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54 mins ago comment added J Asgarov That doesn't make any sense. I would suggest to remove :localhost part so that it connects with the correct value and see what the error message is, in the logs
56 mins ago comment added paulfilip Just did it now. It prints the right value set in Azure. However, the connection to DB is still refused if I try to access this env variable in
1 hour ago comment added J Asgarov why don't u try printing out the correct variable CUSTOMCONNSTR_DBCONN_IP and see which value is being returned?
1 hour ago comment added paulfilip Yes, indeed. In the first phase, I tried only with CUSTOMCONNSTR_TEST_ENV_VARIABLE in the controller and it worked. Then, I added a new connection string to establish the db connection. The point is why it worked in code, but not in
1 hour ago comment added J Asgarov those are 2 different variables: 1.CUSTOMCONNSTR_DBCONN_IP and 2. CUSTOMCONNSTR_TEST_ENV_VARIABLE
1 hour ago history asked paulfilip CC BY-SA 4.0 created from wizard