I am trying to see how can I retrieve the azure connection string value stored in airflow as a connection ID.

I have called the azure blob storage connection id using azure_conn as shown below. I am trying to see how can I return back the connection string from this variable azure_conn

azure_conn = WasbHook(wasb_conn_id='wasb_conn_id')

The variable azure_conn is of type

<class 'airflow.providers.microsoft.azure.hooks.wasb.WasbHook'>

1 Answer 1


The WasbHook has access to a get_connection() method inherited from the BaseHook (see here). You can instantiate the WasbHook as you do now and then call the get_connection() method to retrieve attributes from the Azure Blob Storage Connection you setup.

hook = WasbHook(wasb_conn_id='wasb_conn_id')
conn = hook.get_connection(hook.conn_id)
print(conn.extra_dejson) # To retrieve the connection string

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