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Questions tagged [react-testing-library]

Questions about testing React components with the react-testing-library utility.

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438 votes
14 answers

How do you test for the non-existence of an element using jest and react-testing-library?

I have a component library that I'm writing unit tests for using Jest and react-testing-library. Based on certain props or events I want to verify that certain elements aren't being rendered. ...
SomethingOn's user avatar
  • 10.6k
226 votes
17 answers

react-testing-library why is toBeInTheDocument() not a function

Here is my code for a tooltip that toggles the CSS property display: block on MouseOver and on Mouse Out display: none. it('should show and hide the message using onMouseOver and onMouseOut events ...
dorriz's user avatar
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195 votes
12 answers

react-testing-library: some portion of debug's output is not visible

I am using react jest with react testing library to test my component. I am facing a weird issue. I am using debug, returned by render from testing-library. test('component should work', async () =>...
Amit Chauhan's user avatar
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186 votes
10 answers

How to test a className with the Jest and React testing library

I am totally new to JavaScript testing and am working in a new codebase. I would like to write a test that is checking for a className on the element. I am working with Jest and React Testing Library. ...
Giesburts's user avatar
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153 votes
6 answers

How to solve the "update was not wrapped in act()" warning in testing-library-react?

I'm working with a simple component that does a side effect. My test passes, but I'm getting the warning Warning: An update to Hello inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).. I'm also don't know if ...
Pablo Darde's user avatar
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148 votes
10 answers

How to test anchor's href with react-testing-library

I am trying to test my anchor tag. Once I click it, I want to see if the window.location.href is what I expect. I've tried to render the anchor, click it, and then test window.location.href: test('...
jaypee's user avatar
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130 votes
10 answers

Check that button is disabled in react-testing-library

I have a React component that generates a button whose content contains a <span> element like this one: function Click(props) { return ( <button disable={props.disable}> ...
Nikita Sivukhin's user avatar
126 votes
4 answers

How to mock react custom hook returned value?

Here is my custom hook: export function useClientRect() { const [scrollH, setScrollH] = useState(0); const [clientH, setClientH] = useState(0); const ref = useCallback(node => { ...
Neda Homa's user avatar
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124 votes
8 answers

Find element by id in react-testing-library

I'm using react-testing-libarary to test my react application. For some reason, I need to be able to find the element by id and not data-testid. There is no way to achieve this in the documentation. ...
aks's user avatar
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114 votes
8 answers

How to query by text string which contains html tags using React Testing Library?

Current Working Solution Using this html: <p data-testid="foo">Name: <strong>Bob</strong> <em>(special guest)</em></p> I can use the React Testing Library ...
Beau Smith's user avatar
  • 34.3k
104 votes
4 answers

Get by HTML element with React Testing Library?

I'm using the getByTestId function in React Testing Library: const button = wrapper.getByTestId("button"); expect(heading.textContent).toBe("something"); Is it possible / ...
Evanss's user avatar
  • 23.7k
101 votes
10 answers

When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act

I have this test: import { render, cleanup, waitForElement } from '@testing-library/react' const TestApp = () => { const { loading, data, error } = useFetch<Person>('https://example....
dagda1's user avatar
  • 28.3k
98 votes
7 answers

Best way to test input value in dom-testing-library or react-testing-library

What is the best way to test the value of an <input> element in dom-testing-library/react-testing-library? The approach I've taken is to fetch the raw input element itself via the closest() ...
ecbrodie's user avatar
  • 11.7k
97 votes
2 answers

TypeError: scrollIntoView is not a function

I am new to react-testing-library / jest and attempting to write a test to see if the navigation of routes (using react-router-dom) is performed correctly. So far I have been following the README and ...
Charklewis's user avatar
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92 votes
4 answers

Difference between enzyme, ReactTestUtils and react-testing-library

What is the difference between enzyme, ReactTestUtils and react-testing-library for react testing? The ReactTestUtils documentation says: ReactTestUtils makes it easy to test React components in ...
Black's user avatar
  • 10.2k
92 votes
4 answers

Consider using the "jsdom" test environment

I have this simple test: import React from 'react' import { render } from '@testing-library/react' import Button from '.' describe('Button', () => { it('renders button without crashing', () =&...
Rodrigo's user avatar
  • 227
90 votes
3 answers

Jest mock react context

I need some help understanding how one can test an application using React Context. Here's my sample setup. context.js import React from 'react' export const AppContext = React.createContext() ...
artooras's user avatar
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89 votes
3 answers

Checking text appears inside an element using react testing library

I'm writing some tests for a React app using Testing Library. I want to check that some text appears, but I need to check it appears in a particular place because I know it already appears somewhere ...
Hives's user avatar
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88 votes
2 answers

Screen vs. render queries

There are two ways to use queries using React Testing Library. You can either use the queries returned by the render method: import React from 'react' import { render } from '@testing-library/react' ....
Erazihel's user avatar
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85 votes
8 answers

How to select an option from a select list with React Testing Library

I have a normal select list. I need to test handleChoice gets called when I choose an option. How can I do this with React Testing Library? <select onChange={handleChoice} data-testid="...
Evanss's user avatar
  • 23.7k
83 votes
15 answers

React testing library on change for Material UI Select component

I am trying to test the onChange event of a Select component using react-testing-library. I grab the element using getByTestId which works great, then set the value of the element and then call ...
Rob Sanders's user avatar
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78 votes
9 answers

How to mock ResizeObserver to work in unit tests using react testing library

If anyone can help, I have a custom hook that uses ResizeObserver to change the width of a component. My problem is that when I go to run my units test it breaks all my tests and looking at the ...
NiseNise's user avatar
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74 votes
14 answers

how to test react-select with react-testing-library

App.js import React, { Component } from "react"; import Select from "react-select"; const SELECT_OPTIONS = ["FOO", "BAR"].map(e => { return { value: e, label: e }; }); class App extends ...
user2133814's user avatar
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74 votes
4 answers

React Testing Library: When to use and when to use fireEvent

I'm presently learning React-Testing-Library. I'd like to test mouse interaction with an element. Presently it's a bit unclear to me the difference between and
user2190690's user avatar
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71 votes
4 answers

How do you check a checkbox in react-testing-library?

I cant seem to find much/any docs on this really simple thing I'm trying to achieve I have a dropdown that is display: none. when I click a checkbox it becomes display: block all I'm trying to assert ...
Red Baron's user avatar
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71 votes
7 answers

react-testing-library - how to simulate file upload to a <input type="file" /> element?

I am using user-event to try to have more 'realistic' user interactions. However, after I click on the input, it will not fire the onChange function because by default it would only bring up the file ...
benard-kong's user avatar
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67 votes
6 answers

React testing library: The given element does not have a value setter when fireEvent change on input form

I want to change the value of material UI TextField in react testing library. I already set up the data-testid. Then using getByTestId i picked up the input element. // the component <TextField ...
otong's user avatar
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67 votes
3 answers

React Testing Library gives console error for ReactDOM.render in React 18

After updating to React 18 or creating a new React 18 app from create-react-app, when I run the yarn test command, it gives a console.error as a Warning for each of the render methods used in any of ...
Kartik Arora's user avatar
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66 votes
13 answers

How to test material ui autocomplete with react testing library

I am using material-ui autocomplete component and am trying to test it using react-testing-library Component: /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ import TextField from '@material-ui/core/...
troglodyte07's user avatar
  • 3,958
65 votes
5 answers

React testing library: Test styles (specifically background image)

I'm building a React app with TypeScript. I do my component tests with react-testing-library. I'm buildilng a parallax component for my landing page. The component is passed the image via props and ...
J. Hesters's user avatar
  • 14.2k
63 votes
5 answers

How do I test that a child component is rendered?

In enzyme you can check for the existence of child component like this: expect(wrapper.find(ChildComponent)).toHaveLength(1) What is the equivalent to this test in react testing library? All the ...
riscos3's user avatar
  • 1,757
60 votes
4 answers

Testing Library React vs Jest

I have a really big application with react(lot of pages, modals, tables,etc) and I'm using redux-saga for managing the state. I have a lote of stores and almost in all the components I use the ...
Avedis Maroukian's user avatar
56 votes
7 answers

React testing library - check the existence of empty div

I'm testing a component where if ItemLength = 1, render returns null. const { container, debug } = render(<MyComp ItemLength={1} />); When I call debug() in my test, it shows a <div />. ...
blankface's user avatar
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55 votes
5 answers

How to mock history.push with the new React Router Hooks using Jest

I am trying to mock history.push inside the new useHistory hook on react-router and using @testing-library/react. I just mocked the module like the first answer here: How to test components using new ...
Albert Alises's user avatar
54 votes
14 answers

Jest Cannot read property 'createEvent' of null

I was trying to mock rejected value and got this error. It's weird that this construction works in the case of "success" addUser.mockImplementation(value => jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(...
boekenenbroeken's user avatar
54 votes
3 answers

Parent node in react-testing-library

The component that I have testing renders something this: <div>Text<span>span text</span></div> As it turns out for testing the only reliable text that I have is the 'span ...
Kevin Burton's user avatar
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53 votes
5 answers

Query a button with specific text

I have a (Jest) test to determine if a button exists: it('renders a signup button', () => { expect(sut.getByText('Sign up for free')).toBeDefined() }) This test because there is both a button ...
Matt Stone's user avatar
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53 votes
2 answers

Unable to find an element with the text: "myText" error when using react-testing-library

I'm trying to use react-testing-library with React and Jest but one of my tests are failing and I think it has something to do with the regex on the className prop on the test file. Below I have ...
intercoder's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

How to fix the "Warning: useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server"?

Heres the full error: Warning: useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server, because its effect cannot be encoded into the server renderer's output format. This will lead to a mismatch between the ...
jkeary's user avatar
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49 votes
3 answers

React testing library how to use waitFor

I'm following a tutorial on React testing. The tutorial has a simple component like this, to show how to test asynchronous actions: import React from 'react' const TestAsync = () => { const [...
lomine's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

How to test if a component is rendered with the right props when using react-testing-library?

I have some components that are rendering another component (FetchNextPageButton) that is already tested in isolation, like these ones: const News = () => ( <div> <h1>News</h1&...
Emi's user avatar
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46 votes
5 answers

React Testing Library - Unable to find the element with data-testid

I am following the docs for react-testing-library to find if the element with data-testid attribute is rendered or not. The react-testing-library is not able to find the element even though it exists....
Karan Kumar's user avatar
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46 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between using `react-testing-library` and `cypress`?

So, react-testing-library is used for unit/integration testing, and cypress is used for e2e testing. However, both appear to do the same thing: react-testing-library Facilitates mocking Tests as a ...
jack.benson's user avatar
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42 votes
6 answers

Found multiple elements error in React Testing Library

Im having a problem with a query, I'm trying to get two radio inputs, I don't have any problem with one of them, but with the other one React Testing Library thrown an error: It Found multiple ...
Cristian Flórez's user avatar
40 votes
8 answers

How do I trigger a change event on radio buttons in react-testing-library?

I'm in the process of moving over to react-testing-library, and have no idea how to trigger this event and get the results of the changes. I've tried using the fireEvent function to trigger the ...
jktravis's user avatar
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39 votes
6 answers

The current testing environment is not configured to support act(...) - @testing-library/react

I'm trying to upgrade my project to React 18, everything works in dev and production mode in the browser. But after upgrading to the latest version of @testing-library/react some of my unit tests are ...
MLyck's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Error: Not implemented: HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit

This is how my test case looks : const renderCard = ({ onSubmit = jest.fn(), }: RenderCardParams = {}) => { return render( <Card title={title} onSubmit={onSubmit}> <...
Tanu's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Testing an error thrown by a React component using testing-library and jest

Following Kent C Dodds' provider pattern explained in this blog post, I have a context provider component along with a hook to use that context. The hook guards against the use of it outside of the ...
Bhargav Shah's user avatar
37 votes
1 answer

React Testing Library - using 'await wait()' after fireEvent

I'm trying to use Testing Library to check for DOM Elements after a I know I need to wait after the fireEvent, but am not sure why simply using await doesn't work? Below is the same ...
LydiaHendriks's user avatar
37 votes
8 answers

Pressing enter to submit form in react-testing-library does not work

Description: I am trying to test that a form submits when the user presses the "Enter" key. I have a passing test for when pressing the Submit button, but I also want to be sure the form submits with ...
jaypee's user avatar
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