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Questions tagged [react-native]

React Native is a JavaScript library used to build native mobile apps using React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about - learn once, write anywhere.

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50 votes
5 answers

React Native Android build failure with different errors without any changes in code for past days due to publish of React Native version 0.71.0-rc.0

Note: Error may be different but if you are getting any error when taking android build without any changes in code for past two days My Error - Failed to install the app. Error: Command failed: ./...
ZFloc Technologies's user avatar
151 votes
17 answers

if-else statement inside jsx: ReactJS

I need to change render function and run some sub render function when a specific state given, For example: render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> if (...
user8026867's user avatar
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142 votes
17 answers

React Native - Image Require Module using Dynamic Names

I'm currently building a test app using React Native. The Image module thus far has been working fine. For example, if I had an image named avatar, the below code snippet works fine. <Image source={...
Shaheen Ghiassy's user avatar
426 votes
56 answers

Unable to load script from assets on windows

I'm trying to run my first React Native project for first time on my device (Android 4.2.2). And I get: unable to load script from assets Commands that I used: cd (project ...
Goba's user avatar
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238 votes
42 answers

React Native fetch() Network Request Failed

When I create a brand new project using react-native init (RN version 0.29.1) and put a fetch in the render method to the public facebook demo movie API, it throws a Network Request Failed. There is a ...
Alek Hurst's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Pass Data to Service in Axios

I want to set _boundry in my header. First, I dispatch the form data: //component.js const form = new FormData(); form.append('email', '[email protected]') form.append('password', '12121212') ...
ilvthsgm's user avatar
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194 votes
33 answers

Generate SHA-1 for Flutter/React-Native/Android-Native app

I'm trying to generate a SHA-1 for a Flutter app, for Android studio to support Google Sign in, but I don't know how to do that, I saw some posts that indicate to run a command, but there I need a jks ...
Joseph Arriaza's user avatar
124 votes
17 answers

React Native Android Fetch failing on connection to local API

I'm using the fetch API in my react-native Android app to make requests to a local API. I usually query said API from react web apps at http://localhost:8163. I'm testing my app on my physical device ...
seanchen1991's user avatar
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298 votes
14 answers

ReactJS: Maximum update depth exceeded error

I am trying to toggle the state of a component in ReactJS but I get an error stating: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside ...
Maja Okholm's user avatar
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140 votes
47 answers

Error:(23, 17) Failed to resolve: junit:junit:4.12

Why is it that every time I create a new project in Android Studio, it always comes up with: Error:(23, 17) Failed to resolve: junit:junit:4.12? When I remove testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' in ...
fathurzero's user avatar
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134 votes
19 answers

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `ListView`

I built an app with ReactNative both for iOS and android with a ListView. When populating the listview with a valid datasource, the following warning is printed at the bottom of the screen: Warning:...
delete's user avatar
  • 18.9k
329 votes
25 answers

React Native: How to select the next TextInput after pressing the "next" keyboard button?

I defined two TextInput fields as follows: <TextInput style = {styles.titleInput} returnKeyType = {"next"} autoFocus = {true} placeholder = "Title" /> <TextInput style = {...
andreaswienes's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

How can scheduled Firebase Cloud Messaging notifications be made outside of the Firebase Console?

Inside the Firebase Console, under the Cloud Messaging view, users are able to create test notifications. This functionality also allows you to schedule the time at which the notification will send to ...
Tristan Heilman's user avatar
160 votes
10 answers

How to register event with useEffect hooks?

I am following a Udemy course on how to register events with hooks, the instructor gave the below code: const [userText, setUserText] = useState(''); const handleUserKeyPress = event => { ...
Isaac's user avatar
  • 12.7k
596 votes
35 answers

React Native android build failed. SDK location not found

I have error when i start running android What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'. > SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the file or ...
Pyae Sone Nyein's user avatar
70 votes
11 answers

React Native: require() with Dynamic String?

I have read several posts about issues that people are having with React Native and the require() function when trying to require a dynamic resource such as: Dynamic (fails): urlName = "sampleData....
Jake Chasan's user avatar
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39 votes
5 answers

Viable options for running NodeJS on Android (Aug 2017)

There are a bunch of old SO threads dealing with running NodeJS on Android. Most of these are no longer viable (JXCore) and/or provide confusing, outdated, incomplete, or erroneous information. ...
Arnold Schrijver's user avatar
925 votes
45 answers

What is the difference between React Native and React?

I have started to learn React out of curiosity and wanted to know the difference between React and React Native - though could not find a satisfactory answer using Google. React and React Native seems ...
shiva kumar's user avatar
  • 11.4k
244 votes
24 answers

Setting environment variable in react-native?

I am using react-native to build a cross-platform app, but I do not know how to set the environment variable so that I can have different constants for different environments. Example: development: ...
Damon Yuan's user avatar
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139 votes
45 answers

Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist

When I run react-native run-ios the build succeeds but I get the error below. I've checked all over the place but nothing seems to be working. Using sudo in front of the command does not help either. ...
astiefel's user avatar
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365 votes
6 answers

What are my options for storing data when using React Native? (iOS and Android) [closed]

I am still new in the React Native world, and generally in the mobile/native world as well, and I am finding the documentation a bit lacking when it comes to data persistence. What are my options for ...
Sia's user avatar
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219 votes
19 answers

Build and Install unsigned apk on device without the development server?

As I am new in react-native so if there is anything wrong in steps let me know. I have build a react native android app using the command as per documentation react-native android while running ...
kAy_4337270's user avatar
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351 votes
12 answers

What is the difference between Expo and React Native?

From the Expo website Expo lets web developers build truly native apps that work across both iOS and Android by writing them once in just JavaScript. Isn't this what React Native does? What's the ...
Aurora's user avatar
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328 votes
22 answers

How can I generate an apk that can run without server with react-native?

I've built my app, I can run it on my local emulator (and also on my android device within the same network by changing debug server). However, I want to build an APK that I can send to someone ...
Gokhan Sari's user avatar
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84 votes
5 answers

Where can I make API call with hooks in react?

Basically we do API calls in componentDidMount() life cycle method in React class components like below componentDidMount(){ //Here we do API call and do setState accordingly } ...
Hemadri Dasari's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

404 Not Found when trying to install ESLint 8.4.4 with create-react-app

Whenever I try to run npx create-react-app my-app, it shows the error: npm ERR! code E404 npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET - Not found npm ERR! ...
Manh Huynh Duc's user avatar
208 votes
26 answers

Android failed to load JS bundle

I'm trying to run AwesomeProject on my Nexus5 (android 5.1.1). I'm able to build the project and install it on the device. But when I run it, I got a red screen saying Unable to download JS bundle. ...
Matthew's user avatar
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185 votes
35 answers

error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65

I've build a react-native application and suddenly I get this error message on my terminal during run of the command react-native run-ios. The same code work fine 10 minutes ago and suddenly I get ...
Idan Asulin's user avatar
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92 votes
14 answers

How to auto-slide the window out from behind keyboard when TextInput has focus?

I've seen this hack for native apps to auto scroll the window, but wondering best way to do it in React Native... When a <TextInput> field gets focus and is positioned low in the view, the ...
McG's user avatar
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80 votes
9 answers

Render HTML in React Native

In my React Native app, I am pulling in JSON data that has raw HTML elements like this: <p>This is some text. Let&#8217;s figure out...</p> I've added the data to a view in my app ...
Scott's user avatar
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358 votes
38 answers

Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

I'm trying to switch screens using both stack and tab navigator. const MainNavigation = StackNavigator({ otp: { screen: OTPlogin }, otpverify: { screen: OTPverification}, ...
Avijit Dutta's user avatar
  • 3,811
189 votes
52 answers

"Text strings must be rendered within a <Text> component"

I've upgraded from React Native 0.54 to 0.57 and my application has fallen over, due to using React Native elements. I used the error functionality of TextInput components, which enabled props that ...
user avatar
102 votes
21 answers

React navigation goBack() and update parent state

I've a page that will render the user's name if s/he is logged in or "Create an account" or "Sign in" option if s/he not. Screen as below They can navigate to "Sign in" or "Create an account" page. ...
Darren Lau's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Adding new data to firebase users

I want to add a new data to firebase authentication which has data like displayname, phone number, image. But i want to add more such gender, birthday and more. is it possible to add new?
Wahyu Setiawan's user avatar
709 votes
38 answers

Hide keyboard in react-native

If I tap onto a textinput, I want to be able to tap somewhere else in order to dismiss the keyboard again (not the return key though). I haven't found the slightest piece of information concerning ...
TurboFish's user avatar
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232 votes
14 answers

What is useState() in React?

I am currently learning hooks concept in React and trying to understand below example. import { useState } from 'react'; function Example() { // Declare a new state variable, which we'll call &...
Hemadri Dasari's user avatar
227 votes
20 answers

How can I force a component to re-render with hooks in React?

Considering below hooks example import { useState } from 'react'; function Example() { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); return ( <div> <...
Hemadri Dasari's user avatar
215 votes
12 answers

NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key must be present in Info.plist to use camera roll

Recently I started to get this error: NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key must be present in Info.plist to use camera roll. I am using React Native to build my app (I am not familiar with ios ...
Murat Ozgul's user avatar
  • 11.6k
212 votes
39 answers

error "Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged properly" on start of app

Trying to create a react-native project on Android 4.4.2 I get this error screen and couldn't find any way to resolve it. I tried restarting packager, reconnecting device, even reinstalling react ...
Zygro's user avatar
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93 votes
4 answers

What is StrictMode in React?

I heard that strict mode helps to write React code in best practices way by throwing warnings for life cycle methods removal. I read about it from this article on Medium. Is my understanding correct? ...
Hemadri Dasari's user avatar
82 votes
5 answers

react native use variable for image file

I know that to use a static image in react native you need to do a require to that image specifically, but I am trying to load a random image based on a number. For example I have 100 images called ...
bgrober's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Remembering state before app goes in foreground

I have a react native project and i have to implement a feature that when app is inactive it renders a logo screen and when app is active it renders the app. I was able to accomplish this but my ...
kd12345's user avatar
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346 votes
71 answers

Unable to load script.Make sure you are either running a Metro server or that your bundle '' is packaged correctly for release

react-native run-android command terminates by leaving a message in android simulator. The message is as follows: Unable to load script.Make sure you are either running a Metro server or that your ...
Belle Solutions's user avatar
313 votes
76 answers

What is the meaning of 'No bundle URL present' in react-native?

When I run a react-native project, I get a error no bundle URL present, but I don't know what mistakes I do, I was very confused.
Yingch Xue's user avatar
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276 votes
50 answers

React Native version mismatch

Getting the following message when I init a new project and then launch the Xcode emulator: React-Native Version Mismatch Javascript Version 0.50.1 Native version: 0.50.0 Make sure you ...
Sam Rao's user avatar
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214 votes
22 answers

react-native: command not found

I am getting -bash: react-native: command not found error while creating a react-native project. Below are the additional info 1. brew --version homebrew 0.9.9 2 brew info watchman watchman `...
Ashok R's user avatar
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208 votes
9 answers

Is using async componentDidMount() good?

Is using componentDidMount() as an async function good practice in React Native or should I avoid it? I need to get some info from AsyncStorage when the component mounts, but the only way I know to ...
TeaNyan's user avatar
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201 votes
16 answers

How can I view network requests (for debugging) in React Native?

I'd like to view my network requests in React Native to help me debug - ideally in the 'Network' tab of Chrome's devtools. There are some closed issues about this on GitHub (
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 150k
139 votes
16 answers

Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.1

I am trying to build my first app with react-native. I am following these 2 tutorial:
Polo D. Vargas's user avatar
126 votes
7 answers

React Native: Possible unhandled promise rejection

I'm getting the following error: Possible unhandled promise rejection (id:0: Network request failed)` Here's the promise code, I don't see what's wrong here, any ideas? return fetch(url) ....
Agent Zebra's user avatar
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