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Questions tagged [react-server]

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789 votes
32 answers

How to specify a port to run a create-react-app based project?

My project is based on create-react-app. npm start or yarn start by default will run the application on port 3000 and there is no option of specifying a port in the package.json. How can I specify a ...
letthefireflieslive's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

MJML - Template Interpolation, Dynamic Data, Context

After a lot of searches, I am having difficulties in finding how: MJML handles dynamic data and template interpolations I was expecting something like: import { mjml2html } from 'mjml'; const ...
Hitmands's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

how does one call a saga from within another saga?

When using redux-connect (the @asynConnect attribute) how does one chain a second saga, that is dependent on a successful completion of the first saga? Just simply putting the saga dispatch action in ...
Bennidhamma's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Using csurf with react-server

I would like to add csurf as an express middleware inside the react-server for a universal app. What I want to achieve is adding the csrf token to a hidden input in a form in the react component to ...
feychu's user avatar
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Require SVG cause react-server error: "React is not defined"

In a react-server project generated using generator-react-server loading SVG file like follow triggers a react error. const fmc = require('../images/logo.svg'); Gives Error Failed to load page at "....
svassr's user avatar
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5 votes
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Server rendered React ExpressJS frontend leaking users' Redux store data

I have an ExpressJS server that is sometimes rendering the wrong user's data on initial render. See a (slightly simplified) version below. The issue is that the index.ejs file is often rendering the ...
YPCrumble's user avatar
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How do I set headers the react-dom/server renderToString passes to graphql server?

I have a webserver which receives the client's IP from the load balancer via the X-Forwarded-For header, but does not forward it to the GraphQL server, making debugging more difficult. Is it possible ...
Andrey Fedorov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

ReactDOMServer.renderToString is not a function

I render react component on server and when go to route get error message: const renderToString = ReactDOMServer.renderToString const fac = React.createFactory(React.createClass({ render: ...
Khotey Vitaliy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

React Server-Side Rendering Memory Leak

The code below according to the link react says that: Unfortunately, this can cause memory leaks for server rendering (where componentWillUnmount will never be called) // Before class ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Server-side React rendering without Babel require hook

Is there any good way to use server-side rendering without Babel require hook? Right now I'm using it to compile jsx on server and for ES6 module imports/exports (since they are not yet supported in ...
Voice's user avatar
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Getting error "Could not find preset 'react-server' relative to directory ..."

Full error message: ../assets/around/TCircle.svg Module build failed: Error: Couldn't find preset "react-server" relative to directory "/Users/admin/Documents" at (native) I'm ...
krmzv's user avatar
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Error configuring third-party wepack loaders with react-server

I am wondering if I could get some help on an error i am receiving with react server. I am trying to use the graphql-tag/loader with react-server and I don’t know how to proceed from the current error....
zlegein's user avatar
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How do I pass JSON data from a Node.js res.render method to react.js on the client

I'm using node.js to accept a request, grab data from dynamodb, format/merge it into an existing JSON template object and return it. This worked great when using node as a webservice and just ...
user3658383's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding TypeScript definitions for wrapped classes

I'm using a package called react-server that can take any class and will add methods to it at runtime. It expects to have the class that it wraps to have an interface like interface { ...
ashays's user avatar
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Difference between React Server and React Client

I have been researching react.js framework for quite a bit. I am yet to fully understand the difference between client side and server side rendering (despite effort searching for CLEAR difference). ...
oatcrunch's user avatar
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how to build react js server side jpx and use it on client side with a php server?

I am quite new with React js and I'm pretty sure there are concepts that I am missing and fail to find the right answers to my questions. So I have a simple php project running on nginx, I am ...
Denis Makula's user avatar
1 vote
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React Hydration - How can we hydrate a dynamic page that not fully available at build time?

I am building a website using Express and React. I go with Server-side rendering Now I am looking for a solution to hydrate my final HTML. The issue is at the build time, the page is still not ...
NHT's user avatar
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Unexpected token syntax error I can not see

Thanks for taking a look. This is the syntax error I am getting: [0] /Users/alexkarasik/Documents/server/services/passport.js:26 [0] async (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => { [0] ...
kalex's user avatar
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Best way to improve React Server Side Rendering by avoiding NODE_ENV checks

I am using require('babel-register') to allow for ES6 in node.js and doing server-side rendering of my react components. In this talk (start around 7:14) one ...
Ish's user avatar
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ReactJS + ServerSide with ExpressJS - need a way to dictate what to load on the server vs client

So I'm working on POC app, that needs to have SEO optimized content(=== rendered on the server). But within the same route there might be a dynamic data coming from different sources and it might take ...
eloleon's user avatar
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Server-side reactjs how to render all routes server-side / is it necessary for SEO? (Electrode) [closed]

I am using walmart's electrode framework which is a universal framework that can render components/routes in reactjs on the server side and send back compiled html. Currently what happens is that the ...
Eeks33's user avatar
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2 answers

React-server failling without error

I created a simple project from generator-react-server . Everything worked fine. I just created new route a new page and a new component and changes hello-world.js (page and component) for home.js. ...
svassr's user avatar
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NextJs 13.4.4 fails to load when "server action" and middelware are present

I have a "use client" form with a "server side" action function. Whe the middlewear is acting upon the route of that form, the app fails to render with this error. Client side ...
Facundo E. Villagra's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why ReactDOMServer.renderToString not returning raw HTML

I write a simple example to test ReactDOMServer.renderToString like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <script src=&...
user14626029's user avatar
0 votes
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React: code only works when the development server has disconnected

I was coding a simple todolist, adding an add event to it. The logic seems no problem, but it doesn't work and only worked when having the error: the development server has disconnected Below is my ...
Hai Na Zheng's user avatar
0 votes
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react web dev server not detecting changes to sass files live

My react app was created with npx create-react-app and is not loading the changes on the local server for changes made in the styles folder. here is the git repo ,
Saul Vega's user avatar
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String Template in React JSX

I created a server and inserted some data in it, Now when I want to refer to that data, it's not displaying the name field, I used string templates to read the name field from the server and show it, ...
Mona's user avatar
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Prerender React app as static HTML

I have an interactive landing page (single page - no react router). This landing page will need to be uploaded to a CMS where you just paste in the HTML - meaning I do not need <html> <head&...
user avatar
0 votes
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Error: no such file or directory in React Server Side Rendering

I trying to do server side rendering on my existing react project but having problem. I think the problem is memory-fs is unable to find file or directory. I have read many threads but no luck as of ...
codeGig's user avatar
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React DOM not updating after the browser/react server stopped supporting a component

Overnight, my originally working react service was disabled. The reason that it happens is my browser or react server stopped supporting this react component "react-selectize". React-selectize is a ...
Xiaojun Yu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Load server data of react-table on button click

I am trying to display a react-table with server side pagination and it's working fine. Issue is that the react-table loads data from server during the page load itself but I am trying to load the ...
Jiten's user avatar
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Add reactid in HTML String

I am parsing html string into react component on server side, but it is just giving me simple html without attaching any react id, causes I cannot perform event handling and binding. Can anyone help ...
Prashant's user avatar
0 votes
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react client side rendering with django

I am integrating reactjs with my django, I have done setup and even able to render page from server too, but in client side when it comes to rendering and event handling and attaching, I am getting ...
Prashant's user avatar
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how to define global scope event handler for React server-side rendering

Comparing with client side rendering, I prefer to use server-side rendering for an application with little user-interaction.and webpack is the choice for compiling server side code. There is a ...
ryu's user avatar
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ReactJS Server side rendering used as template engine

I want to know if anyone came across ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup that outputs pure HTML? Currently the function renderToStaticMarkup is merging together React elements which kinda makes my ...
jovanMeshkov's user avatar
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Sprockets::FileNotFound at / couldn't find file 'react-server' with type 'application/javascript'

I'm returning to a website that I made about a year and a half ago, and when spinning up the rails server, I get this error: Sprockets::FileNotFound at / couldn't find file 'react-server' with type '...
Daniel Nam's user avatar