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Questions tagged [teamcity]

TeamCity from JetBrains is a continuous integration tool and a distributed Java-based build management system that can be highly beneficial to teams using an agile development approach.

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913 votes
22 answers

npm check and update package if needed

We need to integrate Karma test runner into TeamCity and for that I'd like to give sys-engineers small script (powershell or whatever) that would: pick up desired version number from some config file ...
iLemming's user avatar
  • 35.6k
236 votes
13 answers

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

Visual Studio 2010 has a Publish command that allows you to publish your Web Application Project to a file system location. I'd like to do this on my TeamCity build server, so I need to do it with the ...
jrummell's user avatar
  • 43k
117 votes
11 answers

CruiseControl [.Net] vs TeamCity for continuous integration?

I would like to ask you which automated build environment you consider better, based on practical experience. I'm planning to do some .Net and some Java development, so I would like to have a tool ...
zappan's user avatar
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114 votes
21 answers

Selenium Error - The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver timed out after 60 seconds

I've been using Selenium for a number of months, which we're using to automate some of our internal testing processes. The scripts have been passing fine. I've recently upgraded to the C# 2.40.0 ...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 1,149
109 votes
2 answers

msbuild.exe staying open, locking files

I use TeamCity which in turn invokes msbuild (.NET 4). I have a strange issue in that after a build is complete (and it doesn't seem to matter if it was a successful build or not), msbuild.exe stays ...
gregmac's user avatar
  • 24.9k
106 votes
6 answers

Why would a post-build step (xcopy) occasionally exit with code 2 in a TeamCity build?

A few projects in my client's solution have a post-build event: xcopy the build output to a specific folder. This works fine when building locally. However, in TeamCity, I occasionally get xcopy [....
Tim Iles's user avatar
  • 2,312
100 votes
9 answers

Hudson or Teamcity for continuous integration? [closed]

We are a Java shop looking for a CI tool to use. Both Hudson and Teamcity seem to be free but Teamcity seems slicker and with more support. I was wondering why one would still use Hudson and if ...
pdeva's user avatar
  • 44.8k
87 votes
3 answers

Running multiple TeamCity Agents on the same computer?

We have several build machines, each running a single TeamCity build agent. Each machine is very strong, and we'd like to run several build agents on the same machine. Is this possible, without using ...
ripper234's user avatar
  • 228k
80 votes
2 answers

TeamCity says to use "Build Parameters" instead of "/property:" in an MSBuild step. What does that mean?

I have a TeamCity server setup to do my CI builds. I'm building and testing a C# solution and running some custom MSBuild tasks. One of these tasks is printing a warning in my build output... ...
Anthony Mastrean's user avatar
79 votes
5 answers

Why are my PowerShell exit codes always "0"?

I've got a PowerShell script as follows ##teamcity[progressMessage 'Beginning build'] # If the build computer is not running the appropriate version of .NET, then the build will not run. Throw an ...
Chase Florell's user avatar
76 votes
4 answers

'dotnet restore' vs. 'nuget restore' with TeamCity

I have an ASP.NET Core project that builds properly with Visual Studio, but it doesn't build under MSBuild. It doesn't find all the common libraries (system, etc.). I'm using TeamCity and part of ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 11.8k
76 votes
5 answers

How to deploy after a build with TeamCity?

I'm setting up TeamCity as my build server. I have my project set up, it is updating correctly from subversion, and building ok. So what's next? Ideally, I'd like to have it auto deploy to a ...
Neil N's user avatar
  • 25.1k
75 votes
1 answer

TeamCity, passing an id generated in one build step to a later build step

New to TeamCity. I have multiple build steps. Step 3 generates an id that is needed in step 4. What is the best way to pass the id (a string) between step 3 and step 4? The build steps are written ...
Mike Jr's user avatar
  • 1,839
75 votes
2 answers

Restart TeamCity server via web interface

Is there a way to restart a TeamCity server running on Windows from its web interface? I haven't found a button or documentation whether this is possible.
krlmlr's user avatar
  • 25.5k
72 votes
6 answers

MSBuild in TeamCity of Visual Studio 2012 solution

I have a VS 2012 web project /sln that I am trying to build in TeamCity. it uses .NET 4.5 which is installed on TeamCity. The TeamCity server has VS 2010 installed only. I get this error when the ...
Ian Vink's user avatar
  • 68.2k
71 votes
2 answers

Change port for TeamCity web server

I installed TeamCity and got it working against my project. However, I have since realized that I don't want it the administration page to be configured on port 80. I'm going to have other websites on ...
RationalGeek's user avatar
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71 votes
10 answers

How to debug into my nuget package deployed from TeamCity?

I have put a library that my team uses into a nuget package that is deployed from TeamCity into a network folder. I cannot debug into this code though! SymbolSource is one solution I have read about ...
anthonybell's user avatar
  • 5,928
69 votes
19 answers

TeamCity forgotten admin password - where to look?

I need to recover/reset the admin password for JetBrain's TeamCity. I have full RDP access to the server so no problems there. It's just been 2 months since we used it so now I have forgotten my ...
Jack Ukleja's user avatar
  • 13.4k
66 votes
4 answers

NUnit expected exceptions

I've got a set of test cases, some of which are expected to throw exceptions. Because of this, I have have set the attributes for these tests to expect exceptions like so: [ExpectedException("System....
Martin's user avatar
  • 10.5k
66 votes
10 answers

Continuous Integration for a small .NET open source project [closed]

I'm starting a small open source project, myself being the sole contributor for the time. Still, I think a continuous integration setup would be useful to detect whether I broke the build. Is there a ...
63 votes
4 answers

Why does the deployment package from my buildserver have additional assemblies?

I've got an mvc deployment package that I'm trying to build with team city. The package builds without any problems, but the bin folder contains file that are not needed (and cause the site to ...
ilivewithian's user avatar
  • 19.6k
62 votes
20 answers

Web Application Build Error: The CodeDom provider type Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider could not be located

I'm building/packing a web application in a build server, and it fails with the following message: ASPNETCOMPILER error ASPCONFIG: The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider, ...
Arthur Nunes's user avatar
  • 6,938
62 votes
4 answers

Anyone know of a hosted TeamCity build provider? [closed]

I'm looking to set up a TeamCity server for continuously building a .NET web application. I already have hosting, so I don't want to get a whole new hosting account such as AppHarbor. I don't ...
Jonathan's user avatar
  • 32.7k
61 votes
2 answers

Select Git branch for TeamCity Build

I'm wondering how to select the branch to build against using Team City 8.1. My VCS root (Git) is set to Default: "master" and Branch specifications are +:refs/heads/develop +:refs/heads/feature/* +...
Joe's user avatar
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60 votes
7 answers

Team Foundation Build or TeamCity?

We are a mostly MS shop at work doing .NET LOB development. We also use MS Dynamics for our CRM app... all the devs are currently using VS/SQL Server 2008. We also use VSS, but everyone hates it at ...
dferraro's user avatar
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59 votes
8 answers

How to remove a specific version of a package on a TeamCity Nuget Feed?

Does anyone know to remove a specific version of a package on a TeamCity Nuget Feed?
matt_dev's user avatar
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58 votes
4 answers

How can I build a git tag in TeamCity?

I want to provide a git tag to the TeamCity server to build it. I pass the tag (i.e. release_1.1) as a parameter to the job. So inside the job the tag is available as %tag%, but under the Version ...
js3dev's user avatar
  • 593
56 votes
3 answers

How do I exclude types and methods from being covered by dotCover in TeamCity?

I've got an existing C# 4 project which I've checked the test coverage for by using TestDriven.Net and the Visual Studio coverage feature, i.e. Test With -> Coverage from the context menu. The ...
Martin R-L's user avatar
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55 votes
3 answers

Email user that broke build in Teamcity

In Husdon/Jenkins, I can setup notifications when the build is broken to email the user(s) that made the checkins that broke the build. How do I do this in Teamcity? I am aware that individual users ...
vicsz's user avatar
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54 votes
1 answer

How can I change the user identity that runs a build agent in TeamCity?

I am trying to get a build process set up in TeamCity 5, and I am encountering an access denied error when trying to copy some files. I see that my build agent is running as "SYSTEM" now, and I think ...
Chris Farmer's user avatar
  • 25.2k
53 votes
6 answers

Creating one NuGet package from multiple projects in one solution

I have a solution that I'm working on that contains 4 class library projects (A, B, C, D). A and B could be considered the top level projects in the solution. Both A and B reference C, and D stands ...
Logarr's user avatar
  • 2,253
52 votes
8 answers

*.dll.licenses file in obj directory not created with msbuild in TeamCity

I am working on upgrading our TeamCity projects from VS2012 to VS2015 and I am running into an issue compiling our MVC application. Old MSBuild (v4.0.30319.34209) generates a file in the obj ...
gwin003's user avatar
  • 7,671
52 votes
2 answers

TeamCity loads custom plugin, but there's no evidence the plugin code runs

I am playing around with a TeamCity install and developing a plugin that extends a BuildServerAdapter. When I package it up and install it to the server, teamcity-server.log contains entries for my ...
Rebecca Chernoff's user avatar
50 votes
7 answers

TeamCity share build number between multiple build configurations

i am looking for a way to share build number between multiple build configurations. The goal is to have an global counter of some sort and all build configurations would be incrementing it and use it ...
Eatdoku's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

How to add the custom nuget feed to TeamCity build?

I have created a Nuget Server using Teamcity (running on a virtual machine in internet) and created the build that publishes a package into it. I also have another project that needs to use that ...
Eugene's user avatar
  • 1,525
49 votes
9 answers

MSBuild on CI Server can't find AL.exe

I'm having a problem on my TeamCity CI build server where during compilation I get the following error: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(2342, 9): error ...
Tim Long's user avatar
  • 13.7k
49 votes
4 answers

Conditionally execute a TeamCity build step

I am working on defining a general-purpose build template for all our projects -- which I have placed at the "root project" level (thanks to this new feature of TeamCity 8). Some of our projects ...
Stuart Lange's user avatar
  • 4,089
48 votes
3 answers

Publish one web project from solution with msbuild

I'm trying to deploy one of the web projects in my solution to a server. I am using msbuild on TeamCity like so: msbuild MySolution.sln /t:WebSite:Rebuild /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:PublishProfile=Prod ...
Caleb Jares's user avatar
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47 votes
1 answer

How to use robocopy to copy directories on different domains [closed]

I want to copy a directory(abc) from domain1/user1 to domain2/user1. any idea how to do this. e.g robocopy robocopy \\server1\G$\testdir\%3 \\server2\g$\uploads and both are on different domains
sam's user avatar
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46 votes
3 answers

Using git commands in a TeamCity Build Step

One of my TeamCity v7.0 build projects relies on using a diff between the current development branch and the master branch to determine what needs to be run. I've written a small script that uses ...
Jake Stevenson's user avatar
45 votes
6 answers

Nuget Restore via build server "unable to find version"

I have a VS solution and as part of a TeamCity Build, we restore packages from both a private NuGet feed (myget) and the public feed ( Most packages restore fine, but it hangs on the ones ...
Chris Kooken's user avatar
  • 33.5k
44 votes
5 answers

Where does a TeamCity build agent get its path environment from?

I'm trying to set up TeamCity to build my project, but my psake buildscript fails, with the reason being narrowed down to its inability to find the git executable, which is supposed to be on the path. ...
erikkallen's user avatar
  • 34.2k
44 votes
7 answers

"Thorough", tutorial on setting up Jetbrain's TeamCity CI server [closed]

Does anyone know where I can find a good tutorial to walk me through how to setup TeamCity CI server? I am new to unit testing and the agile philosophy of development so I could use some help getting ...
Agile Noob's user avatar
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43 votes
2 answers

Git short branch name in teamcity

I'm using teamcity 8.x.x version.I configured my Teamcity for continuous deployment. I'm need a feature branching deployment. I see this document "
Ömer Faruk Aplak's user avatar
42 votes
3 answers

How to cleanup old Failed Builds in TeamCity?

We do have hundreds of failed builds in TeamCity (number is especially high because of old retry on fail settings) and now it's a pain to browse history. I want to clean up only old failed builds, is ...
dr. evil's user avatar
  • 27.2k
42 votes
9 answers

TeamCity build agent disconnected

I installed a build agent on Windows 7 and always have the agent show up as "disconnected". The log teamcity-agent.txt shows below information If this is the first time this agent registered on the ...
Catherine Dai's user avatar
42 votes
4 answers

Channel is not opened Errors in automatic merge on Teamcity (git)

I am using TeamCity on ubuntu (TeamCity Professional 9.1.7 (build 37573)). And having some problems with automatic merges lately (git). I haven't changed anything in the configuration from when it ...
Oren's user avatar
  • 589
41 votes
3 answers

Using the percent sign in TeamCity build scripts

I am trying to set up a TeamCity build process that runs a custom command line script. The script uses a variable so it needs a percent sign (e.g. %x). But TeamCity uses percent signs for its ...
tspauld's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

Using msbuild I want to update a config file with values from teamcity

I have some XML that looks something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <XmlConfig instancetype="XmlConfig, Processing, Version=, Culture=neutral"> <item> ...
Loofer's user avatar
  • 6,950
41 votes
2 answers

How-To Integrate IIS 7 Web Deploy with MSBuild (TeamCity)

How-To Integrate IIS 7 Web Deploy with MSBuild (TeamCity) ?
Yoann. B's user avatar
  • 11.1k

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