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Questions tagged [staging]

Staging is the process of deploying to an intermediate, usually internal, repository so that deployed artifacts can be tested and later promoted to higher levels so that they can finally be release to public repositories

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1456 votes
19 answers

How do I remove a single file from the staging area (undo git add)?

Situation: I have a Git repository with files already in the index. I make changes to several files, open Git and add these files to my staging area with "git add ." Question: How do I remove one of ...
PHLAK's user avatar
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914 votes
10 answers

git add only modified changes and ignore untracked files

I ran "git status" and listed below are some files that were modified/or under the heading "changes not staged for commit". It also listed some untracked files that I want to ignore (I have a "....
Steve's user avatar
  • 12.2k
280 votes
3 answers

How do you move a commit to the staging area in git?

If you want to move a commit to the staging area - that is uncommit it and move all of the changes which were in it into the staging area (effectively putting the branch in the state that it would ...
Jonathan M Davis's user avatar
128 votes
3 answers

How do I interactively unstage a particular hunk in git?

In git, if I have a couple of hunks from the same file staged in my index, how can I interactively unstage one of them? Is there any alternative to unstaging the entire file, and then re-staging the ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
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111 votes
2 answers

Git production/staging server workflow

Currently my website (production server) already have a lot of code in it. And now I want to start using Git for my projects and setup a staging server for my team. Can anybody give me any advise? ...
kayue's user avatar
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86 votes
5 answers

Staging instance on Heroku

I'd like to be able to push code to for testing and then to for production use. Is this possible with Heroku?
Tom Lehman's user avatar
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63 votes
7 answers

How to set up a staging environment on Google App Engine

Having properly configured a Development server and a Production server, I would like to set up a Staging environment on Google App Engine useful to test new developed versions live before deploying ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
62 votes
4 answers

How can you git add a new file without staging it?

To use git effectively (and as intended) I make small atomic commits, while I do have longer sessions where I do change not only one thing. Thus, I make heavy use of git add -p. This doesn't work for ...
bitmask's user avatar
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54 votes
5 answers

What is a "stage" in the context of Amazon API Gateway?

What is a "stage" in the context of Amazon API Gateway? What is it's purpose and how to create one? Is there any relation to "staging" in the production/staging/development ...
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
50 votes
5 answers

Azure connection string best practices

I have an application that I am just migrating to Azure. Currently I use web.config transformation to manage changing the database connecting string dev/staging/prod environments. How is it best to ...
Craig's user avatar
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45 votes
2 answers

Staging database good practices

I'm about to deploy to production a fairly complex site and for the first time need a staging environment where I can test things in a more realistic environment, especially with regard to some ...
Tom's user avatar
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43 votes
1 answer

How do I push different branches to different heroku apps?

I've been working on a web-app that gets pushed to heroku. The source is hosted on GitHub. So git push pushes the master branch to GutHub. My git branch 'master' is connected to Heroku app 'my-app-...
Dave Sag's user avatar
  • 13.4k
36 votes
4 answers

How to set NODE_ENV from package.json for react

I am trying to target multiple environments from local while executing React app. 1. Development 2. Staging 3. Production I am also trying to test for offline mode in any of the environments. So, the ...
Mithun Shreevatsa's user avatar
33 votes
5 answers

Concept of git tracking and git staging

When you modify a file in your working directory, git tells you to use "git add" to stage. When you add a new file to your working directory, git tells you to use "git add" to start tracking. I am a ...
Jeele Yah's user avatar
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33 votes
5 answers

How to provide preprocessor directives in Java

CHow can I correctly provide the following functionally from C# in Java? [C#] #define PRODUCTION //Change from sandbox to production to switch between both systems. #if SANDBOX using
Robert H's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

How are people handling content management system production staging?

I've been dipping my toe into web development technologies for fun (ya, i should get out more), and am a little shocked at the lack of clear support for production staging (i.e. development, testing, ...
reccles's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

How do I stage all files at once in Git Gui?

I have just created a GIT on a folder. I now want to add the contents of that folder by "staging" all the files. In the GUI, is there a way to select all the files. I have well over 4000 files and ...
baash05's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

What is git staging and why does Hg *ostensibly* not support it?

The Hg docs state that hg doesn't support an equivalent to git's index out of the box and suggests using extensions (record or mq) for similar behaviour. First, I have very little field experience ...
Cristian Diaconescu's user avatar
27 votes
13 answers

clearing rails app database on heroku production site

So I'm new to ROR and Heroku and need a little help. I've created an app and have deployed it; however, I'd like to clear out the database associated with it. Meaning I'd like to clear any users (and ...
slovak_100's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between 'git rm --cached', 'git restore --staged', and 'git reset'

I have come across the following three ways in order to unstage the files that were staged by the command 'git add' git rm --cached <file> git restore --staged <file> git reset <file>...
sekai_no_suda's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Disable git staging area

I really don't like the git staging area, it just makes my life unnecessarily confusing. Is it possible to disable it so that all edited and new files are in a single context? So that git diff shows ...
sligocki's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Adding a staging environment to the workflow [closed]

I currently have two environments in which I work: development locally and production on Heroku. I would like to add a staging environment on Heroku to see that everything goes as expected before ...
Fellow Stranger's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Is there a canonical definition of the staging environment?

It is my understanding that the (legitimate) purpose for a staging server is for testing the deployment process, rather than your code's acceptance or function. However, I almost never find people ...
iconoclast's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Git: Stage into Commit, what is the right workflow?

I just created a big piece of code I want to commit in several separate commits. So I can stage relevant parts, commit, stage, commit, ... and so on until I have all my changes commited. The missing ...
Łukasz Lew's user avatar
  • 49.7k
20 votes
1 answer

Optimal workflow for Local / Staging / Production server stack + Git

I am looking to incorporate a web development workflow that allows me to do the following: Develop / Test locally mimics production server (many subdomains, a few mysql DBs) stays synced between ...
tdc's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Best Practices for a Web App Staging Server (on a budget) [closed]

I'd like to set up a staging server for a Rails app. I use git & github, Cap, and have a VPS with Apache/Passenger. I'm curious as to the best practices for a staging setup, as far as both the ...
user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Does anybody have a development/staging/deploying workflow with php/mysql? [closed]

I'm thinking about a good workflow for php/mysql web-development. Anybody got some tips?
Zoran Zaric's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

What is a good way to set up a dev, staging and production workflow with wordpress

Wordpress presents some challenges since it tends to keep too much in the database, making it hard to move from server to server. What are some other issues to look out for? What was your workflow ...
blockhead's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Can I prevent search engines from indexing an entire directory on my website?

I have a staging site which I use to draft new features, changes and content to my actual website. I don't want this to get indexed, but I'm hoping for a solution a little easier than having to add ...
Marty's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Git push current branch to a remote with Heroku

I'm trying to create a staging branch on Heroku, but there's something I don't quite get. Assuming I've already created a heroku app and setup the remote to point to staging-remote, If I do: git ...
cmaughan's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

How can I distinguish between STAGE and PRODUCTION builds on iTunes Connect / Apple TestFlight?

Stage builds talk to stage servers, which are as identical as possible to production servers, for testing purposes. Production builds talk to production servers, which store real, critical data. ...
fatuhoku's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Installing both staging and production iOS / Android apps on your device

I have an app which is published on both App Store and Play Store already. The app published is pointing to my production server. What I want to do is to have my devices install a "staging" app which ...
nigong's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Git invert staging area

I have got changes in my staging area, and others not staged yet (some files have changes both in and out the staging area). I would like to invert the content of the staging area and the changes ...
moala's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Connection Strings are replaced when performing Azure Web Site staging Swap

(1) we have a web application running on Azure Web Site using Sql Server (Web Edition). The application includes two connection strings: DefaultConnection - normal connection string, in the form of ...
yarg's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How do I only commit specific lines using SmartGit/Hg

I'm using SmartGit/Hg. I edited some files working on two separate new features. Now as I finished working on Feature A, I want to commit my work, but I can't just commit all my edited files, as they ...
Christian's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Rails: differentiating staging from production

I've got a production server and a staging sever in which new features are tested before moving them to production. The staging server is physically different from the production one (different hosts ...
kikito's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Codepush React Native Android staging- Task installReleaseStagingDebug not found in root project

I'm trying to configure my RN android project according to this section of the react-native-code-push docs My build.gradle file has this configuration: buildTypes { debug { } ...
Uri Klar's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

what is difference between sandbox and staging environments?

If the staging environment is an isolated environment for testing by testers and also sandbox is an isolated environment for testing, So what are those differences? Actually I could not find any ...
Mohammad Jamal Dashtaki's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Staging database predicament

Suppose that there are 3 databases for Production Staging Dev As far as I know, Staging database need to be in sync with Production database But, When we are developing, we can do whatever we ...
dance2die's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Different environments on Firebase web application

I am building a web application with Firebase. Currently I can say that I do have two stages - development, the firebase serve which runs the localhost and firebase deploy --only hosting which uploads ...
Bilger Yahov's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

unicorn hangs saying Refreshing Gems

I have a strange problem in staging after i migrated to unicorn from passenger. I configured unicorn for both development and staging environment . its working in development but not in staging. In ...
Krishna Prasad Varma's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Password protecting a rails staging environment

I'm trying to work out what the best way to secure my staging environment would be. Currently I'm running both staging and production on the same server. The two options I can think of would be to: ...
jonnii's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to 'git push' to a repo that was cloned as read-only onto my team's staging server

I cloned a repo using its GitHub read-only URL onto my team's staging server. I made some changes there to the config files. I'd like to change the repo clone on the server to be read-write, so ...
coffee-grinder's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Using IIS virtual directories in Visual Studio Web Application projects

I have an ASP.NET project that has the following directories \ads \photos both these folders have thousands of files in them that get updated frequently. I currently have my IIS set up like \...
kenwarner's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Problem with modified files showing up in Git but not updating?

I've got some files/folders that just wont leave the Git staging area? # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git ...
Integralist's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Ruby on Rails: Bundler & Capistrano: specify which groups (development, test) are to be excluded when deploying

The Bundler documentation says, that in order to install all necessary bundles when deploying via Capistrano, one need only insert require 'bundler/capistrano' # siehe
Jens's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How can I specify an angular environment on ionic build?

The Ionic framework uses Angular. Angular 6 defines environments in ./src/environments/environment.stage.ts . When building an Angular app, I can select the environment with the parameter --env=stage ...
Martin M's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What's the ideal way to set up multiple environments (eg. dev, stage and prod) for Google Cloud Run applications? [closed]

I've got a sample app up and running on Google Cloud Run, complete with CD from GitHub using Cloud Build et al. I would like to have different branches deploy to different environments (dev, stage ...
aalaap's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Firebase Authentication Staging Environment

I find nowhere in the docs how to setup a separate development (pre-production, staging, etc.) environment when working with Firebase Authentication. I do not want to create and delete arbitrary user ...
Sammy's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Using ACS in Azure Staging slot

I am currently implementing a web application in Microsoft Azure. My concern is how to use the staging slot together with ACS. I want to push my application to the staging slot, verify that it is ...
Weikko's user avatar
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