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Questions tagged [schemachange]

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Disable schemachange change history table

Is it possible to disable Change History Table in schemachange?
Abdulrahman Bres's user avatar
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Finding when a column is added [closed]

In SQL Server is there any way to get information about when columns are created or which columns are new? Also, I need to find any change in columns, for example which columns' data type changed. I ...
Farid Zahidov's user avatar
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How to deploy Databricks Unity Catalog table with CI/CD

Does anyone know how to deploy Databricks schema changes with Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline? I have created a table in Dev database (in Databricks Unity Catalog) and I want to deploy it to Prod Database ...
Fred's user avatar
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Encountering ValueError with numpy While Installing schemachange in Python [duplicate]

Receiving this issue when I'm trying to install schemachange in pyhton ValueError: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96 from C header, got 88 from PyObject This ...
H Perera's user avatar
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Issue in connecting to snowflake when implementing SchemChange CICD approach

I'm trying to implement the schemachnage cicd approach using github workflows to migrate to different environments (test/prd). Below is my yaml file code. But it is not working as intended? I checked ...
Tharun's user avatar
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Automate version filenames check up in snowflake schemachange

I have multiple feature branches are under development and will be deployed to different release branches in Snowflake. The files are named with version number in order to use Schemachange. CICD ...
Micki L's user avatar