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Questions tagged [release-management]

Release management encompasses the practices and patterns required to deploy software to customers.

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312 votes
14 answers

Create a directly-executable cross-platform GUI app using Python

Python works on multiple platforms and can be used for desktop and web applications, thus I conclude that there is some way to compile it into an executable for Mac, Windows and Linux. The problem ...
Teifion's user avatar
  • 110k
215 votes
14 answers

Best practices for copying files with Maven

I have config files and various documents that I want to copy from the dev environment to the dev-server directory using Maven2. Strangely, Maven does not seem strong at this task. Some of the ...
Joshua Fox's user avatar
  • 19.4k
159 votes
6 answers

Canary release strategy vs. Blue/Green

My understanding of a canary release is that it's a partial release to a subset of production nodes with sticky sessions turned on. That way you can control and minimize the number of users/customers ...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
  • 56.5k
126 votes
10 answers

How to select different app.config for several build configurations

I have a dll-type project that contains MSTest integration tests. On my machine the tests pass, and I want the same to happen on a CI server (I use TeamCity). But the tests fail, because I need to ...
oleksii's user avatar
  • 35.8k
76 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between alpha and beta release?

I want to deploy my software in a different environment and provide features phase by phase. When and where should I use alpha and beta versions?
Ghost Developer's user avatar
66 votes
15 answers

Free install wizard software [closed]

Is there something like InstallShield that I can use for free?
UnkwnTech's user avatar
  • 90k
61 votes
5 answers

How to deploy to a single specific server using Capistrano

I have a system in production that has several servers in several roles. I would like to test a new app server by deploying to that specific server, without having to redeploy to every server in ...
Pete Hodgson's user avatar
  • 15.8k
56 votes
8 answers

Distinguishing development mode and release mode environment settings on Android

I'm building an Android application and would like to maintain a few environment variables that I can tweak depending on whether I'm in development mode or release mode. For example, I need to invoke ...
Joe Holloway's user avatar
  • 28.7k
54 votes
11 answers

Do you have to deploy the .pdb file with compiling under release?

Do you have to deploy the .pdb file with compiling under release? Why does it even compile a .pdb when you do a release build anyway?
user avatar
47 votes
19 answers

Separate 'debug' and 'release' builds?

I think it's better to release the version of the software which your developers actually tested; I therefore tend to delete the 'debug' target from the project/makefile, so that there's only one ...
ChrisW's user avatar
  • 55.7k
46 votes
4 answers

Visual Studio 2010 Compiling with the Debug or Release version of third party library depending on if my project is being compiled Build or Release?

I've downloaded a number of 3rd party libraries (dlls) now for Visual Studio 2010/C# and I've noticed that in their distributions \bin directory they usually have two versions Debug and Release. Is ...
leeand00's user avatar
  • 26k
46 votes
3 answers

Advice on multiple release lines and git-flow, for git non-gurus

Our software product line requires developing and maintaining multiple software versions concurrently. We are relative Git newbies and recently adopted Git Flow to take advantage of Driessen's ...
mklein9's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Patch vs. Hotfix vs. Maintenance Release vs. Service Pack vs

When you are somewhere between version 1 and version 2, what do you do to maintain your software? The terms Patch, Hotfix, Maintenance Release, Service Pack, and others are all blurry from my point ...
41 votes
12 answers

What version numbering scheme do you recommend? [closed]

My question is, which version-naming scheme should be used for what type of project. Very common is major.minor.fix, but even this can lead to 4 number (i.e. Firefox Some have a model that ...
Mnementh's user avatar
  • 51.1k
34 votes
3 answers

Internal testing in Google Play doesn't send out emails

I have successfully uploaded my APK to Google Console and set my own email adress as tester for internal testing. But when I Submit the app for internal testing I don't receive any mail. As you can ...
tore's user avatar
  • 669
31 votes
2 answers

What is difference between release notes and changelog?

Software packages are often shipped with changelog and/or release notes. What's the difference between them? Should they be both included with release of a new version?
rubick's user avatar
  • 538
31 votes
9 answers

Best practices for new Rails deployments on Linux?

I've used straight Mongrel, I've used Mongrel clusters behind Apache, I've looked at Thin, and I'm becoming very intrigued by Passenger. I've looked at Nginx, too. I've looked at MRI, Ruby Enterprise ...
Jim Puls's user avatar
  • 80.5k
30 votes
14 answers

Deploying SQL Server Databases from Test to Live

I wonder how you guys manage deployment of a database between 2 SQL Servers, specifically SQL Server 2005. Now, there is a development and a live one. As this should be part of a buildscript (standard ...
Michael Stum's user avatar
28 votes
9 answers

How do you remotely update Java applications?

We've got a Java server application that runs on a number of computers, all connected to the Internet, some behind firewalls. We need to remotely update the JAR files and startup scripts from a ...
David Crow's user avatar
  • 16.2k
27 votes
1 answer

How to use mercurial for release management?

This is a cousin question with my earlier question of "How to manage concurrent development with mercurial", which covers individual developer workflow. The answer to this question will actually ...
Geoffrey Zheng's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Precompile ASP.NET MVC views on Azure Web App

Is there a way to precompile the ASP.NET MVC views on an Azure Web App (specifically when published via Release Management on VSTS)? Once each view has been hit once, the page subsequently renders ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 15.2k
25 votes
4 answers

Side Effects of running the JVM in debug mode

I'd like to realease a Java application in debug mode to allow for easier debugging when random or hard to reproduce problems occur on the customer side. However, I want to get a heads up on ...
hhafez's user avatar
  • 39.4k
24 votes
2 answers

Canary vs. A/B release strategy

I was going through the different types of release strategy and was confused between the Canary and A/B strategy. Both of them seems to be similar. Everywhere I read on Canary is "Allows to test ...
Vikas Gupta's user avatar
  • 10.9k
24 votes
5 answers

iPhone - dealloc - Release vs. nil

Wondering if someone with experience could possibly explain this a bit more. I have seen examples of... [view release]; view = nil; ....inside the (void) dealloc. What is the difference and ...
bbullis21's user avatar
  • 741
24 votes
4 answers

How to deactivate my previous version retained .apk in Play Store

I have checked Google Documentation and other answers also - It tells you how to Deactivate your previous release version at the time of publishing new release version, but it doesn't tell you how to ...
Rohit Sharma's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Google Play Console: How to promote Android app from Alpha to Beta

Within our company we have someone that handles the upload and release of our Android apps to the Google Play Console. He told me that there previously was an option to promote an app from Alpha to ...
Wirling's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

How do I post a "release" on github?

I have a few open source projects that I manage. I've been posting the .tar.gz releases for them to a directory on a webserver I run. I would like to post them to github. Is there a simple way to post ...
vy32's user avatar
  • 29.2k
22 votes
7 answers

Google Play console displaying Release not live

Usually the when the application gets released in the Internal Channel, the build will get reflected instantly. Within a minute. But strangely the build is not reflected even after a day. I am using ...
Sathish's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Flutter How to make release version in Android Studio?

By default Android Studio use debug mode when building Flutter application. You can build the release version with the command line, see How to optimize the Flutter App size? flutter build apk --...
Serge Breusov's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Adapting the git-flow model for pre-production environments

I am thinking of extending the git-flow model for my current workplace, due to a particular scenario. But my scenario is so common that I'm surprised no-one's done this before with the git-flow model, ...
Nik Silver's user avatar
20 votes
15 answers

Getting software version numbers right. v1.0.0.1 [closed]

I distribute software online, and always wonder if there is a proper way to better define version numbers. Let's assume A.B.C.D in the answers. When do you increase each of the components? Do you ...
Brian R. Bondy's user avatar
20 votes
8 answers

Release Management - releasing to a subset of users - how would it work for a public facing website

I read somewhere (sorry don't exactly remember the source) that facebook has release Tuesdays. They release the new features to their internal employees first, then to a small set of external users ...
ram's user avatar
  • 11.6k
19 votes
4 answers

Visual Studio - How to remove a reference in Release mode

I'm developing a library for use in other apps and this library has lots of debugging and logging statements thanks to NLog. Is it possible to exclude the reference to NLog.dll when I switch to ...
Razor's user avatar
  • 17.5k
19 votes
2 answers

Maven - Reading a property from an external properties file

I have a property file with the following junit.version=3.8.1 dbcp.version=5.5.27 oracle.jdbc.version= I try to read those properties from my pom file as shown below <dependency> &...
ziggy's user avatar
  • 15.8k
18 votes
6 answers

Deployment of war file on Tomcat

Is there a way to deploy a given war file on Tomcat server? I want to do this without using the web interface.
Milhous's user avatar
  • 14.6k
18 votes
6 answers

Best practices for deploying tools & scripts to production?

I've got a number of batch processes that run behind the scenes for a Linux/PHP website. They are starting to grow in number and complexity, so I want to bring a small amount of process to bear on ...
twk's user avatar
  • 17.2k
18 votes
4 answers

In git, how can I find the revision at which a branch was created?

UPDATE: example repository, In the context of the github repo. How can I easily locate rev "b0430cee"? I know I can just look, but the real example that ...
basszero's user avatar
  • 29.9k
18 votes
4 answers

using git to keep exes and dlls?

I'm new to version control so please excuse if this question is very basic. From my understanding GIT is a code version control. we develop a lot of windows applications whose final releases are ...
asif-007's user avatar
  • 327
18 votes
8 answers

App build/deployment workflow

What do you use to manage the workflow of deploying your application after the build completes? I'm not talking about just the act of getting files on a server, I'm talking about what happens after ...
Ryan Rinaldi's user avatar
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17 votes
13 answers

Release management in SVN

When I look in the SVN log I really wish I could see markers that tell me when releases were done. I've seen this in other version control systems such as PVCS and Perforce. Can this be done in SVN? ...
Richard Ev's user avatar
  • 53.8k
17 votes
15 answers

How often should you release software updates? [closed]

Moments ago Jeff Atwood said the following on twitter: Look, I love rapid new software releases, but the frequency of WordPress releases is just ridiculous. Which makes me think, how often should ...
GateKiller's user avatar
  • 75.3k
17 votes
13 answers

How do you update a live, busy web site in the politest way possible?

When you roll out changes to a live web site, how do you go about checking that the live system is working correctly? Which tools do you use? Who does it? Do you block access to the site for the ...
Tim Booker's user avatar
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17 votes
13 answers

How to efficiently manage multiple installations of a web application?

From my experience, one of the bigger problems we come across during our webdevelopment process is keeping different setups updated and secure across different servers. My company has it's own CMS ...
Aron Rotteveel's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

SVN: Release branch and externals?

We have two websites for the same client (main www site and another for the ecommerce site which sits on a seperate server) that use shared portion of code (various features/styles/javascript etc.). ...
Pete Duncanson's user avatar
16 votes
13 answers

What do you do to your JavaScript code before deployment?

Do you have a step in your deployment process that minifies JS? Do you have any sort of preprocessor for your JavaScript that allows you to leave in comments and console.logs and then have them ...
Nosredna's user avatar
  • 85.1k
16 votes
2 answers

EF Code First Migrations to Deploy Older Version

I'm using TFS Release Management to do continuous integration and deployment. I'm using migrate.exe to perform the database migration during deployment, and this works great when you're going from an ...
RMD's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

multi module maven project with parent pom and svn layout

I currently have about 16 projects that I build with maven that get deployed to the same application server that make up something like a "portal". I have built a parent pom to handle common ...
user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

Release management - best practice

I work for a product development company.We first do internal releases,and then public release.I was wondering, how other product developing companies manage their release? How do you give release ...
user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to integrate QA into the Sprint [closed]

One of the challenges with Scrum is how to fit QA into the process. Sure, QA works with the developers on each individual user story during the Sprint, but what about giving QA time with the fully ...
ToddH's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Can we generate release notes from TFS

Can we get release information from checkedIN history. we are using TFS 2012. we have frequent release mostly on each week or on each 14 days. Can we generate release document from TFS ? (...
dsi's user avatar
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