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Questions tagged [syntax]

Syntax refers to the actual language elements and symbols themselves. Questions should be tagged as syntax when the question specifically and almost completely relates to syntax alone. This tag should be used with a specific language tag

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react syntax highlighter not changing text fetched from github

I am using react-syntax-highlighter and trying to make the pr i pulled from github to look pretty but it does not work. Am I applying it wrong? Should I be applying it elsewhere? Is there an ...
just demis's user avatar
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1 answer

I am trying to understand 'restrict' keyword introduced in C99

So for the past week I tried to understand how restrict works, I have a few suspisions on how it works and I just want to make sure that I am at least correct in the assumptions I have. So here's the ...
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How to prevent escaping with \ [duplicate]

I have a filepath that is structured as \\abc\xyz\file.xlsx I need the first section excluding the file name \\abc\xyz\ with the two \\ in the beginning and the additional one at the end as a string ...
gng235's user avatar
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Can I have an or statement within a string when using Dir to look for files/folders?

I'm currently trying to create a program that will take an input from user that is a number eg. 58, 313, 490 and find the file with that number in it. To overcome it having multiple outputs, such as ...
lemster's user avatar
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1 answer

dart named parameters as object

I'm new to dart. I'm trying to factorize some code, and it involves pre-building a few values which are then passed into named parameters (external library). I'd like to know if i can do the following:...
y_nk's user avatar
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1 answer

Understanding Error CS1579 foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type

Getting this error in my razor page app: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error (active) CS1579 foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type '...
MelB's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How to implement vector stores and RAG with Open AI functions with proven rule base code generation

How to implement vector stores and RAG with OpenAI playground functions json code rule base for ez function loading that is a lot of time very hard to do , this is a proven system to max you code ...
Reuben Cole's user avatar
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1 answer

I need to assign just the Item Description column text as a variable in Power Automate Desktop

SQL Query info I am able to assign the whole row as the description variable with %queryresult[0]% but I want to extract just the info under Item Description for the description. Not sure how I would ...
casecha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does Python know that the comma in the lambda function does not indicate another parameter of map fun

list(map(lambda x,y : x*y , listA, listB)) I want to know how Python understands that the comma present in lambda x,y belongs to the lambda function and it is not the end of the first parameter of ...
Nikhil Kumar AV's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to reference an external javascript method with javascript without using html?

Currently, I'm working on a project that (for organization reasons) needs to have a few different javascript files and I don't know how to reference a javascript file externally. I'm making a discord ...
TheEmeraldEnd's user avatar
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1 answer

@foreach Isn't Doing Everything for each record

I have a razor page that is looking at a list of people and their votes. It is bringing up items like Municipality, Supervisor, Simple Majority, 2/3 Majority just fine, but when it comes to ...
MelB's user avatar
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Automatic Status Update When Another Cell Value Is Updated With Any Date

I have a worksheet where employees log details of applications received. I'm trying to work out a formula that lets the status of the applicant auto-update to caregiver in a target cell, when there's ...
Temitope Olajiga's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

SQL function Error : near "FROM": syntax error [closed]

IDK what is wrong but its not working? Could someone help me on this? I am trying to get an output with diagnosis and if patient id is even then Yes and No otherwise. Error : near "FROM": ...
Rajdeep Gupta's user avatar
1 vote
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Change command which works in cmd.exe to work in powershell.exe

I have a command which works without issue in cmd.exe: %TESTING_INSTALLATION_PATH%\\client\\batch.exe --log-level=error --run %CI_BUILDS_DIR%\\autotest\\jobs\\ But it doesn't work in ...
IzaeDA's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Advance SQL Question with window function

Identify the top 3 earning staff each month, ranking them based on the total revenue they generated (with rank 1 being the highest). Consider revenue = (quantity * list_price * (1-discount)). Month ...
Anju Mahato's user avatar
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Make asterisk ambiguous in a template

There is, IIRC, a way to write a template in which the same occurrence of an asterisk means multiplication in one instance and pointer type (likely in a variable declaration) in another. How do I know?...
ByteEater's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Liquid syntax error (line 29): Unknown tag 'endif'

What's wrong with this line of code? {%- if current_tags %} – tagged "{{ current_tags | join: ', ' }}"{% endif -%} Trying to install a google tag manager, inserting the appropriate code ...
Gillian's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

function to simplify adding custom property to powershell select

Powershell can add custom properties with somewhat messy syntax, as described in the conceptual about_Calculated_Properties help topic; e.g.: Get-Date | Select-Object Year, @{name='foo'; expression={...
Ted Shaneyfelt's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple City Codes in the Order File

I have an order file that has origin_city & destination_city fileds. Both are codes that reference records in the city file. I am trying to create a query that will select the city_name for both ...
Scott Steinmetz's user avatar
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Javascript Class in Functions with Same Name syntax. Without Argument [duplicate]

Faulty Code import tttt_data from "@/data/tttt.json"; export class TTT { getTTT() { return tttt_data.dersler; } getTTT(lesson) { return tttt_data.dersler[...
Droidbane's user avatar
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-1 votes
0 answers

Trying to understand the syntax for dev tools for safari console

I am a new developer, and i'm just practicing writing functions (currently defining variables) in my developer "inspect element" tool on make Mac on safari, I ran into a syntax I am not ...
KeiS's user avatar
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Phaser 3 Tween syntax breakdown for updating properties

I'm new to Javascript and Phaser and I came across the following code while working on a project in Codecademy this.tweens.add({ targets: obj, duration: 750, x: '-= 300', }); I know ...
starizard's user avatar
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Passing a string argument to bash causes syntax error

I am trying to run a bash script for rescaling fMRI data using AFNI's 3dcalc. One of the arguments for this function is "expr" which will "Apply the expression - within quotes - to the ...
Connor Johnson's user avatar
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unable to read event listener defined in backtick of button

I am trying to assign an onClick function to remove button but the function is not being read here, i tried the same syntax in html file and it worked but it doesnt work in a .jsx file. function ...
Vansh Dhar's user avatar
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missed comma between flow collection entries in yaml file

trying to solve this issue. I have a snippe of code: {{- with .Values.taxnorway.service.ports }} ports: {{ toYaml . | nindent 2 }} {{- end }} Every time I try to do someting/fixing I get this ...
Michał Picheta's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When does a condition have to be disambiguated between declarations and expressions?

[stmt.pre] p6 says: If a condition can be syntactically resolved as either an expression or a declaration, it is interpreted as the latter. Since a condition only matches declarations with a brace-...
Jan Schultke's user avatar
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Issues with executing WORLD DATABASE .sql database on mysql

I have issues executing a .sql database. (world data base)enter image description here I imported world database. some of the files could not be executed successfully. so I am unable to create a ...
Abidemi Abidemi's user avatar
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1 answer

for looping PHP syntax to Smarty Syntax

I have a PPH syntax from prestashop file: <select name="deadline" id="deadline" onclick="dead_line_all()"> <option value="235959" selected="...
kocat's user avatar
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1 answer

How to catch if-then (and optional else) block from rsyslog config file?

I'd like to catch the following conditional blocks from rsyslog conf file: if (($fromhost-ip == '') and ($syslogfacility-text == "local7")) then { if (re_match($msg, "^[...
ibt23sec5's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Pull Just Date rather than DateTime for Query on Razor Page

I have a report that the user only wants to enter a data and have all records that have that date appear on the report. Currently, the report is set to a range where the user enters a starting date ...
MelB's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Syntax Error in PlantUML Sequence Diagram

I'm encountering a syntax error in my PlantUML sequence diagram. It's related to line 19. Here's the diagram I'm trying to create: @startuml participant Employee participant System group "...
Kuldeep Sonara's user avatar
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PHP - Syntax to append a string value to function argument? [duplicate]

I'm using the prepared_query and prepared_select functions from PHPdelusions ( The standard functions are fine on known data sets, where you ...
Mike West's user avatar
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Poweshell syntax error for calling module with file path

I am quite new to python, but I would still like to try and run a tensorflow model. I was stucked at the inference part, the instruction given seems like not supporting the powershell syntax ...
por lay's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '=' (SyntaxError) [closed]

Letters1 = Array["A","B"] password1 = nil while password1 != "A" letter1 = Letters1[rand(0...2)] letter2 = Letters1[rand(0...2)] password1 = (letter1) File.write(&...
Coder90000000's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how do I turn AT&T syntax into intel syntax?

In AT&T syntax you can do something like asm("mov %%eax, %0\n\t":"=r" (a[0])); but not in intel syntax. I want to translate this AT&T syntax to intel syntax, it gets the ...
mark pilsur's user avatar
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1 answer

Google spread sheet IMPORTRANGE Filters

I am using below formula to import data from another sheet =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!I:S"),"select * where Col1 = 'May-24'") Need to add one more condition as Col2 ...
Pranav K's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between &mut Foo and *mut Foo? [duplicate]

In my Rust program, I'm getting back values of the form *mut Foo from a function written in C. let x: *mut Foo = my_ffi_function(); What does this "*mut" notation even mean? As far as I can ...
ccleve's user avatar
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"Index error: list index out of range" on my blackjack project

I am trying to create blackjack in python, but I am getting a list error. I do not know why. I am calling a function (drawing cards) that modifies the lists (Yes, the variables are global), but the ...
Aiden Kelley's user avatar
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UITextView weird behavior

I just wrote this SwiftUI or UiKit Editor with basic line numbers. I works pretty well, but has a major flaw. Whenever the variable behind the text value changes the editor messes up. This is pretty ...
Karl Ehrlich's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I interpret this CSS syntax? [closed]

I am attempting to override some CSS in an Internet theme and have encountered syntax that I have never seen before and that I do not understand. I give an example from the theme: @media screen and(...
Jonathan's user avatar
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How to Display Value From Separate Table on Razor Page Create.cshtml

I have a Create page to create data for my Supervisor model. It looks like this: The Supervisor class is here: using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations....
MelB's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP: something wrong with this closure syntax? [duplicate]

I'm following along an old book and am on an exercise using function_exists here's the code for the exercise <?php function tagWrap($tag, $txt, $func = "") { if ((!empty($txt))...
Anacardo's user avatar
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Imagemajick "Convert" command fails to process files with an apostrophe in the name

I'm having a lot of success with the "convert" command (Imagemagick) using: for i in *.{jpg,JPG}; do convert $i -quality 25% ~/Pictures/NEW/${i}; done; Only, when it tries to process files ...
J Baker's user avatar
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Terminology for data literal/identifier expression

In the following SQL statement: SELECT 1, myField, myField+1 FROM myTbl The third column is often referred to as an "operator expression". Is there a name for the type of ...
David542's user avatar
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SPSS PROCESS moderation cluster standard errors syntax

I want to conduct a moderation in SPSS PROCESS macro: IV: Personality trait (measured on likert scale - not repeated measure but constant) Moderator: low trust vs high trust DV: initial price offer in ...
breeks's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Calling powershell single command in few lines [duplicate]

The below multistring powershell command: (Get-Content "%FILE_PATH%") ` .Replace(" token1", "") ` .Replace(" token2", "") ` .Replace(" ...
Unnamed's user avatar
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Can you concatenate array literals at compile time in rust? [duplicate]

is there any way to concat array literals in rust? For example, I want an array like [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 9] I can define an array [0; 8] and a [6, 9], but is there any way to write this ...
blueSheesh's user avatar
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Unable to access a month of data after having set 'Date' as the index. (I am a beginner)

Line 1: import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import datetime Line 2: df = pd.read_csv('files/ETH_1h.csv') Line 3: df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d %I-%p') Line ...
vickyace's user avatar
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Same Error code: 1064 while implementing hospital database [duplicate]

When I was working with my hospital database I got these problem create table MedicalHistory( id int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, medicaldate DATE NOT NULL, condition varchar (100) NOT ...
Berat TUNA's user avatar
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Unexpected search results: How does Gmail search interpret advanced queries, and how I can use that information to achieve precision?

Consider the following filter Keep this filter (also provided in query form) in mind. We'll come back to it later. from: { domain1 domain2 email1 email2 } subject: { +"exact string 1" +"...
Musixauce3000's user avatar

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