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Questions tagged [system32]

System32 is a folder, in the directory represented by the environment variable %windir%, that contains shared libraries and some applications (Control Panel, Command Prompt, etc.) necessary for Windows, and Windows applications, to run.

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240 votes
5 answers

Why do 64-bit DLLs go to System32 and 32-bit DLLs to SysWoW64 on 64-bit Windows?

I would like to know when do we need to place a file under C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64, on a 64-bits windows system. I had two DLL's, one for 32-bit, one for 64-bit. Logically, I ...
Ganesh Astroved's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

What is the reason for the error message "System cannot find the path specified"?

I have folder run in folder system32. When I run cmd from within Total Commander opening a command prompt window with C:\Users\admin as current directory and want to go into that folder, the following ...
Mi1anovic's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

C# Missing MSVCR100.dll

I'm developing an app that execute another app and I received this error: the program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer with my C# app, can I fix this problem ...
CeccoCQ's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

"This application could not be started." Only when the file is in system32 directory

I wrote a little piece of software that downloads file from internet, that is, nothing more. My intentions are to use it thru the command line... It works great, but when I place it in C:\Windows\...
kendos's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Windows 7 Environment Variable for System32 or SysWOW64

Is there an environment variable to directly access System32 or SysWOW64 folder, respectively, in Windows 7 32bit or 64bit? I know of a workaround by using %WINDIR%\System32 which is not working for ...
Vivek Jain's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

"SystemFolder" in WIX and C#

An installer I have created with WiX installs a DLL using the SystemFolder variable, as well as a C# app into another folder. I want to directly reference the DLL from the app. Do I need to look up ...
Tom Davies's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file error [closed]

When I do ping I get the error message 'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file. Here is an example: Then: What could I be doing ...
Luiz's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Getting System32 folder location with java

On XP and above, my System32 folder is at C:\WINDOWS\system32. On Windows 2000 it is at C:\WINNT\system32. Is there a System.getProperty("something"); or some way that I can get the location of the ...
user489041's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Why copying to system32 automatically copies to sysWOW64 instead?

I'm trying to copy a file to C:\windows\system32 by calling CopyFileA - debugging shows that indeed the string "C:\windows\system32\filename" is sent to CopyFileA, but my file is copied to "C:\windows\...
speller's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Difference between Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) and Environment.SystemDirectory for System32 folder

I want to get the path system32 path on 32 bit Windows and SysWOW64 on 64 bit Windows. Both Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) and Environment.SystemDirectory work fine. Which ...
Computer User's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

System32 folder in windows 7

I'm using this code in XP 32-bit OS to get the %windir%\windows\system32 folder path. sysFolderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) What I want to know is that will ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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missing javaws.exe from system32 after update to Java 7 Update 9 [closed]

There seems to be a bug when updating Java to Java 7 Update 9 through GUI in Control Panel. I need to mention that it all has been tested on Windows XP 32 bit. That updates removes javaws.exe (Java ...
Alexander Gorbunov's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Can not get msconfig .exe to run in the system32 folder shellexecute Delphi

Im on Win 7 64b. Im trying to run msconfig from my delphi app. The msconfig.exe file is in the system32 folder . I copied the msconfig.exe to the c:\ and it works great. This looks like some kind of ...
grant1842's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why is my Console app running from System32?

I have a console app which is located on my desktop. I have set it to a Scheduled Task to run every 20 Minutes indefinitely. I have turned off auto sleep/hibernate. Then I left my PC ON and locked my ...
Hexxed's user avatar
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2 answers

\Windows\ versus \Windows\System32 - File location conventions

Is there a standard convention for the types of files that go in \Windows\ versus those that go in \Windows\System32 ?? I'm working on an SDK that has a variety of DLLs a helper exe, and a Windows ...
Adam Haile's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

LoadLibraryW() failing to load DLL in System32

I'm trying to load a DLL that was installed with a printer driver in the C:\Windows\System32\ folder with the following code: LoadLibraryW(L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\MagAPI.dll"); GetLastError() is ...
Justin G's user avatar
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1 answer

Why can't I run my exe in system32?

I made a program and compiled it. It works as expected in the debug folder. I took it out and put it in system32 but it wont run. It gives this error: .NET Framework Initialization Error Unable ...
Daffy's user avatar
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need to put 2 dll file in system32 pyinstaller

I've writing project with python 2.7 and i need to put my two dll files in system32 folder . is possible to load dll file to my exe project(create with pyinstaller) and extract it to system32 folder ...
ahmad asaad's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

NSIS script not installing in correct directory

I am trying to make an install script: on 32bits pc: tapi_32bits.tsp in C:\windows\system32 on 64bits pc : tapi_64bits.tsp in C:\Windows\System32 and tapi_32bits.tsp in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 This is ...
user1417335's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Python script execution directory changes when I execute outside of Console

TLDR: I want to change the working directory of my script to the script file's location(instead of system32) when i run it by double clicking on it. I have a really annoying problem I couldn't solve. ...
M. Kerem Aydın's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Ruby Dir.foreach in System32 misses files / File.exists? returns false for existing files

When I print out all files in the windows 7 system32 directory using ruby, some files are missing. I use this simple directory iteration: Dir.foreach("C:\\Windows\\System32") do |fname| puts fname ...
CodeSalad's user avatar
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Inno Setup "Source file C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140_1.dll does not exist" error

I'm trying to install some Visual Studio dlls on the guest machine with Inno Setup. Here is the [Files] section of my script: [Files] Source: ... ... Source: "C:\Windows\System32\msvcp140.dll&...
Luis Angel Urena Lopez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot open self C:\Windows\system32\file.exe or archive C:\Windows\system32\file.pkg

I try using pyinstaller to convert *.py to *.exe and put them in system32 to try to make them a cmd command but I always get the error: Cannot open self C:\WINDOWS\system32\file.exe or archive ...
Semicolon255's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Framework/Framework64 and System32/Syswow64

I built my project as 64bit (not ANY CPU) but specifically 64bit. All the dll's are 64bit; most of the them are managed code (C#), and a few files are unmanaged (C++ code). I am creating a Installer ...
Pawan Kumar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why is npm prefix always set to system32 on Windows 10?

I've just installed Node v4.4.7 on Windows 10 but I am having an issue where npm doesn't find the package.json file when I run npm install in the proper directory. The error I get is ENOENT: no such ...
Goibon's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Programatically get system32 path in command prompt

I'm using a command process in another program that for some odd reason does not have the system32 set in the path environment variable. I can use the %comspec% variable to get the path C:/windows/...
Christian Boler's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Preventing WM_DEVICECHANGE from dispatching

I'm developing a Windows 7 application which has to prevent WinDVD from triggering new disc availability when inserted (i.e. inserting a DVD). Background information: I'm working out this little ...
Superc's user avatar
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2 answers

How to load a dll in Tcl?

What I have tried (running Tcl and Tk 8.6.0 on Windows): load D:/toot/bar/em.dll load "D:/toot/bar/em.dll" load D://toot//bar//em.dll load "D://toot//bar//em.dll" load D:\toot\bar\...
A T's user avatar
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Why does my WIX installer not copy the richtx32.ocx to system32 dir?

My WIX (3.5) installer should copy the richtx32.ocx file to the windows\system32 dir and register it by using some command line statements but it does not work. The file is not copied to the folder. &...
Marcus's user avatar
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2 answers

Createprocess() of "C:\\Windows\\System32\\OpenSSH\\ssh.exe" fails with error=2 [duplicate]

On a Windows-10 machine, I am trying to run ssh.exe as a child process using createprocess, something like the below snippet: // Create the child process. bSuccess = CreateProcess(NULL, child_cmd,...
user5007527's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Check if another process has admin privileges

I have wrote a code to check is a process running on the same machine has administrator privileges or not. But it always returns false. Can you tell me what's wrong with it. private static bool ...
Grigor Yeghiazaryan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

GetFileSizeEx Returns Incorrect Value on System32 Dir

I'm experiencing a very weird problem regarding GetFileSize and GetFileSizeEx APIs. Both functions work fine on every input file EXCEPT files from the System32 Dir. For example: If I use one of the ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

Check File.Exists in System32 with Sysnative and %windir% from 32-bit app C#

I have created a 32-bit application in C#. Because it's 32-bit, it cannot access 64-bit locations such as C:\Windows\System32. To access 64-bit locations, I understand that I need to instead use C:\...
user2465164's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Process.Start for system32 applications - The System Cannot Find the File Specified

I have written a simple custom shell application for Windows 8.1 systems in WPF. It functions fine, but I need to start some of the applications in the Run section of the registry. Fine and good, ...
Giallo's user avatar
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1 answer

C++ - How to read system files

I'm trying to find a file that starts with "silabs-cdc" in "C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository" DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; if ((dir = opendir(path.c_str())) != NULL) { // FAILED ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Directory enumeration is missing csrss.exe and lsass.exe (c#)

I'm trying to enumerate files in C:\Windows\system32 and C:\Windows\SysWow64. But I'm missing files csrss.exe and lsass.exe and possibly more, I only checked these two files. Those files are there, I ...
Eiq's user avatar
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3 answers

Delete File from Windows\System32 directory using C#

I'm developing a C# application that will need to delete a couple of files in System32, and I'm doing the following: File.Delete(@"c:\windows\system32\<file>"); This isn't working, it doesn't ...
TheHenrich's user avatar
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ipconfig on windows 7 outside of system32

I'm working on making an incident response disk and I wanted to be able to run a copy of ipconfig off of external media such as a usb drive. This seems to work on my windows xp machine but when I copy ...
blindude24's user avatar
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Why do MKDIR and DIR still work when XCOPY doesn't?

I recently encountered an error where XCOPY wouldn't work in a batch file returning: 'xcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. Several other ...
Tony Gweesip's user avatar
1 vote
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Testing for path in SysWOW64 returns true if path does not exist, but does exist in System32

NOTE: I am on a 64-bit system. I am having trouble finding articles regarding my current situation. I using PowerShell to test if a certain path exists: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\...
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
1 vote
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C# calling batch file failed to copy dll files to System32 folder

I have created a batch file that copies some dll files into System32 folder. I ran this batch from my program written in C# code: string path = @"ABC\install.bat"; ProcessStartInfo ...
Ninh Trung's user avatar
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Where should a Windows service, running as Local System, store a private key in the file system?

I need to generate and store a sensitive file (assume that it is not a traditional PKCS format) private key and keep it accessible to the running service. Normally, when running as a service account (...
Ran Dom's user avatar
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tasklist vs. task manager memory

Hi and thanks in advance. What is the difference between the memory in the tasklist ( which you run in the cmd) and that GUI task manager. I noticed for browser processes, that the memory is off by a ...
Neo84's user avatar
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C# user32.dll keybd_event not working

I'm trying to highlight text in text box (with SHIFT+RIGHT_ARROW Win shortcut) by simulating key press with user32.dll keybd_event but it's not working: [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern ...
mgulan's user avatar
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Ruby - No such file or directory in system32

I'm trying to execute a ruby script in C:\Windows\System32\ but the ruby interpreter throws a LoadError when I try to run it. Anyone had this happen?
Kristjan Oddsson's user avatar
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FileSystemWatcher cmdlet in Powershell not monitoring system32 folder and subfolders

I noticed that when using PowerShell's FileSystemWatcher cmdlet that it doesnt seem to monitor System32 or it's subfolders in my Windows 7 computer. A script Í have that works just fine when ...
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How to create a single file installer to place a .ocx file in the System32 folder and register it?

I have looked everywhere and cannot find any simple solution to this. It must be a single file installer. I had created it with a simple 2 line batch file copy .\Files\WGMX.ocx C:\Windows\System32\ ...
SamuelDavis's user avatar
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flutter doctor shows errors, that I don't seem to able to fix. Problems: System32, Android toolchain, Windows 10 sdk

screenshot I changed the variables in various ways, restarted this and that and I just cannot fix the issue, so what am I missing here? The path variable always worked and now that I have deleted ...
tLknd's user avatar
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0 answers

is it safe to add new files in system32 folder of my machine?

is it safe to add files in system32 directory? I only added one .bat file and it seems that my machine is working fine. but i still want to know if it is ok to do it
Jerds's user avatar
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Inno Setup: Copying files (to System32) takes long time

Our software project uses Inno Setup to roll it out to the customers. We found on some target computers it takes a long time for some DLLs to be copied to the system32 directory (about 2 minutes per ...
Matthias's user avatar