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Questions tagged [sass]

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions. This enables developers to write structured, manageable and reusable CSS. Sass is compiled into standard CSS. It is primarily a CSS pre-processor language that accepts both the CSS and its personalised syntax of writing visual design codes.

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2487 votes
16 answers

What's the difference between SCSS and Sass?

From what I've been reading, Sass is a language that makes CSS more powerful with variable and math support. What's the difference with SCSS? Is it supposed to be the same language? Similar? ...
bbonamin's user avatar
  • 30.5k
1853 votes
6 answers

Sass Variable in CSS calc() function

I'm trying to use the calc() function in a Sass stylesheet, but I'm having some issues. Here's my code: $body_padding: 50px body padding-top: $body_padding height: calc(100% - $body_padding) ...
GJK's user avatar
  • 37.3k
898 votes
44 answers

How to fix "ReferenceError: primordials is not defined" in Node.js

I have installed Node.js modules by 'npm install', and then I tried to do gulp sass-watch in a command prompt. After that, I got the below response. [18:18:32] Requiring external module babel-register ...
Ramesh's user avatar
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655 votes
23 answers

Error: 'node-sass' version 5.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0

I've created a blank React project, using the command: npx create-react-app on npm v7.0.7 and Node.js v15.0.1 Installed: React v17.0.1, node-sass v5.0.0, Then I tried to import a blank .scss file to ...
JDKot's user avatar
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598 votes
15 answers

Import regular CSS file in SCSS file?

Is there anyway to import a regular CSS file with Sass's @import command? While I'm not using all of the SCSS syntax from sass, I do still enjoy it's combining/compressing features, and would like to ...
GSto's user avatar
  • 42.1k
500 votes
2 answers

Sass Nesting for :hover does not work [duplicate]

I've written this code, but it does not work. What is my problem? .class { margin:20px; :hover { color:yellow; } }
Beach Boys's user avatar
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481 votes
6 answers

Sass .scss: Nesting and multiple classes?

I'm using Sass (.scss) for my current project. Following example: HTML <div class="container desc"> <div class="hello"> Hello World </div> </div> SCSS ....
matt's user avatar
  • 43.8k
436 votes
6 answers

Including another class in SCSS

I have this in my SCSS file: .class-a{ display: inline-block; //some other properties &:hover{ color: darken(#FFFFFF, 10%); } } .class-b{ //Inherite class-a here //some ...
F21's user avatar
  • 33k
366 votes
18 answers

Angular CLI SASS options

I'm new to Angular and I'm coming from the Ember community. Trying to use the new Angular-CLI based on Ember-CLI. I need to know the best way to handle SASS in a new Angular project. I tried using the ...
JDillon522's user avatar
  • 19.5k
356 votes
9 answers

SASS - use variables across multiple files

I would like to keep one central .scss file that stores all SASS variable definitions for a project. // _master.scss $accent: #6D87A7; $error: #811702; $warning: #F9E055; $valid: #038144;...
dthree's user avatar
  • 20.6k
354 votes
13 answers

Using fonts with Rails asset pipeline

I have some fonts being configured in my Scss file like so: @font-face { font-family: 'Icomoon'; src: asset-url('icoMoon.eot?#iefix', font) format('embedded-opentype'), asset-url('icoMoon....
rctneil's user avatar
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301 votes
5 answers

sass --watch with automatic minify?

Is there a way to run: sass --watch a.scss:a.css but have a.css end up being minified? How would I avoid having to run a separate minification step as I compile my stylesheet?
tester's user avatar
  • 22.9k
274 votes
7 answers

Sass - Converting Hex to RGBa for background opacity

I have the following Sass mixin, which is a half complete modification of an RGBa example: @mixin background-opacity($color, $opacity: .3) { background: rgb(200, 54, 54); /* The Fallback */ ...
Rick Donohoe's user avatar
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270 votes
7 answers

Why put in front of the file name "_" or "_" in scss/css?

Why put _ in front of the filename in scss? _filename.scss - Why does it need _ ?
Niko_D's user avatar
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269 votes
17 answers

Try reinstalling `node-sass` on node 0.12?

I would like to use google web starter kit. I installed node.js v0.12.0, node-sass & gulp. And then ran: $ sudo npm install When I typed gulp serve then got this error: Using gulpfile ~/web-...
Takagi Akihiro's user avatar
268 votes
27 answers

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

Recently, when I compile my scss files I get an error. The error message says: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command npm update caniuse-lite browserslist First, as the ...
Nick Mehrdad Babaki's user avatar
250 votes
25 answers

Can't import CSS/SCSS modules. TypeScript says "Cannot Find Module"

I'm trying to import a theme from a CSS module but TypeScript gives me a "Cannot Find Module" error and the theme isn't applied on runtime. I think there's something wrong with my Webpack config but I'...
zakdances's user avatar
  • 23.1k
247 votes
13 answers

Is it possible to import a whole directory in sass using @import?

I'm modularizing my stylesheets with SASS partials like so: @import partials/header @import partials/viewport @import partials/footer @import partials/forms @import partials/list_container @import ...
corroded's user avatar
  • 21.5k
238 votes
34 answers

Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux 64-bit with false

Getting this error on Arch Linux with node-sass. I'm using it with gulp-sass. Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux 64-bit with false Versions $ gulp -v [19:43:15] CLI ...
Jitendra Vyas's user avatar
235 votes
1 answer

:after and :before pseudo-element selectors in Sass [duplicate]

How can I use the :before and :after pseudo-element selectors following the syntax of Sass or, alternatively, SCSS? Like this: p margin: 2em auto > a color: red :before content: "" ...
Marco Godínez's user avatar
225 votes
13 answers

Making a Sass mixin with optional arguments

I am writing a mixin like this: @mixin box-shadow($top, $left, $blur, $color, $inset:"") { -webkit-box-shadow: $top $left $blur $color $inset; -moz-box-shadow: $top $left $blur $color $inset; ...
Rich Bradshaw's user avatar
223 votes
6 answers

What is the difference between CSS and SCSS?

I know CSS very well, but am confused about Sass. How is SCSS different from CSS, and if I use SCSS instead of CSS will it work the same?
Urvi_204's user avatar
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209 votes
17 answers

Angular-cli from css to scss

I've read the documentation, which says that if I want to use scss I have to run the following command: ng set defaults.styleExt scss But when I do that and make that file, I still receive this ...
Jamie's user avatar
  • 10.7k
193 votes
9 answers

How do I use /deep/ or >>> or ::v-deep in Vue.js?

So, I've read here that in Vue.js, you can use /deep/ or >>> in a selector in order to create style rules that apply to elements inside of child components. However, attempting to use this in ...
laptou's user avatar
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187 votes
9 answers

Why don’t SVG images scale using the CSS “width” property?

HTML <div id="hero"> <div id="social"> <img src="facebook.svg" alt="Facebook"> <img src="linkedin.svg" alt="...
Pine Code's user avatar
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183 votes
3 answers

Vue CLI CSS pre-processor option: dart-sass VS node-sass?

When creating a new project with CLI (v3.7.0), there is an option to choose between dart-sass or node-sass compiler. How do these compare to each other, to be more specific than declared in Vue docs? ...'s user avatar
175 votes
22 answers

Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (88)

I have tried to install gulp-sass latest version with npm i gulp-sass --save-dev in the begining I got a lot of errors but later solved them. But whenever I try to run gulp I got this error: Error: ...
DINA TAKLIT's user avatar
  • 8,000
175 votes
9 answers

Change text color based on brightness of the covered background area?

I am looking for a plugin or technique that changes a text's color or switches between predefined images/icons depending on the average brightness of the covered pixels of its parent's background-...
James Cazzetta's user avatar
170 votes
2 answers

What are Compass and Sass and how do they differ?

I would like to start using Compass and Sass to speed up development. At the moment, I have installed Sass on a mac and instructed it to watch a Scss file for input, and a CSS file for generated ...
Chiko's user avatar
  • 2,340
168 votes
9 answers

Using Sass Variables with CSS3 Media Queries

I'm trying to combine the use of a Sass variable with @media queries as follows: $base_width:1160px; @media screen and (max-width: 1170px) {$base_width: 960px;} @media screen and (min-width: 1171px) ...
Jeremy S.'s user avatar
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166 votes
3 answers

How can I use custom theme palettes in Angular?

I want to use my company's brand colors throughout the app. I have found this issue: AngularJS 2 - Material design - set color palette where I can build an allegedly custom theme, but it's basically ...
Narxx's user avatar
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162 votes
13 answers

Node.js Sass version 7.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0

I used Node.js v16.13.1 and created a React application. I tried to use Sass, but when I tried to run it, I got this error: Node Sass version 7.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0
anderson j mariño o.'s user avatar
160 votes
6 answers

Sass calculate percent minus px

I want to be able to do the following: height: 25% - 5px; Obviously when I do that I get the error: Incompatible units: 'px' and '%'.
Mike Fielden's user avatar
  • 10.1k
159 votes
2 answers

SassError: There is no module with the namespace "math"

I'm having trouble getting the math SASS library to work in a Vue app. It compiles with Dart Sass, and sass-loader. The Dart Sass version is 1.26.3, so the math module should work. Module build ...
Chris Hayes's user avatar
150 votes
4 answers

Calculate a percent with SCSS/SASS

I want to set a width in percentage in scss via calculation, but it gives me errors.. Invalid CSS after "...-width: (4/12)%": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was ";" I want to do something ...
Nick Ginanto's user avatar
  • 31.8k
147 votes
2 answers

Sass and combined child selector

I've just discovered Sass, and I've been so excited about it. In my website I implement a tree-like navigation menu, styled using the child combinator (E > F). Is there any way to rewrite this ...
frarees's user avatar
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141 votes
5 answers

Have a variable in images path in Sass?

I want to have one variable that contains the root path to all my images in my CSS file. I can't quite figure out if this is possible in pure Sass (the actual web project is not RoR, so can't use ...
program247365's user avatar
136 votes
6 answers

Sass negative variable value?

I have a couple of scss selectors where I use the same amount positive and negative, as in: padding: 0 15px 15px; margin: 0 -15px 20px -15px; I'd prefer to use a variable for all the 15px amounts, ...
Steve's user avatar
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135 votes
6 answers

Placeholder Mixin SCSS/CSS

I'm trying to create a mixin for placeholders in sass. This is the mixin I've created. @mixin placeholder ($css) { ::-webkit-input-placeholder {$css} :-moz-placeholder {$css} ::-moz-...
Shannon Hochkins's user avatar
125 votes
8 answers

How to resolve "You need to have Ruby and Sass installed and in your PATH for this task to work" Warning?

I am in the process of setting up a new Mac for work. I have installed Grunt & Grunt CLI globally. Then I did a npm install inside a project folder to install all dependencies. No problems so ...
Sven's user avatar
  • 13.3k
122 votes
5 answers

What does !default in a css property value mean?

The twitter bootstrap code has a lot of CSS properties with a !default at the end. E.g. p { color: white !default; } What does !default do? UPDATE My bad for not being clear. I am using the ...
Coffee Bite's user avatar
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122 votes
6 answers

Extending selectors from within media queries with Sass

I have an item class and a compact "modifier" class: .item { ... } .item.compact { /* styles to make .item smaller */ } This is fine. However, I'd like to add a @media query that forces the .item ...
soundly_typed's user avatar
121 votes
7 answers

Creating or referencing variables dynamically in Sass

I'm trying to use string interpolation on my variable to reference another variable: // Set up variable and mixin $foo-baz: 20px; @mixin do-this($bar) { width: $foo-#{$bar}; } // Use mixin by ...
Krzysztof Romanowski's user avatar
120 votes
6 answers

What does an "&" before a pseudo element in CSS mean?

In the following CSS taken from Twitter Bootstrap what does the ampersand (&) character mean? .clearfix { *zoom: 1; &:before, &:after { display: table; content: ""; } &...
neodymium's user avatar
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117 votes
5 answers

Sass combining parent using ampersand (&) with type selectors

I am having trouble with nesting in Sass. Say I have the following HTML: <p href="#" class="item">Text</p> <p href="#" class="item">Text</p> <a href="#" class="item">...
McShaman's user avatar
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115 votes
3 answers

Syntax for if/else condition in SCSS mixin

Hi I'm trying to learn SASS/SCSS and am trying to refactor my own mixin for clearfix what I'd like is for the mixin to be based on whether I pass the mixin a width. thoughts so far (pseudo code only ...
clairesuzy's user avatar
  • 27.5k
115 votes
7 answers

Is there a SASS.js? Something like LESS.js?

I have used LESS.js before. It's easy to use, something like <link rel="stylesheet/less" href="main.less" type="text/css"> <script src="less.js" type="text/javascript"></script> I ...
Jiew Meng's user avatar
  • 86.5k
114 votes
4 answers

Is it possible in SASS to inherit from a class in another file?

The question pretty much says it all. For instance, if I were using, say, Twitter Bootstrap, could I define classes in my own SASS stylesheet that inherit from Bootstrap's CSS classes? Or does ...
Dan Tao's user avatar
  • 128k
113 votes
3 answers

How to integrate CSS pre-processing within Eclipse? [closed]

I would like to edit SCSS files in Eclipse, preferably with syntax highlighting for .scss files. I found these resources valuable: - has no editor for .scss files ...
Eric H's user avatar
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110 votes
7 answers

Global scss variables for Angular components without importing them everytime

I do already have SCSS variables defined in src/styles/settings/_variables.scss and I am importing them into src/styles.scss, but still these variables aren't available for every single component. Is ...
Volodymyr Humeniuk's user avatar

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