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Questions tagged [react-native-textinput]

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329 votes
25 answers

React Native: How to select the next TextInput after pressing the "next" keyboard button?

I defined two TextInput fields as follows: <TextInput style = {styles.titleInput} returnKeyType = {"next"} autoFocus = {true} placeholder = "Title" /> <TextInput style = {...
andreaswienes's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How to wrap text within multiline react native textInput

I am trying to implement a multiline text input in react native, but when user types the text doesn't get wrapped but gets written horizontally on the same line, the code for my text input is as ...
Naveed Sheriffdeen's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Keyboard dismisses while typing TextInput in nested functional component React Native

I have this strange issue, keyboard keeps closing while typing when TextInput is placed inside Child Functional Component. This issue does not exist if TextInput is placed directly under Parent ...
VjLxmi's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

React native TextInput box-shadow

I want to apply a shadow on TextInput, as shown here: I am making this style, using shadow, and elevation for android: shadowColor: colors.shadowColor, shadowOpacity: 0.5, shadowRadius: 3, ...
ketimaBU's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

React-native - TextInput decimal-pad showing comma instead of a dot on iOS

Some iOS devices seems to be showing a , (comma) instead of a . on the decimal-pad. I believe this is to do with the keyboard language / locale. Is there a way I can force the decimal-pad to show a . ...
Abdul Sadik Yalcin's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to handle back button when TexInput is focused

This is a react-native question for Android. How can I handle the back button in Android when a TextInput is focused? BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress'. () => {}) does not catch ...
Francisco Sarmento's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

React native - Click not trigger on button when an input is focused

I'm currently building a React native mobile app on Android, and I realized that when an input is focused (for the user to type something on his keyboard), the click event doesn't apply on other ...
Julien Pepe's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Hide the bottom image view when showing keyboard react-native

How I can hide this picture... Thank you for any help!
Xuân Tùng's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

React Native TextInput: why does secureEntryText shift outside of input box and have ellipsis?

I have TextInput components in my React Native app, and when I added secureEntryText: 'true' for the password input, I noticed two things: 1) As I'm typing the password, the left edge of the typed ...
RNdev's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

My React Native Text Input is losing focus after each character is entered

I have a TextBox Component which renders an Input box in my React Native app. It uses react-native-paper: import * as React from 'react'; import {View} from 'react-native'; import {TextInput} from '...
Sharon's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

React native: Android soft keyboard push the View up

I have made one custom animated bottom sheet. It has two snap points. It starts top of the screen, if scroll the Animated card down it will come middle of the screen , again scroll down the card it ...
Krisna's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

TextInput with securTextEntry automatically clear when type something after losing the focus

I have an TextInput with secureTextEntry set as true. When I do the following steps this input unnecessarily clear all it's content: Type something in the TextInput Make any action to lose focus (as ...
Vladimir Borutsky's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Override/Disable iOS Smart Punctuation in TextInput

React Native 0.59.9 with device running iOS 11, and Smart Punctuation enabled. This iOS feature automatically converts entered text into more visually-pleasing notations. Examples: double hyphen --...
changingrainbows's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

TextInput - different height in Android vs iOS

I'm quite new to React Native and so far most of my testing has been in the iOS simulator. Now I'm cleaning up the small issues in the appearance in the Android Emulator. I'm struggling with one ...
Simon Degn's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Textinput minimum length React native

Is there a way to limit the textinput between a minimum length and maximum length. Suppose I want to limit the textinput length between 5 and 15, how do I do that ?
Vinay N's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

react native text input keyboard how to show dot instead of comma?

I have an issue in react-native text input ios and I want to show a numeric keyboard. Here is the code that describes very well: <TextInput keyboardType={'numeric'} onChangeText={(...
Fabio Plaka's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

TextInput on React-native-paper is not working

I wanted to get an input on Card from react native paper. I tried to put the textInput in card, card.title, card.content or card.actions, and it is not working, what am I doing wrong? is there any ...
hanan's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

React Native Textinput backspace won't fire if textinput value is empty in Android

As titled, I need the backspace event to alter other states in the component. const onKeyPressHandler = ({ nativeEvent }) => { if (nativeEvent.key === 'Backspace') { if ( !...
Fred A's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Prevent ScrollView from scrolling to TextInput on focus or edit. React Native. Android

I have a couple of views that I have implemented a way for the user to drag them around the screen to place them where they want them. Each of these views has an editable text field inside of them. (...
Kyle Storey's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

React-navigation focus on input blurs immediately when going back to previous screen

I want to focus on a textinput when I navigate to a new screen. This works when I add a screen to the stack, but not when I go back in the stack. Instead, the input focuses for a second and blurs ...
Ryan Pergent's user avatar
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Horizontal scrollview auto scroll if textInput text is long enough

I've create a tab application with a paging horizontal scroll view has 3 pages like this <ScrollView showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} style={{ flex: 1 }} contentContainerStyle={{ ...
maphongba008's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Problem Keyboard hide after write one char in TextInput (textinput inside Flatlist Header)

i spent two days on this problem , the problem is : when i placed a TextInput inside a Flatlist , the behavior of the TextInput Changed , the Keyboard lose focus after every character writed. Version ...
Oussama Nm's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to display search type Android keyboard in react-native

I've got a text input in my app which I use as a search bar and I know that Android has an API to display a search type keyboard and I'm wondering how I can use it in react-native. I've looked in the ...
Michael Ostrovsky's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to get the current number of lines in String of TextInput?

After entering text in TextInput I want to know the currunt number of lines in TextInput. Or The current number of strings is also possible. I've tried string.split('\n').length, but this code does ...
oijafoijf asnjksdjn's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

TextInput clears text when secureTextEntry is true

Hello I am using TextInput of react native and there is an eye option to view or hide password. When I set secureTextEntry to true and type another character in input it clears all previous data and ...
Vishu Bhardwaj's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Keyboard closed on click on button in react native

I have creating a comment modal in which user can add comment. This section has a list of comments and a text input field to enter comments and a button to submit comment but the problem is the I ...
deepanshi gupta's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Press on textinput hides modal react-native-modal

I am rendering Flatlist which render list of items each item have button and modal inside it when the button pressed the modal shall open, each modal have some text inputs inside it so the hierarchy ...
Hazem Khairy Mohamed's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Change color of single word in react native textinput

Is it possible to change the color of a single word within a textinput in react native? For example, when mentioning someone in a textinput when commenting: Hello @user I would like "@user" ...
ffritz's user avatar
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1 answer

ReactNative - How to exclude format when using paste on TextInput

React Native : 0.61.4 If paste formatted text into my TextInput, the styles of TextInput are ignored. <TextInput multiline scrollEnabled={false} inputAccessoryViewID="reviewButton" ...
oijafoijf asnjksdjn's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to use react native TextInput selection props?

I have the following simple component: function TestComp() { const [selection, setselection] = React.useState({ start: 0, end: 0 }); return ( <View style={{ justifyContent: "...
Ryan Pergent's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

React Native TypeScript TextInput not working

I am trying to learn react native by doing a basic application. I followed many tutorials available online and made the following class for a login screen: import React, { Component } from "react"; ...
Harikrishnan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

react-native get selection text start and end from text component

I used Text component reference: with property selectable={true}, is there any solution to get the user text selection start and end on Text ...
NaDa Bayomy's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Why is my TextInput out of sync with state when I give rapid inputs?

I'm creating a typing race game with React Native which is producing an unexpected bug on Android. When the user finishes typing a word/spacebar, I set the input state to an empty string. However, if ...
Aria's user avatar
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Determining how many characters can fit on a single line of TextInput

I have a TextInput that has a dynamic placeholder which can extend beyond a single line. I want to truncate this placeholder with an ellipses before it starts wrapping to the next line. The ...
pfinferno's user avatar
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How to make TextInput only accept up to 2 decimal places with a max value?

Here's my code snippet of a TextInput component in React-Native: The render on the simulator looks like this: I want to make the input field only accept decimal number <= 11.99 to mimic the ...
Awshaf Ishtiaque's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

React Native TextInput - How can I change the keyboard language dynamically

Problem: I have two TextInput fields one for the username that must be in English and the second input is for the name that will take the name in Arabic so here I need to switch the keyboard language ...
AliRehman7141's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Props in custom components React native + Typescript

I've got a problem with access to onChangeText in my custom component. Here is the code of my component: import React from 'react'; import {TextInput, StyleSheet} from 'react-native'; type Props= { ...
Michał Wojdyla's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Passing refs on React Native with TypeScript: (property) React.MutableRefObject<null>.current: null Object is possibly 'null'.ts(2531)

I have several fields on a React Native form and I would like that the focus jump from one to the next one each time the user validate the field with the virtual keyboard. I came up with something ...
Xiiryo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Force focus ReactNative TextInput

I'm having trouble force focussing a react native TextInput field. It's focused when the page loads with autofocus={true}. But after blurring I would need to press the text input field, but that's ...
Ruben Hamakers's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to add red asterisk in react native TextInput placeholder?

Inside TextInput, I want to have a red asterisk after placeholder text which is grey in color. <TextInput keyboardType="numeric" placeholder={t('Enter OTP')} ...
Karan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

React Native Text Input focus with useRef using Typescript

I have an issue with focusing the next input in React Native. I use just one input called GeneralTextInput.tsx in the whole app. In this example I have 2 inputs ==> 1.Group Name, 2.Group ...
Oğuzhan Yıldırım's user avatar
2 votes
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React Native TextInput - Scroll to left when value is updated

I have a single line TextInput that can be updated via other parts of the UI. My issue is that sometimes, the text can be long. And in this case, when I update the value, the TextInput scrolls all the ...
zholmes1's user avatar
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4 answers

How to get values from TextInput

I'm stuck in a apparently simple function. How can I get a value (string) from a TextInput? Here an extract of the code: const Insert = props => { const [enteredName, setEnteredName] = useState(...
Marco Disco's user avatar
2 votes
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React Native Error: Attempting to run JS driven animation on animated node that has been moved to "native" earlier by starting an animation

I am using version 0.61.4 of React Naive and I found it a strange problem. When focusing on TextInput(with default props) I get the following error: Attempting to run JS driven animation on ...
Mahdi Bashirpour's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to use the useState hook to handle multiple textInputs that are dynamic from a FlatList in React Native?

I have a functional component that is a screen and I need to handle some state. I do not want to refactor my code to make it a class component and I would like to make use of hooks. I have a component ...
BlueChip's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Stopping multiline textInput component to scroll inside ScrollView

I am working on React Native in which I want to stop multiline textinput component's scroll inside ScrollView. How we can achieve it? Android Specially!
Muhammad Rafeh Atique's user avatar
2 votes
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React Native TextInput color issue in fullscreen landscape mode

I have a simple TextInput in my react-native Android app. And it opens as fullscreen when focused in landscape mode. However in the fullscreen keyboard mode, both the background and foreground is ...
Faruk Yazici's user avatar
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3 answers

TextInput in FlatList Item

I have a problem like picture below: Text As you guy can see I have info on every item: name and stock. Now I want to update stock on single item by type a number to text Input But when I type 3 into ...
Minh Huy's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to disable backspace key in TextInput in React Native?

I'm using TextInput and i'd like the first symbol in the TextInput to be constant. So if the length of the text is one symbol i could ignore backspaces and onChangeText event could be ignored. The ...
andrewprok's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Long text inside TextInput aligment in React native

I have a TextInput in React native. If i change the value using keyboard it works fine but, if i change it programmatically using a useState var then, if the text is too long, the text alignment ...
Damià's user avatar
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