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Questions tagged [sa]

`sa` is the System Administrator account in Microsoft SQL Server.

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126 votes
10 answers

How can I set an SQL Server connection string?

I'm developing a simple C# application, and I'd like to know this: When I connect my application to SQL Server on my PC, I know the connection string (server name, password, etc.), but when I connect ...
Roshan's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

SQL Srv 2016: Login failed for user 'MicrosoftAccount\...'

I have Windows 10 Pro machine with SQL Server 2016 Dev installed. There are two local user accounts on the machine: [WORK\admin] and [WORK\erop]. [WORK\erop] account was created at first without ...
erop's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

how to reset SQL Server sa password

I've forgotten my sa password and already disabled windows authentication mode. How can I reset SQL Server sa password with disabled windows authentication tnx in advance
arman's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Forgot SA password and user in Administrators account can't change it?

I have a local install of SQLExpress that I haven't touched in months. Now I need to use it, and I've forgotten the SA password. That would be fine, except that my local user which IS a member of the ...
James P. Wright's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Strong password for SQL Server doesn't follow the documentation

I'm installing a new instance of SQL Server Express with mixed mode for access. The password I'm setting is Abcd1234(). According to the docs for strong password guidelines, it's supposed to be valid ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

H2 database password recovery

We have thousands of users using H2 database, and sometimes, somehow, someone forgets the password. Is there a way of recovering, at least, the SA user password? Of course, i tell them that no one ...
marcolopes's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a T-SQL function to return the name of the 'sa' account?

(I know the question sounds ridiculous, but bear with me ...) Our DBA changes the 'sa' account name to something else for their own security purposes. There are business needs to use the account ...
Chris Simmons's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to recover SQL Server ownership when NT account is not valid anymore

I have a local SQL Server Express 2005, for which I don't know the SA password. I always connected with my NT login and I used that when I created a DB I want to access now. My company split and I am ...
vorai's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sql Server 2008 - SA account lockout troubleshooting

We currently have a legacy system running on Windows 2003 IIS 6 using .Net 1.1. It makes connections to our SQL Server 2008 R2 using the 'sa' account (I know it shouldn't; we're rewriting the app, but ...
gizmoboy's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Create a new database problem

I'm logging in to create a new database from CMD through sqlcmd with SA account. Its response is a message: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. I'm using Windows server 2003 and ...
Mr.Bua's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

SQL Server Login Failed for User SA

I just logged in to SQL Server 2005 with SQL Server Authentication but was stuck at the error message saying "Login failed for user ‘sa’, (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)". What happened to this?
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

sql server 2008 enable sa account

I logged into my PC with administrator account. When I try to enable the 'sa' account of SQL Server 2008, I get the following error: TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ---------------------...
y_zyx's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

NER german natural objects

I have some familiarity with R, and I am just starting with python to get into NLP, with a specific interest in Semantic Analysis and Named Entity Recognition (i am currently learning spaCy). I have a ...
Grig's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I copy CTRL-C content from a single cell in DBISQL?

I use DBISQL on Win32 on Usually, I am interested in copying cell content from the Result pane of DBISQL, not the contents of the complete row or the row headers. I can do this by using ...
Gabriel Luke's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best place to keep user uploaded aspx file in application

In my application, user can send/upload aspx files & those files can be accessed by the users later(there need to implement code level security as it would be better to run the application ...
ramkumar's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

sqlcmd Login failed for user sa

I am trying to run this command sqlcmd -U "sa" -P "mypassword" -S (local)\SQLEXPRESS -Q "ALTER DATABASE mydatabase SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE" from a .bat file but it is failing with ...
Sachin Kainth's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can you protect linked servers from sa

We have a third-party vendor setting up software on a server. They have full access to that server and the sql-server on it with the sa account. We would like to set up a linked server so that a ...
Marty Neal's user avatar
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3 answers

getting into sentiment analysis

I've got a requirement of determining whether the entered sentence is positive or negative.... First I thought it is something to do with Social Network analysis and later I realised that it is ...
siva's user avatar
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1 answer

Sql Server 2012 enterprise "sa" login failed. Error: 18456

SQL server 2012. Windows 10 Professional. I enabled "sa" user account, and the authentication mode is set to "windows authentication and SQL server authentication". I set the password for "sa user ...
AverageJoe's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why I cannot change sa password using osql?

I got a laptop on which SQL Server Express is already installed. The server name is SRH\SQLEXPRESS and the version is 10.0.2531.0. The operating system is Windows 7. I can connect to it through ...
srh's user avatar
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1 answer

Print my sa password

I've logged in to my sqlserver with a registred "sa" sql account and I want to print (not change) my current password. I can change it but I have an application using the current password. I have ...
jellad.tarek's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Allow only dbonwer from accessing stored procedures

I created SQL DB. and I want to allow only "DB owner" to access stored procedures. I want to prevent all other users including 'sa' user from doing that . how to do that ?
Raed Alsaleh's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to stop the 'sa' user changing records inside particular table or particular db in mssql?

Is there a way to stop the 'sa' user changing records inside particular table or particular db in mssql? My preliminary searches did not find me anything except cell level encryption. Is there any ...
Novice Programmer's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

In SQL Server 2008 R2 - why can't I change the sa credentails

I'm using AMAZON cloud with SQL Server 2008 R2 installed. I tried to create a password to sa and saved it. But when I went back to SQL Server (after I closed SQL Server and opened it again) it does ...
mql4beginner's user avatar
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1 answer

Properly set sa account for MSSQL 2012. Unable to login

I made the following settings on my SQL Server 2012 as suggested in many tutorials: I set the server authentication to "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode" I set a strong password with ...
Vojtech B's user avatar
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1 answer

Quantifying the load on SQL Server 2008 from brute force attacks?

I have a SQL 2008 box that has been the recent target of brute force attacks on the "sa" account (silly kids . . .). Is it possible to quantify the server load of a single attempt at logging in to SA ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

sql server 2008 enable sa account

I logged into SQL Server 2008 via SQL Server Management Studio using Windows admin account. When I run the command (ALTER LOGIN sa ENABLE) I get the following error. Cannot alter the login 'sa', ...
y_zyx's user avatar
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0 answers

I can not login with sa user with entity framework in .net core web api project 6.0. I am able to login on with sa user on sql server management

I have a .net core 6.0 web api project. I am using entity framework code first. I am trying to login with sa user. I set a password for sa user on sql server management and I am able to login with sa ...
Tekin Bozyel's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

storage bucket permissions GCP

I have a service account (editor) writer. i added the storage.objectadmin role. they still can't access current buckets in the project. am I missing storage.bucketviewer or storage.buckets.get? thanks,...
A Morales's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

'sa' user is "pinging" my Azure SQL Database

I have a Azure SQL Database with Auditing turned on. I noticed that my database comes online after a pause when it shouldn't. I checked the audit logs and it shows strange entries of 'sa' login trying ...
Tautvydas Perminas's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

set mixed mode authentication in SQLCMD

Is it possible to set mixed mode authentication from within SQLCMD? I installed SQL Server 2012 Express last week because I forgot my old installation password. It didn't help. I've been through a ...
urbancenturion's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

why I search Milvus return `The vector dimension must be equal to the collection dimension`?

great guys.I have one problem to ask all of you for help! Yesterday,I have a task that was I need to search Milvus. The Milvus API in my application is already have.I just need to get the client and ...
Eric's easy home's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

SA default password SQL Server on Linux

I installed SQL Server 2017 on Linux on a CentOS 7 derivate. Now I want to login with the command: "sqlcmd -S -U SA". But I never set up a password. How am I able to login to the SQL Server? ...
Ivo's user avatar
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0 answers

SQL Server 2014 sa account audit trail

I need to implement an auditing for everyone logging in to SQL Server 2014 using the sa account. User should be able to provide user id and reason why he/she is logging as sa, which should be stored ...
Hanna Vasilenka's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Running query on a linked server

I have a local database server which has an associated sa account and on a cloud instance where we have another server I have added it to the local database server as a linked object. When I attempt ...
Jay's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Sysadmin and sa in sql server 2000 - drop and recreate login?

A somewhat open-ended question so any information that closes the gaps in my knowledge would be appreciated. When doing a SQL Server upgrade from 2000 to 2008 the upgrade advisor can give the ...
Rowan's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Login failed for user 'sa' Reset password every day

Though it seems a very basic question but I am fed up with this problem. Every day I get System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException Login failed for user 'sa'. Then I reset 'sa' password and my ...
Abdul Ghaffar's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

ms sql server 2005 sa account can not access the database i created while the system databse is ok

Just like the title said. I try to write a tutorial to show how to communicate with the ms sql server. And I can communicate with the system database such like master and model. But while I create a ...
YiFan Wu's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can't access SQL Server with my sa credential

I reset my SQL Server 2008 R2 sa password: sp_password @new = 'joomlacmssenha', @loginame = 'sa' But when I try to access using SQL Server Authentication with these credentials, I get the following ...
Guilherme Longo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Have SA account out of sysadmin

We have lots of scripts and applications connecting to SQL 2000 using SA account. We also have a lot of people connecting directly from their stations using the SA account. We need to migrate to ...
Hans Gates's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to remove SPI from IPSec header?

I know that SPI plays an important role in IPsec. But I want to know that: Is it possible to remove SPI from IPSec header and still get it work?
Ali Haghighat's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to setEnabled(false) all the sap.m.Input simultaneously in sapui5 without using jquery

I am using this code but it is not giving me the result sap.m.Input.prototype.onAfterRendering = function(e){ this.setEnabled(false); };
Somdutt Sharma's user avatar