

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7 votes
4 answers

How can I make the Raspberry Pico not automount as USB storage while using Circuit Python

I am using Circuit Python on a Raspberry Pi Pico to give me hardware buttons for keyboard shortcuts. I am using Circuit Python as opposed to MicroPython because it has the USB_HID library. I don't ...
jsaispasmoi's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How can you make a micropython program on a raspberry pi pico autorun?

I have used the software Thonny to send programs to my raspberry pi pico. I am trying to make a specific program auto run when my pico is plugged in. At the moment another program which is on the pico ...
Campbell's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

OSError: [Errno 12] ENOMEM

I use code from here. After running multiple times from Thonny without issue I got: OSError: [Errno 12] ENOMEM I used nuke.uf2 to clear storage on Raspberry Pi Pico W. The error re-occurred after ...
JohanW28's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to run code on the second core on Raspberry Pico

I'm trying to get multicore working on my pico, #include <stdio.h> #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "pico/multicore.h" void core1_main() { stdio_init_all(); while ...
raider0ne's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

VS Code doesn't recognize Pi Pico SDK headers

So I have everything setup to compile in Windows Subsystem for Linux and that is all working fine. I'm writing my code in VS Code and it doesn't recognize the headers such as "pico/stdlib.h"....
Jake A's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why MOV instruction is replaced by ADD instruction

I have the following instruction: mov r1, r7 in my assembly code but after looking into disassembly, I've found that actual generated code was adds r1, r7, #0 I checked with ARMv6-M Architecture ...
vbezhenar's user avatar
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3 answers

"cannot read spec file" trying to create uf2 file

I am trying to create a uf2 file for a Raspberry Pi Pico for a swarm robot. I get: arm-none-eabi-gcc: fatal error: cannot read spec file 'nosys.specs': No such file or directory I installed the SDK: ...
Neil Patel's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Read/write data over Raspberry Pi Pico USB cable

How can I read/write data to Raspberry Pi Pico using Python/MicroPython over the USB connection?
basil_man's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to run OpenCV on Raspberry Pi Pico onboard?

I need to build standalone module which records video from rasberry pi camera to sd card (through external module) when the motion on video is detected. So, I need to run OpenCV that I will use for ...
Robotex's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspberry Pi Pico 64 color VGA

I have found these examples from Hunter Adams to generate a VGA signal using the Raspberry Pi Pico. It is a simple setup that I want to extend. It uses only 3 pins for the RGB colors so it is able to ...
Smek's user avatar
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0 answers

MicroPython websockets library for Raspberry Pi Pico W?

I'm working on a project where I need multiple devices to connect to a shared server that can exchange data in realtime. I was approaching this problem by creating a websocket server on a Raspberry Pi ...
Mathias's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

CMake Error while trying to build a uf2 file for the Raspberry Pi Pico

While trying to execute the cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. command I'm getting the error CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may not be built correctly# ...
Felix's user avatar
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1 answer

How to have the Pico W set correct time on boot

When running on batteries the Pico W's clock/utime starts at 2021-01-01 00:00:00 by default. At every boot it obviously should: Get the current time on its own, likely off the internet. Set it's ...
Flood's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Arduino RP2040 Pico Unique ID

I am using Raspberry pi pico on Arduino IDE. I am using this library githublink for it. There is 3 examples in this link, ArduinoUniqueID and ArduinoUniqueID8 doesn't print anything. Ide says WARNING: ...
Tryingtogetsome's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why voltage from Raspberry Pi Pico ADC is not equal 0, when nothing is connected to the pin?

I was trying to read some voltages from a sensor, but before doing that, I checked how readings would look like, when nothing is connected to pins. Here's my code based on examples: #include <stdio....
pawrok's user avatar
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2 answers

CMake is not enabling exceptions

I have a small C++ program that I need to use exceptions in. When I try to compile it I get the error: error: exception handling disabled, use '-fexceptions' to enable In my CMakeLists.txt I set the ...
Mr.Samson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Read value from SPI on Raspberry Pi Pico using Rust

I am trying to read a value from a sensor, BMP280 over SPI on a Raspberry Pi Pico. But I am getting an unexpected value. I created a new repo based on the rp2040-project-template and modified it to ...
Jonas's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I manually install a library in Thonny

I want to install this library using Thonny to use a DS3231 with my Raspberry Pi Pico. I cannot install it via the built-in package manager feature for two ...
Coding Flow's user avatar
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Error including WiFi.h in PlatfarmIO pi pico

I'm trying to connect my pi pico W with the WiFi.h library, but once I build (compile) the script it fails and brings a ton of error messages in the terminal: Removing unused dependencies... Verbose ...
João's user avatar
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Run code with cargo run on Raspberry Pi Pico using elf2uf2-rs

I try to run Rust code on a Raspberry Pi Pico. A simple "blink" example application is successfully (as it seems) built using: cargo build --release --target=thumbv6m-none-eabi I have ...
Jonas's user avatar
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1 answer

Host does not update data from reports

I'm trying to develop a custom UPS using TinyUSB on a Raspberry Pi Pico and getting it discovered by UPower on my Ubuntu host. I'm trying to signal a charging state to the host, but the host reports ...
Anton's user avatar
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1 answer

How to read FLASH contents on a Raspberry Pico?

The process to transfer a .UF2 image of an application onto a Raspberry PICO device is well-documented and works as advertised. Are there ways to flash multiple files (or contents, since there is no ...
Shripathi Kamath's user avatar
3 votes
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Hard fault RP2040 pico Zephyr

I'm using RP2040 under Zephyr and MCUboot. The final goal is to be able to update the firmware using MCUMGR over an UART bus. MCUboot use A/B seamless (dual slot memory) method to provide a safe ...
Thisora's user avatar
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1 answer

Launching core 1 on the RP2040 with baremetal assembly

As I understand the documentation, 2.8.2, the process of launching core 1 is to send a sequence of values, with the final 3 being the vector table, stack pointer, and entry point, over the FIFO, while ...
Will Thomas's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cannot send serial data from raspberry pi pico ( c sdk )

I'm making a remote controlled machine using a pi pico to drive the motors and read some sensors, and a raspberry pi 4 to send commands to the pi pico via serial and host the web interface. I am ...
lasb3tas's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to make rp2040 DynPin usable for Adc with OnesShot read

I am trying to convert from a type erased type to a value type. I have the following struct that accepts DynPin , which is the type erased type of a rp2040 gpio pin. pub struct PhProbe{ ...
elhe's user avatar
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0 answers

ImportError: can't import name InvalidChecksum

in raspberry pi pico board when i tried to connect 3v3 with 3v3 of raspberry pi pico , gnd to gnd of raspberry pi pico and dat to g16 and ran this belo code on thonny micropython . main ...
captain2001's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

MPU6050 only outputs 0x00 on I2C with MicroPython

I've been trying to talk to my MPU6050 with a Pi Pico running MicroPython. I can verify the I2C is working because when running i2c.scan(), I get the MPU6050 address(0x68). However, when trying to ...
inzig0's user avatar
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How can I determine available RAM on Raspberry Pi Pico from a C program?

Is there any library function or other way for a C program on a Pico to determine the RAM available to it? (other than attempting malloc()) I've reviewed the API documentation in the SDK and didn't ...
tim11g's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can i get raspberry pi pico to communicate with PC / external devices

For example when i give 5 to the code, i want to turn on the led in our rpi pico (rpi pico connected to pc with cable) #This code will run in my computer ( x=int(input("Number?")) ...
Æsad's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Device descriptor request failed

I tried working with my RPi Pico today and my computer doesn't recognize the usb I triple checked the cable is power and data. And yes I'm holding the button
Xy77's user avatar
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How to read from UART peripheral with a DMA channel?

I struggled to figure out, how to read from a UART peripheral into a larger queue with DMA. The documentation does provide quite a bit of information, but I found it difficult to figure out how to ...
asynts's user avatar
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1 answer

How to interface with BNO085 using Raspberry Pi Pico?

I'm trying to read sensor data (BNO085) from my raspberry pi pico w using the C/C++ SDK (Circuit Python isn't feasible because of timing constraints).I am using I2C. I've written a basic C program to ...
Adan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to send large (>2KB) packets using [BTstack] BLE

I am writing a C application on a raspberry pico W which utilizes the BTstack library. I have a characteristic that points to a 2 kB buffer of data. When a client device signals to ready this data, I ...
LaBeaux's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to add arguments to launch.json in VS Code

I am trying to debug the RP2040 using the new picoprobe. When i execute the following command openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000" OpenOCD works ...
varun koganti's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can i use a pico-SDK library in another library with Cmake?

So, my problem is that i have created a .h and a .c file that need to use the hardware/i2c.h and the pico/stdlib.h inside them, but when building the project through cmake the two libraries can't be ...
Francesco Biancucci's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

I2C not working on the Raspberry Pi Pico W with MicroPython

Trying to use the Raspberry Pi Pico W and some i2c devices with micropython but running into issues. When I try to scan one device, it seems fine, but as soon as any more come onto the I2C bus, it ...
jacoboneill2000's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't modify peripheral registers on the rp2040

I'm scratching my head because I can't write and read some/most peripheral registers. I'm using Rust here and the setup code from the rp2040-hal. The following code tries to write 0x42 to the DMA's ...
Jounathaen's user avatar
2 votes
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Raspberry Pi Pico DMA to a I2C device

I'm using the C/C++ SDK of the Pi Pico and trying to use the DMA to read I2C data in the background. However, there is no example script in Pico-Examples that shows how to use the DMA to read from I2C....
SKrish's user avatar
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2 answers

Error initializing ssd1306 OLED connected to Raspberry Pi Pico

What's going on? i2c.scan() returns [60] as it should: from machine import Pin, I2C import ssd1306 i2c = I2C(0, sda=Pin(0), scl=Pin(1), freq=400000) oled=ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c) Traceback (...
Gordon Shephard's user avatar
2 votes
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Weirdness using the raspberry pi pico uart with the c sdk

I am extremely disconcerted. I'm making a remote controlled machine using a pi pico to drive the motors and read some sensors, and a raspberry pi 4 to send commands to the pi pico via serial and host ...
lasb3tas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

CMake not making uf2 file but no errors

I'm trying to create a hello world program but whenever I try to build it no errors are thrown up but I can't find the .uf2 file to put onto my rasberry pi pico HelloWorld.cpp #include <stdio.h> ...
Chris22's user avatar
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Send data between two pico with LoRa

I am trying to send data from a Pico Raspberry Pi to another Pico through an SX1262, but I can't send it. I already tried the ping pong example, but the SX1262 library gives me errors in the Thonny ...
Marwa Moussa's user avatar
2 votes
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Error when compiling code for raspberry pi Pico using MinGW

I am trying to setup the toolchain for programming a raspberry pi pico using the pico_sdk and MinGW. I have followed this guide : here I am on windows 10, visual studio code. Everything is setup ...
patate1684's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I read and analyse csv files in micropython?

I'm setting up a Raspberry Pi Pico to log temperature, humidity etc. to a csv file and to show data on a small OLED screen. Every hour it will log a new line of data delimited by commas to the file. I ...
Chris A's user avatar
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Micropython: _thread module imported but not showing methods

Using PyCharm Community Edition 2023.3.2 with Micropython 1.4.3-2023.3 installed and enabled in PyCharm, I want to utilize the 2-core multithreading on a Raspberry Pi Pico W using the experimental &...
codyr's user avatar
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1 answer

missing data when recording audio on raspberry pi pico

i wanted to record audio using max9814 and raspberry pi pico with micropython/circuitpython but when i recorded the data, some parts of it lose because it's trying to read the data and write the data ...
Alirezaarabi's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

'micropico.initialise' not found

For Raspberry Pi Pico I'm trying to use Visual Studio Code. I used this video to set everything up, but when I press ctrl+shift+p ("run > MicroPico > Configure Project" command) I get: ...
Achen's user avatar
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How to flash an RPI board wirelessly?

How can I achieve wireless flash of an RPI Pico W board? I need this because during testing of my device, I will need to tune it and flash the board frequently which will save time rather then ...
unlucky_chap's user avatar
2 votes
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Streaming mp3 audio from a URL in circuitPython

I want to stream mp3 audio from a URL using the Raspberry Pi Pico W. This is my code: import adafruit_requests import wifi import socketpool import ssl import board import audiomp3 import audiobusio ...
Dukeofduke's user avatar

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