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Text is a sequence of printable characters.

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How to Multi Label Classification Korean SpecialAI [closed]

I checked the URL, but it wasn't helpful. I want to classify characters written in Hangul and perform multi-label classification for sentiment analysis. Could ...
Inho Son's user avatar
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1 answer

Windows terminal cursor sometimes become strange

While using Windows, I frequently encounter the situation provided in the attached image. It looks somewhat auto-completion and the text cursor stands still until I complete typing a word. I think ...
Jisung Kim's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Regex for inner tag detection

I have a document generation application that handles tag replacement, I use a regular expression to detect said tags. These tags can be of multiple types, for the sake of the problem let's take into ...
Filipe Nóbrega's user avatar
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In Microsoft BI, what python script can I use to alphabetize phrases (separated with ; ) within cells? [closed]

For example: COLUMN D Banana;Date;Apple Banana Banana;Apple;Date Banana;Date;Apple;Carrot Banana;Apple;Date (see image below) I tried to split, sort, and join, but I am clearly missing the mark! I ...
Suzy Kalisewicz's user avatar
-1 votes
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Text DISABLED but leave Scrollbar NORMAL

I can't seem to find a solution to this one. If I have a textbox that I state=DISABLE, it also disables the scrollbar. Is there a way around this? from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk #Create ...
Phil LuvsChips's user avatar
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1 answer

Set value in column based on multiple conditions on multiple columns

Could someone please help me on this. Been searching for hours on several platforms, tried several solutions but can't figure out the exact code for the possible solutions. In other words: I can't get ...
EVisser's user avatar
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extract string emojis from text [duplicate]

i want to extract string emojis from string to array of string. Previously, i had this regex: const regex = /([\u{1F600}-\u{1F64F}])/gu and i was using it like this: const parts = text.split(regex)....
Dawken's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to get the angle of rotation of the text area via PaddleOCR?

PaddleOCR can correctly recognize 90, 180 and even 270 degree rotated text in a mode use_angle_cls=True, but it doesnt provide any information about the angle of rotation in a result.As a result, area ...
user176953's user avatar
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Coloring a text

I tried to run the code: import time s = time.time_ns()/1000000 en = time.time_ns()/1000000 ma = 0 while True: e = time.time_ns()/1000000 if s - en >= 1000: ma = max(ma,int(1/(e-s)...
Mohamed Ali Martins Agoussine's user avatar
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python excel to text task managment [closed]

I developed a code that transforms an Excel file to text. I wanna count the persons going from the same place, but the result is still incorrect. I wanna count from the transformed text. This is a ...
Saber Ghilani's user avatar
-1 votes
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Writing an Ifelese Command to Detect Whether a Word Appears in a Dataframe in R [duplicate]

I want to create a data frame column based on whether a specific dictionary of terms appears within text data. I currently have a data frame, where the column text contains different texts. I would ...
user17896's user avatar
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How to determine if a text in an image is upside-down?

I need to establish if text on my image is upside down.Examples of my images: 1 2 3 4 5 I do that via comparison of confidence scores of primal image and 180 degree rotated image, but sometimes ...
user176953's user avatar
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2 answers

I need to get these two lines in my variable into one single line. Power Automate variable

I need line 2 in the image to be combined with line 1. Below is what the full variable should look like. CROWDSTRIKE FALCON EPP ENT FLEX BNDL T14.12M I've tried wrapping the text and combining the ...
casecha's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Perform Text Similarity Calculation Using Multiprocessing?

I tried to perform text similarity in batch, and my code works. However, when I want to speed up the calculation with multiprocessing, my Juypter notebook shows the following mistakes below. I am new ...
leilei's user avatar
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How can I access font families in pygame

I am currently trying to use a font family I have within my working directory in pygame. After looking at the pygame.font.Font documentation I couldn't find anything on this and I also searched on ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to create text with gradient fill, gradient inline stroke and inner shadow?

I have problem with CSS. I want to create text from Figma design. This text is in the image I attached below. It should have these properties: Poppins 48px size and 600 weight font Linear Gradient ...
adasq0's user avatar
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Text overlapping over the Toolbar

[I Wrote my first program in jetpack compose and I face this problem that a simple text after putting in a column{} or in a row{} it begins from the toolbar of the emulator means the text gets ...
Shahid Faried's user avatar
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SSIS flat file destination sort order

This is an SSIS 2017 issue using a Flat File Destination. We pull the data from an OLD DB Source, run the column through a Sort Transformation and send the result to a Flat File Destination. In all my ...
TimC's user avatar
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7 answers

Count empty strings?

In R, suppose I have a vector like: vector<-c("Red", " ", "", "5", "") I want to count how many elements of this vector are just empty strings ...
James Rider's user avatar
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PIL text issue when making gif

I'm trying to use PIL/Pillow to make a meme with a GIF. I noticed that whenever I convert it to RGB, the text is messed up(not showing up white/is somewhat transparent and black) but the background is ...
David Young's user avatar
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TextPainter get the text minimum size

enter image description here final textSpan = TextSpan(text: text, style: textStyle); final textPainter = TextPainter(text: textSpan, textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,maxLines: 1,textAlign: TextAlign....
wang's user avatar
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Changing isolated words in R?

In R, I have a character vector like: vector<-c("BAKING CO", "NEW COBALT", "CO INC") I would like to convert the word "CO" to "COMPANY", but only ...
James Rider's user avatar
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Embedding text in a terra raster?

Is there a simple way of embedding a given text in a terra raster, at a given position? Thanks, Jean-Luc
Jean-Luc Dupouey's user avatar
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Is there a way to use data.frame to iterate through a list of texts in R?

I used readLines from gutenbergr to read my list of legal cases into R. The code looks like this: my_list <- list.files(path = "C:\\Users\\Ben Tice\\Documents\\R Stuff\\UW Job\\Cases\\data\\...
Benjamin Tice's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue with writing to a text file in C using printf()

I'm trying to write to a file in C, so quite simple stuff. But I am encountering an issue with the below code: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { FILE *fptr; int ...
Owl's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Create a Binary Variable in R Based on a Specific Dictionary of Terms

I am looking to receive help on creating a binary variable in R based on whether a specific dictionary of terms appears within text data. I currently have a data frame, where one of those columns (...
user17896's user avatar
-2 votes
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Bot to give roles upon a user sending a certain message

self explanatory really, i want a bot that gives roles upon a user typing using the role ID or name either work, and preferably python. If you can help me out I would be so so appreciative, thankyou! ...
dwlta ontop's user avatar
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Invoking a window getting selected text

I wanted to display a 'simpler' text to help supplement kids reading exercise. As an example - as an example the text may read : Johnny went to school and he surreptitiously ate his lunch early. I ...
Bryan Shanks's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Replace ordinal numbers in R?

In R, suppose I have a string vector composed of words: string1<-c("1ST COMPANY", "21ST LIBRARY") However, within these strings, I want to convert ordinal number words like &...
James Rider's user avatar
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3 answers

Add custom text in string based on values specified in text vector in R

Let's say I have a vector of string values that looks something like: vec_vals<-c("value1", "value2", "value3") and a text string which at certain points may contain ...
costebk08's user avatar
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Combining singleton letters?

I have the following character vector: vec1 <- c("D R JOHNSON", "NICE W E A T H E R") This vector has consecutive series of single letters like "D R" which I do NOT ...
James Rider's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Padding to a specific level and adding character at the end

I have a text file: a aaa aaa a My desired outcome is: a N aaa N aaa N a N I wrote ...
Patrick Perea's user avatar
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1 answer

adding spaces to a text file to a specific character in python [duplicate]

I know this is probably an easy one but I am still new to Python and need a little push in the right direction. I have a text file that I need a certain number of spaces where on character 88 an N ...
Patrick Perea's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python: reciept formatting [closed]

I want to make a python program, which is able to recieve the datas from the barcode reader and from the moneycounter. Finally print all datas in one reciept.Putting BRC datas is not a problem,but I ...
Tamas's user avatar
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Javascript text compression

I have tried "pako" and lz-string" Both. I need text compression of 25% or lower. I am trying to convert 1000 Characters to 222 or less chars after compression. pako do a good job than ...
malik amanullah's user avatar
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How to disable non-intended user input in the terminal C#

When i write a infinite loop that doesn't have any behaviour on its body, the user still have the possibility to write text at it, even without calling any input function: Note: I'm using Linux, ...
Marvin Marjan's user avatar
1 vote
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Aligning Text in SwiftUI Horizontally

I have text coming from an API call. I want to display it. The issue is as below: Dummy data provided to run struct SampleTypeBox: View { var sampleType : [SampleTypeList] VStack(alignment: ....
Joji's user avatar
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Widget Text with DateStyle.relative - how to stop the countdown when time is up in live activity and dynamicisland?

I created a SwiftUI Widget with Text(_ : Date, style: DateStyle) using DateStyle.relative, and set a future date. It works well as expected, but when the future date is coming and passed, the text ...
wentian's user avatar
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Accuracy_score with same value in different classifiers methods

I'm doing a project, on Google Colab, for fake news classification with LIAR dataset. I am running with three differents features extractors (TF-IDF, DistilBERT and LLAMA 2) and seven classifiers (...
lucasa.lisboa's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I lock a text field to only 3 possible letters/numbers

I want a text field where users can write only 1, X or 2 (like a bet). Only one of them, so limited to one character and only these three options. Also the X should be capitalized and not a small x. ...
Daniel Fredsgaard Jensen's user avatar
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Converting Romanized Korean Film Titles to Hangul

I'm working with a data frame containing a column of Korean film titles that are currently in Revised Romanized form. For instance, titles like "Oldeuboi", "Gisaengchung" and ...
Elis Evans's user avatar
2 votes
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Seemingly identical text but different bytes in R

I am running into a problem where I have seemingly identical text, but the underlying bytes are different. See this code and the output as printed in the console: --- **'text':** > text <- qdf$...
L Koning's user avatar
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Excel: How to extract a certain word, from a list of words, from a range of cells?

I'm looking to extract the varietal type of a wine, from a list of wine names. There's no formatting consistency. I've got a list of 8 potential wine types (shiraz, rosé, chardonnay, etc.) and about ...
Russell Manning's user avatar
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How do I process text from the tty to obtain a txt with control characters applied to it?

I have a bashrc setup where I run a script command every time I open a session that writes to an output file as I write in the terminal. The files that script produces contain all interactions with ...
AttackShrimp's user avatar
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Unity TextMeshPro not showing up in an Android build

Whenever I make an Android build all of the TextMeshPro text doesn’t load at all, it works fine in the editor and on a PC build. I have already attempted a number of suggested issues like setting ...
TrashMachine's user avatar
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How do I properly incorporate text from a .txt file in angular?

For a college project ive been trying to build a website with angular. Said website will incorporate a lot of text, which is why i thought it might be a good idea to get that text from a txt file ...
Harry Budder's user avatar
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How input in textarea without refresh

How input param with input in textarea without refresh $ArNumbers->int2str($params); No other file send <input id="textbox" name="textbox" type="text"> <button onclick="...
Zaidbadi's user avatar
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Javascript <div>.innerHTML seems to block

I have this page. Basically, it runs two Alpha-beta pruning -based AI bots in the game of Connect Four. The problem I am experiencing is that I get the entire output after the game is over even if I ...
coderodde's user avatar
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Unity Textmesh Pro is blurry/pixelated

I am new to Unity and I'm having trouble with the text in my project. The text appears very pixelated, and I can't figure out why. Here is an example of how it looks: I started a new 2D project, ...
Deniz Böttcher's user avatar
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Accessing Clipboard in Python version 3.11 with win32clipboard causing failed to open clipboard

this is my first question on stackoverflow, I apologize in case it is an unclear question, I'm trying to create a productivity software where I manipulate the data I copy to the clipboard and paste ...
Mario Nicolosi's user avatar

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