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Questions tagged [service-name]

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296 votes
8 answers

How to connect to Oracle using Service Name instead of SID

I have a Java application that uses JDBC (via JPA) that was connecting to a development database using hostname, port and Oracle SID, like this:
Jim Tough's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How can I change the SID of an Oracle XE instance

I needed to change the SID of an Oracle XE database (not the Service Name) to match a production database. When I tried searching online, most of the pages were describing changing or adding a ...
Osama Al-Maadeed's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Do I need to register my service name with IANA if I'm shipping a bonjour iOS app?

I'm listening to WWDC2012 Session 707 on Bounjour. At 15:25 into the session, the apple engineer explains that you need to register your bonjour service name with IANA before publishing. I found that ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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1 answer

what differences SID and Service Name when use Oracle SQLDeveloper?

English is not my native please understand When I try to login like system/password as sysdba to oracle(linux) by sqldeveloper(window) It fail when through Service Name and return ORA-0131 :...
Vert's user avatar
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2 answers

Change PostgreSQL service Name - Linux

I have two different PostgreSQL 10 servers running on the same system (using different ports) on a CentOS 6/7 system. Can someone tell me how to name these PostgreSQL services differently? Like when I ...
P_Ar's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I get service_name and program list by ffmpeg-python

I have a ".ts" file. It is the baseband frame of a DVBS signal which have been recorded. It has some Programs and streams. I use FFmpeg to reconstruct the streams. When I use FFmpeg, this ...
Mohammad Hassan Shammakhi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Oracle database connections - what are all the fields I need to fill in?

I'm used to using SQL Server and I'm now faced with connecting to Oracle. Can I get some completely unambiguous descriptions for what all the fields I need to fill in are? Specifically, I want to ...
I drink lead paint's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Kubernetes NFS: Using service name instead of hardcoded server IP address

I was able to get it working following NFS example in Kubernetes. However, when I want to automate all the steps, I need to ...
fatihonurIRL's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

K8s Nodeport is faster than service name?

I have 2 k8s application running in a single cluster. When it communicate with service name, it takes 12 seconds to transfer 1 GB data. When communicate with nodeport time is 8sec. Why the service ...
Ajin Pradeep's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Connect Oracle DB using service_name instead of SID using ojdbc14.jar driver in WebLogic Server 6.1 SP1 with JDK 3

While Working on a legacy application that first file date back to year 2005. It used to create connection pool that is mapped to DataSource that application connects with, URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@host....
Vishesh's user avatar
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3 answers

JDBC - Cant connect to Oracle using Service Name

I have been trying to connect to this Oracle database with JDBC thin driver with the following syntax: var URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"; var USER = "user"; var PASS = "...
Daniel Weigel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to connect to oracle using service name in java

I need to connect to oracle db in java Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=on)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=hostname)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(...
Dolly's user avatar
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0 answers

Docker compose service name and hostname

Recently I come across a docker-compose file with the below content: version: '3' services: serviceA: image: someService hostname: local_serviceA I know when calling different services ...
HKIT's user avatar
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1 answer

SQLPLUS: How to connect using default service SYS$USERS

We have a legacy code which connectes to Oracle DB using SQLPLUS command: sqlplus "$USERNAME/$PASSWORD@//$HOST:$PORT/$SERVICE_NAME" Values of variables USERNAME, PASSWORD, HOST, PORT and ...
user613114's user avatar
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1 answer

JBAS010447: Connection is not valid

I need help, when i try to create a datasource connection on jboss show this error JBAS010447: Connection is not valid my connection url is jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/ORCL on my jboss log ...
japuentem's user avatar
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1 answer

whar is the oauth service name for the google apps reseller api

I tried to use the google apps reseller api with google apps script. To use oauth I need the AuthServiceName. what is the right name? "apps" does not work.
user1488842's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Renaming published WCF service library URL for consuming apps

I have a WCF service library project that I publish to a IIS hosted folder. After publishing, a svc is created in the folder and is consumed with a URL like this:
Chris Klepeis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Oracle - Invalid service name in Repository Creation Utility

I get this error message "Invalid service name" when submitting the Database Connection Details form in Repository Creation Utility. I have put the required information as below: Host Name : ...
Nadim's user avatar
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0 answers

Connecting to Oracle Database Using Service Name Instead of SID

The idea here is to be able to connect to my Database using the service name instead of SID. Here's my tnsnames.ora: # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\Users\jj\Downloads\WINDOWS....
Jesse James's user avatar
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1 answer

cannot connect to oracle database with SQLPLUS via service name

I am trying to connect to an Oracle database from SQLPLUS using service_name but I received the ORA-12154 error (ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified. NOTE: when I am ...
mikcutu's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I distinguish between a service name and a connect descriptor in a connection string?

Hopefully, this should be an easy one for the Oracle bods. So, further to my previous Question, I now need to be able to process a connection string in C# and decide whether to perform an LDAP lookup ...
Neo's user avatar
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