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Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal or command-line interface is a text-only interface for interacting with an operating system or a piece of software. A user typically types commands into the terminal to perform specific tasks.

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The terminal process "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" terminated with exit code: -65536

"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" terminated with exit code: -65536. When i open my terminal in vs code i got this error and my terminal closed why i dont know Can ...
ahsaan ullah's user avatar
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zsh case-insensitive completion match not working

Problem I've recently made some changes to my terminal development tools. Everything has been working as expected, except for case-insensitive match completion, which before it would match completions ...
Lucas NG's user avatar
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trigger a foreground app by a script runnning in background (in same tty, linux)

foreground c program code: test.c #include <stdio.h> int main(){ printf("hello world"); return 0; } background shell script: #!/bin/sh echo 'this is a bg task running....
melon's user avatar
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Why my code prints multiple same lines when it reaches the end of terminal?

import time import sys def animate_string(input_string, delay_second=0.01): current_string = "" for target_char in input_string: if target_char == '\n': # Print ...
bluepiplup's user avatar
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How to remove iterm2 line focus on click?

I'm currently running into an issue with iterm2 on my new macbook that I didn't had on my previous macbook, I imported my old config but it appears a new thing happens when I click on a line, it ...
GregLtrnr's user avatar
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Alias/bash function with path as parameter does not execute [closed]

If I write a function in my .bashrc that I can invoke through an alias: alias myalias='f(){ echo $EXPORTED_VAR/ /usr/local/software_dir/DIR2024a ; unset -f f; }; f' and then I call this ...
Py-ser's user avatar
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Unable to migrate Prisma

Actually I am learning prisma and using postgresql for the same and my database provider is neon db so when i am trying to migrate my prisma file it is giving me a error and therefore i tried changing ...
Vineet Singh's user avatar
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Raspberry pi Cool-Retro-Term permissions with python

I'm trying to run a python file in Cool-retro-term on my raspberry pi 4B, RASPBERRY PI OS FULL(32-BIT), but every time I try to open it, it says i don't have permission. I've solved this on my Mac but ...
TrickyTaco11's user avatar
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Windows terminal cursor sometimes become strange

While using Windows, I frequently encounter the situation provided in the attached image. It looks somewhat auto-completion and the text cursor stands still until I complete typing a word. I think ...
Jisung Kim's user avatar
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Git output into a document while keeping font colors?

I am trying to take the output of git log --graph --online --all --decorate and put it into a Word Document or PDF. I want to keep the font colors, for obvious reasons since a git commit tree looks ...
Yugene's user avatar
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Android Studio Terminal: command not found. It doesn't load .zshrc

In Android Studio (both Giraffe and Koala Feature Drop) I'm facing the error: zsh: command not found: flutter I also have this error with other commands such as adb. It seems it doesn't load the ~/....
Juliuz's user avatar
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Erratic Behavior in xTerm Terminal While Running Long Python Script with SSH Connections

Using xTerm terminal to run a long Python script. Randomly, while the script is running, the terminal behavior becomes erratic. New lines and indents get messed up. For example, I see **************...
Kfir Ettinger's user avatar
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How to make MacOS terminal to emit a warning from a SSH session

I run some lengthy scripts over SSH, using the default MacOS terminal application. Usually, I leave this terminal running and change virtual desktops, only to forget I left this running. I would like ...
Daniel's user avatar
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ERROR: ERROR: Failed to build installable wheels for some pyproject.toml based projects (pymssql)

I'm getting the following error when trying to install pymssql: > pip install pymssql ERROR: Failed building wheel for pymssql Failed to build pymssql ERROR: ERROR: Failed to build installable ...
BarkleyR's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code One Terminal or Two Terminals for conda R [closed]

I am using Visual Studio Code to do demanding simulations in Windows. The simulations are written in R and run in conda environments. They require CPU power only. I am using Intel 8th gen core i7. To ...
温泽海's user avatar
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How to query WebSphere Node Agent status from CLI

Is there any way to get the status of the IBM WebSphere Node Agent from the CLI. I am working on a Python script to automate the status checking, but I haven't found a command (yet) that will help me ...
Adrian Tušar's user avatar
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Conda Virtual Environment Display Issue in Terminal Prompt ~ZSH

I'm experiencing a display issue with my Conda virtual environment in the terminal . The environment name that is rendered strangely on the right side of each line is not correct i expect to show base ...
Muhammad Faizan Shah's user avatar
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none of any codes not running on my Mac terminal [closed]

basic codes like mkdir or ls not working on my terminal my terminal broke after I install homebrew these lines come up when i open terminal: Last login: Wed Jul 10 00:40:28 on ttys000 /etc/zshrc:7: ...
furkan özkan's user avatar
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Can I use Process Substitution with Visual Studio Code terminal tool?

I was trying to do something like code --diff <(cat file1.txt) <(cat file2.txt) But I get BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe The same using diff works diff <(cat file1.txt) <(cat ...
Leandro's user avatar
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I've messed up directory permissions through Terminal

I was setting up my Mac (silicon chip) for a Data analytics bootcamp. It started with trying to authenticate github using the SSH key gh auth login The final output was always giving me permission ...
user23759000's user avatar
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WARNING: Detected flash encryption enabled and download manual encrypt disabled

I'm trying to upload a code to my esp32, but i am having this errores. I already tried with --force, deleting the flash, and none of above have function, can someone please help me? Sketch uses ...
rafael3's user avatar
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Adding information to a single specific column in postgresql - after completing the other columns

I am creating an airbnb database datamart. I am using postgresql in the terminal. During the creation I would generate data via chatgpt to create 20 rows for each table. however, when creating the ...
Kirst's user avatar
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How to Implement Continuous State Switching with Spacebar in ncurses?

So i made this project called the Hassan Doodles which is just like my own version of Google Doodles but it didn't turn out how i wanted it as it failed to run the function Here is the code #include &...
Hamza Mohamud's user avatar
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unable to recieve outputs in terminal for c++ codes in VS code [closed]

print("stella") x=input(int()) print("I love u"+ x+"!") for this python code i recieved output in terminal as stella 03000 I love u3000! FOR JAVA CODE class Test { ...
Dhruv Kulshrestha's user avatar
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Uploading and downloading files to and from a HPC

I am using Compute Canada's HPC cluster and want to download files from the cluster to a local directory. I referred to Uploading and downloading files to and from a HPC for instructions and entered ...
JakeB's user avatar
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asio::stream_descriptor for async read from stdin in raw mode crashes

I want to poll stdin asynchronously for terminal keyboard events, hence the following /* class tui contains a member 'stdin_' of type 'asio::stream_descriptor', initialized as such : stdin_{...
kmft3kte's user avatar
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How to skip dialog printed to terminal when pressing Enter

I have a function that prints the string given to it in a slower way (one letter per 0.05 second): def tobyTalks(sentence): skip = False for letter in sentence: print('\033[1;34m' + ...
taha's user avatar
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visual studio code dosen't recognize ''./a.out''? [duplicate]

I wrote a c++ code on visual studio code. Later I tried to run it on terminal. When I wrote ./a.out, it didn't recognize. It shows ./a.out : The term './a.out' is not recognized as the name of a ...
taz's user avatar
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SDL window displaying only when running the binary directly and not with cargo run

I was trying to make a simple program that opens a SDL window that I can use for a game, and used the demo code from the rust-SDL github shown below. extern crate sdl2; use sdl2::event::Event;...
Cakey25's user avatar
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Hot-key Ctrl + / types `7` symbol in Wezterm + Helix-editor instead executing command [closed]

Yes, the question is quite abstract... This, perhaps, does not apply so much to the Wezterm terminal emulator and the Helix editor. But I encountered it in exactly this combination. I can't assign the ...
Cream Soda's user avatar
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Linux console not outputing the expected amount of characters [duplicate]

I am trying to fill the entire visable screen, with characters, in this case 0-9. Yet, when I compile and run it with gcc. The output of the console is diffrent sized blocks of text. Yet the ...
cum-bria's user avatar
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'mysql' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program Error on VS Code terminal on running 'mysql -u root -p' [closed]

The term 'mysql' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program Error on VS Code terminal and GitBash on running mysql -u root -p. The command is running ...
Astha Gupta's user avatar
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Not being able to get my current Node version

I've been trying to find out what version of Node my computer has right now with node -v and node --version and other variations of those but my terminal says that it does not recognize 'node'. How ...
gili's user avatar
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Embed Windows Terminal into WPF application

Is it somehow possible to embed a Windows Terminal Window ( inside a C# WPF Applikation? I would like to make use of the VT100 capability of the new Windows ...
Manuel's user avatar
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what is the beginning of line key on Mac using oh-my-zsh?

Ctrl-A no longer works as the beginning of line key since I installed oh-my-zsh. The key-bindings file references the khome key but I can't figure out what key/key combination to make it work.
MyTallest's user avatar
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How to run syn-workspace-info in Databricks UCX Migration

I'm trying to work through the Databricks Unity Catalog migration using the UCX tool and am getting this weird error when trying to sync the workspace info. When I run databricks labs ucx sync-...
Japhy's user avatar
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VS Code: Is it possible to pass arguments to an integrated terminal profile without quotes?

I'm trying to set up an integrated terminal profile in VS Code (v 1.90.2) to start up PowerShell with a couple arguments. Here is the block I'm using in my settings.json: "powershell&...
pineconesundae's user avatar
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airflow db init is not adding necessary files to database when setting things up

This is the error that I am getting. I do not see any files created in the airflow directory I manually created: ''' (airflow_env) vk@Vivians-Air airflow % airflow db init /Library/Frameworks/Python....
Vkara's user avatar
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Terminal not displaying installation progress properly

I recently bought a new laptop, normally while downloading node modules from terminal proper installation progress as well as text come up but in my new laptop, only a spinner comes up. [In New Laptop]...
Aryan Garg's user avatar
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Unable to fix SSH Permission denied (publickey) error

I keep getting this error whenever I try to access a server via ssh using VSCode's Remote Explorer or command line terminal. I already checked this question, but was unable to solve the issue. I have: ...
The Blind Hawk's user avatar
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There is a malfunction in my local repository branch

Yesterday, I encountered a commit conflict while fetching from my upstream. In my limited knowledge, I deleted the file with the commit conflict from my vs code. Now, I tried to fetch from my upstream ...
Uduak Etimfon's user avatar
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unable to get persian text output in visual studio code [duplicate]

When I want to print a persian text in visual studio code, it displays it with question marks in the terminal. Can someone help me to fix that please. public class Ex1 { Scanner input = new ...
Nanika's user avatar
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[Unreal 5.4]Gauntlet Test Unable to find "MyTest" test in assemblies

I am trying to use Gauntlet for a simple test like a helloworld kind of approach, i have setup a C++ testcontroller .cpp and .h and a HelloworldTest.cs also added Gauntlet in Build.cs file of my ...
Zevahc's user avatar
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Facing issue with conda replacing homebrew in terminal

I'm new to macOS and made a mistake recently. I installed anaconda which unfortunately replaced my homebrew in terminal. Now I'm unable to work with homebrew and everytime its telling "homebrew ...
Shamik Roy's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 >> Powershell - How to support "ctrl + click" >> open file in tab

Within VS Code, terminal can open files by ctrl+click on a file path from within the Terminal Output. Trying to find a way to do this within Visual Studio 2022 for either 'Developer PowerShell' or '...
Peter O Brien's user avatar
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Pyinstaller --onedir add pictures

I'm trying to use pyinstaller to compile a python directory into an exe My project directory looks like this: Folder images (folder with png files) I ran this command in the ...
s.eyal's user avatar
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I am trying to transpile code using the Abaplint's transpiler-CLI package. I am unable to identify and extract the transpiled code after running it

Everytime, despite running the code with a target directory, the code in image below creates a new output directory with a huge number of files and it becomes impossible to find the transpiled code ...
Sarthak Kakkar's user avatar
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Powershell terminal in VScode terminated with exit code: -1073741819

I'm trying to run a project on vscode but each time I open my terminal, it terminates on its own leaving this error code behind "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" ...
Chidera Ferdinand's user avatar
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Following the strivers playlist on youtube for coding and dsa , i implemented the following interface[enter image description here] ( It runs fine for the codes ...
Vinayak k's user avatar
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Terminal does not open on Ubuntu when using updated python version, only works with specific version

I have these versions of python installed under python: 1. update-alternatives --list python /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 /usr/bin/python3.12 /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3.9 ...
Imtiaz Ahmed's user avatar

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